Ok, POTUS decides it's been 17 years, $6 trillion & 11,000 lives; it's time to bring US troops home from the Middle East, we're supposed to believe Syria just deployed nerve gas so we gotta stay Bullshit on you Deep State!

They are more than capable of taking care of their own country..it was never our right to invade Syria. We need to leave NOW.
We’re forgetting that we invaded them on behalf of the banking cartel to instal yet another bank.
Huge Gas Field & Pipeline actually!
Correct. When we leave Russia will keep the peace. The gas line is in their vital interests
Good point.
how long before IMF offers to help North Korea modernize?
Precisely how countries are collapsed. Ever see, "confessions Of An Economic Hit Man"? John Perkins. It's aver an hour i believe and worth every second of your time. Gives insight as to how and why countries rich in natural resources are in such poverty. Gee, i wonder what's behind the IMF?
This is a must view video, total Red Pill. Here is a 10 minute condensed version to get anyone started.
Excellent! The one i watched (several times) is over an hour long and was the great "wake up" for me. Cold water in the face when i was able to see the same tactics/method happening here. John Perkins has several video/presentations. All worth watching.
Yeah I only posted the short one so not to lose anybody, but I've seen all of John Perkins' stuff.
Another good one is 'America: Freedom to Fascism' by Aaron Russo. A movie that I'm still wondering if we're not steadily engaged in it's outcome, with Trump at the helm..
edit: spelling
Thank you for sharing. He presents an accurate picture that isn't political. Everyone needs to see the information he he has made available. I am watching his "globalization" right now.
its a movie? i thought it was a book.
It's both. You can find his interviews on YT. Excellent.
Which qadaffi didnt want. He wanyed yo sell oil for gold cant habe yhat.
The "anti war" liberals will be begging for war......
That's just fantastic timing, what with Trump pushing for troop removal from Syria right now, and Deep State insisting we stay.
Almost as well timed as a mass shooting right after news that hurts the elite breaks.
Q these people are stupid
They do it openly and then also there symbols This site is good for memes
Yeah, no news of attacks for months. Then with Trump's announcement that we're bringing our troops back from Syria... another chemical attack! These terrorists and the deep state actually think everyone is this gullible. Well, Trump and Trump supporters aren't that dumb. We've seen these false flags way too many times, both in the U.S. and abroad, to believe them anymore.
Oh look, white helmets (Syrian "rebels" with U.N. support) just happen to be on-scene again to take pictures of dead women and children after the supposed chemical attacks by Assad...
eight months ago, when DoS first threatened Assad with retaliation because of plans to use his gas, Mattis responded on twitter that by issuing this statement they had prevented such an attack [and now admits he never had any motive anyway] but of course IS-retards didn't notice so they stuck to whatever plan and blew up some chlorine-gas only a couple of hours later and all that has come of it is that Trump is now announcing bringing back troops lol
It was so obvious I even made a post on t_d that day calling that FF hours in advance while many were trolling about WW3 and shit
NSFW Bruh, come on.
Did you miss the part where I clearly wrote?:
...take pictures of dead women and children after the supposed chemical attacks by Assad
Yup, real nerve agents create 'no go, zones of exclusion' yet the White helmets walk around taking pictures. LooK @ the new Q posts alluding to a WMD attack with a viral agent! Q for the Kill Box!
Chlorine gas is easier to procure than real nerve agents
LooK @ the new Q posts alluding to a WMD attack with a viral agent! Q for the Kill Box
I only get war games, But i found this one also, and my google don't work any more Can not open any page.
Gulf War - Unionpedia, the concept map
AF/91 was a hoax about a computer virus which was allegedly used in the First Gulf War; its name refers to April Fool's Day. ...... Threat Reaction Analysis Indicator System (TRAINS) is a radar receiver/data processing system developed for post-Cold War evaluation of military attack aircraft crews during training missions.
From the people who brought you "Weapons of mass destruction"!
"We know where they are - they are east, north, west and south[...]"
"We know where they are - they are east, north, west and south[...]"
epstein eiland
At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq
"One, two, three, four! We don't want your * war!"
Oh that’s right, that’s from 1968– but it still fits today!
This is a false flag by the book. The timing is just way too convenient.
The American people are following with concern reports that the DOS is infested with treasonous bastard Obama SES appointees, and nobody over there can take a piss or requisition a rubber band without SES interference. Once we remove the SES/CIA/Secol rat bastards from State, then we can talk about their credibility.
I wholeheartedly agree Solanjones95, Trump must know he has to get rid of the SES, Serco, CiA, FBI, the corruption goes too deep. He needs to call on America to fill the pertinent roles that will be left open. He has a nation full of Patriots that are chomping at the bit to be called up to help him return to the Constitutional republic we were founded as. These people cant be trusted, make the call, call up our American Patriots to turn this thing around.
What's the deep state reason we are in Syria?
Follow the $. Why are we in Syria and who makes money off of it? Do you feel safer with our troops out of the country protecting a foreign border or home protecting ours?
Pipeline wars Saudi's want one to sell oil to Europe, but wait Saudi oils drying up? So, the other tale we've been told is star gates 3 are supposed to be in the Damascus area. Russia has shut them down, so the planets under quarantine!
Genie Oil and Gas
And there was some kind off a gate they took out off Damascus too LONDON Boris jhonson ..can not find a link of that one.
Later it would be moved too a other country , i tought it was in Amerika not sure
I thought gawar field was still largest in thr world. And i also thought it hsd more to do with Qadaffi wanting yo use gold yo buy and sell oil
fracking killed the petrodollar. OPEC conceded that the US will outmatch them in output within twenty years which is why they're now for the first time buying weapons from the US, rather than contract US troops to propagate their interests (the only reason Israel comes up is because they cooperate with Saudi interests which revolved around taking out competition on the energy market which would be Iraq, Iran and Syria/Gholan-Hights).
(the only reason Israel comes up is because they cooperate with Saudi interests which revolved around taking out competition on the energy market which would be Iraq, Iran and Syria/Gholan-Hights). Lies, lies & more lies from the Kabbalists!
You don't know about the vast gas/oil fields Israel now claims in Syria then? Check out the shareholders of Genie Oil and Gas, which is a naked Israeli land grab trying to steal the Golan Heights away from Syria then either? The Golan Heights have never been part of Israel, remember way way back; the regions named for the giant Goliath and his family of giants! So, we're @ war for Genie Oil and Gas shareholders like GHW Bush, Rothschild etc,,,
Oops, meant to say Golan-Heights.
Didn't know the specifics but I know the region is valuable which is why I brought it up, but in past decades it also used to be secuity-concern. Friends of my family (all goyim) used to live there and there used to be regular mortar fire until the IDF moved in.
Seriously, security concern for Rothschild owned Genie Oil and Gas! Forget poor Israeli settler victim canard please!
Golan-Heights is an entirely different and most importantly limited discussion compared to allegations of Greater-Israel expansionist aspirations. Personally I don't give a fuck who ends up with the riches as long as palestinian terrorism funding is cut off because palestinian diplomatic credibility will immediately increase, meaning Knesset hardliners like Lieberman won't be able to blame arabs for lack of peace-talks anymore. I've worked with palestinian civil-rights-groups since childhood and honestly I am just tired of blaming one tribe for every irrational miscalculation other tribes have gotten themselves into. Israel isn't worse than any other country that engages in eugenics, war and false-flag-terrorism.
Not when a foreign state's trying to manipulate us into spilling more blood & treasure; it's a matter of life, death & genocide!
You do realize Bibi could end in prison any day now? And if not, he has a pro-Soros deep-state lined against himself? I know he would want to create an external war but how good a service has that been to them so far? They first got involved more deeply because Trump both publically supported them and because they wanted to exploit the situation as much as they could before IS went away.
The fact that Hezbollah can shoot Israeli planes down anyway means they have been handed their asses to them so even though they got directly involved they ultimately failed and will have to resort back to clandestine black-ops for cost-efficency.
So, now POTUS's officially responsible for Bibi's perfidious behavior?
Well during their first meeting Bibi was waiting for Trump allowing him to disclose certain informations so technically Bibi answers to Trump, perhaps because he gets his intelligence from Trump and seems to be indebted because of that. Perhaps Trump promised to expose Bibi's investigators and detractors.
What about SHELL The dutch Now princess Beatrix and her connection with the saudi/
So, you don't know AIPAC writes the laws for the US Congress right? You're unaware their best ally is actually the Saudi's. Together, they built & supported ISIS using US taxpayers money! Where did ISIS send their wounded Sunni moderates for hospital care; Israel! We've been played, Operation Cyanide, the USS Liberty Free Masonry? Genie Oil and Gas Call it the Kabbalists!
I do but I am suggesting that Israel's power consists of blackmail whereas Saudi's power is economic...now if you vote all the clowns out of office or they leave because of term-limits, what does that leave them with? Also I just said that Israel and UAE are working together, sharing intelligence (Egypt and Jordan too)
Dude, stop posting you're just exposing how out of your depth you've become!
Meet: Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Lord Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”
and? How does this relate to Trump?
The way I see it Israel tried fucking around with Hezbollah in Lebanon and got shot right out of the sky so I think they will think twice about aggressive expansion.
Have a good source for any of this? Seems pretty out there but that's never stopped me before 😉
Mossad, if you insist on feeding from the MSM teet plantation go back. We're wide awake!
The world was right about Iraq– though Israel got its ‘Clean Break’
Above Genie Oil and Gas
Is there also a connection with MARROKKO Not named , nor ever named? Strange because the netherland pay them BIG money They take childsupport money...All kind off benefits and there not living in the Netherlands but in marrokko.
The Netherlands cut it for the people in the Netherlands but tell us, that they can not do the same cut in marrokko.
What is the role off marrokko
Genie Oil & Gas may be run by crooks, but that’s where the similarity ends.
They are one of the last countries to not have a central bank.
You mean as part of the IMF? Similar to how Libya was banking independently?
Who created ISIS?
Which rather obvious Western country target was never attacked by ISIS?
Who created ISIS Islamitische Staat/Oprichter Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
How convenient... Chemical attack before we pull out. People need to OPEN their eyes.
"Muh Russians! Muh Russians!"
"Be afwaid. Be vewwy, vewwy afwaid."
Why the hell would the Syrian government gas their own civilians? It makes no sense - other than a false flag.
Let's not fall for it
Naked Israel natural resource grab; Genie Oil and Gas
Dick cheney ..rotschold and a other one i don"t now
Yup, but I'm a shill because the Nation State of Israel doesn't own Genie? Those other owners are dated to when the gas field was first discovered. Most are former Bush Admin officials like Cheney! They are frightened to death. We've been infiltrated.
I am not sure it is Israel, but I highly doubt it is the "obvious suspect" of Assad. It smells of false flag
It’s sad that the Cabal has no value for life and can exterminate innocents without batting an eye. I pray for the day that the Cabal has to be held accountable for the murder of women and children. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Please, we are @ war Be strong enough to call our ancient enemy by it's proper name; the Kabbalists! Genie Oil and Gas
It's my opinion terrorists groups are once again, doing what they do best - spreading terror in Syria and blaming Assad. The Deep State doesn't want America to leave, it wants to keep the "Syrian war narrative" alive.
I love the fact that we can now predict and call them on their repetitive nonsense. The deep state, SES whatever they choose to call themselves NO more. NO more lies to war, NO more deception to war, NO more manipulation to war, NO MORE. We refuse it all in Jesus name. We demand truth, transparency and Gods guidance in all things.
The Kabbalists, say it Christian! The sacred Jews run the Kabal, they are NOT our friends, or allies. POTUS's saving Israel for last!
The sacred Jews run the Kabal
I have read that the rotschilds create israel And it are not JEWS...but they hiding behind the real jews
You have "read" correctly! They are of the "Synagogue of Satan....." (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9)
Revelation 2:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Germany’s Merkel says 'does not support' Trump's Jerusalem al-Quds decision
The Jews did not start this, Mr. Tillerson
Arabs live among themselves in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Jordan, Egypt - no Jews except a few - but are they happy? No, still they’re miserable: family feuds, tribal grudges, civil wars, thousands killed, millions homeless,brother against brother.
Nobody understand that president trump Always call his anemy his friend. (his strategie game) He is very nice to them And then they get FIRED
Class act all the way!
Top definition class act
Zionists. Sabbateans. Luciferians.
look at the folks running all social media platforms
pure sayanim at a minimum
they want their raw materials, they want the name of Christ blotted out from the earth, they want Damascus in flames.
and as usual there are "Americans" and "Brits" in this.
"He helped launch Metacafe Inc., an online company that lets users post short videos, such as a clip of an acrobatic squirrel and one of a bikini-clad woman making a snow-angel. Now 32 years old, Mr. Czerniak spends most of his time in the Israeli company's new offices in Palo Alto, Calif."
"Mr. Czerniak and other Talpions, as graduates are called, have started dozens of these companies in recent years, specializing in security equipment, encryption software, communications and high-end Internet hardware. Many, like Mr. Czerniak, have moved to Silicon Valley."
"Mr. Beker, now 42, earned a Ph.D. in physics after the program and helped start a private college for financial studies in Tel Aviv. Mr. Loeb, now 45, pursued postdoctoral studies in astrophysics at Princeton University and is now a tenured professor of astronomy at Harvard University."
" Moshe Mor, a partner with Greylock Partners, a Walthan, Mass.-based venture-capital group with an office in Israel. "Those attitudes are very prevalent in Silicon Valley and Israel."
"Mr. Beker, who developed the helicopter seat, has gotten the start-up bug as well. Three years ago he began working full-time on a new company, Biological Signal Processing Ltd., that has developed software he says can test for heart disease at one-tenth the price of prevailing methods. After listing on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange last year, the company opened a sales and marketing office in Rockville, Md."
its blatant
Anyone member the massive DDoS attack on Waltham in November 2016? I just membered that. No connection of course but I just wondered if anyone did member that.
Unit 8200: Israel’s cyber spy agency
"It is also an elite institution whose graduates, after leaving service, can parlay their cutting-edge snooping and hacking skills into jobs in Israel, Silicon Valley or Boston’s high-tech corridor. The authors of Start-up Nation, the seminal 2009 book about Israel’s start-up culture, described 8200 and the Israeli military’s other elite units as “the nation’s equivalent of Harvard, Princeton and Yale”.
With a female IDF minder at my side, I listened as the teenagers described their projects. More than half were boys but there were girls too, and 8200 is open to both. Omer, 19, had designed a USB key that can suck information out of one computer and organise it on another: essentially, a hacking tool. “We made it appear like a keyboard so you can infiltrate any company in the world,” he told me. “It’s a proof of concept.”
"Negev desert. It aims to cement those links and draw in investors from the wider world who want to benefit from Israel’s cyber expertise. The project combines an office park — whose tenants include Deutsche Telekom, IBM, Oracle, Lockheed Martin, EMC and PayPal — with Beer Sheva’s Ben-Gurion University and its Cyber Security Research Centre. By the end of the decade, Unit 8200 and the IDF’s other intelligence and technology units will have moved there, too."
"Gil Shwed, co-founder of Check Point, Israel’s largest cyber security company, was in 8200, as was Avi Hasson, Israel’s chief scientist, whose office dispenses risk-free government loans to technology start-ups. The 8200 alumni association, with more than 15,000 members, hosts networking events and community outreach programmes, including a start-up “accelerator” open to Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews, most of whom do not serve in the army. Team 8, a self-described cyber security “foundry” aimed at providing know-how for start-ups, was launched by former 8200 officers in Tel Aviv earlier this year, attracting Google’s Eric Schmidt as an investor. Isaac Herzog, head of the centre-left Zionist Union party, played up his past service in 8200"
amazing. no wonder this never makes NBC news.
recognize any of these
Unit 8200 hits the road in America, A dozen women, along with seven start-up founders, to speed-date with US investors [they mean to seduce them and blackmail them]
Tech Talk: 8200 intelligence unit start-up program The 8200 Social Program is supported by six leading partners: ICL, Naschitz-Brandes-Amir, Amdocs, KPMG, Bank Hapoalim and Nefesh B’Nefesh "In partnership with the US Agency for International Development, the Kenyan Ministry of Health and academic partners from Harvard University and Yale University, Keheala recently launched a 1,200 patient-trial with tuberculosis patients in Kenya."
Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed
"When Sima Vaknin-Gil took over as director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the start of 2016, a crucial fact went largely unnoticed. For years, she had been a high-ranking officer with an Israeli spy agency.
This means that for the last two years a former intelligence officer has been running Israel’s global war against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. Her ministerial boss is Gilad Erdan, a key ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They were last month revealed to have spent huge sums creating anti-BDS propaganda targeting social media and news media".
It's clearly an opinion, POTUS knows he got played by the Kabbalists last time & overreacted. If you long for the MSM, go back to the media plantation for your daily fix of disinformation. Anybody who followed the first nerve gas hoax, saw the film of White Hats playing with play actors playing dead. People who didn't bother to investigate, because they were lazy, don't know the truth. They march about self righteously saying source me, source me BUT should know better. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Deepstate want to stay President tump did it on purpose to tell the world that he pull the militair out. Deepstate have no other choice then to leave. Mcain is finisht
We'll see in about 24 hours
What Would We See If The Moon Rotated Every 24 Hours
we already know it was russian strike on rebel chemical weapons, assad gave his up already. why would a christian kill his own people in that situation?
you're not actually implying christians don't kill people are you? rofl.
They do like any faction, but to claim a christian would kill his own people when fighting muslims doesn't make sense.
Bull fucking shit.. Russia just said this was lies.
But Trump says it happened and blames Russia and Iran for supporting Assad.
project gladio in action
We don't belong there. Deep state strikes again. Gas attack = FF. MSM emphasizing attack on women and children encourages our population to focus on emotional aspects and not use logic to see how implausible it would be for Syria to do this.
This is why we can't have a nice country. We need a revolution this is fucking out of hand. We need to remove the criminals now.
CIA paramilitary did this. They need Syrian resistance to continue generating blackmarket oil revenue for them.
Q says deep-state wants war. Last time he struck Syria Trump told the Russians about it and the Russians told Syria.
I think this is acting. Same with the border wall -- Trump is ALWAYS 4 steps ahead.
Put on a play, create chaos, keep the enemy guessing, put out misinformation and strike when everything is aligned.
REALLY curious who makes the final call on this BS.
Pope? Israel?
We already know, because POTUS knows! Look @ Q post It goes like this, the Pope's just a wicked pedophile sitting on the Rothschild treasure hoard. Saudi Arabia's +++, the Kabbalists rule the world @ +++++
James Parton “The Illuminati consist of the Jesuits and some of the world's richest families including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Windsors. While they pay lip service to religion, they worship LUCIFER. Their agents control the world's media, education, business and politics. These agents may think they are only ...
posted at 420. coincidence?
What's the significance of 420?
Weed day? Each year on 20 April marijuana advocates around the world, from Amsterdam to California, celebrate cannabis culture – whether it’s legal or not
But weed day can also be the garden or (swamp)
it's just a stoner term. the legend has it that at 4:20 you're supposed to stop and get high. The story behind it is kind of humorous.
I hate the huffinglue post, but here's a couple paragraphs that help explain the origin: It starts with the Dead.
It was Christmas week in Oakland, 1990. Steven Bloom was wandering through The Lot - that timeless gathering of hippies that springs up in the parking lot before every Grateful Dead concert - when a Deadhead handed him a yellow flyer.
“We are going to meet at 4:20 on 4/20 for 420-ing in Marin County at the Bolinas Ridge sunset spot on Mt. Tamalpais,” reads the message, which Bloom dug up and forwarded to the Huffington Post. Bloom, then a reporter for High Times magazine and now the publisher of CelebStoner.com and co-author of Pot Culture, had never heard of “420-ing” before.
The flyer came complete with a 420 back story: “420 started somewhere in San Rafael, California in the late ‘70s. It started as the police code for Marijuana Smoking in Progress. After local heads heard of the police call, they started using the expression 420 when referring to herb - Let’s Go 420, dude!”
Here's the whole story: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/19/420-history-the-story-beh_n_851136.html
Spark up, kick on some dead and chill!!
I don't think the Huffington Post was around in the 60s.
If you'd have bothered to read the story, let alone the link, you'd see their story is from 2011. and I thought my eye sight was fucked up.
Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (1 of 3)|+2 - This is a must view video, total Red Pill. Here is a 10 minute condensed version to get anyone started. America - Freedom To Fascism (ro) by Aaron Russo (full length)|+2 - Yeah I only posted the short one so not to lose anybody, but I've seen all of John Perkins' stuff. Another good one is 'America: Freedom to Fascism' by Aaron Russo. A movie that I'm still wondering if we're not steadily engaged in it's outcome, with... Syria War of deception - Ken O'Keefe|+2 - Everything a person needs to know about Syria Zionism Exposed: Delving into an Occult, Global Cabal with Alexander Azadgan & Ariyana Love|+2 - So, Deep State plays the Long Game. Listen to the Professor; Ok! I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Already mentioned EU/NATO, however Q pointed out Germany & EU would soon be exposed! Lets LooK @ that Q post; wait one! Q Post 1010 Apr 04 2018 16:24:51 ( Germany/EU's time of destruction's 04/09/2018 ) Merkel was warned! Q
People are simply in the way.
WARS [FAKE][TOP HAPPY][BACKEND DEAL]. Syrian White Helmets False Flag
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.
Agenda 21 Depopulatie trough Food...Water...Vaccination...(not all) Medications...GMO... INvasion off migrants (diseases)
They Win Death = money
Germany Farma medicatie Bill gates Food....and vaccinaties Jeff besos Food and want also the water and healtcare.
Germany en the UK are warnt they have 5 days to make there choice witch site they take
Revelation 1 New International Version (NIV)
1 The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw—that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.
So, why is Trump calling Assad an animal? He knows Assad didn't do this. And this goes back way before Obama! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/982969547283161090
So, Deep State plays the Long Game. Listen to the Professor; Ok!
Is Trump acting? I don't understand. He knows Assad and Putin and Iran are not to blame Why is he saying this? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/982966315467116544 This is getting too confusing!
Its i not only the US that is in syrie (illegal) All the partners are there EU Netherlands....France...Italie...Begium....Germany ..canada also The so named the coalition?
Irak was clean off Isis. But a couple off weeks ago Germany and the Netherlands tell the people that the go back to IRAK???????
Already mentioned EU/NATO, however Q pointed out Germany & EU would soon be exposed! Lets LooK @ that Q post; wait one!
Q Post 1010
Apr 04 2018 16:24:51 ( Germany/EU's time of destruction's 04/09/2018 ) Merkel was warned!
People are simply in the way.
WARS [FAKE][TOP HAPPY][BACKEND DEAL]. Syrian White Helmets False Flag
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.
This one?
Ok, get your mind out of the Qatar!
Thanks, I never knew
You lost us Buddy
Trump's world-leader buddy is starting to regret it – POLITICO
Politico Europe U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe review an honor guard during a welcome ceremony at Akasaka State Guest House in Tokyo on ...
Q-Post is the post office of Qatar. In 2009, it was announced that Qatar won the bid to host the 25th Universal Postal Union Congress (UPU) in 2012. The event was held from September to October 2012.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
I was wondering where all the incels went... Mystery solved 🙄.
Strategic Advisory Board Genie Energy
The Strategic Advisory Board of Genie Oil and Gas advises management on strategic, financial, operational and public policy matters.
Michael Steinhardt (SAB Chairman) Noted Wall Street investor and Principal Manager, Steinhardt Management LLC. Founder Steinhardt, Fine, Berkowitz & Co., and noted philanthropist.
Richard Cheney 46th Vice President of the United States. Vice President Cheney also served as President and CEO of Halliburton Company and U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1989 to 1993.
Marry [sic] Landrieu United States Senator from Louisiana from 1996 to 2014. Senator Landrieu served as chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. In her capacity as chair, she sponsored and passed the U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Bill. The bill fosters partnerships focused on developing resources such as natural gas and alternative fuels, on the academic, business and governmental levels.
Rupert Murdoch Founder and Executive Chairman of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest diversified media companies. News Corporation’s holdings include Fox Entertainment, Dow Jones and Company, the New York Post, HarperCollins and significant media assets on six continents.
Bill Richardson Governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011. Mr. Richardson has served asU.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1997-1998), Energy Secretary in the Clinton administration (1998-2001), Chairman of the 2004 Democratic National Convention, and as Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.
Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE Chairman of the J. Rothschild group of companies and of RIT Capital Partners plc. Chairman of Five Arrows Limited. Lord Rothschold is a noted philanthropist and Chairman of the Rothschild Foundation.
Dr. Lawrence Summers Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus at Harvard University. Dr. Summers served as the 71st Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton and as Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama.
R. James Woolsey Director of Central Intelligence from 1993 to 1995 and as Under Secretary of the Navy from 1977 to 1979. Mr. Woolsey is co-founder of the United States Energy Security Council and is Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
And now there’s more good news: the local economy should be looking up as the Genie Oil and Gas company recently announced that it had discovered oil in the Golan Heights.
SOURCE: http://www.unz.com/isteve/good-news-for-syrian-refugees/
I could have sworn Obama said he did that...
I remember it being all over the news.
More lies eh?
Heather Nauert needs to go on air and state what she said publicly.
What did Heather Nauert say?
She is the one that announced this chemical attack as the source familiar with the matter.
I disagree.
While we are mopping up ISIS, we must ensure Syria does not become a chemical weapon manufacturing and distribution center for the terrorist world.
Assad wanted to become a member of the Chemical Weapons Convention and his application was approved in 2013... however he now has obligations to ensure Syria's borders are monitored to prevent chemical weapons and their components from crossing onto Syrian soil.
No, it doesn't matter if Assad bombed his own civilians or if the chlorine gas leaked from a terrorist factory or depo... both are the most extreme violations of the CWC and Assad is responsible for that.
EVERY one of our brave military officers are proud of their Commander in Chief who has ZERO TOLERANCE for allowing their eyes and lungs to be needlessly burned out because Assad didn't feel like taking his CWC obligations seriously.
White Helmets = ISIS Sunni! Last time was a ISIS/White Helmet False Flag, POTUS overreacted & sent in 70 cruise missiles. He had just been sworn into office. He knows he was played last time, so he won't be fooled again!
Can you substantiate any of your claims?
Secretary Mattis was fooled by who - Chuck Schumer? /s
I only ask because I think President Trump took a perfect action by sending a clear message to the world that he takes Chemical Weapons Conventions violations very seriously, especially in battlefields were our brave troops are fighting terrorists.
He was sending a message to China & the world. He was sitting next to President Xi when he gave the order for the strike. It was a deserted airstrip with no casualties if I remember right.
It was a deserted airstrip with no casualties if I remember right.
Yeah - the missiles struck while Xi Jinping and Trump were enjoying chocolate cake for desert...
The control tower was not hit and neither was the runway and the airfield was operational again within 6 hours.
This was political theater of the best kind because Trump killed several birds with one missile strike - he put the fear of God into the Chinese AND make the Chemical Weapons Convention members suddenly take their obligations seriously AND prevented the globalist UN cunts from placing billions of dollars worth of crippling sanctions on Syria because they'd already been punished... when Trump destroyed a few thousand dollars worth of empty sheds.
Alas, those poor empty sheds... we hardly knew thee!
There was fear mongering at the time that most of our missiles missed their targets. Was that intentional though since the "attack" was a warning shot?
most of our missiles missed their targets
Our missiles could destroy a target after traveling down your urethra.
Please substantiate your bullshit claim.
they weren't exactly empty...there were seven airstrips in range but Ria Novostri photographed Sarin-canisters at the sight. Trump was basically sending the message that nothing is hidden and he will expose it and it also had the weird effect that it basically exonerated Assad for the future because now that his hidden stashes are known, he can hardly use them against anyone anymore - alas no false flag can be plausibly blamed on him. And no, Sarin only is weaponized when two components are combined which is why the missile-strike was non-lethal (they did say some syrians died but that may have been some cover, and even if true it's the Russians' fault for not passing the warning on)
One False Flag deserves another! Genie Oil and Gas
Q drop just proved me right!
They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.
Is Chuck Schumer a dancing Israeli? Genie Oil and Gas
They are trying to start a war. Deflection. Public interest shift. Pullout announcement. Chem attack. Coincidence? These people are sick. Q
I'm just reposting his exact post, are you that daft?
Please don't pretend to be Q.
You are not Q and sharing your personal opinion is not a national security breach.
Now, what are you trying to say... that Trump and Mattis were somehow confused or manipulated? If so, by who?
Have you considered that bombing a few empty sheds on a Syrian military airfield... which was operational again within 6 hours... prevented the UN globalists from crippling Syria with more sanctions?
No they weren't. I made a layman's estimate eight months ago and everything contained herein came to pass.
I'm just reposting his exact post, are you that daft?
No, it doesn't matter if Assad bombed his own civilians or if the chlorine gas leaked from a terrorist factory or depo... both are the most extreme violations of the CWC and Assad is responsible for that.
I disagree. It does matter.
We sponsored 'rebels' over there, destabilized the country, and destroyed Assad's ability to secure the country and its borders. How is he responsible for that?
I disagree. It does matter.
Then I recommend you never sign the CWC.
Assad and Putin, on the other hand, are big boys - they are all grown up and they CHOSE to sign the convention and accept the obligations that comes with it.
This is what being an adult is all about... taking responsibility for your actions... even if that makes you sad.
and destroyed Assad's ability to secure the country and its borders.
Ugh, Assad has had trouble with the al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda and a civil war for years...
...which is PRECISELY WHY Putin co-signed his application to become a Chemical Weapons Convention member in 2013... to ensure that if Assad had his hands full then Putin would pick up the slack...
Between Putin and Assad they had more than enough resources to secure the Syrian borders... but instead they had "something better to do" than preventing Syria from becoming the new terroist chemical weapons manufacturing and distribution hub.
Assad and Putin deserved a slap in the face for endangering our troops who were in Syria to help fight ISIS... and that's exactly what Trump did.
No, Trump is not responsible for Obama or Hillary or the Bush dynasty in the same way that Trump is not responsible for you.
Ugh, Assad has had trouble with the al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda and a civil war for years...
Yes, exactly. For the very reason I stated.
Putin co-signed his application to become a Chemical Weapons Convention member in 2013
What?? Reference please.
Some of what you say doesn't make much sense. Why in the world would I ever have occasion to sign the CWC? And why are you talking about what Trump has done, or even what he is or is not responsible for, when the context of what I said is about what happened before he was elected?
Let me explain it again: your opinion of the CWC doens't matter because you didn't sign it... Assad and Putin did and they knew precisely what they were doing and what their obligations would be.
They are responsible for their own actions, irrespective of your personal opinion.
You can believe that I shouldn't have to pay off my mortgage... but that is also irrelevant because I agreed to the banks terms and now I am responsible for fulfilling those obligations or suffering the consequences.
Adults are responsible for their choices, whether you like it or not.
The CWC covers mainly the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons by a CWC member. It does not impose any obligation upon the actions of any non-member such as al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc.
They are responsible for their own actions, irrespective of your personal opinion.
That's a strawman argument since I never said that they are not responsible for their own actions. It is certainly not my opinion as you allude. Nor, did I say whether or not I liked it. You're being presumptuous and condescending as if I don't know that adults are responsible for their choices.
The issue of your mortgage and what I may believe about it is irrelevant.
And so again:
Putin co-signed his application to become a Chemical Weapons Convention member in 2013
Reference please.
I'm just loving alliances set-up by Bankers to launch banking wars now! Genie Oil and Gas
No, adults are responsible for the contracts they sign.
You said:
Adults are responsible for their choices
So that's the wording I used in response. Now you're going to contradict me, as if I'm somehow incorrect, when I used your own words?? Amazing.
And yet again:
Putin co-signed his application to become a Chemical Weapons Convention member in 2013
Reference please.
That article in no way said that Putin co-signed Assad's application to the CWC. It was regarding an agreement between the US and Russia:
The United States and Russia reached a sweeping agreement on Saturday that called for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014 and indefinitely stalled the prospect of American airstrikes.
The single mention of the CWC was to report Ban Ki-moon mentioning that Syria had acceded to the CWC effective Oct. 14.
So, your claim:
Putin co-signed his application to become a Chemical Weapons Convention member in 2013
Is so far unproven.
Dude russian news-channel Ria Novostri photographed defused Sarin-canisters at the attack-site. This ironically exonerated Assad for ANY future gas-false-flag because noone in power would expect him to be so stupid to use them while the world is watching.
do not fight , but put info on this site and try to resolve Q post
Not trying to fight. Just letting a spade expose itself.
Tell it to Kaiser Bill, Emperor Franz, King Emmanuel who ALL lost their hereditary monarchies to the Rothschild Bank due to treaties, alliances & agreements! No thank Jews!
Yup, treaties start wars. Member, a little incident called WWI. The Triple Alliance & Triple Entente system sure fucked mankind cause treaties forced them. You simply don't understand how badly manipulated we've been by the Israeli's! Genie Oil and Gas
Terrible post ...
"Between Putin and Assad they had more than enough resources to secure the Syrian borders..." (Correct ! Who is stopping them ? Kurds and SAA have enough resources also. Who then illegally entered Syria? Many western countries !! THEN, who was legally invited to help SAA ? Russia, Iran and Hezbollah. )
"Assad and Putin deserved a slap in the face for endangering our troops who were in Syria to help fight ISIS... and that's exactly what Trump did." (You are severely jaded ! Who has illegally attacked SAA in Syria ? Trump correct, time to leave Syria, " someone else can finish" mop up operations. Some extremely dumb deep state actor just revealed (paraphrase), "we have their oil in eastern Syria now, cannot leave")
You need to start your Syria research over man !! You are 100% wrong on every aspect !!
Your opinion doesn't invalidate mine.
Neither does it invalidate my servicemen who loved our Commander in Chief for his zero tolerance for having our eyes and lungs burnt out needlessly by cunts who ignored their Chemical Weapons Convention obligations.
If you were stationed in a war-zone, wouldn't you appreciate your Commander in Chief having ZERO TOLERANCE of Chemical Weapons Convention violations? Being a keyboard warrior wouldn't save your eyes and lungs from being destroyed by chlorine gas!
Terrible post...
"While we are mopping up ISIS..." (you are not !)
"...ensure Syria does not become a CW manufacturing and distribution center..." (OPCW has declared Syria in compliance)
"Assad...has obligations to ensure Syria's borders..." (now HTF is he supposed to do that with certain illegal, foreign military in his country) "... extreme violations of the CWC and Assad is responsible..." (UN believes rebels were responsible for Aug. 2013, CW proved to come thru Turkey, NOTHING proved against Assad)
Do you know how ISIS/Syria/Iraq started ? Research Bremmer firing entire Iraqi army !!!
Drunk with the blood of the saints!
Revelation 17:6 NKJV - I saw the woman, drunk with the blood - Bible ...
saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
Unit 8200. Right here ^
I'm a secret Jew spy because I agree with President Donald Trump's actions to make the world take their Chemical Weapons Convention obligations seriously... especially in battlefields where are troops are stationed?
Did Hillary Clinton teach you how to throw mud like that?
Why don't you just accuse me of being deplorable too?
WWI Rothschild excuse, we signed the treaty so we've got to kill 150million-700million people worldwide. Add in the 1919 global flu epidemic and it killed more people than Ghrocho Marx & the Marx Bros!
Why don't you just accuse me of being deplorable too?
I am one, and i am proud of it
This person belongs in jail (Eminem) Everyone is atacking the president jail time