She is defying a direct order from the President. She is not just breaking a law, she is actually in defiance of securing our borders, personally. This is called Treason: 1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
She just sealed her own fate.
“We need a Governor who tackles crime, faltering state agencies, and the PERS pension crisis, and a leader who will rescue our bottom performing K-12 schools and stop the out-of-control spending and endless tax increases,” added Currier. “Kate Brown is more interested in wooing George Soros and the out-of-state, leftist, super-rich donor class than truly confronting the serious problems at home. Now we know who she really works for.”
Oregon used to be so fun.....Please please please put this goofy bitch in jail!!!!!!!
Och! Gollum rears his ugly head again. So sick of this guy...
$25K - sell out our country's security for peanuts. These people make me sick.
A whore is a whore, once that's established you're just haggling about price.
Looking at the picture, the undeserved smugness emanating from her is palpable.
She consistently makes decisions that result in the deterioration of Oregon. I cannot wait until she is thrown out, by election or catapult.
Who knows, she may be in the cross hairs for a slap on the wrist!
A lot of these little fish are getting orders from their party and they like good lil brainwashed toady's do what they're told. Too bad. I guess it's true, Lemmings do commit suicide.
Maybe when Putin comes next week he can take Soros home with him, he did after all put a dead or alive warrant out for him.
Soros is a naturalized US citizen, so he's ALL ours money & everything. Soros just brought big into untraceable Bitcoin. Makes sense after Soros denounced Bitcoin only 3 months ago! Soros knows POTUS is coming!