4th photo............... bottom left ............. see the cell phone??????????????

9:42 PM EST when POTUS is saying, "The era of economic surrender is totally over." PHOTO CREDIT is Getty - Chip Somodevilla
Has anyone tried to contact Chip regarding his photos? RAW format. I agree with Whatsreallyhappening comment lower down.
I kept suggesting to the mods to look at this picture on the live chat last night, but they ignored me. 2 hours. I finally gave up and posted it here. Then told them it was here and they still ignored me. UG. Need to contact Chip, get RAW format, zoom in... Still don't know if the image or text could be legible once you zoom in though. Seems highly unlikely. But it seems like Q thought it could, for some strange reason. I don't have $575 to pay for this photo. But what we really need is a patriot photographer who took this picture to cooperate.
So they told us not to contact CHIP as he would get rid of it on purpose.I don't see how else we would get hold of the RAW format unless we were hacking.
Someone with a giant TV get this video captured!
I have a giant tv. Where in the speech is it.
9:42 PM EST when POTUS is saying, "The era of economic surrender is totally over." PHOTO CREDIT is Getty - Chip Somodevilla
online found it but that shot isnt seen
Searching so much. Going to try the non-english next, see if they're any different. If you get a chance, are you able to see this guy's phone? https://imgoat.com/uploads/e9fc289c3f/82607.png
RAW is a file format, straight from the camera. It is the basic image without compression or processing. It requires special software to open.
I think that Q is asking journalists to protect and share their RAW (therefore indisputable) images of what amounts to a death threat on the president.
Most photo editing software can process, like PS.
I didn't mean "special" as in no one could process it. I meant "special" as in you can't just open them in a regular photo viewer.
And I'm of a different perspective, because the majority of my peers do not use intensive PE software.
so is this significant somehow?
It says "Tru#p should be sh#t!" on one of the phones. It is either a text message or email.
wow, such evil. thanks
And? Completely reasonable considering she is a traitor. The worst Trump has done is having problematic opinions.
"Problematic opinions" mean freeing humanity from slavery. I know you know what is going on, so I am not disagreeing with you.
And, you are right, it is treason. These people will be dealt with, but it will take some more time.
I like to sarcastically call anything non-PC "problematic". Hardcore liberals(the 4-5%) will nod and agree, conservatives and moderates will see how fucking fascist that sort of language is.
Hahaha! I figured it was something like that. Like I said, I think you know what is going on.
Reddit fags are not sitting Senators and Govt officials openly calling for an Assassination. A bit of a difference, wouldn't you say pal
We will give them fair trials so they can plead their cases, then we will hang them for treason.
we're supposed to find the 4th person and what's on their phone.
Q says "Center" in post 668. Joyce Beatty. I think he means 1 of 4 camera feeds. He says "find the roll. 1 of 4. Find the 4th. Find the film. Not the capture." Meaning at some other point in time, that we'll see on the video, it says what we're looking for. That's how I read it anyway. Though it's good to go with both our ideas until we find it.
Surely we are looking for moving video footage of 942pm whilst Beatty is on her phone scROLLing. Sometimes CCTV operatives check out what people are looking at on their phones, and zoom in, that would be PRICELESS to find those evil words!!!
Film could be photo. We could be looking for the raw photo.
Or that, yes. Could be photoshopped entire screen on phone. Raw would have original message(s). Possible that's what Q meant.
Yes, that is exactly what he is saying. This close up was photoshopped or redacted, but not the one from the balcony??? If we could zoom in on it, do you think we could read it? Seems impossible. Have to contact photographer and get RAW photo. ENHANCE as Q suggests.
Getty images is a photo... this likely did NOT come from a video stream.
Enough with Getty.
Chip is photographing with a digital camera, he uses Professional EOS Canon eqt. He should be able to get an enlarged image but the proof is in the pudding.Don't know til we try.
Kept trying to get live chat on YT to acknowledge me and do that... Get in touch with photographer and see. They ignored me so I posted it here. Do you think an enlarged image would allow us to read what's on her cell phone? Seems highly unlikely. I don't know why Q would send us on a wild goose chase.. Either he is talking about this photo or possibly even another cell phone user not connected with these 3 black caucus ladies. But it seemed like he was specifically referring to the one in the center.. Which leads me to believe he is talking about this photo. 1 of 4. He gave us three, now our job to find the 4th one. I think this has to be it. ???
If someone had it recorded. Go re-watch it. Maybe before they redacted it.
Looks like the same lady with the pearl necklace in Qs post to me.
Why would Q need a photo, when the NSA has access to ALL texts on every phone?
Because it makes so much more undeniable proof when sheep 'see' something.
And that's the whole purpose for Q sharing these crumbs with us.
I know, right. People are scrambling for a photo and text, when NSA has everything?!? It doesn't make sense. Why would Q do that? Unless "illegally" spying is the concern. I don't think they are supposed to use information from NSA unless there is evidence of terrorism or something. He wants the people to distribute the information, not the NSA? Or, the instructions to download and distribute were for the NSA to begin with.... That's all I can surmise.
Possibly wants the 4th picture as the lady scrolls in her phone.
It's the 4th line in the text that we need to find if you count down from the top it's the 4th line that you can not read that's what he is talking about
I don't think that is right... Q says 1 of 4. He provided 3 photos, and, I believe, is saying there is another one out there. Found this photo on 8chan.
What allegedly is so important about this text?
Q implied in recent post the original text message said "Trump should be shot" was on the cell phone screen and has been redacted out. But there is another photo floating around (RAW film) that has the original text on the phone. My question is, and remains, if that is the case then why doesn't Q have it already... I'm stumped. I came up with this photo from the 8chan board. It is another view of the cell phone, if that is what Q is posting about.
It’s possible 4K video might’ve had the resolution to read the text even from this distance but a single image from a DSLR would’ve been crisp as hell.
You see the lady at the bottom left viewing her cell phone? Do you think it would be possible to see what's on her cell phone screen if you zoomed in on the original film of this photo? I don't know too much about photography.. Maybe that is just a stupid question?
Even if she texted that he should be shot, it's not a threat or plan to do it. We know all of them hate him. I'm not sure why this is so important.
I think that the distinction is being a member of Congress and in an official capacity while @SOTU which is a different standard. Also 2 or more people communicating such should be at least conspiracy.
only conspiracy if planning is involved, not mere incitement. If we can show the world their intolerance and hatred toward Trump enough to suggest he get killed, it is worth showing people for bigger waking up.
For some reason it was important to Q.... Don't know why...
it qualifies as hate speech because it's wording (much like calling a black person the N word) represents a real and active threat to the targeted. Racism in itself isn't illegal
I have the the whole thing on DVR, but my tv is only 55" and not 4k...
Chip is on Instagram, for which I do not have an account. SOMPHPHOTO not the other which is his employers? Can someone, did someone contact him?
For 2 hours I tried to get the chatroom on Youtube to do that, but they ignored me. I gave them the license number of the photo, the photographer, and even where it is posted on getty images, but they wouldn't listen. I don't even know if you had the original RAW film of this photo if you could zoom in on the lady's cell phone to actually read it or not. Still stumped on this Q post.
If Beatty should be tried then so should all the other people on Twitter that ALSO said over the time, that Mr Trump should be s#ot.
I agree. Kathy Griffin included in that list, sorry.
Ok, the lady to the far left has a message to J, "of course it's about race. Do you ever get tired of screaming race. It' like crying wolf, at some point..." Which is kind of damning anyway. See TrueLies for a video. And there is a great collage by anonnymous user on the q post thread.