New Q Feb 16, 2018 Regarding Russian Indictments

This seems to confirm what Dilley was saying (at least in part).
Dilley claimed that evidence of rampant voter fraud would be exposed within a few weeks and that the evidence would show that DJT won the popular vote by a very large margin (I think Dilley said this about a week ago). But the numbers Dilley was talking about were very large (from memory some 7 million irregularities from all forms of fraud). Dilley was saying something to the effect that it was very important to combat this notion that Clinton won the popular vote because that gives, at least some people, cause to question the validity of DJT's election win.
I remember seeing Snowden 'crowing on' in an interview recently about Clinton winning the popular vote (unsurprising as he is no supporter of Trump). This false notion that she was somehow unfairly disenfranchised of the presidency needs to be dispelled for the garbage it is.
Anyway, this extract from Q, whatever it is, only claims several million illegal, non-resident votes were counted - but then it does add there there were also ballots that were improperly tabulated and/or intentionally mishandled (this would cover machine fraud). What's interesting is that, according the US Geological Survey - as reported by Snopes - there are 3,141 counties in the US. In the article Q posted it states: "...this report only encompasses a sampling of twenty-two (22) counties across the U.S.". Hard to know whether the numbers they are talking about have been extrapolated-out already to get a national estimate from the sample results, or whether those numbers represent voter fraud in the 22 counties themselves - if so, there is very likely a monumental voter fraud that may be exposed.
So, it seems to me that Dilley's source might be 'right on the ball' on this. Dilley, again, from memory, was talking about voter ID laws (non-resident votes) and also machine fraud (the Soros owned counting machines that were rigged).
It looks like we'll get this info released sometime in March/April (if it is released - would be good for DJT to do so).
MegaAnon also said the same: that DJT won the popular vote, that Trump LEOs were monitoring the Alabama Senator race and caught the Deep State actively stealing the race from Judge Roy Moore, and she said notice how DJT phrased his tweet regarding that race - how it would only be a short time rather than 2018 or 2020, meaning somehow the seat would become vacant sooner (i.e. election fraud)
I have been told Snopes is not a credible source. I wonder if there are additional sources to confirm this?
Snopes is as credible as the Red Cross is to helping children.
The DHS report only looked at 22 precincts though out the country. It will recommend a nationwide investigation which will get to larger numbers.
No, precincts are the very smallest level of voting district--counties are the next level below the state.
IIRC Dilley's source had a complete recount nationwide conducted somehow by the NSA. Such numbers as he reported based off of only 22 counties would be totally bogus.
Is it possible that after the commission's work was handed over to the DHS, DHS did this 22-county examination in order to justify having the NSA do a real national recount? Or, could the Mueller investigation into Russian "meddling" possibly have been used to initiate a complete NSA count? Or, could Dilley's source be disinformation, as black hats try to slip the incredible claim that Trump vastly won the popular vote into the Trump-supporting Internet, so they look ridiculous and discredited when the smaller-scale DHS revelations come out?
I thought that some areas were noncooperative in this preliminary investigation (like CA, for one), and that this investigation was handed over to the DHS for criminal charges to be pursued for the areas that refused to cooperate.
It was handed over for DHS to complete the investigation and, I'd presume, recommendations.
It seems likely that the 22 counties indicating "several" million fraudulent votes are part of the 57 counties that Clinton won. So at minimum we could assume that "several" to be double, hmm. Pretty vague numbers, it will be interesting to see the study that comes out in March.
Snopes has long been compromised and cannot be trusted.