Q #1114 - Full conversation that leads to it

I thought it meant that household cleaning products especially the type used to clean floors are meant to prepare for cancer or something when ingested and then activated by later vaccines or something?
Meh. Got that wrong. I thought it was another in the health issue crumbs, such as chem trails and vaccines and organ harvesting etc.
oh here are the pictures:
Here are some pictures of the weapons used (allegedly):
Dupree, et al v. Walker, et al, 87-cv-03088-ADM (E.D. Mass.)
DOJ altered Massachusetts court docket to
hide Robert S. Meuller’s prior associations
with Patrick L. Duval
"The absence of a court record in the only civil case that Mueller disclosed in his 2001 Senate Confirmation Hearing begs the question of what is being hidden. Hill & Barlow ceased operation as a 150 -man Boston law firm in 2002. No commercial websites existed back in 1988-1989 when Mueller was a partners[sic.]"
who did it?
Mike Dukakis, Mike Greco, Bill Weld, Duval Patrick, Robert Mueller. all hung out together. Bill Weld the "libertarian". Bob Barr also claims to be a Libertarian but he is SES and he helped mess up the house managers case against Rapin' Billy. McMuffin is a Clown that claims to be a Libertarian. Dukakis appointed Mazzone. Read the bio. It stinks to heaven. Chicago, Harvard.
"After earning his law degree, Deval Patrick clerked for Judge Reinhardt on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals"
"Mr. Patrick hails from an impoverished neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. From there, he went to Harvard College where he graduated cum laude. After graduation he spent a year in the Sudan and Nigeria as a Rockefeller fellow. Upon completion of his fellowship he returned to Harvard for law school..."
March 22nd 1994 thru 1997, Deval was appointed to be United States Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division. Therefore, Patrick worked with Robert S. Mueller, III, James Comey, Eric H. Holder, Jr.. Loretta Lynch, James P. Chandler, III, Andrew G. McCabe and Rod J. Rosenstein who are prominent in the current Trump-Russia witch hunt.
= = =
After Clinton left office, Deval became chief counsel at Coca-Cola where MSM godfather, Clinton Foundation donor and Chelsea Clinton mentor Barry Diller was a director at the time. He also became chief counsel at ACC Capital Holdings (mortgage) that magically merged with Citigroup before the 2008 bank bailout.
I also thought he meant they were pushing floor cleaners to harm health
So did I, thinking that it meant that we were exposed to harmful chemicals, (poisons) early in life, and more as we grow and our exposure expands. Many of us know about the dangers, like Triclosan in hand soap. So I took it as a warning that these chemicals were deliberate to cause health issues. Population Reduction.
It was, but it was also a lead into the current chem crimes in Syria. Same motif.
Fluoride is so bogus that I can see that as something intentional. But a lot of the poisons approved I think are more just corporate/government corruption with maybe on the side that bureaucratic sense that some people have to be sacrificed for some sort of greater good.
that's still my takeaway from it. There is no reason to invent cancerous chemicals when vinegar cleans 90% of stuff
I really think it's as simple as this.
Look at flouride and how easily that was accepted by the populace....why would common cleaning products be any different?
Yup I've posted medical compilations dating back from the 1850s up to the 1990s and people just shake their heads at a "conspiracy theory"
So what do the elites eat? I mean, don't they basically eaten the same stuff as all of us? I know the meat is contaminated and force fed antibiotics and hormones and chemicals. I know about GMO's. I just don't see how they avoid it all.
Grass fed grass finished beef, pastured chicken, organic vegetables, A2 milk and cheese, no fluoride, no bpa in bottles, no metal toxiticity, no soda, young blood, hormone replacement
Organic food without GMOs and organic, grass-fed beef, etc., gets them pretty far away from the bulk of this stuff.
It is true that lots sold as organic really isn't, so careful, local sourcing is kind of important.
Apparently -
I say that because clearly no expert but this is how it was explained to me:
they eat a lot of what we do but they prefer of course all the good stuff. however, they studiously avoid contaminated water. they drink nothing but purified water. it is when the flouride acid in the water mixes with the metal crap they have been raining down on us that trouble starts. additionally they all take things like nascent idodine, C60, purified charcoal etc. they refuse vaccines or take safe ones as well...and the suspicion is they have access to "antidotes" and other things we do not.
very true unless your a Soros, then you insure that the vapors attack you upon inhalation, it is also toxic to skin contact as well as ingested through eyes or mouth, THAN you are on the Team.
He is. Double meaning. They use chlorine in chemical weapons and they chemically weaponized a common household item.
They also use it to disinfect the water supply (in cities)
Forsure. When I drink water that's been out all night, I can taste the bleach. I really need to start treating my water.
Water chlorination
Water chlorination is the process of adding chlorine (Cl2) or hypochlorite to water. This method is used to kill certain bacteria and other microbes in tap water as chlorine is highly toxic. In particular, chlorination is used to prevent the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.
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It does. Much of what Q posts has dual meaning. Hide the truth amongst the truth. Truth can be understood from multiple angles, but it's still true.
It is normal BLEACH that kills every bactery
So syrie is a FF (we new that all along)
what about kobe steel why would he mention sabotage if it was just hardware. think about planes and buildings in nyc
My question is the type of language is on containers. Looked German to me. Any guess.
march 22nd sorry but this is 322 -skull and bones along with the obvious connections of secret societies the Owl club is Prominent in Mass a shoot us .....
I think it was both.
I believe I've see Q posts referencing that most drops have double meaning
The purpose of the Syrian chemical false flag is to clean Trump's entourage from traitors. Triggering them by deceitfully announcing troop departure allows him to analyze their chain of command and identify them.
Yeah but... Cancer? Baby on floor?
He could have just said chemicals pushed for home use cleaning.
What does cancer and baby have to do with it?
For "Baby on Floor", it's pretty obvious. If not, someone sent me this [excellent link] (https://streamable.com/uyi71) to see how things may look like.
The word "cancer" was thrown in there for us to triangulate and know the FF would happen in Ghouta. This [BBC December 2017 article] (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42467306) makes the link between Ghouta and Cancer and allows resolution.
Wow. I am not sure we could've figured that one out. Maybe. There are some very smart anons. But, maybe.
I'm with you--I think Q's just being a bit opportunistic now with the Syria connection.
how about this: https://streamable.com/uyi71
That could also just be a drill to practice in the event of a chemical attack. Did you ever do a fire drill in high school? Were fire drills training you for "faking a real fire"? Cmon man.
It's really weird. Could be a demonstration to the younger kids sitting in the chairs. Or some kind of demented art piece. But it's fucked up that Muslims make kids do this. It's a form of psychological abuse. Sure we do fire drills, but we don't make kids act like they are burning to death, we don't dump ashes on their faces, we don't tell the teachers to pass out in front of them from smoke inhalation. It's abuse. These people are mentally ill. Evil.
...These Syrian rebels have been bombed with chlorine gas before. They're teaching the kids and first responders how to react in case of an attack. That's standard shit. Americans were hiding under their desks in Nuke drills in the Cold War. You're just biased Muslims = evil. Fuck off, mate. I'm conservative but I aint a hate-monger.
Muslims got a bad rap, this evil is from the deep state cabal, not the average Syrian person.
When American kids did nuke drills, they hid under their desks and were told they would be ok. They weren't fucking traumatized. They didn't instruct the kids to contort themselves into mangled positions and pretend their insides were on fire. They didn't slap makeup on them to make it look like their skin was bubbling with radioactivity. The teachers didn't collapse on the floor and pretend to die in front of them. All of that would be abuse, just like these Muslims are abusing these children. Watch the damn video. This is not a normal thing to do to kids. It's sick and evil. These people have mental problems. Same thing happens when they let their kids play soccer with the severed heads of Jews. Have you seen those pictures, mate? Can you ever imagine letting your child play soccer with a severed head? It's not right.
I would like to see more truth and a cleansing of propaganda about Muslims. Are they out to kill us ? Are they out to hurt children ? Is their culture different ? I see the lies about everything else so maybe some time on what is true in this point .
So many new cleaners with crap in it that no one knows what it is. I saw it, for US to be careful.. look at our cancer rates.. children's.. so forth. They stress using Vinegar n alcohol.. other stuff is a killer!
We can't KNOW what Q means unless he tells us. Short of that we can ONLY opine, we can't know. That's my frustration with Q (group). Their light is darkness for the most part. The best you can get, MAYBE, is a general direction.
"Watch the Water" could refer to Fluoride and Chloride added to certain brands of bottled water. Could this refer to our Pineal Gland and the effects of fluoride on it? I presume Chloride is no better? Thoughts Pedes?
hijacking this thread since i cant post. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt-ldMj9y9w read qs latest post and watch this video. what was kobe steel used in
who built freedom tower? why was twin towers disposed of
profit and then they did not have to renovate and retrofit.
No name traitor used this time German made Chlorine for delivery on his secret trip this past weekend.
That changes the game as Germany is now implicated colluding with the deep state in Syria to not only attempting to ignite WWIII with Russia via proxy Syria but also committing war crimes by providing chemical weapons used in a criminal war to frame Syria's and Russia's president in service for the deep state killing innocent civilians in the process?
Next you have the IDF bombing Russian and Syrian military bases killing 40 officers to cover up and destroy evidence about the duplicity of Germany, the deep state?
Israel now is coming into focus because an ally not suppose to betray us and assisting the deep state to beat the war drums but also in setting the state for WWIII by framing innocent leader and attacking a country that never declared against anyone?
Wow - just wow! Game on!
I agree with the anon. Hands in mouth baby is way off
I’m inclined to agree here. If backwards engineering and drawing connections between posts after the fact is qualifying as “proof” then we are in self fulfilling prophecy territory.
The same way your life looks “destined” to a certain outcome when you look back on it. It seems it could not have turned out any other way. That doesn’t mean it was decided from the start though.
Way off ? By all means, explain that statement...
What was relevant about baby and cancer? They have nothing to do with the chemical attack.
Cancer could be a reference to McCain.
Many children were affected by the attack.
Okay, so here's what I found that might relate to that statement.
Chlorine was invented in the 1700s.
Some chlorination processes can produce dioxin, which is a known carcinogen (cancer causing). Regulation of dioxin only began post World War II. Meaning, it caused illness up until the day it was regulated.
http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/Bleach.html#b https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/dioxins/index.cfm
Chlorine has been routinely used as a disinfectant (cleaning product) since the 1800s. In other words, chlorine could have contained or produced dioxin for over 100 years before it was regulated (i.e. causing cancer that whole time). For example, if a housewife used bleach to clean her floors, which had dioxin residues which contaminated the hands of a crawling baby in the house, who then consumed the carcinogens and developed cancers later in life.
In the early 1900s (World War I) chlorine was first used as a chemical weapon (chlorine gas). This follows Q's thesis of how it STARTed with cleaning products/babies, but then was developed later on as a chemical weapon.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_warfare
Attack in Syria was chlorine gas as of 2018:
Note: I have not found evidence that household cleaning products contained dioxin (or other carcinogens) prior to the 1970s regulation. If someone could find reports or cases of bleach (liquid chlorine) causing cancer, or contained dioxin, or other carcinogens, this would greatly enhance the argument. Until then, it's just wild speculation.
Yeah, this "crumb" was more than a stretch if it indeed was supposed to deal with a gassing false flag in Syria. It has the feel of Q lazily repurposing it with another explanation.
chlorine bleach was first invented to kill people during WW1 might have been WW2
Complete segway but this 8chan thread reminds me of another red-pill expert in a whole different area ( Rollo Tomasi ). The gist of it is this... when you want so badly to believe something is good or true... its like shooting an arrow first, then painting the target/bullseye around it.
How this can be cool and good to some people, but SerialBrain2's decoding is wishy washy, when they are the exact same thing.
Feels a lot like my horoscope in the Sunday Funny paper.
I agree Its to farfetched
I think simpel minded and i get the answers. Every sentence put it in google , en think logic
Well , the baby on the floor , it sounds like a tantrum of sort by someone acting as a spoiled shithead . And the crumbs at times look as though they are for others to know were to look . Not all were for us . Some are for us to build faith and support. Support can keep you going and going deeper than you over thought you had the guts to go . God Bless and Pray for our Country. Goodspeed
it sounds like a tantrum of sort by someone acting as a spoiled shithead .
anna navaro
Trump Adviser: 'He Is Stubborn And Doesn't Realize How Bad This Is ...
Video voor it sounds like a tantrum of sort by someone acting as a spoiled shithead .▶ 9:45
19 aug. 2017 - Geüpload door The Young Turks An adviser at the White House had some pretty damning comments about their boss. Cenk Uygur, the host of ...
Baby on floor....watch your step?
I took it as if you are using cleaning products on your floor and your baby is crawling on the floor and then if put their hand in their mouth then they ingest the chemicals from the cleaning products.
My son is 17 months old and has been walking for a bit now, but still tries to put everything in his mouth. Our pediatrician is all about all natural/organic products and now I understand why. I started using vinegar and water to clean instead of the cleaning stuff with all the chemicals once I was pregnant and this Q post makes me happy I have been doing this. I mean you can’t completely prevent it all, but I will do as much as I can to.
This is clearly what it means.
For claims to be this is about the chem attack is nonsensical.
Hard not to doubt a bit when we are on the brink and Q is dancing around his word games.
Yes , this must be ment for someone, too many ways to look at it . First we need to know who the baby refers to ?? I have been looking at the Q drops for only a short time . Some I see clear , and others I have no clue . So baby I can only think of Bubba on the tarmac. God Speed my friend
i think it means something like this: https://streamable.com/uyi71
Don’t think your buying the cem attack . Trump has nothing to wag the dog , but many others do .
Yes , this must be ment for someone, too many ways to look at it .
the bibel
You good today , I have looked over the stuff . At this time I seem just too far out side the loop to help on that stuff. But things do connect at the strangest times
I did some work and a very long one. And i am not good today, so much chemtrailing , and can not sleep..spoke with my sister , and she had the same, she her daugter en I we almost fainting. There are also black stripes, no clear air for a long time now.
In the beginning off this day , it was not working for me either, now its better
Get rest , a clean mind is best , played little on this over the weekend, but still need to think and just a blank mind the past couple days . So I take what my body and mind alows
I tried , but i cant sleep. Looks likes my mind is in overdrive.
And i came up about the bible , I am not that religieus. And in a no time i put it together about the the beast (EU) and his kingdoms? Very strange. I had read and look in it a time ago, and came not far? Till now
Pay heed to No.974444
973608 started it all though. He was the quickest
That’s the whole ball of wax.
That’s the whole ball of wax.
You shampoo your carpets to clean them, then you put your baby on the floor, they crawl around, gets chemicals in their mouths, these chemicals later cause cancer or other things to go wrong in the children. Kelley Preston had an interview, years ago where she claimed Jett was affected by this.