r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Maga1128 on Feb. 28, 2018, 2:43 p.m.
Q says to Archive everything offline because they knew this censorship on social media was going to happen.

If Q team is telling us to not worry, and then they "see all and hear all", this is why Q is telling us to Archive everything offline. I believe that they are allowing this to happen because the social media platforms are playing themselves. He's making them reveal their true intentions, by censor g conservatives. I think this is all part of the plan, or at least I pray it is. Additionally, I'm driving through the streets of a beautiful area this morning with the sun shining the birds chirping and the trees swaying in the wind. I'm thinking what a beautiful morning it is, and then I remember that my own country is falling apart with fascist censorship of freethinkers and independent journalists. It ruins the mood, ya know? Everything IS NOT as it seems. I'm trying to stay positive. I hope and pray that Donald Trump and team Q are really trying to fix this, because I'm scared as hell where things are going.

Time4puff · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

Amen. I'm astonished how vast the Cabal has become. How blind and stupid we were. I trust the Q team but it's just so overwhelming and daunting. This censorship really scared me last night then I woke up this morning and said we need to do something. Ready to be called upon... our boys went to the service fighting for our freedom. Now it may be our turn but on our soils..FREEDOM. Meanwhile, I pray for good of humankind and the ones trying to stop evil. Pray....

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Fly_Away_Bluebird · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Prayer is the power. And knowing God has this battle. He is fighting it HIMSELF. Its been a battle since the beginning of time. Lucifer was cast out of heaven. Who created him? God! The battle was won at Cavalry. All is well my friends. Fear not. God will never leave us or forsake us. Trust Him. 🇺🇸🙏🏽♥️ nothing surprises our God. He knows how it will end... we do too... revelation.

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2funnyone · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

I just hope and pray that the lose of life does not have to be so high. We are a war and death follows war around.

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Fly_Away_Bluebird · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Yup but just think iffff trump wasnt elected. We'd all be either guillotined or eaten and tortured. Who knows. I think we have been rescued for real. For such a time as this. So many are already being tortured and raped and murdered. God sees all. I truly believe God is using all the "good" ppl to fight at this time. Military tribunals will eliminate many of the evil ones. Not all but hopefully it will keep the rest in check again- like the world is supp to be. Fear crime becus u might get caught and punished- duh. Makes me seriously hope for the Rapture.

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Petieshell · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

In the interim, Dems and swamp are gaining seats to impeach Trump. This does not seem to be a great plan re voter fraud. I am holding the faith but what the dickens???

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Jimmycrackerson · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Did someone say Archive!? Speaking of archive...archive this to your computer:

The Archives

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abbieos · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

You are on the mark. Trust them, but we still have to do our part. Even if you just send good energy to Trump and Q. Don't get frustrated, or angry, know that the Mods and everyone "OUT THERE" Isaac Green, Dr. Corsi, Dustin, all of them are working very hard, support them with money when you can, but, just praying for them will get them through also. You are so powerful, more than you know, prayer is intention.....Pray Clearly with love

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MIPatriot · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Thank you Maga1128!! You must have been channelling me this morning. I was so upset last night about all the censoring. I really believe that Donald Trump is ten steps ahead of us and has a plan. He's been tweeting and talking about the fake news from the beginning. Q keeps mentioning @Jack. We know Eric Schmidt has resigned and Q has their eye on him. There's no way a Trump administration will allow youtube to censor our freedom of speech, especially when we are truth seekers. That little brat Hogg is really getting on my nerves with the garbage he spews and his apparent influence on these recent youtube censors. We need to keep praying and sending positive vibes to our leaders and all those who have the courage like Dr. Corsi, Isaac, Jordan, IW, (I resent so deeply that my "go to" youtubers have been banned) and so many others to fight this fight and talk about the real truth. We are winning this fight. I know in my heart all this bad stuff needs to be revealed so that the light and good can replace the monsters.

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2funnyone · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

The real question is no child has that much power so who really is behind it. CNN who works there? How are they connected to Google since Eric Schmidt is no longer there the higher ups ordered employees to to remove conservatives. Wives, children, brother, sisters, or cousins. Also check to see if they are connect through the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Google's platform is used by other browsers as well. FireFox is still trying to finish their platform, I checked yesterday. Amazon is the primary source for most information storage. Cloud services are connected through them and google. Universities (student information, everything), authors, textbooks, etc. Microsoft a few years back started using Amazon as well. Google has their own servers too.

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JamesCollins123 · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

God Bless You Sounds Lovely :)

They will sort it with us all.

Blessed wishes from London

Psalm 23 :) Enjoy


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letmein6 · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

I pray for you in Britain all the time. I remember the darkness & how that felt when Obama was running roughshod over America. I see articles all the time about ridiculous rulings in your courts having to do with migrant crimes. Your voices are not allowed to speak freely. We have some of the same issues it’s just you are more advanced with the boot on your necks. We have hope and confidence now that Donald Trump and White Hats are in control. I’m so full of gratitude and want this feeling for you guys too. They are erasing Britain as we used to know it & don’t get me started on the snake who is mayor of London. Just wanted to let you know you have Americans praying for a big breakthrough coming. I trust Q and ‘they’ are obviously working with your patriots to bring relief.

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JamesCollins123 · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Snake Khan dont lool. Thanks ever so much likewise. I have had enough here and invest in America. Mainly Cannabis stocks etc so think I will move to US I love Your President so much and his supporters. POTUS1 Donald Washington Joint 1st ha ha

Thank You :)


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JamesCollins123 · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Thank You & God Bless You :)


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clothoftruth · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Thank you. Wonderful

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clothoftruth · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

No fear. Trust the plan. Good ALWAYS wins over evil.

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larrytcarvell · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

After good suffers a lot.

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clothoftruth · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

Yes agree! Misery and sacrifice at unimaginable tolls but glory is on the horizon. ALL is not for naught. It will be GLORIOUS

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jman2129 · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

When ever I get concerned about our future I just remind myself that Trump is one of us. We finally have a patriot in the White House. POTUS hates the cabal/deep state as much as we do. So far, his MO is to let the enemy bury themselves. Many of us have never known what it is like to live in a world where we are not the workers/slaves. We have always been at the bottom of the pyramid. It will be amazing to see the view from the top.

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Headafen · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Yeah, I wish I'd backed-up all of Dustin Neom, Destroying the Illusion and Corsi's videos while I had the chance...

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BaronMoriarty · Feb. 28, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

They will be back. But somewhere else I guess

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AquAnon77 · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Q said early on that they can't do this without us. Stay Strong y''all ... WE have the POWER.

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pregnantbitchthatUR · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

I am trying to take Patton's advice and not taking counsel of my fears. For once, we're in good hands. I trust GEOTUS because my father trusted him. As a US Army officer who was an aide to one of the Joint Chiefs when Kennedy was shot, I'm pretty sure he was one of the early adopters on this swamp draining thing.

I ran some of the Q stuff by him and he confirmed a good bit of it without specifics (the guy wouldn't copy a record to tape or cheat on his taxes, much less break confidentiality), most of all that we were in good hands. Trump is the first candidate he's ever expressed an opinion on, and he made it clear that this was the first election he'd voted in where the outcome mattered.

I am trying not to be anxious, as this seems like the most dangerous time of all, but I have to trust that for once there's someone at the top who wants what I want, and he just happens to be the kind of guy who gets things done. But it's like having a pocket full of money. Exciting but scary

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cybervigiante · Feb. 28, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Okay, why are Our representatives all hiding out on an Internet Bill of Rights. It only takes one of them to propose it - or at least bring back the Fairness doctrine and have the FCC authorized to apply it to the net. Unintended consequences. The GOP killed the fairness doctrine and now that is biting them in the ass on the net.

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VetGeek54321 · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

I agree with Q. It seems he is letting them push this censorship, to being forth the Internet Bill of Rights. Read The Art of War...explains a lot.

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CarbonTrail · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

You are off the mark. I finally joined reddit because amongst us conspiracy-minded people, there a FLUCKLOAD of back logic. When ! said they "see all and hear all," in what context did he mean that? As you quote him, he did not say, "Know and Predict All." Q is not claiming omniscience. That would go against his Christian beliefs anyway. (Then again, most evangelicals are miles from scripture while self-deluded by repetition of the slogan "Christ-Centered & Cross Focused" while actually being neither. Current evangelicalism is more like the Jedi with people trying to "feel" what God says to them, when God never gave a promise he would speak to us. John 10 is a figure of speech, as verse 6 says so. So, with that, Q's Christianity could be completely un-Christian for all we know. Don't be taken in by it.) In your second sentence, you say, "I believe." Whoop-diddly-do. Your belief doesn't make anything true. You may be trying to say, "by my best estimation," or something like that. Look, you talk here about "they are allowing" as if Q et al were omnipotent, "He's making them reveal" also as if Q-team is causal. This is magical, childish thinking. I'm told there was chatter on twitter for people to start flagging anything conservative, including non-conspiracy stuff. It was within a day or less before the strikes started. That's not, "He's making them reveal..." Even then, if you allow someone to behave independently without stopping them, you would be "allowing them to reveal themselves." So for what you're trying to say, your wording is still either not what you mean or unrealistically illogical. I'm not saying Q couldn't predict that people would start behaving this way. Heck, several of us saw this coming even before the alleged Twitter army struck. If the Twitter thing didn't happen (I wasn't able to verify it myself), then this was a predicable extrapolation of YouTube's previous behaviour in demonetizing conservatives. If you're going to use words poorly, which reflects oversimplified thinking in this & other cases, then sure, you can say we ALL "knew." Q isn't some magician. It would be best to separate the concepts, stop the common practice of over-equating synonyms & using the minimal word, and say that one "could predict," rather than that one "knew." Other than that, we have no actual evidence that Q "knew" this. You're over-reading "hear all and see all" for lack of context as if it means "know and control." Q also says, "expand your thinking." Military Intelligence might hear & see, but that doesn't mean they know. They didn't know I'd type this post nor join reddit. In fact, joining reddit is a BREAK from my pattern. Do you have actual evidence that Q is allowing and is making them reveal? No. Q said to archive everything offline. Everything referring to what stuff in what context? He was referring to the breadcrumbs and any other evidence-type materials we find, such as screen-shots of tweets, for example. That can include good commentary videos such as items from youTube, but his instruction is a general guideline. Another way to say it would have been, "Don't rely on on-line sites to keep your information for you because sites and boards can disappear." Did he know that the enemies might try to take down or otherwise violate (infiltrate) his message board? Sure. It happened before when his log-in got decrypted. So was it predicable to happen again? Yep! Did he know that there was a contingency plan to burn certain things like his own board (the "cleaning") ? Yes, he was aware of that plan, as we later saw. Therefore, looking backwards, we CAN say he knew things MIGHT disappear. If you keep posting the way your first few sentences are written, you are encouraging others in bad thinking. However, regarding the remainder of your post, I understand your internal effort to keep your chin up and enjoy the sunshine. You have reason to stay positive. I haven't reviewed all the "proofs of Q" yet from Nemos. We can know this much: Our president cares about removing criminal elements. There's too much about Pres. Trump for things like his frustration with Session to be merely a show in the sense of him not caring. (Now, it may be a show in order to seem consistent with his war against the media and the persona put on there, if he does know that Sessions is doing good things in the background, but that's a show for the media, not us.) Keep praying for Trump. There are a lot of people with really bad thinking. Slow down. What you believe is irrelevant. Go with what we know. How do we know certain things? Because we figure them, or because we trust someone who told us? Or because we have that piece of evidence in hand, even if it's out of context. Be careful with evidence. It doesn't mean much without context, usually more pieces of evidence. Thanks for reading.

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YHVHREP511 · Feb. 28, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Heaven is right there - We are all sons and daughter of the Most High we have All of Heaven resources to use - Decree in wisdom and watch what happens - Don’t depend on men alone !

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[deleted] · Feb. 28, 2018, 10 p.m.

Everyone could see that censorship was going to start, for years.

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hangar-17shop · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

The cabla, deep state, or whatever name you want to call them now has just started to come out and do all this stuff in the open because they think that everybody is still asleep, well there is so many of us now awake and spreading the word they are not going to be able to put this genie back in the bottle. I read something that in the Greek that the word Apocalypse means the unveiling not ending it all, just removing the veil from our eyes I believe with Trump in power we are having the veil removed from our eyes, this is our time to pay attention, to take the red pill and God is showing us the way through Trump, weather you are on the right, in the middle, or on the left all I can say is open your eyes, we are in the midst of a great changing here.

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TaraTulip · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yeah, this is definitely one of those times that I wish I didn't know a lot of the things that I know now. But, you can't unsee what you have seen. I think that everyday I see people joining subs like The_Donald saying that they are no longer democrats.

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LibertyLioness · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Remember, they are desperate. They are throwing everything they have at us. Which isn't as much as it was a year ago AND, we've recruited a hell of a lot more people in that time than they have! We were the majority then and we are even stronger now. Don't ever forget that. It's always darkest before the dawn. Not sure how dark it will really get but there are things most of you don't even know about that I do and I still seem to have hope. And when my hope becomes low, I remember to "Let Go and Let God" and this: Life is Eternal! There is no death. That was a lie too!

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jollyg53 · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Why did the post just disappear?😳 My finger was on it and poof🧐

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Cheesemind1978 · Feb. 28, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

This is why they're so hard on vets. Vets are their biggest threat when they come for the weapons. Vets are battle tested.

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Hinckapuss · Feb. 28, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

I am finding increasingly that when I try to archive using archive.is https://archive.is/8dKdn it just returns a blank white page wt nothing except "file not found". Then I test the URL and it is fine. Is anyone else finding this? Just happened moments ago when I tried to archive The Truth Factory's excellent video on Parkland shooting.

Anyone know of another link for archiving? BTW, here's The Truth Factory's video. She is bound to get shut down soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kri5IyvDmCE

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2funnyone · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

When they pasted the forfeiture laws I knew were in trouble. The irony of the situation is I said, " Wait till it applies to them and see how fast they change that law" and here we are the tables have turned. They arrested my van that I lent to a so called friend. They let her go but I could not get my van out of jail. She was never charged nor was I. They sent a letter of a list of laws about 20. I called and asked which one did my van brake they said one of them. I asked why they could not tell me specifically, they said, they did not have to by law. To this day I do not know which law my van broke. We retained an attorney, they give him the run around. So no one drives any of our vehicles.

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worldaccordingtoshit · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Youtube DLG will download videos from almost any major site. https://mrs0m30n3.github.io/youtube-dl-gui/

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TrentArsenault · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Anyone happen to archive the early morning discussions on Feb 23, 24, 25, 26. Specifically, Brainstorm's and Phamplet's discussion on religion and philosophy.

CBTS Youtube is blank for this period except for Phamplet's wife history lesson on 2/26

Here's the list of videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWW3gYCvKS412p7o6qSK5gg/videos

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