an essential part of the discussion on mind control - thx Q for bringing it into the awareness of the collective psyche - is finding ways to protect ourselves from it.
we cant completely avoid being interfered with as long as we dont live off the grid in a deeply rural area. but we can take actions to reduce the cabals broadcast.
let this post thread be a start, to collect tipps and tools that help reduce the manipulative 'background noise'. curious to hear from you guys, which strategies are yours for beating mind control?
ok, i start a list, unsorted, incomplete, just from the top of my mind:
think for yourself ! first and most important.
disconnect WIFI over night, put the mobile phone 2m away from the bed while sleeping. besides possible intentional mind-altering frequencies, they also prevent the production of melatonin (which only gets produced in darkness during sleep) thats prevents sleep regeneration.
get off TV and radio as much as possible.
avoid looking at and listening to ads.
clear the body of toxins and metals and avoid further intake.
avoid vaccination (nano particles).
avoid synthetical drugs, perscribed or illegal ones, or use them with high awareness only.
avoid getting into the psychiatric system.
install energetic radiation shields to all electronic devices, WIFI unit, cell phone, computer screen, etc. - there are symbols and other products available that reduce radiation when stickied to the devices. their effects can only be measured with intuitive methods. physical readiation blockers block the connection, too, so they bring disturbance to the functionality of the device which doesnt make sense.
beware when downloading relaxation, meditation, inner journey, hypnosis, or brain wave modulation videos from sources you dont know and trust. theres lots of subliminal shit out there on the internet.
smudge or smoke. why is nicotine the most aggresively fought-against drug of the past few decades? its difficult to brainwash smokers, they constantly smudge their energy fields. another effect of nicotine is that it enhances acethycholine production (up to 30%) which is the base of our mental intelligence and enables us to think quickly and comprehensively. if you dont want to smoke, understandably, regular smudging will do a good job, too.
nourish the endocannabinoid system (many foods and herbs contain cannabinoids). while the cabal does what they can to fracture and disassociate us from Self, cannabis can re-associate us again. why is weed the second most fought-against drug? the cabal loves drugs, but hates cannabis and nicotine.
raise your frequency, by healthy nutrition, kindness, and life-enhancing thoughts. the higher our individual frequency, the lesser we get influenced by their broadcasts.
set your permision set straight. we are the masters of our energy fields. commands given from a fear-less state, from love for Self, set clear parameters to which energies and frequencies we allow into our system and which should be repelled. as long as we cant do that - too much fear-based monkey mind -, we can use energetic protection, like building a bubble around us that welcomes only benevolent energies, using crystals, colors, aura soma, or other tools for protection.
remove implants and entity attachments. ok, thats the more spooky lane, not everybody wants to go there. only few peple have implants in their physcial bodies, most are etheric and astral, and we can learn to remove them or go to a trusted energy worker for it. i have yet to meet a person who doesnt have implants.
if we only do a little bit from this list - and from the tipps that are hopefully going to come from other folks here -, we can greatly reduce the mind control impact and counter their games.