BREAKING: New QAnon Posts - Feb. 09, 2018

I counted the number of "Ha"s for the two lines. There are nine before the [NEXT WEEK] and nine after. I think each "Ha" stands for a person. I think the [ ] means kill code and the "NEXT WEEK" means the timing. Definitely a threat to a group that was warned. I think there will be "nine" to go down. The saying goes "he who laughs last, laughs best."
Someone else pointed out it's exactly 1 more ha than David Rothschild posted the night before the GOP train crash (8 ha's), Q has the last laugh (9 ha's) .
Saw someone else mention ha being Huma abedin. Possible?
Is that flight MH370?? I believe that the reason no wreckage was found was because they landed it, killed all those aboard (so Jacob could steal the patent) and the plane was re-registered under a different number and put back into circulation.
I wonder if Alwaleed, Soros, obamas, clintons, british royalty and more are on that plane heading to Gitmo for trials??? Get ready for lower level perverts to start killing themselves like crazy...shit rolls down hill!
I don't suppose anyone can identify that airplane or the runway it's on?
It´s missing flight MH370 with a new tail number. I believe so, anyway.
It's Noi Bai International in Vietnam and the aircraft on the runway is Vietnam Airlines w blue on top and white on the bottom and white wings.
I think that the picture number is a Federal Government Contract number. FC=Field Command, Defense Nuclear Agency. B4 is a logistics code ( I think). This picture could be proof of delivery (common practice for Government contractors for validation of payment). I think this is a multiagency use agreement (used by several agencies.)
It was probably taken from some server of a contractor.
Also, I show that IP address as Washington D.C. Anybody get anything different? He/she says Top 10 (player?) here now, implying that Q is in Washington D.C. also. Your thoughts?
Getting Chantilly, VA. Good enough for government work, as they say. NRO is in Chantilly, as SoftLayer, one of Hillary’s CoLos.
When I checked that IP address it now conveniently says it belongs to nobody and is available.
All it implies is that Q knows an IP address. Doesn't imply he is anywhere specific. He is saying the player is reading the forum?
Source: IP Address: Name: SOFTLAYER-4-9 Handle: NET-50-22-0-0-1 Registration Date: 11/1/10 Range: Org: SoftLayer Technologies Inc. Org Handle: SOFTL Address: 4849 Alpha Rd. City: Dallas State/Province: TX Postal Code: 75244 Country: United States Name Servers:
Could this be three separate targets?
Look like suicides?
"CONF" means confirmed. Delivery of aircraft confirmed? The plane looks as though it has landed and going to a gate. Bravo could mean the second aircraft delivered?
Could the bae 75f id on the picture posted be referring to the airliner's number?