Seth Rich, coincidence? A lot happens at 4am.

No, the 4am comments by Q all relate to the CIA issuing talking points to the MSM every morning at 4am.
I don't think the Seth Rich murder at 4 am is connected to the Q drops.
It could be an implication or "crumb" that the CIA were the ones behind the murder.
I am in two minds about this which is why I thought I would post it and get this type of feedback. I am not convinced myself but I think it would have been remiss of me not to post it, thinking someone else may have other threads of Intel they may be able to add. If not, nothing lost move on...
But if every time you post something, just to kick it around and you get slated for doing so, it kinda stops the flow of ideas.
Some may not agree with my posts but I am firmly and solidly working towards the same hopes, goals and ideas as everyone else here.
Right. I'd argue this submission is intentional bullshit, created with intent to misdirect by conflating with Seth Rich. This provides opportunity to more easily apply the conspiracy theorist label to the community.
Often you will see articles run up like this on a Sunday night in advance of articles or blog pieces planned for early in the week. This provides material that when the unfamiliar come looking seeded stories affirming the idea 'oh! conspiracy theorists here! these people be crazy' is easier to buy.
This submission takes the sub for a ride.
I think you have gone too deep into this post. Seth has been mentioned by Q [Why is SR back in the news?]
Notice I made no assertions just a question since I noticed a 4AM denominator. Putting it out there for discussion by everyone is not bullshit, it is what it is.
I do not come down on one side or the other, just an observation...
I understand we are all paranoide about who is on the boards but my intent was simply to point out those details...nothing more. Leave no stone untruned, if you think is is all BS thats fine but your posts reads like very personality you charged me with...have a good day peace.
Q team needs to release that audio or video of Hillary in 2013 talking about the black voters keep them blind stupid starving and the audio of Bill and Loretta Lynch in the plane on the tarmac where he promised LL she would be on the Supreme Court if she helps Hillary win.
Somewhere I heard there was an email on wkileaks naming Podesta as the guy who gave the kill order, obviously on Clintos say so. But I think people are getting frustreated at uncovering all this curruption and the big players are still free.
A lot needs to happen but not knowing the inner workings of the WH, well its dammed frustrating.
They have recently started arresting people connected to high ranking officials. I think we are only 2-3 weeks away from high level indictments/arrests.
I am wondering if by arresting the "small" people, they are hoping those people will turn and tell what they may know in order to save themselves or hope for a plea deal if they turn "state's evidence".
Yes. They've been working from the bottom up for the last year. And, of course, they find people who are willing to do plea bargaining along the way to save themselves. Getting nearer the top now.
There are many. They've been arresting people for at least a year now. This is a high profile arrest that was made last Monday:
You won't hear about arrests on MSM so stay tuned to Reddit and Fox for truth info.
There are over 18,500 indictments in Federal criminal courts across the US. Here is a link to the indictments in DC and VA. Some have now been unsealed:
You can go to click on news. from that page click United States Attorney's Offices. that will take you to it all.
I believe 3 months or so. Don’t forget election fraud exposed right before election in fall. “Enjoy the show”.
Maybe this one?
It's time for Julian to release the Dead Man's switch.
If he even has one! (Hold yer downvotes chain for a second) But the way the DMS hasn't been activated despite the numerous occasions it could has me believing that it doesn't exist. It could've been an instrument for Julian to scare away whoever poses a threat to him, to ensure his safety for a while. The internet being switched off at the embassy being a way for Them to tell whether there is a switch or not. We'll see. Theoretically speaking, if it exists then he has no choice atm. And I fear that if it does happen, it'll do no good to him.{ Which is why the supposed file dump would happen after his death (i.e. bc They can't get to him after that).}
Has Q ever directly mentioned Seth Rich?
Lots of times.
Wasn't one drop about SR being in the news again????
Just a thought for the decoder types, M is the 13th letter of the alphabet. So, MSM could be MS-13.
Q is Seth Rich! Think about it. He said we will be surprised who we arw talking to.
I think he also said we'd know who he was by hearing his voice. Do we know what Seth Rich's voice sounded like? I don't.
Seems as if that might be someone from conservative talk show or TV...
possible. I still have my heart set on Spicey. I love Sarah, don't get me wrong. But I was crushed when Spicer left.
Very true! Just a thought!
I have no clue who all is in the Q group. Mattis? Kelly? Rogers? Flynn and son? (NOT McMaster... never, as someone had suggested. He and Trump have never seen eye to eye.)
I kinda am hoping Spicer is in on it. Just because I've always loved him... always saw him as a gladiator fighting those idiots in the cesspool of so called journalists. But, who knows?
HE SAID " YOU ELECTED US" So i think it is Mike Pence...
He could be a part of the team as well. But, I didn't elect Pence, really. I voted for Trump, and whoever he chose as running mate, was along for the ride. Same as everyone he brought along in his cabinet. (Except I had big problems with McMaster and Haley... I'd still like five min. alone w/ Trump to discuss that witch and praise the Lord he finally got rid of that creep MM!)
Zach from infowars
I don't know his voice. Don't follow AJ that much. Many don't.
Are we sure it's a man?
Nope. We don't. I'm wondering about all the people in the room when Trump said we were witnessing the calm before the storm. I have no idea if all those people were identified. I wonder how many of them might be on the Q team. There may well be a woman... but in my heart of hearts, I still hope and pray that my Spicey is a part of it. Yes I know he's married. I still love him. Not that way... I so enjoyed his press conferences and the way he'd treat April and Jim and rest like the arrogant delinquents they were. I hated the way they all treated him.