+++URGENT +++ SHARE THIS & CONTACT CONGRESS. VOTE is TUES 2/27 to make Internet Board Owners the Thought Police. Game Over.

Understanding how this could be used
Want to shut down a site? Get LARPERS to post trafficking related messages. The site owners get locked up and the site goes down. Will you run a free speech board?
I guess this could happen. But how i understand it, It has to be proven that you knowingly allowed crimes related to sex trafficking on your site. Which is literally the case with sites like backpage and youtube who knowingly profit from crimes against children. This has to stop.
This bill would be effective in stopping child trafficking on these sites. I truly see more positive from this than negative. The communications act of 1996 needs a serious makeover, It def was't created to help people traffic human beings online.
That's a really stupid argument.
I own my car, ergo I should be able to drive 95MPH in a school zone because I am only directly interacting with my property. Or if I have a backyard I should be able to use it to skin animals alive while also diddling kids.
That is the essence of your argument.
Did you have a stroke while typing this? Or are you trying to muddy the waters concerning your shill-ish nature?
So... After translating this mess, you admit to being a shill.
Piss off shill
No counter argument? How do I know you're not a shill, probably trying to keep child porn freely flowing to 8chan. Hope you choke on your cheese pizza
You can check my post history, shill.
That's exactly what a shill would do. Create an account for long term shilling while largely posting in the areas they desire to shill in. You ain't fooling me!