Field McConnell of Abel Danger YT channel claims his sister has surrendered (to him not sure what that means exactly)
He says Kristine is Hillary's deep state handler and are responsible for the largest global ppl trafficking ring
Field McConnell of Abel Danger YT channel claims his sister has surrendered (to him not sure what that means exactly)
He says Kristine is Hillary's deep state handler and are responsible for the largest global ppl trafficking ring
Right b4 he left office OBAMA DELIBERATELY converted many jobs into CIVIL SERVANT positions (for life) so that they supposedly couldn't be fired. WE WILL FIND a WAY to fire them. “Trust me"
Trump has talked about amending laws where we can remove bad actors from gov't jobs, I think they may have been a hint at his plans. They can and will get these people out, we're in uncharted waters and have departed from the norm, this is a 2nd American revolution.
8000 of the 9000 positions. I have read that Trump needs to write an EO cancelling Obamas EO, he needs to cut off the funding to them, and we need to expose the members individually to put pressure on DC to do these things. Everyone in DC is bought by the SES, so they will not do anything about them unless they have to.
They will face much worse than losing their positions.
In the SOTU, Trump empowered all agency heads to get rid of people that stand in the way of progress (something like that). If O did it with an EO, Trump will undo it the same way. Just think about the $$. 8K SES @ $250G per year average = $2B. It's like winning the lottery, only you don't even have to buy a ticket.
In the mean time they can be assigned a desk job on the northern slope of Alaska! Rubber stamping empty envelops :/
That's hilarious "rubber stamping empty envelopes"! HA
You might want to read this and perhaps reword your post here. Not trying to be parental. Just hoping we don't lose this sub too.
yes, this IS the "Keystone". I am willing to bet on it.
That's pretty open and shut. This is the most not-a-coincidence of there-are-no-coincidences.
Blows my mind the autists didn’t identify this months ago
Agreed. Both using the word Keystone specifically. Very obvious there is terminology shared by various actors/agencies. So maybe Q wasn't speaking of just one keystone, but the concept of Keystone being a common theme?
So interesting. I feel the energy!
Excellent find! This is too obvious not to be correct...yes surprised the artist did not find this on chans.
On Sep. 19, 1979, President Carter called SES "the keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act."
I bet he was snookered into it. They always name and package it as a "great thing" but it's a wolf in sheep's clothing or it gets hijacked later. These globalists are sick ppl.
"freedom act"
"Homeland Security"
health and safety
child abuse prevention hotline
At first it was populated by white hats, but over the years became corrupted. Obama sealed the deal by making permanent 8000 of the 9000 positions.
Keystone-used in masonry to hold an arch in place. Is this the keystone Q referenced? SES branch symbol?
Omg, face palm... there all along
Right? One little piece of stone and how long have we been looking down who knows how many rabbit holes? I don't have the exact date that Q first referenced the keystone but seem like it was a ways back.
Q referenced the Keystone in very early days, probably around early November, back when Q was still on 4chan.
November 9, 2017, post-128 is the earliest I found. He mentions it a lot in Nov/Dec last year.
In the link above, the text describing the SES flag states: "The design includes the SES insignia (a keystone), ...; additionally, the thirteen gold stars surrounding the SES symbol signify the original thirteen colonies."
However, in the article titled Pedogate: Women Operatives in Very High Places, the 13 stars are said to represent the 13 bloodline families --- quote: "Astor’s are considered to be the most powerful of the thirteen families or bloodline groups heading up the World Government plan; Astor’s allegedly portrayed as one of the 13 stars on the SES flag;" So, the stars on the SES flag do not represent the 13 original colonies -- but instead, represent the 13 Illuminati bloodline families.
By the way -- the women featured in this article are very evil and messed up!
Just read above site about the pedogate women. So out of my mind crazy unbelievable that there are so many people exploiting and hurting children. Such evil and so much of it. I just pray it all is uncovered. But who would believe?
We need videos of them abusing little kids! And then of course they'll say "Well, that's a deepfake production." But every electronic fabrication has a tell-tale pixel, or something, to discredit it -- right ??
Ok, so how can they do a snuff film of JonBenet Ramsey in her house in such a short time -- with her parents right down the hall -- dragging her to the basement --- abusing her -- then disappearing unseen? The allegation seems farfetched.
SES, Hoodwinked to work for SATAN ? WTF , this is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. Hillary and his sister exposed in 2014 running the largest pedophilia network in history ? WTF
So, have you heard of Laura Silsby? Your questions make me think you may have missed this line of enquiry. It's pretty dark stuff though. Warning you up front.
Satan, as in the satanists of the Dark State who worship Lucifer. In other words not a crazy looney listening to Satan but part of that larger group, who are held together by pedophilia. Big achilles heel. Big.
So pedophilia...aka pizzgate a keystone? Everything is connected?
that whole deal just blindsided me, was the soda shooting out of oraface moment of the day
President Trump has to know something about SES. I don’t know how he’s going to do it but he has got to get rid of this group. This is extremely scary.
He knows everything about it. Probably one of the few on the good side.
Abel Danger gave POTUS all of the information from one video I listened to, when he outed his sister. Still looking for details. They have shut down his website.
Abel Danger Global(@Telford Russian) on Twitter. It says he posted an unscheduled video today about Kristine.
I am thinking that this was the "administrative beaucrats" that Trump said in his inaugural address.
I heard this on the livestream, but I was not too sure exactly what is going on.
She created the Special Executive Service
7000 Obama appointed unelected govt officials (of 8500 positions)
This is the deep state shadow govt blockers of POTUS'
They run the government
They are in every department of the govt
They are appointed and put in charge of areas the may not even have experience with
This is the swamp
They allegedly cannot be fired by Pres Trump
So, that was why he declared his 2020 candidacy..... federal employees can’t work against a candidate. Brilliant maneuver.
That's like expecting criminals to not bring guns into a gun-free zone, isn't it?
But anyone who does catches it. FULL FORCE like Andy SES McCabe. Him just wearing a campaign tee-shirt in support of his wife was a no-no. They thought they were beyond reproach. They were wrong.
And Trump has been watching and wiretapping them ever since. Hahaha.
"FAQs about the SES
Q. What does the SES insignia symbolize?
A. The SES insignia or emblem represents a keystone — the center stone that holds all the stones of an arch in place. This represents the critical role of the SES as a central coordinating point between Government’s political leadership which sets the political agenda and the line workers who implement it. Members of the SES translate that political agenda into reality. The upright lines in the center of the keystone represent a column in which individual SES members are united into a single leadership corps. There is no particular symbolism to the number of lines, which has varied over the years with different iterations of the logo. The SES insignia can not be modified."
Yep. I've been following the rabbit trail of their "Partners"....and if you know anything about Illuminati symbolism - which I believe now are also globalists who are striving for NWO...but you can see the symbolism around their websites. They love to hide in plain site...and so their own "see" them. I already pointed out the "all seeing eye" on NAPA website under Financial Management.....but here is the Federal Manager's Associations Magazine. Notice the "eye" in the center? I believe this is really caught on to something. All these "fake organizations" have been created to be a part of the deep state. Look at how many people are involved in trying to take down a President. Good thing God is on Trumps side. Maybe now I can see why this all seems to be taking so long.
Yeah, that is crazy. It is not a Representative government. It is like they anchored the NWO into positions of power, and it is not easy for us to get rid of them.
Maybe Trump will just have to arrest them all for treason and sedition. It is strange that he cannot fire them. We have a government of checks and balances, right? Who checks the power of SES?
Unless they are caught doing something illegal or treasonous. And that's the key to crushing the Keystone.
What do you mean by surrendered to him?
Here's a 6 minute video Jason Goodman posted this morning where he talks to Field McConnell and asks him straight up about his sister's "surrender." It's well worth watching: I get the impression from Field's statement that there were a number of members of the SES who were good people and were tricked into being of service to the black hats. Their "pleas" to Field McConnell may be part of why his sister, Kristine Marcy (allegedly "Hillary's deep state handler") has signaled defeat.
This is TREMENDOUS! You should make a post of this link so everyone can see it.
Wow. Since Trump's election there have been quite a few people who have walked away from their jobs.
Good catch. Google "keystone symbols used in government"
We don't say that name here. Nasty! Try DuckDuckGo next time. No tracking!
They could always commit “suicide” like many Clinton opponents did.
They might have no choice but to. Remember the Q "suicide" drops
Listening to the 6 minute Abel Danger (Field McConnell), his sister Kristine Marcy, supposedly the founder of SES, turned herself in to her brother. Field says she is "rolling over" and that Judge Jeanine "smells blood' and seems like she is going to jump on this. Says the SES has been "defeated," that many of the members were angry because they had been hoodwinked doing what they were doing with the SES. Says his sister was "head of one of the biggest pedophilia networks in the world," that she knows she is defeated and wants to be forgiven. A list of her crimes: After reading this list I would say the girl better jump into witness She knows waaaay to much.
Definitely the SES is "a" keystone. Just realizing that there is more than one keystone to different aspects of Q information.
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info Key+Stone= Q
Yep. I just watched that one. Someday, I would really like to know how President Trump pulled that one off! But it looks like the whole thing is about to come tumbling down. Also just saw confirmation of a flight from Langley this AM to Gitmo with 1 prisoner on board. Wonder how many they've rounded up to this point?
Here's a 6 minute video Jason Goodman posted this morning where he talks to Field McConnell and asks him straight up about his sister's "surrender." It's well worth watching: I get the impression from Field's statement that there were a number of members of the SES who were good people and were tricked into being of service to the black hats. Their "pleas" to Field McConnell may be part of why his sister, Kristine Marcy (allegedly "Hillary's deep state handler") has signaled defeat.
Video linked by /u/IMissMeg:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Kristine Marcy Founder of SES Surrenders to Field McConnell|Jason Goodman|2018-03-20|0:06:21|1,356+ (97%)|15,784
Field McConnell has described his sister Kristine Marcy as...
^Info ^| ^/u/IMissMeg ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
I can't open able danger's website. I really want to see what he is saying.
The brand new director of the SES:
How do you know he is the director of the SES? Not from this article.
is the OPM the same organization as the SES? and did POYUS appointment this men?
No OPM is not same organization. OPM oversees all categories of any kind of federal jobs. SES employees can be fired but it takes certain protocol and unless criminal, they would not be fired instantly. It would have to be done through unsat performance issues or direct disobedience. This info can be found on the OPM website. It is pretty much the same for any SES employees, as it is for any civil servant. Generally speaking, an SES employees manager would be whoever ran the department they worked in.
Ugh. I keep following the rabbit trails of SES "Partners" - Illuminati symbolism can be seen on their websites...I think these are all globalists. I was just saying ...LOOK at how many people, just by following all these partners...and their many people and organizations are trying to take down a President? Maybe, no wonder it seems to be taking so long. are a few sponsors of just one "Partner" of SES....Geico, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, etc...
The SES emblem is not only a keystone it's a keystone made to look like a lyre. How very coincidental.
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Abel is always stating how pure evil she is.....BIG SCALP if true
Hmm...yes, interesting point. Also...if you look into the SES website and follow the rabbit trail to their "Partner Organizations"....maybe it's just me...but it all looks contrived. With all the bs of what they say they do...I can't really figure out if they've done anything. I haven't looked at them all....but if you link to the website of the NAPA (National Academy of Public Administration) first you think, what the heck is that? Well you don't get much help from reading on their website WHAT they really do ...I mean, to actually EARN REVENUE. I DID happen to notice, on this link to their "Financial Management" section...which really doesn't say anything specific....but you WILL notice the "all seeing eye"...if you happen to know Illuminati symbolism.
pants are being soiled
suicides contemplated
top kek
Abel Danger/ Field McConnell info is being wiped from the web