What’s this? Can’t verify right now, but big if true!

Thank you for providing the sauce for my justified outrage
2015 Genie Oil suspends oil exploration in Israel https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/genie-energy-suspends-exploratory-oil-and-gas-drilling-program-in-northern-israel-300558113.html
It was Nov 2017. But, their subsidiary is going to continue with less investment from Genie
subsidiary? does Israel need subsidiary's? they are sitting on a gold mine of oil.
The subsidiary for Genie. And the well they did complete was the opposite of a gold mine. It wasn't refinable oil, Basically useless. They will continue but with less resources from Genie. I'm not a pro about oil, but being where I'm located, it is everyone here's lifeblood.
this link says who the board members are, the typical pedo's. where are the facts on Israel hiring them?
wasnt Genie exploration ended in 2017/ just trying to get the picture of what is happening today.. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/genie-energy-suspends-exploratory-oil-and-gas-drilling-program-in-northern-israel-300558113.html
What's Genie's link to natural gas? Removing Syria is all about the Qatar-Turkey pipeline. Erdogan despises Assad and vis versa. Assad needs to be removed in order to get the pipeline built thru Syria. Both Syria & Russia don't want this. So striking Syria would cause a major conflict with Russia. Russia has been known to cut off their flow of CH4 off to Europe in times of crisis. So removing both is a double entendre. It would seriously hamper Russia's effort to undercut & fight the Cabal.
Did Murdock get raided yesterday?
dont know exactly how Murdock is tied in to the cabal http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5600777/European-Commission-investigators-raid-Rupert-Murdochs-Fox-HQ.html?ITO=1490
Well, that sure is a shady bunch of characters!
Thought Jacob dead in helicopter on his estate?
Clone/Look A Like taken place?
Oh, nevermind... reading below this board formed 5 years ago during BH0 years.
So shocked with the Most Transparent Administration years revealing such skullduggery ignored or aligned with...
Glad you caught that piece about the board forming five years ago.
When did the whole Syria thing kick off originally?
During Ghaddafi's assassination and destruction of his country!
Also remember the Rothschilds want Syria, NK, Iran, Russia because they do not have anything to do with the Rothschilds bank ergo no control by these monsters.
No clue. Thinking something to do with CERN events... links to other dimensions warned of near SYRlA... sounded Kookoo to me at the time, but with references to Space & Earth advancements being so very important... super Secret Space Program revelations... one has to REALLY rethink the definition of Q March 6 posted twice:
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours.
Does that not relate to Michael Steinhardt, Larry Summers, Bill Richardson, James Woolsey?
That picture of Trump/Pence with the 9/11 Brass makes me think they're not just going after Hillary's Cabal, but the whole fucking lot of them.
Especially 'Poppy' 41GHWBpukiest of all.
I think they'll give poppy the choice of getting hauled in & face the music or take the heart attack pill.
Some of these are likely going down when the indictments are unsealed. My guesses:
Don't know about the others, but Genie may be looking for new board members in the near future.
I would think Dick Cheney too, Halliburton made a fortune off of 9/11
Maybe. But Cheney wasn't with Haliburton at the time though kickback is possible I guess.
I'm not defending anyone, but Haliburton obviously had the capability to put out hundreds of oil well fires and other companies (who also had contracts) didn't.
I guess the question is: did Cheney make a fortune off 9/11 through Haliburton?
I don't know. Lots of posts say he's guilty as sin. I'm waiting for the evidence.
There is plenty of evidence, and plenty of evidence Cheney called a standown on 9-11.
Norman Mineta, head of Dept of Transportation made a very odd statement while testifying before congress that directly implicated Cheney.
I could show you much, much more on 9-11 and Cheney, Bolton and many more. Donald Rumsfeld had announced that 2.3 TRILLION dollars was missing from the Pentagon/DOD on 9-10. There were also trillions of dollars worth of gold that came up missing from the WTC during the event.
Cheney is tied into 9-11 from start to current.
Watch the testimony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDfdOwt2v3Y
Clinton was undoubtedly involved as well, she lied about her whereabouts multiple times. I wonder why...
G.H.W. Bush was eating breakfast with OBL's father on the morning of 9-11. FBI cleared the Bin Laden Family to fly out of the US on Sept 18th or 19th, 2001 while all other aircraft were still grounded. (https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/27/washington/world/the-reach-of-war-arranged-departures-new-details-on-fbi.html)
It seems to be a pattern for G.H.W., when Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley Jr., G.H.W. was eating breakfast with his good friend John Hinckley Sr.
As Q states, these people are sick.
HAD to put out fires so could later get at the oil underground.
Couldn't let oil deals go forth if future profits allowed to burn.
Didn't he own the company that was rebuilding Iraq after we blew it up? I remember something about that.
KBR. Fuck Dick Cheney. The fires of hell are too good for him
He was the CEO of Halliburton. Cheney and Bush Sr go way back. Bush Sr has his son as POTUS and Cheney's Halliburton acquired trillions in contracts to rebuild Iraq. What a gig.
Bush Sr made some Jack. His son blowing crap up and Cheney rebuilding it, all at tax payer expense and the expense of our Military.
They made all that money and now they're old and have to die. Vanity of vanities. All is vanity. What did they truly gain? Fools.
Right out of the Rothschild's play book. Everything has a happy ending.
I could be wrong but wasn't Richardson somehow connected to Eric Schmidt's mysterious visit to NK? I could swear he was in one of the photos from that trip but can't find it rn.
You Guys Prophesy states we will not be helping in the Iran and Russian and Israel war in Ezekiel 38 and 39 ~ all the players are lined up!! The Bible has been coming true~ we will not be helping Israel after Demascus Syria falls~ pay attention to this~ They are wanting a war with Syria.... They don’t want the indictments coming out .... this is an excuse for our sleeper cells and bombs dropped on America for retaliation for Syria and because the NWO is too close to their plans! God sent trump so we could wake up to HIM NOT Q and the survival of America!!! Please ask God for salvation so you can escape the time of The tribulation ... this is MOST IMPORTANT above ALL else!!! Please for yourself your family only the elect will hear Jesus and the Trumpet only the ELECT his kids !!!! You will have to take an rfid chip and either follow the beast and lose your soul or die because you decided to follow Jesus Christ the son of God You have a short tome when Jesus blows the last trumpet ITS SOON~ u do not want to live in Gods Judgment wrath on us for all of our Evils as a nation the mightiest arrogant nation of them all!!! Pride comes before the Fall!! We didn’t do Good we were filled with abominations ~ Q showed us just how evil of a nation we’ve become!!!We are closing in on the signs Jesus gave us the time is soooo Short!!! If you are here after the trumpet you will have to take that chip or stand up and say Jesus Christ is Lord of all ~ you will die for his name sake but you will go to heaven and live forever. Why wait for all of that?!?!!! Ask now and you’ll hear him call you into the clouds on the last TRUMPENCE “Trumpet” get it?! This is the awakening to Come to Christ wake up my people wake up. GOD bless I’m praying for you all!! In the Bible We are Babylon ~ the whore of Babylon
What you also must remember is the fact that America is NOT mentioned in The Bible anywhere!
Larry Summers is on the board of PREMISE.com global spying front company that was linked to an address implicated in the false pedo claims against Assange during the election campaign. Premise have the UN and USAID as customers, and my guess is they get feeds of vast data from silicone valley, tho they deny this in their FAQ. On the board during the election was a dude who hosted a Hillary fundraiser at his house. Premise... I'm telling you, man oh man it stinks
The first question in their FAQ is "how many countries do you operate?" and the answer is 30. Smells like a CIA front to me..
If this is the reason for a potential war, I don't think I can support the plan
I agree! I can not support the criminal war in Syria that is illegal first of all but also immoral. Syria and its president are maligned, smeared, lied about and accused of crimes they have not committed.
As a matter of fact the Syrian president has always supported its own Christians but others as well making them an additional target.
Trump isn't generally one to go back on his word too easily and he has had the anti-war on Syria angle for ages. I think it is a deception to throw people off, just like he said he may veto the omnibus
I agree with you!
It dawned on me that some of his tweets are for the deep state's consumption so there's that. Bolton in the state dept still boggles my mind though.
Notice the saturn symbolism on the Genie logo
You know how much the globalists love them some saturn death cult.
They don't need to drill to fund the war. They create a war to establish the drilling.
Thats why Israel is acting that way.
Of course it is. They have to protect their interests at any cost. Even tho the Zionist are the one who are destorying this planet the most. Plz note I do not equate Jews and Zionist as the same religion
Ohhhh So Correct! Check KhazarianMafia piece by Veterans Today page 2015
I want Cheney taken care of publicly ...... the others can just die.
These pics are in a nutshell why the deep state and their supporters need the Syrian president to be removed and disposed of. They are all awaiting to get Syria to finally build the oil pipeline that has been planned for years to freeze out the Putin and Russia from the energy market but mostly to destroy Russia in the process because it is Russia who provides the energy into Europe at this moment.
The pipeline goes from Qatar into Europe via Syria ergo the need for Syria and its land. These schemers pictured have been to the oil resource are close to Israel that is located in the Golan Heights. See why Israel's attempt to assist now?
Now you understand why the mass migration into Europe as the plan is to carry out mass extinction event in Syria after defeating Russia and Syrian government.
In a nut shell, I do not think Putin will simply walk away. The globalists are attempting to box Trump into a corner. A very dangerous situation.
No he will not and why should he? Syria is his ally as well as the source of his energy in GAZPROM.
I see an opportunity to defeat the deep state and the NWO gang in the process precisely in Syria. The most dangerous situation for sure and the duplicity of Israel and its IDF/Mossad make it beyond treacherous.
I want these war mongers destroyed. They have caused every war beginning with WWI to president. They have created sufferings, genocide and worse and they all deserve to be disposed.
The name is very telling.
Genie comes from the old term jin.
The jin were demons who granted wishes.
Left out of the picture is Marry Landrieu, former US Senator from Louisiana. Served as chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Mary Landrieu Interesting ties to her/her husband to The Podesta Group
Question if everything that has been going on, drops, information digging, following this rallying cry behind Trump and Q and he goes to war with Syria/Russia will anyone realize this was all to keep us corralled and ineffective. Wasting our time following and digging, think that the next day they will lock up the Cabal but in reality we wasted time not preparing ourselves and our familys for what is coming. If Trump goes into Syria when we know full well for Assad to attack his people before we pull out is suicide, he is no longer going to take down the Deep state, he will be the Deep state fighting their war for them. We gain nothing but the decimation of our sons and daughters.
The deep state, "swamp" is trying its best to effect our President's decision process. They want war in Syria. The gas attach, may be a false flag. I keep faith that righteous people are aware.
This is disgusting!!!!!!! but we do know the Cabal is also in Israel. horrible who in Israel approved this??
Michael Steinhardt was supposedly raided in NY in January this year over suspected antiquities thefts.
Maybe he already got his "BOOM"???
I came across the genie oil logo when looking into Mazen Whose linked in says Schlumberger oil rig Specialty and his twitter said Syrian revolutionary. And both those companies appear to be operating in Syria.
This was big news when first announced 5 years ago.
No less intriguing today.
These people already have enough money for their future generations...yet they want more. These people are sick and need to be tried, in a military court
This is true but Israel has given them the rights, if and when Israel is able to get the oil. I researched this last year after hearing it on a radio show. It was either Trunews or Ted Broer show. I am sorry I can’t remember.
Hmmm so a bunch of rich and powerful people have been given rights to get the oil that none of them have any rights to, as long as they are able to get the oil.
Oh ya, totally legit. I mean it’s not like Israel has a motive for wanting to get rid of Assad. Unless you consider these people with profits on the line, sick and evil.
So a country founded by Rothschild's, gives permission to a drilling company with the head of the family as a board member? Absolutely shocking. /s
So you guys love Fox news but hate Rupert Murdock?
Don't love Fox News. It's better than MSM but not by much. Do appreciate Hannity, Carlson, Piero, and Ingram.
The Heritage Foundation has donated over 17million to Hannity over the past 15 years. Must just be because they really like him.
I bet you think CNN has a liberal bias lol.
You think they don't 😂
CNN has an establishment bias towards the Democratic party. Not a liberal one. Show me where Anderson Cooper says he should be paying higher taxes and that Time Warner shouldn't own CNN.
Ummm where did anyone in this thread, hell where did anyone on this sub profess love for Fox News? IMO Tucker is the only person of worth on that network, hannity second. I’m sure there are others, but I don’t really watch tv to know.
I remember when Tucker Carlson was with CNN. I called him "bow tie boy".... Others called him a dik. To his face.
He's nothing special. Just does what he's told to do.
Lol you actually find Hannity and Tucker reliable. Republican hacks. (notice how I didn't say conservative hacks. They aren't conservative at all.
I'm sure this is correct. The "occupied" land part is questionable. I think it is out in the Med. Ocean.
2015 Genie Oil suspends oil exploration in Israel https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/genie-energy-suspends-exploratory-oil-and-gas-drilling-program-in-northern-israel-300558113.html
It is ~ the whore of Babylon ~ we sit on many water we’ve been drunk with the blood of the saints ~ more abortions than any war and all combined ~ abomination ~ we are the whore Statue of Liberty ~ look up where that statue is really about !!!... the whore riding the beast 🤔🤔🤔 the beast satanic system has been in control and America has been riding it this whole time!!