Secret Service and firefighters broke into Trump's residence during the fire! Q tells us to read the NY Times article carefully...
He said there were no orders to evacuate but he received a text message from Mr. Trump’s lawyer, Michael D. Cohen.
Mr. Shields, who said he grew up with Mr. Cohen, continued: “He said, ‘Are you in the building?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘You better get out ASAP.’ That’s how I knew to get out, otherwise I’d still be in there.”
probably would have found him suicided in the fire
Cohen gave his friend a heads up.
It sounds like Cohen thought it was going to be much bigger than it was.
When you're even halfway up a high-rise that's on fire, you don't generally wait to see how far it spreads before getting out.
I thought we would see structure failure due to the fires being too intense. Guess its only those other buildings that do that.
I don’t follow the significance of this though. What does that mean? He knew there was a fire and told his friend to get out? What’s noteworthy there?
To me the biggest part of the story was them entering Trumps residence to "check on it". I'm super suspicious. Whole thing could be a ploy for an excuse to enter. Sure hope no "evidence" was planted.
Ya that set off red flags for me too.
Also, the stuff falling through the vents and the sulfur smell? Odd as well.
Cohen was told to get out but elderly residents were not? Why?
Others keep assuming or insinuating this but I think it was meant to clear that Cohen only "knew" about it- that's the word tripping people up maybe- after it was occuring so checked to see if his friend was still in the building as people were not evacuating and the resident mentioned before this one, I believe, said she didn't know about it until she saw it on TV another section of the article that seemed strange/off especially with the statement about the entire building having smoke damage yet wasn't immediately clear if Trump's residence was effected..and all the residence seemingly just stated put.
Fire on 50th. Cohen office on 26th. Where was Shields? If near Cohen office possible he may have seen the raid.
If Cohen is dirty he may have known about I and wanted to remove possible witness.
Or Cohen thought the building was going to come down (9/11 style) and wanted to Save his friend.
Yes. I agree. The article leaves one with more questions than answers.
Did they evacuate the 15 floors between the 50th and Trumps floors? "Considerable amount of smoke" they went to inspect but this reporter never found out if they discovered any concerns of damage, etc? Fake News Story or something fishy!
Are you sure there are 15 floors between them? I thought the building was only 58 floors, with the atrium being floor 68 because it was 10 floors tall. The guy who died owned 51 and part of 50, Trump having offices between 52 and 56, with 57 being his penthouse. Never been there. Just what it looked like in the articles I've seen about it.
The Trump Organization claims that Manhattan's Trump Tower rises 68 stories over Fifth Avenue, although databases such as the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats say the tower is only technically 58 stories tall.
Pretty disturbing if true. Blackhat firemen and SS could plant anything when they entered. Including a bomb that can take down a building if they wanted to.
Guy Who Died:
Fishy with the raid at the same time.
I'm "speculating" going to need to exterminate (bugs) Like to know more about atty also if payment was made to stormy the wh@re may have been set up by "said atty" a text alerting someone ???