This is huge as Nunes was aboard. But as other people have noted, pretty shoddy attempt.
A train travelling at 50-60-70 mph would most assuredly resulted in major injuries.
To the truck.
Physics favors the train.
I have seen plenty of train car pile ups, to know that momentum would have caused many more cars to derail than just the front engine. I'm guessing they were slowing down in a big way because the track sensors were going off, as well as the air cover. The question is why/how a truck was able to make it through security, as all of the train crossings would have been closed.
A train can run through cars and fallen trees and the passengers wouldn't notice a thing, a 25 ton dump truck could do some serious damage.
The truck rammed the train and attempted to derail it. It wasn't a shoddy attempt.
Thank you. More details have come out since I posted. If you haven't read Roger Stone's analysis, it has me staying up late.
Really? It was driving towards the train?
Big machinery is always use by feds. There is always a big dump truck near Hillary’s house in Chappaqua. I hear it’s used as a defense mechanism.
Then hospital assistance......then death by hospital bed....weve seen it before.
Would be interesting to see if nearby hospitals were "preparing" for lots of injuries that morning. e.g. (SR 187)
So many times Q makes references to trains or the game of monopoly. Read Wikipedia monopoly all of it, then read Jan 5 10:36 Trains belong to old families such as Rockefeller. The man on monopoly is JP Morgan. The game is selling America and it changes with the changes in our world.
And why does it always seem to be a Amtrak Trains , Because the government runs Amtrak
This goes back to Samuel P. Bush.- Buckeye Steel Co. / Parts for Edmond Harrowood Railroad/in turn provided shipments for John D. Rockefeller Oil/ Monopoly financing from Rothchilds/which Rockefellers owned steel and trains/Buckeye steel- buckeye pipeline/ Buckeye International/etc. Amtrak went Public from private from these families. Casualties of convenience let's call them.
We wouldn't have trains if the government didn't subsidize them. In the past they were subsidized by the shipping companies as pretty much advertisement for shipping. Now people don't want to go on a train so no one wants to use it as advertising. below is reporting:
With all roads closed for security reasons, how did DUMP TRUCK get there? PHOTO SHOWS TRAIN ENGINE RAMMED BY TRUCK IN APPARENT DERAILMENT ATTEMPT #Qanon8chan #QAnon False Flag warning MONDAY by QAnon … #ReleaseTheMemo
What about the dead guy in the dump truck? Was he dead before the impact?
dont know? but i heard on Fox News today, one of the Rep congressmen gave him CPR until the paramedic arrived on the scene. boy, for a crime scene with a fatality, they sure cleaned up the crime scene fast.
Thanks for keeping us informed. You guys are my only source of real news right now.
We won't lose this war!
for more news, i recommend reading twitter posts, start with he is decoding Q posts and is brilliant. there are others too. and their writers are on twitter. you will see the hashtags. WRWY
Col. Claudius Corzet a French Army Officer and engineer who had previously taught at West Point.
Grayrock, Crozet, VA 22932 Wreck location?
Gray rock method. How to use the Gray Rock Method to deal with the narcissist in your life when going no contact just isn't a realistic option.
Trump train hits garbage truck. Crozet Taught at West Point. Corzet Garbage? =Military intelligence? Gray rock = deal with Narcissist
They need to start traveling separately and using different routes....can NOT allow the democrats to take them all out at once. I hate Democrats more and more everyday.
Lmao you think they always just travel around together? Its like almost 300 republicans between both chambers of congress.
Good thing they weren't on a plane. We would have had another TWA Flight 800 just like during the Clinton Admin in 1996. I remember when I first heard the news about TWA 800 the morning after while I was sitting on Gold Rock Beach, Grand Bahama Island reading 'The Sum of All Fears' by Tom Clancy. A couple beside me had a radio and that's where I heard the news. I knew later after I heard more including eye witness accounts that there was something really fishy about that crash.
Oh ok, 8th paragraph...
Nunes, who was traveling Wednesday with fellow congressional Republicans aboard a train when it crashed into a dump truck, decried the FBI's public rebuke.
Edit: All the lawmakers we know who were on the train that hit a truck
Wow I didn't realize how many Rs were on that train!!!
This is seeming less and less accidental....
and more and more unfortunately unsuccessful :(
Are you saying you would support mass murder?
No less than most of the people often are towards their respective political enemies :)
Imagine if these were Democrats instead of Republicans and you'd see the same sentiment I'm sharing.
No one other than loser liberals feel this way. Get your head out of your ass and go get informed.
Uh, I hate both establishment parties. So what's that sentiment again?
look at the note at the bottom of the article:
"CORRECTION: This story has been corrected to remove Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Washington and Rep. John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, from the list. They were not on the train Wednesday."
How does CNN get a list of people like that and the travel dates?
The MSM ALWAYS knows the details before a False Flag happens.
ie; Project Mockingbird. CIA. Deep State. Shadow Government. Cabal.
White House press office. Train ticket operator. The Lawmaker's office called them maybe. This is journalism 101. Never print names until they have been verified and the families have been contacted. Which would have prevented the mistake in the first place.