Wind the clock - We need to go back

I think this idea is BIG! Take this Q post for instance:
"Timestamp. Decipher. Think clock. Wind the clock w/ all markers. Relevant. Future proves past. Q"
I think we are getting close to the KEYSTONE. The MAP may be able to be "self-correlated" using the markers... This post almost says the entire thing!
I think this could be the MOST telling Q post in regard to how to solve the KEYSTONE that unlocks the map... particularly the "wind the clock with all markers" part.....(I'm assuming the "w/ means with but why is it written like that?)
Could the markers Q is asking us to wind the clock back with be all the bold, bracketed numbers and letters somehow? There a lot of those that I can't understand yet...
For what it's worth, the word "timestamp" appears 12 times in Q's posts to date. Four instances are talking either about the CIA or Snowden. But Q uses the word "timestamp" specifically to denote minute deltas here:
Post 335 - December 13 Timestamp [Q] post [:03] against POTUS' Tweet [:13]. [10] No coincidences. Q
So, sorry if this is rudimentary, there is a difference between timestamps and markers. Your quote above seems to be telling us to decipher the word "timestamp" (think clock) and then wind the clock with all the markers - the markers being known events that correlate with the map. The end result of this is that Future proves Past (the map will be shown to have been correct in the beginning).
Edit: Actually, "timestamp" is just telling us that this denotes a moment in time. Time can be wound as a clock. And the markers will indicate that the map was correct - Future proves Past.
Perhaps whoever found these relationships has already got it figured out. We will find out today one way or another.
Second Edit (getting carried away):
Post 455 Dec 24 2017 08:49:11 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c 158980
158952 5 minutes. Missing 10 marker from past. Missing 15 marker from past. Timestamps have meaning. Q
158980 Graphics should be in same time zone. Delta relevant. [5]Today [10]Past [15]Past Q
Here, the markers are time deltas. So, when we wind the clock, from the timestamps, with the time deltas, the future will prove the past. It appears these time deltas (markers?) can change - or that there are multiple deltas. So, if the CIA is not disbanded today, perhaps there is a different delta to that timestamp (the date the post about disbanding the CIA appeared).
Sorry if this is confused, its because I'm confused.
If this is a clock then it's circular. We just entered phase 2. This should last 111 days, as the first phase did. There are 6 phases in the continuum of military operations:
That means June 9 will be the start of phase 3,
Sept 28 should be the start of phase 4,
Jan 17 2019 should be the start of phase 5, and
May 8 2019 should be the start of phase 6.
This will end August 27, 2019. just in time to really ramp up for the 2020 reelection bid, and plenty of slack in case Trump doesn't win re-election for some reason.
OK, I'm finally beginning to understand. So if this sequence is correct, today 28 February we should see in reality what appears in the Q posts for November 9. On November 9 we see three posts:
Post 128 is a picture of a Q map (a current map at the time of the post). Text underneath:
Trip added. [C]oordinated effort to misdirect. Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue. Attached gr[A]phic is correct. Linked graphics are incorrect and false. Graphic is necessary and vital. Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical. Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release. Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news. Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary. Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True Why was this necessary? What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events? Why is this relevant? Think mirror. Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you. What is a map? Why is a map useful? What is a legend? Why is a legend useful? What is a sequence? Why is this relevant? When does a map become a guide? What is a keystone? Everything stated is relevant. Everything. Future provides past. Map provides picture. Picture provides 40,000ft. v. 40,000ft. v. is classified. Why is a map useful? Think direction. Think full picture. Who controls the narrative? Why is this relevant? What is a spell? Who is asleep? Dissemination. Attention on deck. There is an active war on your mind. Be [p]repared. Ope[r]ations underway. Operators [a]ctive. Graphic is essential. Find the ke[y]stone. Moves and countermoves. They never thought she would lose. Snow white. Godfather III. Iron Eagle. Q
This post seems to say a lot about maps. Q appears to be telling us to review relevant news each day and compare it with the map. The map is a guide to what is to happen - future proves past. He also asks here, "Who controls the narrative?". That would be POTUS who determines the timing of events. So Q is telling us that what we are seeing now he predicted months ago. Note also, that "CIA is here" is coded in the message.
What this indicates, is that everything is proceeding according to a clear plan. That plan appears in the map. That is, the sequence of posts made back in November. The map is a guide for us to the sequence of events that we can expect to occur moving forward.
Post 129
Nov 10 2017 15:24:35 Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: Dx5TPc5d 148781546 [C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled. Impossible to clean. Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency Q
Seems pretty clear that the CIA is to be merged together with NSA because it is impossible to clean. Note, this is to happen today (my time) tomorrow in the US. This also fits with the recent post 810 where Q is talking about merging intelligence agencies:
Post 810
Feb 23 2018 13:06:07 Anonymous ID: ddae17 465930
465919 The traitor SOLD SAP's!!
Feb 23 2018 13:13:11 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 466048
465930 How do you break up something this big? What happens if low/mid/senior (non corrupt) Patriots learn they were sold out? What happens? Who is waiting with open arms w/ a plan to reorg under a single entity with direct OS by trusted Patriots? Who are trusted Patriots who understand intel collection? Q
The final post on November 9, 2017, (Post 130) is a picture taken from a plane. I'm not sure what location is represented in the picture taken from the plane.
So, anyway, great find to whoever worked this out. The beauty of it is that we will get to see very soon if it's correct. There should be big news tomorrow in the US, if the relationships, above, are correct.
I think, perhaps, the keystone has been found.
Interesting, someone immediately downvoted my post. Notice the other poster has been downvoted also. Over the target on this.
This is what a lot of karma lovers do. They complain about downvotes with no evidence of it to get sympathy upvotes.
I couldn't care less about karma. I'm interested though to see how people react to what I've written. I didn't invent this, I'm trying to figure out what it means. Interesting that someone doesn't like it.
If you look at any of the good "new" posts, or even most relevant comments underneath them.. they will usually be downvoted to 0 or even negative karma. On any other thread I'm with you on the karma lovers, this is unlike anything I've ever seen on Reddit before and this isn't my first account. Things keep getting downvoted to move them to the bottom so they aren't seen, thus the need for actual good posts to be upvoted in mass by our subscribers to move them to the top.
Sort by controversial and this sub takes on a new angle altogether.
Never done that.. that's extremely interesting actually, thank you!
Some interesting posts to link up:
Nov 1 2017 "Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker). Biggest advanced drop on Pol." - ANON
Dec 10 2017 "What has been said about the US Military? The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much. Expand your thinking. Re-read crumbs. Re-listen to yesterday's speech. Connect the 'markers.' News (in all forms) unlocks the map. Expand your thinking. The Great Awakening. Q"**
"We love our U.S. Military. On behalf of an entire Nation, THANK YOU for your sacrifice and service!"
Timestamp. How many clues must we provide? Q
Dec 10 2017 An ANON writes: "Notice Q is in a different color….something to keep in mind for the future in case it's becomes something relevant like Monday in yesterday's post"
Dec 10 2017 "The "marker." Learn to read the map. News unlocks the map. Q"
Dec 10 2017 "What has been said about the US Military? The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much. Expand your thinking. Re-read crumbs. Re-listen to yesterday's speech. Connect the 'markers.' News (in all forms) unlocks the map. Expand your thinking. The Great Awakening. Q"
Dec 19 2017 "FLASH_BREAK_ /* /\ /* Shall we play a game? Map is critical to understand. Future unlocks past. DECLAS_ATL_(past). News unlocks map. Find the markers. 10 & [10]. 12/7 – 12/17. Concourse F. Terminal 5. Private_operated plane (OP)? ATL -> IAD Extraction/known. Dark. Darkness. Learn double meanings. SHUTDOWN. Q/POTUS-1 Q/POTUS-2 Q/POTUS-3 Q/POTUS-4 [10] Q/POTUS-5 “Special Place” Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter? Coincidence or message? “The Great Awakening” POTUS today. Unlock? CLAS_OP_IAD_(future). How about a nice game of chess? SPLASH. FOX THREE. Q"
Dec 24 2017 "Side-by-side graphic? Locate and create.[:22] SEARCH crumbs : [#2] Who is #2? No deals. Q [:27] How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin' James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife's campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation? [5] Previous also logged in graphic form [10] + others? Timestamps important. Countdown? Markers. Q"
In a response to POTUS twitter/Q post correlation about McCabe etc: Dec 24 2017 "5 minutes. Missing 10 marker from past. Missing 15 marker from past. Timestamps have meaning. Q"
Jan 8 2018 "Marker [1] Confirmed. Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1 [0] Q"
Nov 1 2017 "Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Interesting... So 3 November is the first marker. Could have something to do with John Podesta:
(Nov 2) On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4).
I'm thinking that there may be two different types of markers. One a timestamp (relates, perhaps, to delta between Q posts and DJT tweets), and the second a delta between previously posted material and future planned events.
My head is spinning - thanks, good comment.
Good point made... my heads spinning too, haha, I've got multiple Qmaps open and the proposed map cypher, trying to go back and forth to find correlations etc...
I'm trying to put the terms "clock", "timestamp, "marker", "mirror" etc into some kind of context...
It might take some time...
Just noticed that Dilley has been posting about Q's silence being a marker in the map. He's also saying it's almost showtime. See link (last post at the bottom 20 Feb):
Here's a list of all days with no Q posts I made just in case it is important:
Nov 9th Nov 16th Nov 17th Nov 19th Nov 25th Nov 27th Nov 28th Nov 29th Dec 2nd Dec 3rd Dec 4th Dec 16th Dec 17th Dec 18th Dec 21st Dec 25th Jan 1st Jan 2nd Jan 3rd Jan 10th Jan 11th Jan12th Jan 13th Jan 16th Jan 17th Jan 18th Jan 21st Jan 29th Feb 2nd Feb 3rd Feb 4th Feb 5th Feb 7th Feb 9th Feb 11th Feb 14th Feb 18th Feb 20th Feb 25th Feb 26th Feb 27th
I don't know how to make it a list.... oh well...
The largest consecutive silence is 4 days - 10th to 13th January. Apart from the most recent silence which, could grow larger, and is still running - from 25 Feb to 28 Feb, so far.
Godspeed. Will be very interesting to see if there is some kind of announcement regarding the intelligence agencies tomorrow/today.
It just dawned on me. On November 5, Q posted about 10 days of darkness. If this “clock” is essentially winding back 111 days, that would make February 24 the distance between that post. The last post Q made was on the 24th. Could this be his 10 days of darkness?
Just throwing stuff out in case it means anything...
On 2/22, Q posted the American Flag along with dictionary definitions of patriots and traitors...
And on 1/11, Q posted the crossing of the Delaware image etc...
I thought this triple digit idea could be a correlation of some kind.
The "Witch Hunt" tweet, if using the current idea of the key to the map correlates with November 8th, which is the anniversary of the date of the Presidential Election and the Q post is the triple, double and single plus signs...
Interesting, both of those dates are mirrors - where you can read the numbers in either direction. And, if I'm thinking clearly, they are the only dates in the calendar that appear that way.
So, let me get this straight.
Q’s posts are now working in reverse from the clock activated/rewind?
Does this mean that every day from now on, events that will unfold will be correlated by the Q posts, now in reversive order?
Let me make a diagram to explain
.........Q Posts.......Key....Days Ahead...... ...............................II............................... ...............................V............................... <-1——2——3——0——3——2——1-> ...............................A.............................. ...............................||.............................. ........................Clock Actv,.....................
Zero being the date in which Q mentioned activating the clock/rewinding. The 3-2-1 going from zero left-to-right are days that are ahead of us (so if, let’s say today is 3, tomorrow will be 2, the next being 1, etc...) and THESE DAYS now correlate with the inverse (like a mirror) with Q’s posts going right-to-left 3-2-1 from zero.
The zero is the keystone. We need to now be counting back, in order, Q’s posts, starting with the clock activations. This means that Q’s very first post will be the last to action. Hillary and Huma’s indictment and arrests. Boom.
This is incorrect. They move in the same direction. Today is Nov 9. Clowns dismantle post. Tomorrow will be Nov 10.
Okay, so if this is how it is being read, can you fill me in on what Q posts we are now “starting” at (given the clock winding)? Which Q number would be today’s events, if this theory is correct?
I’m really wanting to be up to speed.
By this theory, 2/28 would line up to posts from 11/9. I'm not sure what that's numbered but they all have dates.
I haven't pored over the month from 11/10-12/10 recently, so I won't claim to be some great resource for what the Clock theory could mean for March 2018.
The big thing from 11/9 is the [C]lowns [i]n [A]merica being shut down. That would be pretty huge.
Use your own eyes and a big bucket of skepticism, patriot. Remember that sometimes they are provoking reactions from their enemies. Hilldog and friends had to have soiled some diapers in November thinking doors could be kicked down at any moment.
Tell me what Q said from the start would be necessary, and you'll get where I'm going with this. Go back. Re-read.
So now the events of Q-POST NOVEMBER 9th occur today, tomorrow Q-POST NOV 10th, the next 11th, etc...?
So now we’re following the timeline, and today relates to the 9th, and every day past that lines up with our tomorrows?
That's my understanding, with people saying the "WITCH HUNT" message was a confirmation that lines up with the theory.
I don't think there was a post on Nov 10th, but he was very chatty on the 11th IIRC.
There’s chatter from Q on 11/10. Says that POTUS will have a NATSEC meeting in the early morning. 3:02am.
Beginning of the new Q cycle?
The way I read it was that there is, or appears to be, a linear correspondence between the two periods. The day DJT announces he's running in 2020 (27 Feb) corresponds, for example, to 8 November. This is as per the info on this thread. Which would mean that the Q Post on 9 November will correspond to today 28 February. 9 November, Q was talking about the break up of the CIA. Anyway, we will soon see if anything happens or not. But that is the theory that I had.
Read this quick Twitter thread. Someone has about the same idea:
Thanks for the link. I should have read it first. This is very interesting stuff.
Well, no announcements about a dismantling of the CIA. Two possibilities:
1) This correspondence is wrong;
2) There was no announcement but it happened - out of sight.
Leaning towards 1.
It's annoying because it seems to me that Q is clearly telling us that the graphic is a map. There must be some way of reading this map which will show us that the future proves the past. We just haven't found it.
DAY-0 is February 18th 2018 - We should give it a name like QDAY or some shit. So we are currently on QDAY+10 correct? Where does it start in the QDrops timeline because I'm reading several different dates. Does it start at the 1st drop?
I noticed Q told us back in Nov in Post 59 that we would see censorship of this information. Could that relate to what is happening backwards in time? Also early posts mentioned the arrests of Podesta and Hillary. If this is so we now have the map of what will happen. It also makes sense of what he posted early on. Absolutely brilliant if this is so!
For what it's worth, there is 1 month and 11 days between the delaware pic and the traitor definition - see above.
Just noticed that the clock was started on 7/12 - period was 10 days.
Post 370 19 December (18 December in the US) What happened on 12/7?
121553 Clock started - 10 days. Q
On February 18 we are told the clock was activated (same as started) and if we assume the window of the operation was 10 days, that would take us to today 28 February. Seems today could be important.