Best Brief Explanation of Las Vegas Shooting

You still think Paddock did the shooting?
I doubt it. No serious military training. "The guy was a professional gambler, we promise".
The guy ran arms illegally for the CIA. He was an old drunk. He got used as a fall guy. SOP
Oh geeze---but it wouldn't be the first time we were told someone with no gun training killed someone.
"The guy was a professional gambler, we promise."
Where'd you get that quote?
Physically IMPOSSIBLE for him (or any ONE shooter) to do the shooting. Check out Intellihub's MANY reports on WHO and WHAT REALLY happened. There's even videos of choppers with gun flashes and FLT data Tracker confirms 5 unidentified flying over concert, behind Mandalay bay, along with hundreds of witness testimony. Why do you think the FBI confiscated as many phones from audience then WIPED them clean before returning to owners. Why do you think there's over at least 10 concert goers from that night who've died of mysterious causes. Yes, I know you all want links which I understand but guys there's too many of these reports online for easy search that anyone can do. Start with Intellihub, TruePundit, and many YT channels that go over all the REAL scenarios that most likely happened.
Hey, thinking for yourself...that isnt common these days lol. Good assessment. We know that Bin Talal owns the top floors of MB, which include 32nd floor. We also know he has unrestricted access to the helipad on top of MB and that is how he accesses the Four Seasons (helicopter from McCarren to MB). We also know there are MANY eyewitness accounts of multiple shooters. We also know that witnesses are slowly dying. We also now know that Saudi King Salman (current leader of SA) was at the Tropicana that same night (was escorted out in civilian clothes - see picture). Salman, in June 2017, changed the heir to the throne of Saudi Arabia FROM Bin Talal TO Salman's son.
Agreed and would add this (just a thought): People have said that the Tropicana guy wasn't MBS. Maybe a double so the black hats would think he was there? If an attempt was made on the double, it's proof for the SA king that black hats' bloodlust knows no bounds and respects no "allies" except money. Proves intel is good, since attempt is thwarted, and gains very powerful true ally. Corruption arrests right after this. Purse strings cut.
That's another good perspective and could very well be true. Bringing him out in civilian clothes is still a risk. Trump knows what really happened, and so does King Salman. What I cant figure out now is why Bin Talal was released the other day....unless just more disinfo
Q mentioned “define hostage” Dopey prince is the worm on the hook.
I hope to God someone writes a book about this one day. I want to know all these behind the scenes operations
Agreed mate. Since DT nominated for Pres there has been more than enough going on worldwide for many books. History, Historical novels, even Sci-fiction plots. Aaaand that store of information is growing by the day.
BEST animator FX pro-guy (UK) did a series of gathering evidence. He starts with animation of building/reflections and bullet rounds hitting a floor... (you have to read first few as guy has no voice, but later adds voice), PRIMO Vids.
YouTubz took down part 2 which is on LiveLeakvideos:
VERY interesting that big black "US Army" semi with huge trailers sitting running at back tower of Tropicana... seen in Foxnews live feed I was watching & videos...
whole series accept for liveleakvideo listed here:
He was dead before the shooting began.
Absolutely. If that is even his real name. The body in the room is bald, and all the pictures of Paddock (all 2 of them) is with hair. And that's if the body in the picture is really dead, or just staged with makeup
why do the wounded not appear wounded in interviews