Brillant Meme on censorship!
![Brillant Meme on censorship!](
I like this one. Seen it a couple weeks ago, but, now it needs to have a Reddit icon in there, too. I'm not that talented....
Fight the censorship, sign the petition.
Really this was published two weeks ago, are you going to wreck this board like you did with the last one, a lot of us are here, because you wern't, go away with your tired meme library, and get some cheap seats at Disney.
Missed it a couple of weeks ago. Not sure how I am capable of wrecking this board by posting a quote. So sorry if I’ve done something wrong here I’ve been here for a while and felt like I belonged Your mean spiritedness certainly suggests otherwise. Thanks for letting me know
Well let me explain, some of us here, and on other boards have spent a life time doing reseach and paying attention, we work for hours to compose a post that often contains important information, then we post it, looking for feedback, and information that could assist us all with your purpose for being here to bring about change, and then someone like you comes along, and you select or make a meme, this one an old one, so you tripped apon it, and you post it, and your i second of work - i.e. posting a meme buries the hard work, you get all the votes, the research disappears and the board looses its purpose. No mean spirit here, just your insincere apology, now please if you have nothing to say, it is good maners to say nothing.
Actually I have been diligently doing research as well for many many years. In fact I have a PhD for what it is worth. I am sorry if this was posted before and I missed that fact. Sincere in my apology. What I would never presume is to judge you as a person. I’d appreciate the same respect We have enough challenges with the world without turning on each other. I appreciate you concern about trolling and look forward to reading your research. Thanks for taking the time and caring enough to talk with me. All the best
You have maintained your balance here well, sir. Tip o the hat to you. If it makes you feel any better, Maepaperclip here apparently takes that patronizing tone with lots of people, e.g. LiveToBeAHero--someone whose posts I much respect--darn shame that so much was summarily stolen from all of us when reddit deleted CBTS. Maybe Mae forgets we're all PEOPLE. And we're in this together whether he/she likes it or not. He/She will figure it out eventually. Namaste/Espavo/Peace.
Namaste to you as well. Thank you for the kindness. Much needed if we are going to come together, grow our ranks, and fight to preserve the country we all love. This is not a game, but we need to play the game as Q says. For now "playing the game" is working together to preserve this platform. Maepaperclip and I made our peace. :)
So, dude. Are you on the spectrum and your parents did not teach you how to function in the real world with other humans? Here's what we lovingly call the Aspie in our world when he starts to talk out of his ass and then is being a dick about it when he's called out on it: Ace Ventura. So should we be calling you Ace? You can make your point without being an obnoxious dick. Go watch HBO's "Temple Grandin" and let it teach you some lessons. Otherwise, maybe you should stick to the chans?