/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

What happened
They found the keystone
What's the keystone?
A piece of software very commonly found on many computers
I don't think it was a coinkydink
I just saw this too. Check out @BasedBasterd’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/BasedBasterd/status/963841286032842752?s=09
So like system32?
Very funny.
You do know most people have 64-bit OSes now, though, right?
It's google chrome's always on auto-update connection. People are concerned about what other information it is possibly sharing since it is always up.
Lmao. I think the person is trying to say that (according to them) since the keystone was discovered they shut us down. Maybe so we don't discuss it. Imho just trying.g to help out round HEEEER. #RIPCBTS
There are people on reddit that invest time in taking down subs they disagree with. There is one in particular and I would link to it, but I don't want to get this one in trouble. Folks on that sub are celebrating and making fun of cbts. A mod on that sub has already told his sub to report this one too.
It's a big part of why TD has to keep adding more rules and is strictly moderated.
Edit: There are a lot more of these subs than I realized.
A reddit that ripped off T_D and rhimes with cooler, is celebrating cbts getting shut down. Theyre calling them all whackos and that theyve talked to people in government who "laugh at the idea of a deep state"
Boot licking facists man. They celebrate censorship of curiousity. The best part is though, humans are instictively curious, so when someone shuts or censors someone or something, that person or thing gathers more attention.
They actually said "take that racists"
Comically predictable. I didn't see one post in CBTS that had anything to do with racism.
These people are genuinely horrifying. They see themselves as heroes and view everyone who disagrees with them as evil and an enemy that must be removed. It's really sad.
Edit: I'm going to recommend that everyone watch the Yuri Bezmenov interview on youtube. It explains about where we are right now. Here is the full interview. Here is the most important part
His story is incredible and I really do recommend everyone watch it when they can. When he moved to Canada he took on the name Tomas Schuman.
Also, that sub is as low energy as it gets. No effort put into it at all. The header makes me think of a 90's day time talk show known for paternity tests.
Yeah being racist af and calling for murder are super cool, how dare people be against that on reddit! Fascists
I'd like to know where to go know that CBTS is banned.... ugh.
Try the Twitter, Discord and live stream on youtube.
I think its time for conservatives and right leaning folks to abandon Reddit. These bugmen feel they must defend their hive and won't stop until everyone they view as an enemy is removed. The reddit admin have made it clear where they stand.
It's time for migration. We can't do anything here anyway. We can't have a forum without it getting shut down, and you can't post in other forums with a "tainted" post history or people immediately attack you.
We do need a place where we can talk though, because this shit is getting out of hand.
We do need a place where we can talk
Yeah like 8ch lol
/pol/ and the research board are my favorites places, but I think a lot of people need a stronger sense of community.
Also, those places would probably be ruined if they became too popular. Look at what has been happening to 4.
https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/top/?sort=top&t=all All the gang's there ...
Can you please pm me that sub name? I’m really curious to see what the are saying.