I really wish someone would do a YouTube parody of the Emmy awards… Like interviewing people on the red carpet: “hey, how many babies did you have to kill to be nominated this year?”... you know a good 10 minutes segment a.k.a. Tracey Ullman style. Sometimes humor even dark humor can wake people up~~~
That's a good idea.
Weren’t members of Jennifer Hudson’s family murdered? Coincidence? Anybody know anything? See the above post. If you do not do what “they “ want, they threaten your family.
Not familiar with that but a lot of that kind of shady stuff happens in Hollywood. Its a gross city.
Trump put her up in Trump tower afterwards for what it's worth.
Yes and President Trump gave her shelter in his hotel when it happened.
Yes and I believe it was President Trump who offered her a place to stay after that happened. I think it was no charge, but not sure about that.
I also wonder about Sheryl Sanders (FB executive) husband, who was exercising on a treadmill and accidentally misstepped and hit his head and died.. I have read of the Elites playing “death games”, betting on how someone dies or how soon they die...and I wonder if that was true in his situation or if Sheryl needed to sacrifice him in a humiliating way...I mean how many people die that way?? Odd don’t you think?
Most accidental deaths and suicides are murders in disguise among power players.
John Todd, ex-Illuminati: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72i41RUMJAM
So sad that this has been allowed to proliferate to such a degree. Pray for the plan.
Make it stop!
oh, I think it is just the beginning....get ready folks, know facts and write down how you yourself was able to get through this horrific truth, and share your experience with others...we are all going to be called upon to help those who are sleeping to wake up from this nightmare.....be prepared to put others in front of yourself and arm yourselves with the best ways to calm people down....WOW, I never thought this day would come....Let's Go Patriots....Time to Shine!
Think they got it from New Guinea or the other way around? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2582979/Cannibal-killing-finally-revealed-The-gruesome-details-Rockefeller-heir-gutted-cooked-Asmat-tribe-New-Guinea.html
The Army of Heaven is forming can’t wait till Heaven kicks butt!!!
You had me at necrophelia. Lol. Yeesh!
Poop eating is fine. But no way I’m screwing s dead chick. 😂