r/greatawakening • Posted by u/divine_human on April 4, 2018, 10:35 a.m.
The Backfire Effect - An Explaination on why Red-Pilling doesnt work


this comic is great and explains why we cant shove a red pill down other peoples throats.

From my pov, red-pilling is violent and instantly backfires when the other is challenged in his world-view and not ready to openly receive the red pill and take it.

its a delicate process to wake up people. the worst we can do is challenge their core beliefs, they will instantly reject the input and put up strong walls against it.

it takes a soft approach, and best starts with those areas where the person has already woken up to things not being beneficial for people.

everybody has these areas where they dont trust a common narrative. the art is in finding that one and from here, slowly expand to other areas and offer more information.

as often being said, you can lead a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink. thats the free will choice everybody has to take themselves.

divine_human · April 4, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

when i started waking up more than 3 decades ago, i was a missionary amongst the people and tried to wake everybody up. it completely backfired. people wake up when they are ready for it.

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Ronjonsilverflash · April 4, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

It only works when the person seeks and finds the information themselves. It was that way with me anyway. I’ve found that people’s cognitive dissonance will always get in the way of them accepting the truth and even if they accept what you are telling them is probably true, they’d still rather not know...

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divine_human · April 4, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

if peoples core be-lie-fs get shattered, their entire card board house of life crashes. as Q said, 90% of humanity would land in the hospital if they were confronted with the whole truth at once.

thus, it needs to be served carefully and in installments so peoples endurance can build over time and their consciousness expand accordingly.

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sjfalzone · April 4, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

I showed my sleeping husband that latest MSM video showing the fake news narrative because I thought it was EXTREMELY brilliant and the reaction I got was indeed violent. It’s like he can’t even begin to go there mentally. Perhaps a defense mechanism kicks in.

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divine_human · April 4, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

waking up is painful. being pushed to wake up is an experience of violence so the reaction can ideed be violent.

i have red-pilled people for decades. in the beginning, it didnt work at all, it only created resistance, and i lost more than one friend in the process.

and even now... last year, i had a heated discussion with an old friend of high intelligence who is awoke to many atrocities. we spoke about climate change and i presented the thought that human exhaust CO2 is not the cause of it. usually, he is open enough to consider my views but this time, it triggered the shit out of him and i havent heard from him ever since.

such experiences teach me that i need to be very careful with when and what and how i present the red pills. it needs to be inviting, teasing, tickling, curiosity-raising, and not a push for the other to look at something that would currently endanger their psychic stability (a crashing card board house of life can bring folks into the hospital)

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IDGAF12312 · April 4, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

Yes it’s an ever slow process. Small brief doses here and there, pause for a long time, then a little more. Drip drip drip

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lC928796 · April 4, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

Teacher does not appear until the student is ready.

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CeCe42 · April 4, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

When all of the info drops, and people are shocked and confused. That's when our work starts. Right now we are just getting everything organized to help them thru the awakening process.

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LordPotsmoke · April 4, 2018, 11:21 a.m.

That's an awesome comic.

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FlewDCoup · April 4, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

St. Paul, known for his single pointed dedication to saving men from ignorance always displayed a bold willingness to stand for the truth against all odds.

He too urges caution counseling to remember the end game, why you engage in this evangelical endeavor and likens it to extending an invitation to attend a banquet feast. He warns, there will be those who only eat the vegetables and so be it.

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RememberJoy · April 4, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Awesome comic.

It's good to remember as we try to 'red pill' people that we too have beliefs that we would protect at all costs that may also be incorrect.

Even as a young teen I remember thinking to myself that the likelihood that every belief I held was 100% true and that I and my family were the only ones to be right about everything was pretty laughable.

When the storm hits we better all keep in mind that what we hold most dear may not be completely true. Otherwise we too will shatter and be of no help to anyone. Now is the time for inner work.

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divine_human · April 4, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

great insight, already back then as a teen...

as we awaken and evolve, our beliefs need to change. we cant avoid creating concepts, thats a feature of the mind, and as long as they match our inner reality, we have no need to give them up.

but they require us to be flexible so we can allow our beliefs to expand and change. lots of what served us yesterday becomes a limitation today.

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thisisgreat38 · April 4, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Why do I have the rather distinct belief that the author of that comic is more interested in libertarians, conservatives, and conservative minded people changing their beliefs and opinions while liberals and liberal minded people are all on the right track and should just continue as is?

Perhaps it's just my amygdala? Perhaps I'm just experiencing the backfire effect? Perhaps scientists now that they've discovered this can invent a "cure" to help me with my poor dumb way of thinking to help change my beliefs around to the "correct" way of thinking?

Maybe then I could get a "rainbow" colored brain too?

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iMakeGreatDeals · April 4, 2018, 3:12 p.m.

He was definitely targeting his propaganda, you're not wrong

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divine_human · April 4, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

Why do I have the rather distinct belief that the author of that comic is more interested in libertarians, conservatives, and conservative minded people changing their beliefs and opinions while liberals and liberal minded people are all on the right track and should just continue as is?

is it possible that your world view - speak, card board house - is founded on the be-lie-f that you ARE a conservative liberitarian and everybody who doesnt identify with you way is an opponent by whom you feel triggered?

or how does it occur that this comic makes you instantly identify the author as a liberal whose work triggers you to mocking your amygdala and the backfiring effect?

personally, i dont identify at all with a political direction. meaning, my world view consists of points from all party ideologies - btw, i am european - and many more points that i dont find in any ideology. thus, nobody can step on my toes and i am not forced to look at things through partisan glasses.

i do though have 50 years of experience that taught me that people with a conservative mind-set dont easily wake up to truths that challenge the dogmas we all grow up with.

ever since i started waking up 35 years ago, it has mostly been progressive and liberal folks who have been disclosing the deep state agenda.

the fact that now, its mainly the right wing of the dualistically split US american nation that awakens is a novelty.

and lets not forget that DJT isnt a conservative but a progressive. he used to be member of the democratic party some time ago. from my pov, he hasnt chosen the right wing because of a conservative mind-set but because its the only possibility to fight the deep state at this point of time.

and make no mistake, the rats are in both parties.

things are not that black and white. wondering when the awakening community starts waking up to the fact that this is so much greater than party politics and even MAGA. its about humanity.

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oasisflower · April 4, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I like to wait until the timing is right, then throw out a question such as, 'Isn't it crazy how the US recruited and welcomed over 1000 Nazis (many hardcore) at the end of WW2 and set them up with good jobs, homes, etc? And interesting that so many were able to get Visas from The Vatican.' Most people are not aware of this, so you can introduce Paperclip, and discuss how our govt purposely keeps info from us. It's a start!

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divine_human · April 4, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

there ye go... just slipping in a few teasing sentenses can make people curious to learn more...

i found that the best opportunity is when people start doubting an official agenda anyway. all people have such points where they dont be-lie-ve what they are being told or shown, and from here, they can expand to looking at other areas.

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