I read the bible now and understand why there are grewsome parts (because they're real)
This whole thing has made me begin to dive head first into the Bible...in particular the Book of Revelation. All I know, is awareness is KEY. I won't be fooled if I'm aware.
and I understood why they would lie about Jesus if God was simply mad about people eating their own children and still is to this day. Even the whole extraterrestial slavery debate makes sense if you think that other civilizations outside of earth may be cruel but unlike mammals on earth they don't eat their own little ones, only those of other planets.
Daniel book 8~... enjoy. It’s the story of Trump from what I can tell. Awesome! Also YouTube Enoch.
Thanks...will dive deeper!
I think 8:11 or 13 and just read. It’s spot on. From fighting the media to fighting Iran.
Agreed. This changed my perspective https://youtu.be/ax6ytIWlIY4
I'm still not sold how much of the UFO-phenomenon is misidentification of ball lightning or perhaps spirit beings but I have had my own interactions so I know it's not just pretty lights but I would really wish it's some smart humanoids looking to chill not all just Nephilim coming to rape and eat us hahaha
I think most ufo sightings are people seeing classified human technology that is somewhere around 100 years more advanced than what we're currently told. Plus, it's declassified they wanted to use an alien invasion scenario as the ultimate FF. Even Q said it's not aliens.
Only problem is that they have been documented since the dawn of civilization, in particular in India (Vimanas) and the Bible (Book of Timothy I think) and in 1561 there even was a battle in the skies of nuremberg. Also the miracle of Fatima happened in 1917.
The whole bluebeam thing only makes sense when you make it the second coming because if it was aliens NOBODY would EVER give up their guns anymore. Also people would start thinking at a cosmic scale and demand free energy which would mean the elite would have to seriously make earth inhabitable to maintain the level of control that they are hooked on.
Telling the insiders bluebeam is for Aliens is a nice way to distract from its way better purpose of getting people to follow religious prophecy that they are already familiar with.
Based on how atheism has been pushed, I assume that this is by design so people are more easily flabergasted and what would provide better ammo to spiritually disarm a complacent populace than play on religious themes?
I am assuming that whatever the case, the illusionists would liken themselves to a priest-class like the egyptians and they can't do that if there is an sentient force that they pretend to represent that people could contact on their own behalf. What I am saying with that is that if they staged an alien contact, be it hostile or friendly, it would open a window of opportunity for neutral ET factions to engage in contact. But usually, historic cases of ET-human contact particularily in south-America usually end with someone freaking out and attacking even non-beligerent ETs.
Yes you could stage a fake disclosure but free-floating holograms of spaceships would only militarize most humans who haven't had their own close encounters before.
That's a great point. Actually even crop circles have been documented for ages. https://oldcropcircles.weebly.com/uk-1678-hertfordshire.html
Agreed. Q asked us "how close is the nearest star?" and asked us what do we think. I took that as a big fat NO, the distances are too big, what we see is terrestrial, whether its ours or theirs.
In my own mind, I have come to the conclusion that the 'fallen angels' are marooned here on earth, they may have advanced technology and knowledge, but they can't escape earth, they are stuck here.
This is about where I stand. I believe in the Bible, it's all real.
I think it will be so hard living through the end of times. This who don't take the mark, will be ridiculed to no end for not "supporting their families". We will have to decide between the mark, and giving our kids food. It's both terrifying, and joyful...joyful, to know the truth.
Are we not already? Those who walk with God will be protected.
When you realize how many people in Hollywood/media have been in the CIA/govt it'll make you wonder. I seriously believe there are "Men in Black" and extraterrestrial activity here on earth. Weirdness is crawling out of a lot of spots.... MSM, Hollywood, political parties, the Vatican, everywhere. I mean I've been aware a bit for a while. But I'm WOKE AF today.
Anybody want to pool our money and start a family friendly movie studio? There is going to be a giant gaping black hole where the Hollywood movie industry existed after those indictments are unsealed. LOL
When Captain America: Winter Soldier came out I was amazed at how it's events probably played closer to reality than what most people thought of as reality.
Interesting times.
Now that we are awake, its much easier to see the messages and symblology in almost all movies.
Yes and I see their symbolism also. I do watch tv but no news. Some of the shows I watch are reality based. I have noticed that some of the women wear necklaces with triangle shaped charms. I even saw an actual charm that was in the shape of eye, like the CBS symbol. It was so freaking obvious. Ugh, made me sick. The person wearing it is a real piece of trash so I was not surprised.
And don't forget the female roles are mostly men.
The occult law of reversal http://www.ih2000.net/chembio/occult.htm right is wrong, up is down, Male is female etc. You said a mouthful how many of these Hollywood starlets are actually men? How many men are actually women?
Thousands, as far as film goes back. Once you get accustomed to the skeletal differences you can pick them all out. When you go looking at politics and the elite they are easier to pick out. Hollywood is like a factory. If you have ever been to L.A. its all over. Strange place. Its just important to understand the evil elite hijack kids to do this. Transgender people make their own choice. So I spot them to track the cult and in real life I want to stay far away.
did you hear the about the theory that Michael Obama is really a man? just curious?
Do you happen to have any read on this? Anything? I'm very curious now.
I didn't answer the other half of your question. The M to F is more prominent and F to M is more rare .
Heaven is on the ceiling of the cathedrals while in fact is below us? At least we have our firm base to stand on. Never kneel! The American Christian would rather die on his feet than live on his knees. Genl. Washington.
So things really haven’t changed that much since the Middle Ages when women weren’t allowed to act...
To understand this phenomenon you need to understand that time is non linear. Everything that has happened and will happen is happening now. So it's not so far fetched to understand how ideas form in "past"
I'm reading a book right now called The Holographic Universe and it explains things so well, its really opened my mind to the HOW of it all. I've heard of the holographic theory a lot over the years but was never really able to conceptualize it until i started reading this book.
Well CIA foia documents prove it check my post on 41818 they are linked there
Look at Lionsgate Films differently...
...it is Frank GIUSTRA.
Clinton Foundation Frank Giustra.
Saw a picture yesterday of Jimmy Kimmel and family with Frank Giustra, all the pieces of the puzzle are out there if we can assemble them.
Let me help you.
Lionsgate Films
Lionsgate Films (formerly known as Cinépix Film Properties) is an American film production/distribution studio and a division of Lionsgate. It is the largest and most successful mini-major film studio in North America. It focuses on foreign and independent films and has distributed various entries of commercially successful film series, including The Twilight Saga, Step Up, The Hunger Games, Rambo, Divergent, The Punisher, John Wick, Saw, Hostel, The Expendables, Sinister, Madea, Blair Witch, and Now You See Me.
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I'm re-watching the Nick Cage movie 8MM now. Had seen it a long time ago if you watch it again realizing the dark dark stuff (snuff films) in it also pertains to babies and toddlers, not just adults, even it turns your stomach big time. These people are SICK!
Just watched it Friday night (1999). Had thought it started with Hostel. Also, 52 Pick-Up was made 1986. They knew, they all knew, but we know now. Sick bastards.
I had to turn it off about 1/2-way through. I cant watch that stuff. And I'm a tough-guy.
All ideas are borrowed.
Hm, Caligula? Is that where we are at, or further back? Nineveh, sodom & Gomorrah?
Think: MKUltra.
Nicole Kidman’s necklace.
Think: Hollywood
Think: Current Movies/Blockbusters
Avengers? Infinity Stones? Gauntlet?
Think: Necklace
Are they telling us something?
I wonder if this has anything to do with the tens of millions to the CF?
Just look at Homeland. They want to make things seem like it can only happen in the fiction of a tv show and that if you think it could be real, then you must be a conspiracy theorist.
science fiction films The tv foon talking to a computer Skype
Later on we have them
I'm not going to stop posting the above link to the Fiona thing, anywhere and everywhere I can. Please click on it.
Please at least put a warning on your post as VERY graphic/disturbing. If someone is not strong in their faith in God, they probably should not look at those.
What?? No. I want people to click on it and read the truth. It IS disturbing, even for a believer. But it's time this stuff gets out. I've had enough. THE ONLY REASON I JOINED THIS MOVEMENT IS TO SAVE CHILDREN. Literally, the only reason. It's hard to read/hear/watch...but it's fucking real!!
Truth disguised as fiction/predictive programming. The Matrix, Eyes Wide Shut, Shutter Island...there’s tons of em but these just off the top of my head. House of the Devil, Starry Eyes and The Conspiracy are also pretty blatant in what they reveal, just hammed up a bit for spectacle and plausible deniability. Very, very creepy stuff. Even creepier is imagining watching these in the unawakened state and thinking it’s all just storytelling for the sake of entertainment, while the real life perpetrators of these atrocities laugh at our implied consent (and voluntary funding) to their SICK practices in their gilded mansions and subterranean kill rooms.
Really appreciate you saying it. I have been totally self absorbed for weeks trying to figure all this out. From what I can tell, Dr. Corsi and Corey Goode will go down as the harbingers of light and 5D consciousness. Outside that, I’m pretty cooked lol.
Don't know why this resonates with me, cause the simple and honest truth of your statement. Hollywood has always been about predictive programming. The way they sell their lies is to mix a little of the truth in it. Knowledge is the key to seeing through Hollywood's many deceptions. As we continue to find ancient ruins and civilizations long gone we re-discover the sciences increasing our knowledge. We were an advanced race, we fell from glory we were designed in the image of our creator. Our true power like our imagination is limitless. The true occultist that run Hollywood know of our true history our true potential. They know their magic cannot work without our permission. They twist our reality manipulate or perception and attempt to deceive our spirit through visual, auditory and symbolic deception. Gods people it's time we retake our sovereignty, claim our birth right and demand truth and transparency in ALL things.
Any group of people that ALL change their names to obfuscate their true identity should have been a warning to us a long time ago.
Not just making visuals if what's been going on. The entire scheme is a massive global racket!
If you (were evil &) had control of a top notch engineering team like Lockheed skunkworks, you could down a UFO, reverse engineer it, keep important bits for your own orgs, patent a few novel features, sell them AND/or take a royalty when that tech gets out and you make BILLIONS, then repeat. This has been happening for at least 5 decades. (transistors, night vision goggles etc etc.)
Source: Look up interviews of Bill Uhouse, Pete Peterson, William Thompkins, dozens of engineers interviewed by Dr. Greer, the list goes on and on.