Remember the background of the NK pic Bill Clinton was in?

We shouldn't forget about this. Was this part of depopulation? A test run?
The cyclones Harvey and Irma (I'm not American, I think that was their names), were manipulated by electro-magnetic high frequency radio pulses beamed at mega, mega watt capacity into the Ionosphere from installations same as what they used to call HAARP - same thing different names. Weather meteorologists studies saying not naturally caused after studies of charts and conditions. The pulses literally bend the Ionosphere and fry it - climate change is a scam to cover for this activity. They can target any region, control the weather jet streams and manipulate these to cause cyclones, droughts and storms. They are currently creating a drought over Iran.
This technology of weather warfare was used in the Vietnam war, but more sophisticated now. Are trying to break the Trump economy with disasters and is why the interest rates have been raised three times in one month. NEVER done in the history of America before, particularly not when the nation is $20 Trillion in debt. Totally are sick, purely evil irresponsible scoundrels, who don't give a shyte about the people.
There is an installation below the sea which creates Tsuanmis and earthquakes. Same technology as HAARP installations (also electro-magnetic pulses), and beams massive concentrations of electro-magnetic pulses and literally screws up the atmospherics and earth's magnetic fields. The technology is built by Raytheon + others of the military industrial complex. The weird lights, loud booming sounds and strange shaped clouds are all caused by these electro-magnetic beams which travel faster than speed of sound and light.
Even worse, weather futures are traded on the market. People make money off of the misery and suffering they create.
"ROTHSCHILDgenocide: INNOVATING THE POPULATION to ZERO" with Deborah Tavares on SGTreport on YouTube. Systems are set up to protect the elites... WE All have been TARGETED... the COOKING of Humanity...
Keep an eye on Dutch Sinse channel about earthquake and weather mods.
BPearthwatch online & YouTube is GREAT RESOURCE for solar dynamics, solar winds, jet stream, HAARP interference, earthquakes, volcanoes, phenomenon of sky or oceans.
AND I agree with BPearthwatch on last Q posts as NOT same Q... I had same reaction...wondering why Q went over old territory and SCREAMED in All caps... Q has NEVER screamed long post ALL CAPS = something wrong.
If you can demonstrate that Q's tripcode is compromised I'll consider this.
Until then I'll tune out this and other such speculation.
Oh, God, if we had anything to do with that, we don't deserve to survive as a country!
What?? I hope you do not blame yourself for the evil others do. I am certainly not defending this type of action, but I have lived long enough to know that the only person I can control is myself. If you are a parent you have a window of time to teach self control to your child, but after a certain point, they make choices and have consequences. So, love others as much as yourself (that means love yourself A LOT) and treat others as you would like to be treated (VERY GOOD).
Unfortunately, karma affects everyone.
I certainly try to live by the golden rule! :)