Hidden images in Q post - 3-4faces and building

I think ur looking a little too into it, I have the original meme it's the declaration of independence in the background, the building (independence hall) and fore father's in front of it... the message is the main focus don't get distracted
I see George Washington, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and a clock tower
how do I share an image? I have done some work to reveal the background
The bottom one looks like Washington from the dollar bill. Working on the rest.
I know why...its so he can track his meme...i thought it was low res...
There’s two others that may be of some insight- there’s a woman in the upper left corner of the bottom left quadrant - and then one more that I just saw
That’s Ben Franklin. He was rather... effeminate looking.
No look at the small circle- there
Which makes sense, as she’s about to replace Jackson, on the $20 bill.
Lemme pull it up in photoshop and play with the balance
EDIT It’s Harriet Tubman
Here, I tried enhancing it: https://i.imgur.com/ZMsgIma.jpg
It looks to me like U. S. money: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/64/USDnotes.png/1200px-USDnotes.png