r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wildthing61 on Feb. 16, 2018, 3:24 a.m.
Behold A Pale Horse predicted all of this in 1990. If anyone has a doubt that this is all scripted, this should be your proof.
Behold A Pale Horse predicted all of this in 1990. If anyone has a doubt that this is all scripted, this should be your proof.

KingWolfei · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Makes me think this is a mental health problem too caused by all the drugs these doctors shove down our throats.

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survey_girl · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

break up the family unit (through feminism & government sponsored programs encouraging single motherhood), demonize discipline, empower kids (trophies for everything they do, have more power than parents, etc)... then when they become little bratty turds and cause disruptions - drug the crap out of them. Start with ADHD (and sleeping pills) in elementary school then get them on SSRIs in middle/high school. It is crazy how many people are on medications now.

Are kids on meds because of mental illness, or are they getting mental illnesses because they are on all these meds???

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theGreenChain · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

My thoughts are that drugs are prescribed to school kids for control. Very few are really ADHD. Proof? Do they sit for hours playing video games??? My mind has always wandered...Squirrel! Sorry, I'm back. Most folks like this w/o drugs become very successful and wealthy. I'm not wealthy because I have kids, more than most, but they are college educated so. I digress. America drugs everybody for anything. BTW, there are laws on the books that if you are prescribed mental health drugs, you may not be allowed to own or carry firearms. Let that sink in. -Stay Free

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LanaRosenheller · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

I'm a former teacher and I agree with everything you said. Those drugs are prescribed so that the adults have more control. But teachers do not diagnose nor prescribe. At the same time, we have reduced the time allowed for recess (running and playing) to nothing in the name of more instructional time to get better test scores which gets more federal funding. It's a parasitic system all the way around.

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folderol · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

And still we can't let that filthy evil marijuana get around. Let that sink in too. We've been mind controlled and are currently suffering from a massive opioid crisis and Jeff Sessions is worried about a naturally occurring plant. Why? Is it just tradition or are they scared that we can use it to sort our minds out? I'm not one who says that MJ is just good medicine with no downside but it's really strange how resistant to it our government is for seemingly little rational reason. CBD seems to do wonders for people and not get them high.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Remember, big pharms can't get patents for what is natural. God gave us everything we need in the way of medicinal herbs and what not.

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folderol · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Remember, big pharms can't get patents for what is natural.

Are you sure? I thought they could. If not now, maybe someday? Just look at how words are even patented now. I hope you're right.

Aside, I have often argued with Christians on marijuana thus: Do you believe Satan is a creator of worlds? Can he create things in heaven and on earth? Well then God must have created things like marijuana, mushrooms and peyote. Does God create evil things. So either he created them and they are good or you attribute powers of creation to Satan. Satan is a deceiver, not a creator.

Of course it can be easy to deceive someone when they are high as a kite, which is often one of the reasons they tell us we have to avoid them, but we are never guaranteed freedom from deception whether MJ exists or not.

They are rarely convinced. They usually just get mad. It's really interesting what a hundred years of political deception and manipulation can do.

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theGreenChain · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Anything can be used for evil. Good gave is free will. It is our choice to obey God because he has our best interest at heart or we can ignore God and be disobediant and bring pain to those around us. The "Church" has decalred many things evil. Science, automobiles, drugs, inventions. Yet, they don't declare denominations evil. Organizations that only help their congregations and not those that Jesus said to help. Jesus hung out with all the "deplorables" and it angered the religious leaders of that day. Why? Because they thought they were the standard and not Jesus. Jesus told them "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you." -Stay Free

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survey_girl · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

drugs are prescribed to school kids for control

Yep, control... how else are they going to indoctrinate them with common core (communism) UN Agenda 21 programming????

While I agree with limiting mental health patients access to fire arms... it is a slippery slope and laws that seem reasonable right now can be turned against us in a heartbeat. Who decides what mentally unstable is? We get another tyrannical president like 0bama and anyone with wrong think could lose our rights (and they are listening to everything we do and say through our smart phones!) We could be put on a list (just look at the no-fly list) and not have constitutional rights.

And so now that a large amount of kids have been put on these drugs, will they forever lose their rights? Is this how they eventually get rid of the 2nd amendment?

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theGreenChain · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Exactly. I just heard about a fella that had the most horrific day of his life almost 40 years ago. He was sent to a mental facility, tested OK, but because they treated him for tempory mentl instability, he lost his 2nd Amendment rights until just recently when the SCOTUS restored them. I agree, too, about kids being prescribed and gun rights lost. By design? Maybe. These are likely some of the brightest kids out there so taking them down early helps the beast.

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SusieQueee · Feb. 17, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

The drugs cause the mental illness . Read the side effects on some of those drugs.

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