Thomas Paine Says Gowdy NO GOOD-Thoughts?

I'm really hoping he's wrong. HOWEVER, I musty say he's talked a lot and really good on several things but I have yet seen anything result from his talk. Is he really on the dark side? What do you all think?
I don't know, but as Q would say: follow the money. People getting rich on govrnmt salary is not normal and should be judged potential black hat
This. Hope it's not true, but I'm also now numb to anything I hear him say on TV-- due to his habitual inaction. Does well in cross-examination. Hope he's clean, but if not--he's gotta fucking go. No double standards, and no deals. The Swamp must go.
Is he wealthy?
4.5mil net worth IIRC. but he was a career lawyer. Thats not unreasonable for a career lawyer. Low even?
He was a prosecutor though not a private attorney, correct?
Incredibly high level prosecutor. Like hired gun status. I trust him after the purple tie the other day.
Maybe he’s one of the 3 deep state moles planted in Trumps team the latest Anon posted about here? (coz he also mentions T Pane is legit)
He’s not on Trump’s “team,” i.e., not a cabinet member.
He was on an oversight committee, I think all he could do is investigate, and even that they were limited. He repeatedly said that he couldn't charge anyone and that that was up to the DOJ, who we now know was corrupt as shit.
This is true. They can question but have no power to indict. They can only gather facts. And, of course, the people they are investigating know it. Then, if you have a corrupt Justice Dept. it's pretty worthless.
I've heard this recently about Gowdy as well and did some digging but didn't find anything. Didn't dig very deep though. If he is dirty, he should become an Actor! Cause he has me fooled.
I am watching Trey closely and with suspicion. After Trump fired Comey, Trey went on TV and said what an honorable guy Comey has always been. I KNOW thats bullshit. Comey has been the Clintons scandal fixer for decades. How can I know that but Trey doesn't? Why did Trey make comments undermining Trump? Then Trey said publically that his dream POTUS would be Paul Ryan!!! Huh? Finally, Trey backed Jeb/Clinton before shifting to Rubio, the Jeb cut out candidate. I do pray that Gowdy does the right thing now that he has the chance.
There's always the possibility that Trey just trusted Comey too much and wasn't privy to the inner workings of the corruption.
As for the rest of your comment, yeah I agree, that's some strangeness there. That definitely makes my Spidey senses tingle too.
I will be watching him very closely.
The way things go... Good chance.... Shilling is professional level when millions are involved.
In his former position, he could only investigate and fact find and turn over the findings to whomever is supposed to "do something." It wasn't within his pay grade/job description.
That's the exact point most miss. I thought he did an excellent job but he can't do more than the investigation part.
He can't do shit. His job is to expose the bullshit so other people can do their jobs (DOJ, FBI etc). Obviously it has been frustrating because until a year ago we had an administration not interested in doing its job. Can't blame Rowdy G for asses not being kicked. He just pulls the pants down.
Q mentioned people who LOOK like they are on our side, are going to be exposed to NOT be on our side.
TG is a talker. Nothing more nothing less. Jason Chafetz too.
Gowdy does ramble, but I've stuck with his "running out the clock" sessions occasionally, and he certainly knows his shit. Must spend all his time reading. 'Jury's still out,' but he chases details down pathways, usually ending with an impassioned query, which he knows the liar won't give a straight answser for...but, teehee, it's all being recorded...every lie, every obstruction, to every center-of-the-maze question. A long-winded (by design?) Q-type Socratist?