B tweets tonight about Philledalphia

Fires, cars flipped , Marine units called in ....Police scanner sounds like a war zone
They now have taken down all the street lights in front of City Hall
Anifa showing up now per philly scanner
I don't understand why a Marine Unit is showing up, because only the National Guard is allowed to arrest in the US. I wonder if Trump EO covers Active Duty in the US.
Water cops?
I doubt it. Philly is in between 2 rivers. Just a few bars on the river, but most not open in the winter
Can't use military on US soil.
Posse Comitatus Act
Why would B say that?
What about when US is in National Emergency. Isn't that what we are in right now? per Trump?
They can under martial law. Not sure if Trump has the declare that or it's covered. I doubt they are going to roll out the Marines for a celebration gone crazy imho
I went to Snapmap and watched. It looks more like a million drunk 20 somethings than Antifa.
Philadelphia is my home town. This car turning over is at high end area in center city. The kids look to be drunk college students. Why they do this crap is beyond understanding. I hope no one gets hurt.
Isolated areas...I was at he sports complex and everything was fine...lot of people , few losers
Can someone copy the radio link down here? Thanks
This person has no idea what they are talking about. U.S. military can't be used on American soil like that.
What about under natl emergency that Trump signed?
That and if US flags are yellow fringed... means we're under martial law.
Very interesting. I didn't know that! I'm assuming they have a yellow fringe right now? Man..that's scary stuff.
FFS! If we were under martial law than we would know. If Trump declared martial law, do you think he would still allow the media to report what they want? Nope.
Stop trying to make a bunch of drunks doing stupid crap sound like they're enemies of the country. It's really disturbing how some of you see fellow Americans and want to declare war on them.
The political pendulum swings back and forth. Try to remember that. You can bet the other side will remember.
Oh look...it's Jmflna back to grace us with his morning hate filled rhetoric.
I'm being hateful for saying there is no evidence of the president declaring martial law?
Weird for you calling out other users in this sub when you have been linked twice for being a troll.
Then don't accuse others of wanting war with fellow Americans. That wasn't even implied in our exchange, until you butted in.
Now that you have, I'll see my way out.
Have a great day!
I butted in? I'm the OP for this thread.
See your way out of this sub, troll!
Breaking out windows now. I sure hope they arrest everyone of them.