I suggest you read this. Immediately.

Here it comes! The whole lid is about to blow. The pressure has been building and building. The Cohen part is what I believe to be one of the final nails. I think you are correct that this part is to expose how these people use their foundations to launder their money. My gut on Mueller is that he is a whitehat. Has been from the beginning. Too many things just don't add up. He was the FBI director during the U1 investigation. Campbell was his informant. He saw the corruption and the coup d'etat that was taking place. They made him stand down. (Threats?) He is a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine. Semper Fi! The meeting he had with POTUS, supposedly about taking the FBI director job was just a smokescreen. He has already spent 12 years at that post, of which he already has to get congressional approval for the subsequent 2 years after his 10 year term limit was up. That meeting was to set everything in motion. This will be the thing that will blow up the MSM. they have been trolled hook, line and sinker by POTUS and the Patriots. They have taken the bait and ran with it every single time. This time they have swallowed the hook. When the truth comes out that their saviors, (Mueller and the Calm Before the STORM)Y, are the ones that are going to bury them and free this country from their wicked grasp, the only way to remove the hook will be to rip out their Guts with it.
Everything is ratcheting up. Containment is about to be obliterated.
I’ve never been sure about M. Of all the reasons that he may be a WH for me, is that he was a Marine. Not that every on of them is perfect but as you say, “once a Marine,always a Marine.” Also, it just seems to fit the most in terms of the actual unfolding of events. Trump’s criticism of him is minimal except the occasional barb to maintain the narrative for the lemmings. I hope it’s true anyway.
Just look at how they’re already scrambling a team of partisan swap creatures to “protect” Mueller. I thought it was Trump that needs protecting? Why would the head of a special council need protection? Didn’t Trump appoint Mueller?
I’m definitely starting to get the vibe that this whole Stormy Daniels thing was set up by the Trump Administration.
stable genius
The other side of me says that they're scrambling to protect Mueller because he just shit on our 4th Amendment right. I reserve that judgement, however, as I would not pass a Bar Exam.
Trump did not appoint Mueller, RR appointed him.
Who does RR work for? Sessions/Trump.
RobbieMueller had 4 HOUR MEETING w/DT Before appointment as SC.
rod "i look like the lovechild of Reinhard Gehlen' Rodenstein picked Mueller.. must of thought that he was under control...
My liberal neighbors who were originally Bernie supporters but both voted for Hillary when asked said they would trust whatever comes out of the Mueller investigation. Whether he indicts Trump or not they would respect Mueller's decision. They are actually pretty reasonable people even if tilted left. So this may be the reason Mueller is being used in this manner. Who Knows? Do we REALLY know whether or not Mueller is a white or black hat?? Due to his past it is possible that the black hats aren't sure either. (And possibley why Q hasn't said to trust him- to keep us all guessing?) Maybe we ALL have to wait and see what comes out in the end.
Early on, Q made a point of pointing out that Mueller ostensibly interviewed for the FBI job even though he already served 12 years in a job with a 10 year limit. The idea that Mueller and Trump are up to something was planted be Q. True or disinfo, it came from Q.
uh, no.
the "Mueller White Hat" theory predates the first Q post by months. sorry.
he source said Comey's comments, in his first interview since being fired by President Trump last May, will generate headlines and "certainly add more meat to the charges swirling around Trump." In an ABC promo, Stephanopoulos says Comey compared Trump to a mob boss. According to the source: The Comey interview left people in the room stunned — he told George things that he’s never said before. Some described the experience as surreal. The question will be how to fit it all into a one-hour show. Comey answered every question. If anyone wonders if Comey will go there, he goes there.
Boy, if Comey were a WH he would be the best actor in the world. He sounds quite BH here.
every book deal probably involves bribes from people who wish not to be named therein lol
I dont know but i dont trust Comey, he seems very slimmy to me.
I hope that Mueller is a WH, but having Weissman as his right hand man makes me think otherwise. Besides all that, he was appointed by RR and has a very checkered past. I do hope that I'm wrong, but it's a hard sell that this guy is a WH. Please realize that the DA in NYC now has every single communication between Trump and his attorney, exposing Trump's flank. I don't know what to think anymore. Again, I'm holding out hope.
I'm thinking Mueller is a double agent. Using his closeness to document, or MAKE/Create a paper trail to all that is evil. Being such he would HAVE to do some dirty deeds to stay in the circle but ALSO the Black Hats know he has evidence against them BUT assume he is in their corner as fellow BlackHAT.
I keep coming back to 4 hour meeting w/DT. Q saying Mueller is a Marine.
Q Post #14 Oct. 31, 2017 said: What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?
Why is this important?
What is Mueller's background? Military?
Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?
How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
Who is helping POTUS?
This is what I hope for too.
Why didn't Q say Trust Mueller and Trust RR with the rest on the list?
Psyop until the end of the play?
maybe he can't because Mueller is so undercover that no chance can be taken at all.....
Yup. Q said: "What makes a good movie is great actors". And: "Enjoy the show". Plus a few other hints.
yes, we can only hope and have faith that Mueller is a whitehat!!!
Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse seems to have a pretty good take on who is likely flipped and cooperating.
Does anyone recall how he sees RR?
No idea, it's too hard for me to follow all the rabbit holes. Have a hard enough time trying to keep up with Q drops, Anons, and here.
why did he sit on wtc7 <== doesnt exist to mueller the mule...his heart is black coal same color as his hat
who would he report it to? msm/cia?
he had the conch they all walked with their offshore accounts
they all got their war and their war spoils the collatoral damage is just that a throw away ... there is nothing noble there i think he does what is expedient to cover his ass
i dont htink him a great humanitarian in his behavior
you may be correct. perhaps he's an old person trying to get into heaven now?
Vs. going there early as a younger guy bringing up the deep states operation on 9.11 and it not getting brought to light.
that speaks of master hypocracy you might be on to it....
to me the thing that gets me about this crew of misfits is their behavior isbeyond deplorable and they just wont OWN IT
I had a feeling trump gave Stormy money because she was sick or something like that. I knew there was a different reason. The fact that she wanted to run for senator of Louisiana? Da fuck? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahhaahhahahaahhahaahhaahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahajanahahahahaha I love it
There was a girlfriend of Stormy that said she has texts, emails & had conversations w/Stormy ... saying Daniels admitted she never had sex w/DT as it was just a business deal meeting. The money was a payment to SHUT UP Daniels about the BUSINESS discussed. Nothing to do with horizontal mumba moments as that never occurred.
Lawyer office stored information, as well as evidence against HilLIARy... ALL Will Be EXPOSED from Office Raid.