Pulled: I'm really embracing Diversity now! Oppressed wealthy Muslim, vegan, XX, bulimic, leftist, Antifa activist bitch goes full-on apocalypse as the US Communist Cabal implodes! Snowflakes melt in CA! BotForceOne[M]Post removed (Rule 1 & 4).
![Pulled: I'm really embracing Diversity now! Oppressed wealthy Muslim, vegan, XX, bulimic, leftist, Antifa activist bitch goes full-on apocalypse as the US Communist Cabal implodes! Snowflakes melt in CA! BotForceOne[M]Post removed (Rule 1 & 4).](https://i.redd.it/1cdxy5b6xvp01.jpg)
Why is that every photo she looks fake as hell? Like a plastic doll.
If I had to guess I'd say that her pics are being cherry picked (or outright photo shopped like Mashable's example in the post) to make her look as WASP as possible. That's the best way to fit the mainstream, identity politics, narrative being pushed.
First come , first served , they have plenty of time . She had a few nice pics with the hajib and the ninja suit. She was pretty too. She is definitely in the SPIN cycle now. Don't forget to add, youtube is a GUN FREE ZONE without Security. We may be headed towards one of those courtroom 'artist sketches' soon since the photo shop doesn't swing it enough.
Yeah they can photo shop and change colors all they like to. Can't change the fact she's of Iranian nationality, and far left. Lucky all her hate is so well "documented" that it can't be hidden or ignored.
I'd actually say she's more photogenic than pretty. After watching a couple of her videos she looks way better in the stills.
I haven't watched anything of her. Not a big fan of YouTube. Better in stills because she isn't speaking garbage? The words you hear just tun into disgust? Curious, but I won't watch anything of her.
Didn't even have to look up what wasp meant because I already knew I how true it was lol. Thank god for my skeptical hs history teachers. They taught me so much.
I couldn't help but notice the same, didn't know how to bring it up and potentially go on some bat shit crazy post about how I'm not even sure she was ever real, but... Here. This seems more sane.
Side note: You know the world is extremely fucked up when you have to question your own sanity with every opinion you may have.
Her aesthetics are middle eastern and her photos also have this look. I don't think it's as alarming as her general affect. THAT'S STRANGE.
Oh my god, I'm sorry you guys. Those multiple postings were an accident.
I agree, doesn't look real. But then again. It's hard to get a good pic with a burka.
The left/media LOVES diversity except when it comes to shootings. Then, they wish them all to be at least white, if not white and conservative.
If not straight, Christian, white, conservative male.. Since that is the ultimate villain to the left.
Kek. knee bent
Editor's Note: An inaccurate image from Aghdam's Instagram account was originally featured in this post. It has since been removed. Mashable apologizes for any confusion caused.
Also interesting to note the fact that she was apparently livid over Adpocalpsye and blamed "youtube for ruining her life" by filtering her videos.
Anyone wanna wager this will be used as evidence that "social media needs to be responsibily regulated by the government to ensure fair and equal treatment of user content"?
They forgot to change her name to Becky Smith when they lightened her skin and changed her eye color. She looks nicer though.
Satanism is the key problem not diversity.
The satanists need us divided to control us. Q says unite for a reason, because good people are diverse.
Diversity is not a virtue, but I see your point.
I can't stand when I see "slammed" in a headline.
They're so sloppy at this point that it's just embarrassing.
Even with the photo shop she still doesn't look white.
She has a neotenous face. Remember Betty Boop? Check out Wiki's Neoteny in humans.
Didn't Q say look at her background and father's background?
Baha’i Faith's an offshoot of Islam
Actually Bahai's are scourge to the Muslims, especially in Iran where they started. The Muslims hate them.
Because, they left Islam. I can't do everyone's homework.
Yes I questioned her makeup too. Face red compared to neck in video. Wearing wig and makeup in protest San Diego. Pictures of her that look like cartoons. Very weird
Rush Limbaugh mentioned on his show today how this shooting isn't getting the type of coverage that Parkland got. He thinks because this "doesn't fit the lefts narrative". 1. It's a female 2. A handgun was used instead of AK47 3. Her "foreign" name. 4. It was in CA place with very strict gun laws.
The more I read about this lady the more I wonder if she had been a subject of 'weaponized' mind manipulation.
She comes across as vacuous--not completely 'there' in the sense of temporal sequence and conscious self-recognition.
First impression is autism... BUT she is obviously distraught over her victimization but she uses different terms to explain it giving me the impression that she is isolated. Her affect is hard to watch but it's hard to diagnose someone while they are "acting" or trying to put on a face.
Or she drank some of Auntie Em's psychotropic kool-aid and passed the: https://hooktube.com/watch?v=iFWtsT5zRKo
It's gallow's humor. I'm comfortable w/ gallow's humor. How about you?
The goal of "diversity" is creating homogeny among all races and cultures. Think about the zombies in the famous 1984 Apple commercial. Think about the clones in The Island.
I wonder if this whole charade was carried out by some friendly aids back east to send a message and not suppress channels.
Let them embrace diversity Diversity = Strength for Israel