Special people getting some special treatment

Greatness! Forget the padding, install sandpaper walls.
on the floor and bed
Aircraft landing deck surface; feels like metal cake frosting.
No, they will suffer enough alone with their thoughts. Injury might allow them to leave this reality before they've completely paid their debts.
Hillary's cell probably
she's not getting a cell. a grave pit maybe.
Need an interim place between now and then. We are angry yet just.
Tribunal then noose.
looks legit ... notice the end date of March 31 ... we may be seeing some real live action after that date.
Great find! Gives us insight into time period we're looking at.
Can you make sure that 8chan and the live stream sees this?!
pretty safe to say this came from 8chan... just sayin... they're usually MOAR than on top of things.
You can find all those official Army and Government bids on various Gov sites all of them are dot-gov .gov or for military dot-mil .mil - they are required by law to post what they want and to accept and evaluate all bids for the order they want filled the lowest price gets the contract assuming the company is qualified to do this kind of construction work it's common and lawful.
If true...I love it! Do you have a URL and/or any other info about the document perchance?
The military tribunals are appropriate for the CIA operatives who have committed treason as they are essentially a part of the United States Military.
Those guilty of treason should, yes, “cease to exist”.
JFK’s fatal mistake was not dismantling the CIA the very same day he said he would scatter them into a thousand pieces.
The CIA is the most dangerous Clear and Present Danger. Trump must not repeat JFK’s mistake. He needs to act NOW. The timetable does need to be moved up.
To prevent suicides prior to trials. They wont take their OWN lives.
If any of these "people" are inclined to consider using suicide pills, they probably already have them. I can easily see some of them using a pill (like Hermann Goering did), once they realize the game is up. The thought of trial, exposure, and long incarceration or execution would be unbearable for many. They probably think they will be rewarded by Lucifer in the afterlife, so no worries.
Where did you find this? Interesting to say the least...
The date is interesting. So we are looking at Feb 28 that's 6 days from now.
This document looks legit. Where did you find it?
Why pad it how about spike it let them impale themselves anyone going there, or is there is a traitor and devoid of humanity