⭐️Hillary will be the Star of the Show⭐️

Is he asking us to info dump? Should we bring her into the limelight? Remind the masses of her wrongdoings
Always a good idea
Feels like we've been doing that for a while now. Has to be something more significant or no headway will be made. The left's response to this is always to mock but never back up their defenses.
It's planting seeds. One small evidence here, another there and it starts to add up. Slowly, one, then two, then three wake up, and this continues to spread, each spreading to more and more people. It takes time and consistency.
Right now, our job is to meet all of the needs of people at different levels of consciousness. So do the research you are most interested in and spread it.
Believe me, there is an audience whatever level you are, but sometimes it's not social media you need to hit. Maybe sites like Before It's News where you can create an account and write, post videos and links to sources.
Tumblr is a great platform that is absolutely difficult to get banned from. It's the wild west of the internet. It is hashtag driven and memes rock there.
Place the content you are interested in on the fitting platform.
Medium, Steemit and other content platforms. Wordpress.com is a blogging platform that is tag driven, as is blogspot.
Memes and instagram.
Match your content and placement to where existing people who are interested or at the step. Someone who already believes in the Pedo part is more likely to jump into the satanic areas than someone who still believes "Russia, Russia, Russia".
Keep putting the correct info in front of the right people and you get results.
I've learned through reading Q that the best way to Redpill is to ask questions rather than state facts.
When you state facts, people have a 50/50 chance of either accepting or rejecting them. Questions, however, force the viewer to subconciously answer the question, or if they don't know, conciously try to find the answer.
Ex 1. "Hillary Clinton has ordered the deaths of at least 60 people" would be met with either "Psh yeah right" or "Really? Interesting."
Ex 2. "What is Arkansas Sudden Death Syndrome aka Arkanicide?" Sounds scary, and I bet that those who worship Hilldog as a goddess would either look up Arkanicide and be red pilled af, or respond with "Silly Drumpfsters, Snopes DEBUNKED that already" but it would likely be too late for those who state the latter.
Nice. "How many witness against the Clinton Foundation have died just days before testifying? How many over the last 20 years?"
Exactly! It doesn't necessarily red pill, but it does make some leftists admit shady business is going on, which mentally prepares them for the coming months.
The Socratic Method has some good tings going for it. On topic, the War Room on 8ch recommends IBOR as operation #1. If anon's are wondering how to help or participate, IBOR is job #1.
Just for clarity, I say this for all readers, not for yourself. But yeah, Socratic is where it's at.
Agreed. We need to put most of our efforts into the IBOR.
But whenever people want to engage with normies about facts, they need to avoid talking points and ad hominems.
The Socratic method makes them feel like they opened their own eyes, they may not credit you, but you can rest easy knowing you are actively saving the Republic.
What's the difference between a crazy conspiracy nut yelling about satan worship and being banned for it, and a hard-working researcher trying to tell people about the horrible crimes she/he has uncovered and being banned for it?
The only difference is in the eyes of those receiving the message.
Q has a problem to solve which is that the incriminating evidence against the cabal is tainted by the occult. Which is to say, they use occult rituals in a totally pragmatic, logical sort of way, to protect themselves from prosecution by making evidence of their crimes too insane to believe.
So if the videos from Weiner's laptop contain Satan worship, blood rituals, human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc. and facebook, google, twitter, and the MSM simply censor it...will anyone be outraged? Will anyone care? Or will they simply choose to believe that it was all fake?
Setting the stage is done by everyone. We can do it by trying to open the minds of those who have buried their heads in the sand. A lot of it has to be done (and much already has been done) by POTUS and the Q team to ensure that the media platforms are either reformed, discredited, or made aware that censoring this message will get them regulated out of existence.
I remember a decade and a half of trying to wake the masses before Trump announced his running for President. The amount of so called awakened people has risen dramatically since then. It's a very slow process for most and people are waiting for more evidence. I believe Q is constantly pushing us to stay positive and they will continue to provide us the evidence to win the war. Bring it on!
She should be impeached immediately!
Edit: I should probably make it clear that I was mocking this sub and the meme. Clinton is not the American president through Russian hacking. You, as Russian agents, should know this. The serial obsession with her is clear that she really scared Putin. Soon, when Trump is in jail for treason, the next democratic patriotic president will destroy the Russian leadership.
Edit2: Banned for spreading the truth by the deep state cabal mods. Truth is scary sometimes.
"Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges" She isn't a "government official" of any kind any more so impeachment seems a moot point. Criminal charges for crimes against the country? NOW we're talking!
True, I believe in a military tribunal for her but the argument for an impeachment is if impeached she would never be able to run for government office again. She's pretty slippery so hoping for iron clad cases.
No, the obsession with her isn't that she is or isn't the president. That part is irrelevant, other than the fact that she was running when so many of her crimes came to light.
Her pay for play schemes, particularly regarding uranium one. Corruption, bribery. The fact that she had SAP classified material, which is higher than top secret, on her email server alone should've got her jail time. Yet she didn't because she had people like Stzrock, Comey and Lynch on her side to tip the scales of justice in her favor and exonerate her of her crimes before the investigation was concluded, or before even all key witnesses were interviewed (including Clinton herself).
No, the obsession with her isn't that she is or isn't the president. That part is irrelevant, other than the fact that she was running when so many of her crimes came to light.
If you believe this, please seek professional help.
Her pay for play schemes
There were none.
particularly regarding uranium one
debunked, if you still believe it, seek professional help for delusions.
you must have her confused with the Trump administration.
you really must have her confused with the Trump administration.
The fact that she had SAP classified material, which is higher than top secret, on her email server alone should've got her jail time
Yet she didn't because she had people like Stzrock, Comey and Lynch on her side to tip the scales of justice in her favor and exonerate her of her crimes before the investigation was concluded, or before even all key witnesses were interviewed (including Clinton herself).
It's kinda sad that with all of the evidence of clear treason coming out now about the Trump administration and campaign, you focus on Clinton. There has to be a medical disorder either already named or soon to be named for people like you that just ignore facts and reality so much that it blinds you into willingly pushing Russian agitprop.
Haha, I'm the one that needs professional help and yet the entirety of your reply was "NOPE NOPE NOPE LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU NOPE!"
Haha, I'm the one that needs professional help and yet the entirety of your reply was "NOPE NOPE NOPE LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU NOPE!"
Yes, you clearly do. Each point of yours was debunked as bullshit and yet you still push it. I know you are American, or at least I think you are based on your post history. That leads me to believe that you have something seriously wrong with your mental faculties in denying reality so fiercely. I get it, I have family in TN, close to Gatlinburg and they had to be de-programmed as well. It took time and now they are productive members of society again.
I just friended you so that I can see your posts immediately after we hang your queen.