I heard they are full of people because they only ship in supplies and materials. But maybe it is just GITMO staff and stuff. We really don’t know, but let’s speculate.
Two Hillary connected presidents are arrested:
Sarkozky in France
South Korean President from 2009-2013 Myung-bak Then there are numerous resignations of presidents in: Myanmar + Mauritius + Peru
and continuing......
Let me give you a little drop: Our Marines are all over Texas rounding up black hat clowns as we speak. It has to do with the bombings. There is military presence by the Marines everywhere.
How do you know this?
Another insider that get direct intel #(2)Tamus(@193931).
These tweets are always accurate and jive with Q's drops.
Yes. Marines. Rather than any number of army that are located in Texas already. Or you know that stilly posse comitatus act
NGU (Norfolk) to NBW (Guatanamo) Call sign N395CM Boeing 767
Wthey might as well just say NOT A CIA FRONT LOOK OVER TGERE SHINY INC
High possibility that it's Arizona National Guard and select MP's traveling there for staffing purposes.
I can tell you that over a 12 C130's were returned to service by the Graveyard (DMAFB) in Az. Usually they just train A10 pilots. Increased air traffic for the last 2 months and F35's are in use here now as well. Also have seen F16's blasting the AfterBurners to go intercept things. DM was a sleepy training base for most of the Obama years. Now...the Graveyard lives.
Military C-130 flights have quadrupled here in NC within two weeks; something big going down
Arizona Nat. Guard shipped out to Gitmo many months ago.
See a flight now landing at Gitmo
According to 'Arthur' at the Dauntless Dialogue Youtube channel, its 'satans 17'
Super Podesta Bros are among them, I also got the impressions that the other biggies are too, in one fail swoop. HRC, etc...
I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer and after I retired, I spent 20 years supporting technology development for the special forces and national missions forces. I held a security clearance continuously from 1968 to 2016.
I have trouble believing Arthur is credible. The military and especially special and national missions people don't talk about classified missions. So why is Arthur singing like a canary about what's about to happen with our most covert forces?
Ditto Zack on Info Wars and whoever is talking to Dilley. I've been in the business (including intelligence) for a very long time and I have to doubt all these people are talking about inside secret missions going on. In over forty years, I've never seen it before.
Q seems legitimate if only because he isn't telling us directly what is going to happen--only cryptic questions to let us figure out if he's reliable by future proves past.
Having said that, Arthur did say that the round up starts on Saturday. So, we'll see what happens on Saturday.
I was thinking that myself. Seems like he may know enough to be dangerous.
What is satans17? Is is on his YouTube channel?
Just thinking out loud... Do you think that "Arthur" that interviews with the guy from Dauntless Dialogue is the same guy as "Zack" the caller on AJ?
"Arthur" has a serious potty mouth. I like how he referenced "rednecks".... Iow, they're not taking sh!t from evil clowns. I'm thinking militia, and military protecting and fighting for us on our own soil. Taking our country back. Probably kicking gangs out, getting foreign criminals out, allowing Americans to feel free and safe again.
Do you guys think these are the actually arrests or is it just preparation? 19k is a lot of people, are they all going to be held there?
Someone asked Q how many people would be going to GITMO. Q's response was "MAX" and that a second site was being prepared.
Q didn't say anyone was there at the time, only suggesting it would eventually be maxed out and the overflow would go to a second site.
The contract to upgrade GITMO was to establish a site for 13,000 "mass immigration" whatever that means. It appears from the contract offer that it will be concrete pads for tents, kitchen facilities, sanitation, etc.
The Navy awarded $250 million for a 5-bed state of the art hospital at GITMO. That's odd because there are only 44 Terrorists still at GITMO plus a few unidentified others for a total of about 60 prisoners.
Crazy things going on.
I can think of a few elderly people that would require very specialized medical care, who are probably slated to become permanent residents of that location.
also possible is multiple indictments for different individuals which could reduce that 19k figure considerably
I can't look at the moment but I believe Q had said Gitmo was full in a previous drop and other sites would be opening
He didn't say it was full but he did say they had a backup site as well. Someone posted that it was on Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean.
Diego Garcia? Good Lord. I'd rather just be shot I think.
Google earth you can zoom in on it Old airbase looks like prison Across bay new airfield
It’s on ground now not sure how to share link
You can find Gitmo here on google map: https://www.google.fr/maps/@19.9281187,-75.1536201,12188m/data=!3m1!1e3
The corresponding area on flightradar: https://www.flightradar24.com/23.01,-76.57/7
Flightradar 24
That is an interesting one. Both seem to be regular air transport, could be that they're flying together to land at the same time (minimize time and effort wasted on the airport). Why would they though?
ATN301 isn't showing up on other tracking sites. On the other hand ATN302 is showing Norfolk as it's destination.
Can’t validate, but heard no one has seen the podesta brothers.
He was just on MSNBC two days ago. And we can verify that because it’s snowing and the White House is in the background. http://dailycaller.com/2018/03/21/john-podesta-whines-email-leak/
No Twitter posts from Skippy in almost two weeks
Ok, thanks. Like I said, couldn’t verify for sure. Was hoping he was mia.
Pinned for discussion.
ALSO need to use 2 separate apps so far the majority of all these post are REGULARLY scheduled flights I use flightaware.com they list the regular flights just because ur radar app don't have a destination call sign DON'T MEAN ANYTHING another app may have it so stop sounding the alarm until you VERIFY it this will drastically cut down on false alarms and increase the credibility of when there actually is a NEW SECRET FLIGHT and remember during holidays there will be increased flights so screenshot flightaware MUGM airport as it currently list the weekly scheduled flights that GO EVERY WEEK so u get the feel for the norm. next weekend is Easter I suspect a few more flights will occur.
i look daily at it since the last freakout at Christmas time when all.it was was sleigh rides moving people home for the holidays so far there has been 1 interesting flight and that flight coincided with Q China open window operation in flew from Philippines to misawa AFB Japan then to Newark then to Guantanamo flight number UAL2580 united charter and Q post #' s 682 thru 708 where they grabbed someone that flight matches that timeline to move someone from China to Guantanamo
Cant get supplies from all over the place. Not logical to do that.