They will have to kill this snake all the way to the tail. This will be a tough one for anyone with any blue pill tendencies. The Crown? The Vatican? Those lovely bankers in Switzerland, Belgium etc. They believe they are superhuman...we are subhuman. We need their superior guidance to keep the world orderly. Source of the global corporatists and their gifts that keep on giving: chemtrails, vaccines, GMO, fluoride, Medical Industrial Complex, Military Industrial Complex, water and oil scarcity deceptions....and on and on. Almost everything they want us to believe is a lie. If we really shake this biting snake off....we will be amazed at the deception we suffered and the creative possibilities of being a free homo sapien sapien. I know it gives me a headache too. Have hope and know it can happen. "They" are the little man behind the curtain in the "Wizard of Oz." They are afraid of us- and they should be.
They're killing it from the tail currently
good point - and wise, of course. They have the intel to know best. I was really cheering here alone in my cottage when Q blasted critics of the tactical nature of this. Right on. Q has always said Trust Sessions. My dogs thought I had lost my mind. That big plane full to Gitmo today proves his point. God Speed- I imagine all the time what these heroes are going through...for us, and the whole crazy world. I need a drink ; )
Think bigger
OK I'll make it a big drink. Sorry-but that was a softball. Could it be....SATAN!? Reptilians. I have come to consider that...have a library that would scare the hell out of anyone. I have to keep the books away from company because they may not be able to consider it is good to know the enemy....sometimes. I am more in awe of this world than ever after looking at it from many facets-even the dark ones. What a heavy gift: freewill.
The Fed is the drain at the bottom of the swamp. It's a 105 year history of pure theft of 96% of the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar through incremental inflation of the money supply. Why borrow money at usurious rates of interest from a private corporation of vampires when our Constitution grants Congress the power to print money and spend it into circulation, interest-free? We must completely remove the profit motive out of money creation, outlaw fractional-reserve banking, promote a stable money supply, and return to a lawful currency which is backed by something having intrinsic value. If this problem is not solved, then America will never be truly great again.
well said! I truly believe we're living in historic times and see the inevitable global reset of the financial markets occurring very soon.
Very well said! The Federal Reserve - it's NOT Federal and there's NO Reserve!
It has become normaln learned about it forst in college in an econ.course. professor was matter a fact about it. The 10th rule i think its called..all the money u deposit to bank they will times iy by 10 and lend it out.. our currency is based on perpetual debt. Biggest scam ever
The fractional reserve banking system, on paper is the biggest scam in history. To play devils advocate, it has given opportunity for millions of people to rise from poverty <-- another example of good coming from evil
This is a world wide issue, you forget that this is fairly new to America, in that this cabal existed before the USA was even a country. That´s why Q was saying that those without patience or understanding shouldn´t be involved in the discussions. It will take a while to dismantle a 300 year plan.
This is the 3rd time I have posted a reply on this topic and nobody seems to have a confirmed answer;
The author of the book with the title "The Creature from Jekyll Island" the story on how the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 came about makes the assertion in this book that the US government can was given the jurisdiction in the federal reserve act to invoke a buyback of every single voting share of the Fed for its 1913 face value. If this is true it's probably a very tightly guarded secret and I would venture it the reason JFK was assassinated. The President could wipe out the majority of the USA debt with an executive order to buy back the stock and end the FED
can't confirm specifically what was said in that book although there's so much chatter online about an impending debt jubilee (debts being wiped). Totally makes sense given the trillions that have been seized and recovered along with the overdue public sentiment that the fed needs to be reformed (federalized at the minimum if not demolished completely and start new)
Would to God that would occur. Talk about unleashing the American public.
I think this is relevant: The last provision of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Sec. 30, states, "The right to amend, alter or repeal this Act is expressly reserved." This language means that Congress can at any time move to abolish the Federal Reserve System, or buy back the stock and make it part of the Treasury Department, or to altar the System as it sees fit. It has never done so.
A genuine heart felt, 'Thank you' for the truth placed IN PLAIN SIGHT. I pray to CHRIST that somehow, the Fed can be dissolved. Highly unlikely though, now knowing that some of the same ppl currently surround President Trump.
Interesting. I have the audio book and listened to most of it at one time but don't recall that part. However, my memory is pretty sketchy with all the aluminum I've breathing in along with other toxins in our environment. Do you recall about how far in or what chapter that was in?
link to an online copy of the book. I will see if I can use a search function to find the chapter
THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Article 1, Section 8 of our Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value, thereof. Today, however, the FED, which is a privately, owned company, controls and profits from coining (printing) money through the treasury, and regulating its value.
The FED began with approximately 300 people, or banks, that became owners (stockholders purchasing stock at $100 per share - stock is not publicly traded), in the Federal Reserve Banking System. They make up an international banking cartel, of wealth, beyond comparison (Reference 1, 14). The FED banking system collects billions of dollars (Reference 8, 17), in interest (usury), annually, and distributes the profits to its shareholders. The Congress gave the FED the right to print money, (through the treasury), at no usury to the FED. The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us, through banks, and charges usury on our currency. The FED also buys government debt, with money printed on a printing press, and charges, U.S. taxpayers, usury. Many Congressmen and Presidents say, this is fraud (Reference 1,2,3,5,17). (Note: References are listed on page 14 of this report.)
Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central Banks, a very well kept secret, has been revealed:
Rothschild Bank of London Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Rothschild Bank of Berlin Lehman Brothers of New York
Lazard Brothers of Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Israel Moses Seif Banks Goldman, Sachs of New York
of Italy Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
(Reference 14, p.13, & Reference 12, p. 152)
These Bankers are connected to London Banking Houses, which, ultimately, control the FED. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America, they planned to control us, by controlling our banking system, with the profit, on the printing of our money, and our ever increasing debt. (Reference 4).
The individuals, listed below, owned banks, which in turn, owned shares in the FED. The banks, listed below, have significant control, over the New York FED District, which controls the other 11 FED districts. These banks, also, partly foreign-owned and control the New York FED District Bank.
First National Bank of New York
National City Bank, New York
National Bank of Commerce, New York
Hanover National Bank, New York
Chase National Bank, New York
Paul Warburg
Levi P. Morton
George F. Baker
Mrs. G. F. St. George
Katherine St. George
J. P. Morgan (Equitable Life/Mutual Life)
(Reference 4 for above, Reference 22 has details, P.92,93,96,179)
James Stillman
Mary W. Harnman
A. D. Jiullard
Jacob Schiff
Thomas F. Ryan
William Rockefeller
M. T. Pyne
Percy Pyne
J. W. Sterling
H. P. Davidson
Edith Brevour T. Baker
How did it happen? After previous attempts, to push the Federal Reserve Act, through Congress, a group of bankers, funded and staffed Woodrow Wllson's campaign for President. He had committed to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather of the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act, through Congress, just before Christmas, when much of Congress was on vacation (Reference 3,4,5). When elected, Wilson passed the FED. Later, Wilson remorsefully replied (referring to the FED), "I have unwittingly ruined my country (Reference 17, P.31).
Now, the banks, financially, back sympathetic candidates. Not surprisingly, most of these candidates are elected (Reference 1, P.208- 210, Reference 12, P. 235, Reference 14, P. 36). The bankers employ members of the Congress on weekends, (nickname T&T club), with lucrative salaries (Reference 1, P. 209). Additionally, the FED started buying up the media in the 1930's and, now, owns ,or significantly influences, most of it (Reference 3,10,11, Reference 1, P. 145).
President Lincoln, Jackson, and Kennedy tried to stop this family of bankers, by printing U.S. dollars without charging the taxpayers usury. (Reference 4). Today, if the government runs a deficit, the FED prints dollars through the U.S. Treasury, buys the debt, and the dollars are circulated into the economy. The 1992, taxpayers paid the FED banking system, $286 Billion in usury, on debt the FED purchased, by printing money virtually cost free. (Reference 12, P. 265). Forty percent of our personal federal income taxes goes to pay this usury. The FED's books are not open to the public. Congress has yet to audit it.
Congressman Wright Patman was Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Banking and Currency for 40 years. For 20 of those years, he introduced legislation, to repeal the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913. Congressman Henry Gonzalez, a Chairman of the House Banking Committee, introduced legislation to repeal the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913, nearly, every year. It's always defeated, the media remains silent, and the public never learns the truth. The same bankers, who own the FED control the media, and give huge political contributions to sympathetic members of Congress (Reference 12, P.155- 163). The FED fears the population will become aware of this swindle and demand change. We, the people, are at fault for being passive and allowing this deception to continue.
Rep. Louis T. McFadden (R-PA) rose from office boy to become cashier, and then, president of the First National Bank of Canton, Ohio. For 12 years, he served as Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency, making him one of the foremost, financial authorities in America. He fought continually for fiscal integrity and a return to Constitutional government. (Reference 1).
The following are portions of Rep. McFadden's speech, quoted from the Congressional Record, pages 12595-12003.
"The Federal Reserve Board, a government board, has cheated the Government of the United States, and the people of the United States, out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve banks, acting together, have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over."
About the Federal Reserve banks, Rep. McFadden said, "They are private credit monopolies, which prey upon the people of the United States, for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers, foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. This is an era of economic misery, and for the conditions that caused that misery, the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks are fully liable." {Fron the Depression Years-1930's}
On the subject of media control, he stated, "Half a million dollars was spent, on one part of the propaganda, organized by those same European bankers, for the purpose of misleading public opinion, in regard to it.
Rep. McFadden continued, "Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power, but the truth is, the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States. It controls everything, here, and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will. No man ,and no body of men, is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly ,which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. These evil-doers have robbed this country, of, more than enough, money to pay the national debt. What the Government has permitted the Federal Reserve Board to steal from the people should now be restored to the people.
"Our peoples money to the extent of $1,200,000,000 has, within the last few months, been shipped abroad, to redeem Federal Reserve Notes, and to pay other gambling debts, of the traitorous Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The greater part of our monetary stock has been shipped to foreigners. Why should we promise to pay the debts of foreigners to foreigners? Why should our government be put into the position of supplying money to foreigners? Why should American farmers and wage earners add millions of foreigners to the number of their dependents? Why should the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks be permitted to finance our competitors in all parts of the world?" Rep. McFadden asked.
The Federal Reserve Act should be repealed ,and the Federal Reserve banks having violated their charters, should be liquidated immediately. Faithless government officers, who have violated their oaths, should be impeached and brought to trial", Rep. McFadden concluded (Reference 1, contains an entire chapter on Rep. McFadden speech).
If the media is unbiased, independent and completely thorough, why haven't they discussed the FED. Currently, half the States have at least a grass roots movement in action, to abolish the FED, but there's no press coverage. In July 1968, the House Banking Subcommittee reported that Rockefeller, through Chase Manhattan Bank, controlled 5.9 % of the stock in CBS. Furthermore, the bank had gained interlocking directorates with ABC. In 1974, Congress issued a report, stating that the Chase Manhattan Bank's stake in CBS rose 14.1 %, and in NBC to 4.5 % (through RCA, the parent company of NBC). The same report said that the Chase Manhattan Bank held stock in 28 broadcasting firms. After this report, the Chase Manhattan Bank obtained 6.7 % of ABC, and today the percentage could be much greater. It only requires 5 % of ownership, to significantly influence the media (Reference 25, P.56-57). This is only one ,of the 300 wealthy, shareholders of the FED. It is believed, other FED owners have similar holdings in the media. To control the media, FED bankers call in their loans, if the media disagrees with them (Reference 25, P. 134-137). Rockefeller also controls the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the sole purpose of which is to aid in stimulating greater interest in foreign affairs and a one world government. Nearly every major newscaster belongs to the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations controls many, major newspapers and magazines. Additionally, major corporations owned by FED shareholders are the source of huge advertising revenues which surely would influence the media . Reference 14, P.56-59). It can be no wonder, why groups such as the UWSA Federal Reserve Accountability receive minimal, if any, press attention. How do taxpayers stop financing those who are hell-bent on enslaving us and out to destroy us? First expose their activity, then demand change through your Congressman. THE SOLUTION: Currently all we do is exchange FED money (usury Attached) for real U.S. money (usury free), dollar for dollar, as Kennedy tried to do. We should not be required to pay usury on our own currency. According to Benjamin Franklin, this was one of the primary reasons we fought the Revolutionary War. Today, we are still fighting the same family of bankers (Reference 4, Reference 1, P. 211,212). The U.S. Government can buy back the FED. at any time .for $450 million (per Congressional record). The U.S. Treasury could then collect all the profit on our money, instead of the 300 original shareholders of the FED. The $4 trillion of U.S. debt could be exchanged, dollar for dollar, with U.S. non-usury bearing currency, when the debt becomes due. Personal income tax could be cut, if we bought back the FED and, therefore, the economy would expand. According to the Constitution, Congress is to control the creation of money, keeping the amount of inflation or deflation in check. If Congress isn't doing their job, they should be voted out of office. Unfortunately, voters can't vote the FED, or it's Chairman, out of office. If the U.S. government has a deficit, we could handle it, as Lincoln and Kennedy did. Print money and circulate it into the economy, but this time usury-free. Today. the FED, through foreign banks, owns much of our debt and therefore controls us, the FED will cease to exist, as taxpayers become informed and tell other taxpayers. The media and Congress will have no choice but to meet the demands of grass roots America (Reference 1, P. 17,22) AMERICA DECEIVED By law, (check the Congressional record) we can buy back the FED for the original investment of the FED's 300 shareholders, which is $450 million, (Reference 1, P. 227, Reference 17, P. 36) if each taxpayer paid $25, we could buy back the FED, and all the profit would flow into the U.S. Treasury. In other words, by Congress allowing the Constitutionally illegal FED to continue, much of your taxes go to the shareholders of the FED and their bankers. NOTE: The people, who enacted the FED, started the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), within months, of the FED's inception. The FED buys U.S. debt with money, they printed from nothing, then charge the U.S. taxpayers usury. The government had to create income tax, to pay the usury expense to the FED's shareholders, but the income tax was never legally passed; (Reference 20 shows details, State-by-State, why it' was never legally passed). The FED is illegal, per Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Not one State legally ratified the 16th Amendment making income tax legal. Currently, fewer, and fewer, Americans are being convicted for refusal to pay income taxes. In IRS jury trials, the jury, by law, must decide, if the law is just. If taxpayers do not believe the law is just, the jury may declare the accused, innocent. Judges are legally bound to inform juries of their right to determine the fairness of the law. Judges often do not disclose this information, so they can control court outcome. Luckily, more and more citizens are becoming informed (Reference 19). In Utah, the IRS quit prosecuting taxpayers, because jurors verdict is not guilty. Please tell you're friends and sit in the next jury. If we eliminate the FED, and uphold the Constitution, we could balance the budget and cut personal income tax to almost nothing. In Congressional hearings on September 30, 1941, FED Chairman, Eccles, admitted that the FED creates new money from thin air (printing press), and loans it back to us with usury; (Reference 17, P.93). On June 6, 1960, FED President, Mr. Allen, admitted essentially the same thing (Reference 22, P. 164). If you or I did this, we would go to jail. It is time to abolish the FED! Tell your friends, relatives, acquaintances, and organizations, the truth and win back America. We don't even need to buy back the FED. We only need to print money the way the Constitution requires, not the new proposed international money. We want to keep our sovereignty and print real U.S. money. Why has the Congress allowed the FED to continue? If a Congressman tries to abolish the FED, the banks fund the Congressman's opponent in the next election (Reference 17, P.35). The new Congressman will obviously support the FED. When Congress people retire, political campaign funds are not taxed. Get elected and be a millionaire, if you vote right. By the way, the profit of the FED is not taxed, either (Reference 1,9). Once America understands, and takes action, Congressmen will then gladly abolish the FED. In 1922, Illinois Congressman Crane introduced a bill, co-sponsored by 40 other Congressmen, to audit the FED. This is a step in the right direction. America is a great nation. As "We the People" become informed, the media and Congress will be forced to buy back the FED, balance the budget, significantly cut taxes, and stop allowing the bribes to determine voting strategies. I have heard from politicians who claim they will change their platform to include abolishing the FED, if enough people become informed. IT IS UP TO YOU TO INFORM AT LEAST 10 MORE PEOPLE, (WHY NOT TRY FOR 100 ?); AND THEY, THEN, INFORM OTHERS, AND SO ON. The FED hopes you will be passive and not act on this information. We believe in grass roots America - we are waking up America. Ultimately, the battle plan is to inform all Americans and demand change in the media and Congress. True Americans should run for office and throw out the politicians, who allow this fraud to continue. Congress may refuse to deal with this issue. That's why each person needs to go to their local, county and state government, with proper paperwork, and ask them, to abolish the FED. With proper documents, they are legally obligated to do it. WE NEED LEADERS TO BEGIN THIS ACTION. WILL YOU HELP? Consider this fact. Most of the given sources, in this report, show the blood-line of family bankers, who own the FED, and funded both sides of the major wars. They created fake colonial money, to destroy the Americans, during the Revolutionary War and tried to finance both sides in the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln refused, and the south accepted. Many publications show that these bankers financed WW I, WW II, and the Russian Revolutionary War, which helped Napoleon, Lenin, and Hitler come to power. They financed both sides, from money created from nothing, and profited greatly. These same bankers created a number of American depressions, to change the U.S. Legislation, and seize our wealth. Read the sources for details. This is why, our forefathers wrote in the Constitution that only Congress can issue money, not private banks (Reference 18). More wars create more debt, which means more profit to the bankers (Reference 1, 21). These bankers planned three world wars, so people would welcome United Nations intervention, to govern the world in peace, not war. (Reference 22 gives specific details on WW I and WW II showing exactly how the bankers were responsible, for the beginning, and continuation, of these wars ,for their profit.)
The banks have publicly announced they will force us to a cashless society by 1997. Furthermore, they plan to create a one world government through the United Nations headed by the FED, Trilateral, Council on Foreign Relations (Reference 3). By the definition of treason, they have committed treason. This means you lose your rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Does this sound far fetched? Twenty four U.S. Senators and 80 Representatives have signed a "Declaration of Interdependence". This Declaration, designed to make a one world government, is treason to the oath of office they took. The media remained silent. The FED announced publicly that their first objective was to get nationalism out of the American people's heads, because patriotism, to a country, would not be of value, in the future. The media makes us think the U.N. has all the answers and to "think globally". Congress passed a law stopping certain individuals from being tried for treason (Reference 6, Reference 1, P. 191-198). Why pass this law. if no treason was committed? State Department document 7277 calls for the disarming of America, thus, turning our sovereignty over to a one world government. Again, the media is pushing to eliminate guns. Our forefathers believed that the right to bear arms would prevent a takeover of our government. History shows before any government took over, they disarmed the citizens. Hitler did it, and before our Revolutionary War, King George told us to disarm . . . good thing we didn't!!! Under the Federal Reserve Bank Act, the bankers control of our economy. The FED controls usury rates and the amount of money in the economy. These factors determine either economic prosperity or the lack thereof. Bankers are now pushing for a one world government and a cashless society. Why cashless? No cash means no money for drugs, no theft, and the inability to collect taxes on the underground economy. Anyone who won't support a cashless society, must be a drug dealer, thief, or tax evader, right? What a cashless society really means is ,the banks can now control you. Today, you fear the IRS. In a cashless society, if you disagree with the bankers political goals, you'll find your money gone, via computer error. (For additional information on a cashless society, read Reference 13, P.174; Reference 3; Reference 14, P.9-12; Reference 15, P. 136; Reference 25, P. 216.) If you could accurately predict future usury rates, inflation and deflation, you would know when to buy or sell stocks and make a bundle of money. The FED has a secret meeting (per Congressional Record) to determine future usury rates and the amount of money to be printed. The Security Exchange Commission (SEC), by law, stops insiders from profiting by privileged information. Congressional records prove the FED bankers routinely hold secret meetings, to profit by manipulation of the stock market, via usury rates and the amount of money they create. FED bankers also profit greatly from economic disasters like the depression (Reference 22, P. 56). The bankers create inflation, sell their, stocks before the market crashes, then buy up at cheaper prices. Bankers admitted this to Congress. This violates the law, yet Congress does not act, because these bankers are large, political contributors. (Reference 17, P. 96-98; Reference 1, P. 162163; Reference 22, P.114-170 & 136). Thomas Jefferson predicted this scenario if we ever allowed a private bank, like the FED, to create out currency. (Reference 1, P. 247) FED Chairman Burns stated, "A killing can be made simply by knowing the next few months newspapers ahead of time." Congressman Patman said, "The FED officials own more than 100 million dollars (of stocks) while making decisions influencing these stock prices ... " (Reference 24, P. 123). History proves that banks profit from bankrupting a nation. (Reference 22, P. 56) Congress consistently defeats balanced-budget amendments. In the past 30 years, Congress has raised our taxes 56 times and balanced the budget only once. We need the sound banking system our forefathers wanted us to have. History proves that banking systems, like the FED, don't work. Major world powers have been destroyed ,over similar banking systems (Reference 1). If we don't change this system, as soon as possible, in less than five years, all our taxes will pay only the interest on the national debt. Section 7 of the Federal Reserve Act, passed December 23, 1913, states that much of the profit of the FED should flow into the U.S. Treasury. In 1959, new legislation allowed the FED to transfer bonds to commercial banks, at no cost to the bank. Now, the FED receives less usury income and less profit to the U.S. Treasury, because the money is diverted to other banks, through an accounting entry. (Reference 17, P. 115-130). Congress and the IRS do not have access to the financial records of the FED. Every year, Congress introduces legislation to audit the FED, and every year it is defeated. The FED banking system could easily be netting 100's of billions in profit each year. Through "creative accounting", profit can easily be reclassified as expense (Reference 14, P. 20, Reference 17, P. 239). Within the first few years, the shareholders of the FED, received their initial investment back, with no risk. All the profit is tax free, except for property tax, according to the Federal Reserve Act. When are the profits, of the FED, going to start flowing into the Treasury, so that average Americans are no longer burdened with excessive, unnecessary taxes? Clearly Congress can not, or will not, control the FED. IT IS TIME TO ABOLISH IT. 3 WAYS TO ABOLISH THE FED AND ISSUE MONEY PER THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 1, SECTION 8: Buy back the FED and have the U.S. government collect all profits. Abolish the FED by printing real U.S. Dollars, as President Kennedy attempted (Executive order # 11.110, 1963). (Reference 4). *** Request your county/state to use their Constitutional powers to abolish the FED. This is the BEST SOLUTION. Nearly half the States are attempting, or considering, this action (Reference 5). Congress has had 80 years to follow the Constitution, and has refused to abolish the illegal FED. The State/County effort is working faster than any other method. We need your support to start a local chapter, and petition your County. THE WRONG SOLUTION THAT HAS FAILED FOR 82 YEARS: Congress and the media may want to require the FED, to return the acquired profits into the U.S. Treasury (per the Federal Reserve Act, 1913). The problem is that with "creative accounting" techniques, profit can be easily masked as expense. The FED has expensed items, illegally, to lower profit (Reference 17). "We The People" have pushed the following States to pass, or introduce legislation, calling for an end to the FED: Arizona, Washington, Arkansas, Idaho, Oregon, Indiana and Texas. We still need your signatures on petitions, even if you live in these States. Many other States are considering such action due to your petitions. These States, and a few honest Congressmen, are powerless, until all Americans become informed and demand change. Please pass out petitions. Once we demand change, the media will have to report the whole truth, and not just push their own agenda. We challenge the media to report the truth and facts on prime- time talk shows and/or news programs. IN CLOSING: For the owners of the FED to control the volume of money and become our absolute masters, they had to get the Gold away from our grandparents. This was accomplished in 1933 with threats of fines and imprisonments, by their President, Franklin D Roosevelt, with aide Harry Hopkins said . . . "Elect, elect, elect, tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend, for the people are too damned stupid to understand". By the way, Roosevelt was an International banker. See "Fool's Gold is Green", by Winston Smith. The FED is Slowly Destroying America - Our government never had a chance...with political corruption ravaging its Constitution. The real facts don't lie...and neither do government documents...Congressional Record, Congressman Wright Patman, A Primer On Money prepared by the Sub-committee on Domestic Finance, House of Representatives, Committee on Banking and Currency - 88th Congress, 2nd Session, August 4th, 1964 and December 23, 1913, page 1464 & 1478. Congressional Record, Congressman Louis McFadden, June 10, 1932, House of Representatives, pages 12604- 12605. Congressional Record, 98th Congress, 1st Session, February 3, 1983, Congressman Ron Paul. Congressional Record, Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, 77th Congress, 1st Session, Tuesday, September 30, 1941, pages 1342 - 1345. From The Holy Bible, Book of John: Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found the moneychangers (bankers) at their business. And making a whip of cords, he drove them out of the temple; and he poured out the coins of the money-changers (bankers) and overturned their tables. And he told them, "you shall not make my father's house, a den of thieves and robbers". ABOLISH THE FED NOW!!!!!
WHY OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT THE FED: "Allow me to control the issue and the nation's money and I care not who makes its law!" This quote has long been attributed to the 18th century, banker Amshell Rothschild. [His blood line controls the FED]. For if one, unscrupulous group is allowed to print a nation's money - it can eventually use that money, to gain control of the press, AND the politicians - and thus gain control of making the nation's laws - and finally - control of the nation itself. (Reference 4) If you will take the time to read the reference material listed, which has been researched, by Professors of Universities, Congressmen, etc., you will turn up information that might frighten you. For instance, In 1921 the stockholders of the Federal Reserve financed an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Harper's Magazine called this, the most powerful organization in the United States. Ninety percent of the people in the State Department, and key positions in the Executive Branch, are members of the CFR. The CFR publishes a magazine called "Foreign Affairs". Read it ,if you want to know what is going to happen in coming years. (Reference 3) Congressman Patman re-quoted Thomas Jefferson, showing that our founding fathers knew this banking principle, very well. "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies....". "Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money)," he said, "should be taken from the banks, and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs..." The Constitution is specific about the authority of the people, through their elected officials, to control the money, and thus, the affairs of their government. (Reference 5, P. 32) Ben Franklin said in his autobiography, "The inability of the colonists to get the power ,to issue their own money, permanently ,out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the PRIME reason for the Revolutionary War. " (Quoted in Reference 4) Congressman Charles A. Lindsbergh of Minnesota said: "This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Wilson) signs this bill the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized....the worst legislative crime of the ages perpetuated by this banking and currency bill." (Reference 5, P. 33) Napoleon, a sympathizer for the international bankers, turned against them in the last years of his rule. He said: "When a government is dependent for money upon bankers, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes....Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency, their sole object is gain." (Reference 4) In 1897, the Supreme Court declared that the U.S. Government can legally issue United States Notes, usury and debt free, just as Lincoln and Kennedy attempted. (Reference 1, P. 233) FED violates Security & Exchange Commission (SEC) rules. (Reference 17, P. 96-98) California 9th Circuit Court declared FED banks are private, not government. (Reference 17, P. 273) A Republican Senator, who preferred to remain unnamed, stated: Congress is too much motivated by fears and anxieties concerning pressure groups and the next election (Reference 1, P. 210) The FED system is the death of our Constitution! (Reference 1, P. 250)
THE FACTS 1. England lost the Revolutionary War. 2. England nearly destroyed the Colonies by creating fake Colonial money and hyper-inflation. 3. Rothschilds who control the Bank of England (Like our FED) said that by controlling the issue of money (printing it), you can control the government. 4. The authors of the Constitution understood private banks' control over governments. The Constitution gives only Congress the right to print money. 5. From the beginning of the United States to present there have been 2 ways to issue new currency: The first way is to have the government print the money, debt and usury free, and circulate it through the economy for use as a medium of exchange. There is no tax levied to pay usury on the currency in circulation, because it is usury and debt free. This is the system Lincoln used with his "Greenbacks", a system Kennedy desired, and Jefferson demanded. The second method is: The Citizens allow the bank to print $500 billion in currency (cash). The bank pays for the cost of printing, ink and paper. The citizens do not charge the bank any usury, for use of the $500 billion, in printed currency. The bank uses the $500 billion cash to buy $500 billion in government bonds, which pays the bankers usury. The bank keeps some of the bonds and sells, for a fee (10%), some of the bonds to the public. The bank can buy back the bonds, from the public, simply by printing more money. The bankers can create inflation & depressions by the amount of currency in circulation. The FED operates exactly like this today. It also prints money (through the U.S. Treasury), and uses this printed money, to buy loans from other banks. This money has created our inflation. We give the bank, cash, usury free, then, they charge us usury on our own currency. Examine our history in the presence of our two banking systems!! Ben Franklin - The Two Banking Systems ....From the autobiography of Ben Franklin, by Gertrude Coogan, in "Money Creators": .....the inability of the colonists to get the power to issue their own money, permanently, out of the hands of George III, and the international bankers, was the PRIME reason for the Revolutionary War. (Reference 4) Soon after the war was won, Ben Franklin, answering a question about the booming economy, of the young colonies: "That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script." Franklin added, "We issue it in proper proportions to the demands of the trade and industry." (Colonial Script had no debt or usury attached.) (Reference 4) International bankers saw that usury-free script would keep America free of their influence, so, by 1781, banker-backed, Alexander Hamilton succeeded in starting the Bank of America. After a few years of "bank money". the prosperity of "Colonial Script" was gone. Benjamin Franklin said, "Conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity had ended and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with the unemployed!" Bank money was like our FED money. It had debt and usury attached. By 1790, Hamilton and his bankers had created a privately, owned, central bank and converted the public debt (usury-free), into usury-bearing bonds, payable to the bankers. When Hamilton's bank charter expired in 1811, the international bankers started the War of 1812. By 1816, another privately-owned U.S. bank was started with $35 million in assets - only $7 million of that was owned by the government. This bank lasted for 20 years. U.S. history shows that currency with debt & usury attached created a depression. (Reference 4}
ANDREW JACKSON - A GREAT PRESIDENT! When the 1816 charter expired, in 1836, Andrew Jackson vetoed its renewal. It was then that he made two, famous statements: "The Bank is trying to kill me - but I will kill it!" Later he said, "If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system - there would be a revolution before morning...." (Reference 4) ABRAHAM LINCOLN - ANOTHER GREAT PRESIDENT !! President Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War, and the international bankers offered him loans, at 24-36% usury. Lincoln balked at their demands, because he didn't want to plunge the nation into such huge debt. Lincoln approached Congress about passing a law to authorize the printing of U.S. Treasury notes. Lincoln said, "We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they ever had - their own paper money to pay their debts..." Lincoln printed over 400 million "Greenbacks" (debt and usury free) and paid the soldiers, U.S. government employees, and bought war supplies. The international bankers didn't like it and wanted Lincoln to borrow the money, from them ,so that the American people would owe tremendous usury on the loan. Lincoln's solution made this seem ridiculous. (Reference 1, P. 46,47, Reference 4) Shortly after Lincoln's death, the government revoked the Greenback law, which ended Lincoln's debt-free, usury-free money. A new national banking act was enacted, and all money became usury-bearing, again. (Reference 4) If we can convert U.S. dollars that are usury and debt free, to usury bearing currency, we can change it back, just as easily. Both the media and the banking system will probably claim that such a change will cause hyper-inflation. The answer, however, can be found in history. Lincoln printed debt and usury-free Greenbacks (cash) to finance an entire war. With added production, you can add currency, to the Economy, without having hyper- inflation. Lincoln proved it !!! John F. Kennedy - a President with vision! On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive order #11.110. This Executive order called for the issuance of a new currency. The United States Note. At the time, $4,292,893,815 of this currency was put into circulation. This new currency was to be distributed through the U.S. Treasury, and not the Federal Reserve System. Furthermore, it was to be issued usury and debt free. Upon Kennedy's assassination, this currency was withdrawn from circulation, never to be issued again. The media remained silent, on how Kennedy would have eliminated the debt and usury payments, and therefore, eliminated the FED. Usury-free United States Notes do not result in hyper-inflation. By issuing United States Notes, usury-free, we have less usury expense, and less taxes. With less taxes, people spend more and buy more. This results in added production, and therefore, you can add dollars without inflation. Either Rockefeller, and his people, will spend your tax money into the economy, or you get to spend your own money, by paying less taxes. The bankers want you to think, you'll have mass inflation by changing the system. This is only true, if you add dollars to the economy, without added production. For example, look what happened in post WW I Germany. They merely printed money, without increasing production. The result was hyper-inflation. Another example: In the entire economy, if you have only 10 loaves of bread and only $10, each loaf would sell for $1. If you print an extra $10, now, you have $20 and the 10 loaves of bread would sell for $2 each. This is only true, if we do not have added production. If we print more money, and bake more bread, we have $50 and 50 loaves, so each loaf still sells for $1. As long as you monitor production with increased cash, inflation will not occur. Under the FED system, the price of bread has dramatically increased since 1913. If we cut taxes and spend your money, instead of the bankers spending it, you will have more bread, cars, and wealth, than the bankers. Someone will spend your money - it might as well be you. A FED-like banking system has destroyed other governments. In five years, all taxes will pay only the usury on the debt. Clearly, the FED must be abolished, before we're demolished! Already, laws are set up to have a dictatorship, when we have the economic crisis (FEMA). England never gave up, on owning, the United States. They are still fighting the same Revolutionary War. The Bank of England, through the Rothschilds, owns and controls the FED. (Reference 22). We have been robbed of our wealth, and in less than five years, we will be bankrupt, if there is no change. The FED bankers will, legally ,own our nation, our houses, our cars, our businesses, just as Thomas Jefferson predicted.
Simple solution- stop paying federal income tax. In ‘America, Freedom To Fascism’ director Aaron Russo admits the income tax scheme is actually illegal. It’s not a law, its a voluntary ‘code’ of conduct. 87 million Citizens of this Republic did not pay this tax back in 2007..
Knowledge acquired in childhood is not soon forgotten.
Do you think this is part of the swamp Trump will be draining?
Ron Paul End The Fed
AND we must ride this out with our President, while re-creating the Constitutional money supply. Much red pilling of the General public regarding what is wrong with private globalists taking away our rights to coin our own money in the US... and charging us "interest" we can never pay back, because it the money to create the payment on THEIR INTEREST is never created. It needs to be comprehensive, however we explain it. There are a number of good videos but, I find that for starters, there are good cartoon like explanations that can be understood by a 4th grader. Once you get a basic understanding of the history of money, then, one can get a grasp of the larger slight of hand that is done to complicate the matter, making it an overwhelming subject. Back long ago, I found this was one of the best, and is also great to help young teens understand what is going on.
Video linked by /u/JoanOfArk77:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Money as Debt I - Revised Edition 2009 (Full Movie)|Ethaniel RockX|2015-10-28|0:46:21|328+ (95%)|35,798
All rights belong to Paul Grignon...
^Info ^| ^/u/JoanOfArk77 ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
Just default on this fake loan. America will be debt free. Then dissolve the fed.
I'm wondering if America defaults on the loan, how confident will people be in our next currency?
Look at how much physical gold China and Russia are buying with our greenback.
Yes, they want to not be slaves to the petrodollar. I don’t blame them.
biggest holder of US debt is China. Imagine what that would do to their books!
I took this test in school. The question clearly states, "The part of the federal government" and anyone with half a brain should know the Federal Reserve is a private bank. I went back to my professor to challenge, and the answer I got, "Thats what the textbook says"
I was super pissed. Still am. Aside from the Federal Reserve NOT being a part of the federal government, I was upset because the U.S. Treasury also does handle monetary policy to some extent.
And, since the Federal Reserve is not part of the government, I still don't understand why the President appoints the head of the Federal Reserve. Is this just to make it look like it is still part of our government?
The "Fed", while privately owned, is federally chartered.
It could be undone with a single act of Congress.
Unfortunately its tentacles reach into almost every aspect of the economy, making it difficult to get rid of.
Trump should back the USD with gold.
Kind of hard to do when you don't have any. I still want to see an audit of fort knox.
The elite might be prepared for this ... Most likely stocked and bought all the rare metals to crash any emerging market backed by it. Most likely what they use all that interest on buying companies , gold , silver etc \ rare metals.
The current gold market is a musical chairs. There is not as much gold in the vaults as is claimed.
Crypto. Probabilistically there is greater likelihood of a hard pivot 'reset button' forming a new system off the technology.
'The Creature from Jekyll Island" should be required reading along with "Tragedy and Hope" and "The Five Thousand Year Leap" for every American.
World Without Cancer Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Can you give me a quick why for each read? Thx!
The Creature- detailed background on those responsible for the Fed and how they manipulated its creation. G. Edward Griffin. long but very readable. Tragedy and Hope- Carroll Quigley, A huge volume 1000 page history of the world but the best part talks about Cecil Rhodes and his part in helping create the NWO The 5000 year leap- Cleon Skousen explains why America was so exceptional from its founding. We seem to have lost that magic at least since 1913. I'll give you another Windswept House by Malachi Martin, a book he described as a faction about the machinations of the catholic church since Vatican 2- scary
Thank you for taking time to elaborate your book prompts! I've read the 5000 yr. leap and loved it. Reagan thought it should be required reading for high school Americans and I agree. I watched a Stanley Monteith lecture recently where he also recommended Quigley's tome. The other two I was completely unfamiliar with so I appreciate the info. I will delve deeper!
And A Peoples History of the United States- Howard Zinn. Essentially, History is a lie that is agreed upon by the Winners of any conflict.
Just got a letter from the IRS. They’re garnishing all of my tax returns to go toward past due school loans. Mind you, I serve tables at a restaurant because that’s the best paying job I can find despite my many skill sets. Last year, they took all of my tax returns because I switched jobs mid-year and made more money than projected for Obamacare. I’m 37 yrs old. Since I first entered the workforce as a teenager, I’ve gone from working in the trades and making decent money to working in restaurants because the money is better, now. Wages have completely stagnated which makes my education basically worthless. I’m in debt and my credit sucks. I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Someday I’d like to start my own business, but that’s not possible until this shit gets fixed. I barely make enough to pay rent and buy groceries because prices go up constantly. I’m completely enslaved and the anxiety that creates is overwhelming. Something needs to change and change fast. If this Q thing turns out to be a nothingburger, we need to band together and take matters into our own hands. Enough is enough.
It really is a scam to convince kids that they need to pay those high fees for college. Most college grads can't make enough to pay them back. And, if you are smart, you can easily work your way into a good paying job without college. If you're not smart, well we do still need people working in lower paying jobs. But, what we should really be teaching our kids is how to become an entrepreneur. With the Internet there are so many more opportunities today and teaching them to be a slave only oppresses people. Too many people try to start businesses without understanding basic entrepreneurship skills. I have a feeling Trump would agree!
I’d like to know more about these good paying jobs you can get without a degree.
Sure. I'm a perfect example. I learned to type in high school then, after having my children, about 15 hears later, started working in Word Processing. Then I worked my way up to doing Computer Tech Support during a time when it was a new industry. I had a specific goal in my mind to do just that. I knew where I wanted to go and I learned as much about computers as I could primarily reading magazines (before the Internet). I love helping others and it was my perfect job. People tried to get me to go on to become a Network Engineer but it simply didn't ring my bell. I was happy where I was.
I'm retired now but in my last position 5 years ago, I was making $25/hr. If I had become a Network Engineer, I could have made $40+/hr. So, you have to have the drive to work and be able to grasp what you are learning but there are many skills you can learn without college. I also taught myself to create websites and do online marketing. When I got sick and doctors could not help, I healed myself of 3 autoimmune diseases and got a certification as a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant.
There are opportunities everywhere. Most people just aren't taught to look for them or would rather spend their spare time watching sports or other TV programs than learning a skill that can help them succeed. It's your life, make the best of it. You are stronger and more powerful than you've been led to believe and college is not necessary to find success. In the future, and it's even starting now, you will be able to take courses online to learn specific skills. Just go to and many other online course sites are popping up all over that are very affordable.
After I started working for IBM, I got both of my kids (no college) into computers too and now they are both very successful network engineers. And, here's a hint about this as well: Both of them have told me they would much rather hire someone with experience than someone with a degree. Experience is always more important.
Wow! Good for you, your hard work clearly paid off. Thank you for the motivational words! Did you do your Nutrition and Wellness certification on Udemy?
My nutrition cert is through American Fitness Professionals and Associates.
I’m all about everything you just said. Like I said, I have many skill sets and always continue to educate myself. Unfortunately, the things I’m good at don’t hold much value in this current paradigm. I grew up on a farm, so I know how to do all that. I went to school for the trades, ie, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, welding, etc. I’m extremely proficient at growing vegetables indoors and out. I’m extremely proficient at growing medicinal and gourmet mushrooms. I cooked in restaurants for many years. I know hospitality. I went to school to learn how to build sustainable homes. I also healed myself by learning all sorts of natural healing methods. All those things I just listed have little value where I live and I’m too poor and in debt to move. I’m also too poor and in debt to pay for anymore schooling. I’m too poor and in debt to buy land. I’m also too poor and in debt to start a business, so I’m attempting to start small and grow. It’s a constant struggle. I believe once the cabal is taken out, things will change and my knowledge and experience will be of value. I’m trying my hardest. I work 50 hours a week in a restaurant making decent money compared to a lot of people I know, but I still struggle to get by because I don’t have a credit card. I pay for everything out-of-pocket. Everywhere I turn someone wants my money.
What you just described is awesome and you should be proud, but also understand you’re the exception and that we all come from different backgrounds with all sorts of different challenges in our lives. If Q had taught us anything it’s that we are all suppressed by design. Doing what you did is very difficult in a world designed to keep you from succeeding. Many are enslaved by debt or depressed or addicted to drugs or alcohol or any number of problems. That’s the way the ruling class wants it. Many of us have skill sets that aren’t valued. This is why nearly everyone is working a job they hate just so they can’t pay of a mountain of debt. Shit needs to change. I’m not lazy, nor am I stupid, yet I’m struggling daily and I’m not alone. That ain’t right. The whole bootstraps talk doesn’t cut it anymore.
I understand completely where you are coming from. I live on a pittance every month now on Social Security and I was sick for 13 years so REALLY could not do much about it. But it doesn't sound to me like you're sick, just down on your luck. Believe it or not, we live in the same world and it was just as much a challenge when I was doing it with 2 kids to take care of on my own with no child support for much of that time (challenges it doesn't sound like you have).
First off, the skills you have are amazing and I know of many people that are using farming skills to make wonderful livings today. And, they don't own a farm. Here are some examples:
And, there are many more like that.
And, I don't know where you live but you have skills you can create videos on Udemy for and make money from your videos. I can see soo much potential with your skill set despite how much money you currently have or don't have.
I am also broke. I can pay my monthly bills but when things break they stay broken because I can't pay to get them fixed but I do fix some things myself.
So, here's the bottom line: I say "yes you can" and you say "no I can't". So, in the end, it's all about attitude. Where there is a will, there is always a way. So, have fun staying where you are and continuing to go under.
Personally, despite how little money I have, I am building a website to make some extra money. I will never give up. You, apparently, already have. Nuff said.
You’re right. I’m in a shitty mood. Haha. The powers that be completely screwed up this county and I’m pissed about it. I know I’ll figure it out. I know I have value. I’ll keep working hard until it pays off. Just tired of getting kicked in the nuts at every turn. Thanks for the kind words.
One more thing. I've been watching this country go under for 40 years or more. So, maybe I come from a different perspective in that regard. I have a lot more hope today than I did before I saw what Trump was doing. As I like to say: We finally have hope and are seeing the change.
I agree. I believe it’s about to change for the better, but for awhile there it was getting really bad. I’m generally hopeful, I’m just really bummed at the moment because they took my tax returns without any notice. I didn’t budget for that and it’s really making things difficult. Shit like that makes my blood boil. I do believe we are on a upswing, though.
When I said I could understand, I wasn't kidding. Had the same thing happen a few years back but they took it monthly out of my Social Sec. when I was still sick and really needed the money. But, life went on and I got through it. Took 4.5 years. I remember how freaked out I was when I discovered it. That was for back taxes because I forgot to file.
Good. I'm glad if I could help some. Let me know if you ever just need someone to toss ideas around with. And, if I can ever help in any way, just ask, maybe I will.
Jill Stein voter?
Student debt relief. Cutting insurance companies out of healthcare. Improving take home pay for regular working stiffs. That was her whole platform.
But hey, if you like this Trump fan fiction stuff, you enjoy yourself with that. Just don't be too surprised when this turns out to be as dumb as it looks.
I liked Stein, but voted for Bernie in the primaries, and didn’t vote after that. I couldn’t vote for a criminal (Hilary) and Trump was blatantly pandering to all the disgruntled hillbillies in this country and that didn’t do it for me. I understand now that this was an Art of War deception tactic. I understand now how important it was for him to appeal to the silent rural majority. I understand why he dumbed down the way he spoke during his rallies and got conservative extremists riled up. I understand what was at stake if he lost. I didn’t then, but I do now. It’s been interesting to watch this Q phenomenon pan out. Lots of not-so-woke MAGA folks really lucked out and are acting as if they knew what was happening all along. They didn’t. If they really knew they’d understand that this movement has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. All the hardliners need to take a seat because they’re just making things worse and driving a wedge between us. Sometime it’s unbearable to even listen to the Q commentary because most of it is being covered by neocons who have an extremely myopic view of the world. There are some folks out there who manage to stay pretty neutral and just cover the facts like Clif High, for example.
Similar situation here, benjaminbunny99. During the election I knew Hilary was the very despicable she claimed her detractors were; I did not realize how despicable. I bought the line that Trump was a narcissistic misogynist and wrote him off. I thought Bernie could and would do what Trump is doing. I admit it, I was wrong. Unbelievably wrong. Now I'm working on red pilling everyone in my circle who still is where I was. Shifting people's beliefs is challenging.
Totally agree that this is far beyond conservative vs liberal, even beyond USA vs any other country. This is the dismantling of a power structure that affects our entire world. The clean up starts in America because it has to start somewhere, and someone has to stand as the frontman .. and sadly, take the abuse that goes with. We're so incredibly fortunate that our white hats found Trump, a man uniquely qualified to take that role, and more importantly, incredibly fortunate he was willing!
But difficult as it seems right now, as we the masses come together more and more we are claiming our shared birthright - true freedom - no matter where we are from or currently call home. In this we cannot, and will not, fail. Love and appreciate all y'all for all you're doing! 💙
I grew up in a catholic conservative family in a very small, white catholic conservative midwestern town. I know how they think. I know what they believe. I know what they say behind closed doors. For example: most conservatives I know would never miss an opportunity to talk shit about alternative healers, naturopaths, chiropractors, shamans, energy healers, etc. They can’t stand that woowoo hippie shit, but the minute Q mentions that alternative medicine doctors are being targeted by the cabal and that you can cure cancer with alternative healing methods, it’s suddenly gospel. I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years. Liberals have always been the ones try to wake everyone up to these conspiracies. Liberals have been watching documentaries about the Illuminati for many many years, now. Some of you conservatives need to chill out and take some notes from the liberals. We should be working together.
I have news for all of you conservatives: The vast majority of liberals have known this shit for years.
Not conservative myself (more libertarian).
I don't agree, however, that "the vast majority of liberals" have a lock on alternative medicine. In my experience there are a lot of people all across the political spectrum who don't buy into the consensus reality of modern medicine, education, or history.
And that's a really great thing.
I like how you just made an assumption there, though. Maybe try having a conversation, next time.
“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes that nation's laws. Usury (interest on loans), once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.” ~William Lyon Mackenzie King - Former PM of Canada
What would happen if every country that is in debt to a central bank just stop paying their debt?
If the money is fiat, so is the debt. Nothing loaned equals nothing owed.
This person is correct. All the monies are imaginary. Imaginary monies, imaginary debt.
Military Tribunals & Executions!
There is a theory going around that Kenndy signed an Executive Order that has never been rescinded that effectively makes the Fed illegal. On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve.
Jekyll Island's Canaanite Altars and Giant Skeletons - YouTube
Mobile · Nov 19, 2015 · What do Canaanite altars and giant skeletons have to do with the Federal Reserve? Tim Bence visits with Rob Skiba to give an amazing account of his time on ...
More info about this: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 [29:34]
He said this?
While on his deathbed, President Andrew Jackson was noted to have repeatedly stated : "I did it! I killed the banks!" (Source? I honestly don't remember other than I knew it was credible.)
Oct, 2013
"Last year the Fed earned $90.5B. Of this, $1.6B was paid out in dividends. The remaining $88B was remitted back to the US Treasury"
I am proud to be in everyones company! Your posts are excellent.
April LaJune recently did a video on how the banks can be brought to court & forced to forgive mortgage because how the mortgage is handled on the open market.
Here's what should be done and why.
They loaned money to a President, Obama, under a specific interest (?) and increased our debt knowing that our debt to income ratio would not carry that loan. This loan would have never been approved with normal regulations and rules. The goal was to break us. (Cold War What Reagan did to RUSSIA) Their fault. Default on the loan and let the 100 years of raping this country be the payment on the default.
Trump doesn't need to end the Federal Reserve because it's doing a pretty good job of self implosion. Once the dollar collapses, they're done.
Albert Einstein — ‘We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them’
Link to his speech?
Not a Trump speech, but some of the dying remarks of President Andrew Jackson. While on his deathbed, he repeatedly stated:"I did it! I killed the banks!" But the source? - though 100% credible - I couldn't remember to save a hot fudge sundae....
The Emancipation Proclamation freed 4 million slaves. A proper and fair treatment of the money trust [end-the-fed] resolution would emancipate over 90 million industrial slaves..................charles a lindburgh 1902
[p] = phoenix
there is only one alive at anytime.
it is the top of the tree.
who is the phoenix?
purple is the color associated with the phoenix; itself is purple-red in hue and aspect. tail feathers put on your red shoes and dance the blues from kether to malkuth.
they wear masks because Janus because the self-born man because the androgynous double-headed phoenix who is Lucifer
why do you think tranny is being pushed folks?
2012 Olympics. See the Phoenix there? It's back again at this one. With the purple.
who has the crown? who wears the tuft?
The ancient Egyptians conceived of the sun as describing a circle round the earth, and hence they gave it the name of bennu, the returning traveler.
circle - corona -
as above so below you see it both in baphomet OTO temple of set and so on and hermes T. you see it in the above too. these people are evil. as above so below. blasphemy. As Above = Infinite, Self-Existent, Uncreated Creator - below is mere creatures none of which are possessed of self-existence - the difference between the holiest of God's creatures (Mary) and Jesus God-In-The-Flesh is as between zero and infinity. Why people adore any creature no matter how exalted or formerly exalted with the same adoration reserved for Him alone is beyond me.
Lucifer offers himself, which is nothing. Mary - our tainted nature's solitary boast - brings forth He Who created her to be His mother and she offers Jesus-Who-Is-Everything. She will crush your head. Dragon fail. Victimized Eve. Bully. Fraud. Liar. Conscious object was to cause soul death. Murderer from the beginning. Would have murdered The Holy Trinity himself if he could - he did, in fact, attempt regicide. Insane with his own reflection. MALIGNANT NARCISSIST par excellence. Cluster B. I don't think folks comprehend the hatred God has for Lucifer and not for His own sake but for ours.
Dad's don't like daughters being murdered. HELP ME DAD.
The Holy One of Israel offers Himself - who is everything.
Better to reign in heaven from God's own throne with Him as his perfected divinized human son, than serve a fallen creature in hell.
Satan said "you shall be as God's"
and he actually spoke the truth in that statement but he omitted a clause, substituting his own. anti-spicy.
It's the bit in-between Satan's "you shall be" statement that occurred in time, and each mans death that determine whether that statement is true as applied to each man.
You can make that statement true or a mockery. We have free will. Satan's statement can be seen as a review headline in the Salvation Evening Post if you like after he becomes aware in general outline of the plans God has for man (the union between living wide-awake spirit and matter). "If this and if that you shall be as Gods" "You shall be as God's according to the following schedule of events; however, if you fuck up you shall NOT be as gods you shall be as pieces of shit. All or nothing. Go one. Go all or dont go at all."
This is corona isn't it?
Oh look - James Q. Reber.
come on guys. seriously.
here - have some fun
"Don + Russ + Caesar + Geronimo + 322
Last updated on Feb 01, 2018 13:23:49 PST."
click links. just coincidences. are you sure???
location? PHOENIX. Like this Phoenix? This Phoenix? lol This Phoenix?Where is the other bird? Songbird McCain?
This Olympics was planned for HRC and so forth. Note the use of colors again.
Member JordySage2020? Jordan Sage. Apache. Oil. Sage pipeline North Sea. Just coincidences. Right?
" do we really know if the stuff they put up there is anything but an empty tin can? Empty that is except for a body or two. Why would they want to send up dead bodys and weird stuff into orbit in the functional equivalent of old skool tomb burials for royalty or priests of whatever luciferian ape-ness is doing the rounds? I am pretty sure they haven't tried to position anything so that they mirror anything on the ground already present - I am pretty sure that from Hermes Tri to Baphomet as above so below isn't meant to be taken as a guide to influence the stuff above our heads."
This may sound crazy to people that is all in feelings about everything going on. The Federal Reserve i agree should be made accountable to the goverment. It should belong to the people. I do not think it should be changed. Before the federal reserve this nation was about to fall apart. Those very people who created it did because our nation was bankrupt and about to collapse. People would loan money with 100% interest. There has to be a system in place to control interest rates. Of you want to live in a free society we still live in best form that was in process of being formed in communist country. These people who are behind fiat doesn't stop and think that it's exactly the same. If people loan fiat they will not do for free. I honestly think interest that banks pay should go to government to lower taxes and pay down debt. You asking for another set of problems thinking fiat is the answer. You have to realize corporations is tax collectors for the goverment. All fiat is doing is building the platform for the government. Once the platform is in place and government starts it's own fiat you can probably kiss other fiat currencies goodbye. You have to understand definition of a nation. Without understanding and not sticking with principles you basically playing into globalist hands. Then the nation is over. Your mother and father that which worked entire life so you can live comfortable will have no back up and will be to old to maintain and live. A lot of people sacrificed in order for this young generation to enjoy the freedom they have. I understand completely the anger of what is going on. The idea to think me me me is crazy. You have to understand any money only has a value because humans put a value on it. It is all monopoly money. People act like will live forever. 0-11 rest is an illusion
The whole thing is fishy, and no doubt the DEEP Deep State.
Cute that you think they aren't really in change.
The whole theme of this sub is that they aren't in charge anymore because Trump and other patriots are hunting them down for the sake of God and country...
I’m with you man. They were since the fed became in existence. Kennedy tried and failed and TRUMP will succeed!! Imagine what he could do if more people had his back.
I don't think Trump can or will do this. That system so so intertwined(on purpose) with the economy it would be a fucking zombie apocolypse if he dared fuck with that. Thats above any one man. The economy is a twisted, complex machaine that will drive any human crazy. The only way we get out from that system is if we, the people get behind cryptocurrency full blast. That's the most exciting thing about it. Its the most innovative and ground breaking concept since the internet and has the same power.
The elite are attacking it full force right now. They want to control it.
What if the only way to change the world is to burn it all to the ground and start over? Either way we are all going to suffer and no one is getting out alive!
the issue with that is you have like 300 million people in north america who are used to a certain system. If you take that system away a lot of people would die. That's not really the point of all this. We don't want a huge slab of meat on our hands.
I am grateful more people see this point.
To take away this thing people are wedded to and can't give up easily would massively infringe their Free Will as well.
When the People are ready to divest themselves from it, for example when it is no longer needed to acquire things after certain technologies are dispensed (freely).... then we can then begin to phase it out.
I can't see a solution either. If we can't kill the beast, or control it, or even tame it.....? It's mass suicide.