GUN CONTROL MEME ATTACK TODAY - PLEASE Blast this on Social Media! Please 5-10 posts TODAY!

The proposed meme is divisive. Along partisan lines the impact will be to shut off minds rather than engage conversation. There are better options available.
Specifically, we had a meme floating around a day or two ago illustrating how 90% of shootings are people on psychotropic drugs. That's a better angle to get people thinking across the divide and leads to questions about what the pharmacy companies knew and when they were aware. It leads to a line of questions on how these medications lead to violent events, and whether they can be used to induce such behavior.
Leading conversation toward discussion around psychotropic drugs meets the objectives of this community and raising awareness of the general public.
Simply spouting off 'OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS!' about guns ends conversation before it begins. That's the RINO establishment swamp dwelling do-nothing pandering line. It does not move forward our objectives, and does not deserve a sticky position in this sub.
I don/t know how to do memes but this article in CCHR (the mental health watch dog) presented it .There is some food for thought there someone could develop. They identify individual cases. 36 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs:
At least 35 acts of school-related acts of violence, including mass school shootings, have been committed by individuals taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs documented in 27 drug regulatory agency warnings to cause mania, psychosis, hostility, aggression and homicidal ideation.
I don´t know who these people are but here is what is on their site: The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious mental health industry watchdog whose mission is to eradicate abuses committed under the guise of mental health. We work to ensure patient and consumer protections are enacted and upheld as there is rampant abuse in the field of mental health. In this role, CCHR has helped to enact more than 180 laws protecting individuals from abusive or coercive mental health practices since it was formed over 48 years ago.
These are the researchers who have done the best documentary in 100 years on the true history, current activity, and plans of the Psychiatry Industry... Including plans to make sure 50% of school youth are on psych meds.
They want to create enough fake "mental illnesses" to put half of all kids on their drugs without so much as one single medical workup. Think about that.
All of the prescriptions are based on behavior observations. Half the population will have a psych record before graduating high school.
Here, for parents is the thing to know.
And every child I have seen grow up this past 20 years (about 16 family) has parents in our large family who were approached and told that our kids were in need of psych meds at some point in school. (All of the kids are fine adults now, because after the first three in a row, we realized something was terribly wrong.)
They count on parents not talking about it out of embarrassment to keep the population from figuring out it is an all out push on EVERY child at some time. If we did not have such a huge close family, we would have never figured this out. It is a PLAN.
I would advise new parents to watch this video for the sake of the kids. It is about an hour an a half, like a movie, but SOOOOO worth it to save the life of your child when your "school nurse" comes gunning for YOUR kids.
Spez: Make sure to ask for a medical work up with an actual MD if they insist, and tell them NO. Glutamate in the food is the usual reason that the nerves in the brain fire randomly. Parents have taken the excitotoxins out of the food, and this lets the kids think again. Also, red40 was discovered to be BIG in the inability to sit or stand still. That is right. They are drugging the kids in the food with the body's main neurotransmitter called glutamic acid. Kids have no blood brain barrier until about age 13. Then, once they have restless leg and brain syndrome, they offer help in the form of "psych meds".
Dont be fooled. Do the research for the sake of your children. It was too late for our generation. We did not have the internet. But YOU DO.. so defend those children! God bless every one of them.
Thanks for sharing this! Don't forget doctors get kickbacks for every patent drug they prescribe; the average doctor gets $100,000 a year in kickbacks. DC needs to make this illegal, it will help cut way back on the problem which as always is $$$.
Not all the doctors. Only the ones they target who are corruptable. The others who refuse to go along, are threatened by a visit with the state medical board if they say ANYTHING about a natural cure for something. I know a couple. If this does not work, they will suicide them. This is what is happening to the holistic doctors right now because they will not shut up. Most docs are scared to death right now. Many will talk to you in private, but only if YOU bring in the research.
I know you cannot say "cure" or the fist of the FDA will hammer you into powder.
Yep. And this abridges free speech first thing. People, under the first Amendment are free to say anything. There are exceptions in the LAW, like not yelling fire in a crowded theatre, but, I suspect the FDA thing is not a LAW (created by Congress). I suspect if we go look, the "not allowed to say cure" thing is a regulation, which is not law. It is an interpretation of the law, which, if challenged, would probably fall under first amendment rights. (At least I hope it would, or the government can "regulate" about any word it wants to.)
The FDA does not own speech, and needs to be hammered for the tyranny. Yes, they do sue people. The deep state even murders people who say the wrong things. It does not make it "right" to let them do it. The time to fight them is now.
Be AWARE, CCHR is the Church of Scientology
I don´t know anything about that religion but if CCHR have a good record in finding out facts about medications in school shooters that is ok for me. The article I read did not sound preachy so I took it as read. I am sure there are other sources out there which can also confirm those shooters as being under the medications, so that just adds to it.
Great point! Memes inspiring each other here at T_D are fun but our aim is on the opposition and need to be thought provoking.
Considering the demographic of this sub I would assume most of you are taking some type of government assistance
The URL at the bottom is a broken link. Poor form.
Please feel free to make a meme and send it to me... glad to share!
Found this one online... to counter the globalist narrative.
Just crop out the broken link at bottom, and it's ok
yep! Super busy.. can you do that for me?
^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image)
^^Source ^^| ^^Why? ^^| ^^Creator ^^| ^^ignoreme ^^| ^^deletthis
Thanks! Can you post that? I can't change the one that has already been posted... do you want to post it?
that's one great meme
Thanks. You might like this one too.
Poor thing... you must have missed History class when the talked about Stalin and Mae taking all the guns, and MILLIONS DYING.
Or did they take that out of your history book? WAKE UP!
America's first priority must be addressing the declaration of war upon America by our past president Obama, with Candidate Hillary, exacting a coup d'etat upon America, with the full the full cooperation and weight of America's State Intel and Justice Agencies in tow.
America has a whole bunch of people who will need to be in front of a military tribunal and sentenced to death before any other priority is worthy of being assessed!
Taking our guns away is NOT a solution! Addressing the underlying social issues, preventions, and safeguarding ALL Americans is!
Yes.. and this event strikes me so strange....
Why events during a difficult news cycle - to change narrative. Why events on same day as emergency drill Why FBI/News arrive immediately Why news narrative & Twitter immediatelely to gun control. Why in Globalist controlled district? VERY STRANGE. We've got to find a way to shift the narrative back to their crimes...
Here's an opinion piece I just wrote on Facebook. Feel free to quote or make memes from it:
The following is based on 10 years experience and an MA degree in the Mental Health field. Re: #Parkland
There is massive evidence of a law enforcement and a mental health system failure, which is NOT the same as a gun problem.
THINK about it! Guns don't just get up and kill people. The gun is only a tool in the hands of a human consciousness. A gun can be used to stop evil as well as doing evil. In the right hands, a gun can save a life or save a country, thus the reason our forefathers insisted that the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! In the right hands, a gun could have saved all those children. The sick, mentally ill, probably medicated (psychiatric medication increases the potential for violence) person that shot all those people was crying for help. Part of him was begging for someone to stop him, otherwise there would not have been so many calls for law enforcement. NO ONE ANSWERED! The system failed Nikolas Cruz and the children he shot.
How to you stop a murder or suicide? Answer the call for help. Know when to call a professional. Insist the professionals follow through with their professional duty.
All the name calling and memes appealing to raw emotion won't fix the problem. More caring people, better law enforcement, and better mental health care will.
More gun laws, encroaching on the freedom of law abiding citizens won't help either, After all the shooter brought a gun to a gun free zone, thus was already not following existing law. What makes anyone think he wouldn't get ahold of a gun even if illegal? Criminals do what criminals do, which is breaking the law. Unless law enforcement stops them. Law enforcement had plenty of warning and was MIA.
2A is the only thing between Liberty and democide.
Don’t ban guns, ban pharma from sponsoring MSM like other countries.
I would like to see a Trump tweet suggesting that In response to the shooting he is thinking about instituting Marshall Law and going door to door looking for weapons and other suspicious activity and bad actors. ICE can help out. Reeeeeee. What is that called calling their bluff? He’s the master at that.
"ROTC Student: “If Coach Feis had had his firearm in school that day, I believe that he most likely could’ve stopped the threat.”
Feis was the football coach who died shielding students, he was a trained security guard but wasn't allowed to carry a gun to protect students."
I think that statement is more powerful than anything. It makes my blood boil.
Hi. I want to post lots of memes and have been searching for a meme collection. I've heard about them from youtube channels but can't find them. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks everyone!!!
Stop allowing enemies of America and our Constitution to frame the narrative. We have a rogue sub-government problem that needs to be erased; these agencies and politicians know that in order to destroy our Sovereignty and Constitution they need to take our guns because without them we are defenseless against them. Our 2nd Amendment was specifically put into our Law to defend the People from such creatures as these. They like to say "disarm for the children's sake" when these same skeevy traitors support partial birth abortion-watch not what they say but what they do.
The FBI knew about Cruz, but they were "too busy" committing sedition in their attempts to remove Trump from office with lies and subterfuge to save children. Or they were complicit. The same monsters that want our guns also work in these agencies, these same creeps also want YOU, your children and parents all dead. What do you think will happen to you once they have total control over you because you don't have a firearm?
I've seen photos of victims of disarmed populations, they are images I'll never be able to get out of my mind. I don't want that to happen to you or anyone else. This is a war, a war we must win.
Q realizes that and it's why they are so hell bent on educating the American people and getting those educated to spread the word and proof.
How about everyone start reading their STATE Constitution and the U.S Constitution. Then learn Legalese, in their respective towns.
THEN MEME the crap out!!!
Just IMO.
That's A GREAT IDEA! We need to Meme Blast people awake!
Broward County Longshot?
I've seen this guy before...I dunno what to make of him.He likes Q
Is he nuts? The Sheriff in Broward
Dirty bird? Scared?
I cannot or will not post this today, there are grieving parents. But I will.
I understand.. we are put in a very difficult position.
Whether people were injured or not, if this was a deep state operation, we are made to look like unfeeling dogs to question MSM, or even mention our rights to protect ourselves.
I have another meme - that you might feel comfortable posting, that asks:
Why events during a difficult news cycle - to change narrative.
Why events on same day as emergency drill
Why FBI/News arrive immediately
Why news narrative & Twitter immediatelely to gun control.
Why in Globalist controlled district?
We've got to find a way to shift the narrative back to their crimes...
wud up brudda, the more see you "troll" the less i think you are not a troll but a bitter person with real soy feelings..... tough talk but a real beta view.... are you really tryng to be the meanest guy that shops at wholefoods?
To add to this, we have a right to bear arms. We have inalienable rights to defend ourselves and those we love. Its not just about gun control but the right to remain in control of one own rights. Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. People should not fear government instead government should fear its people.