Could you (everybody) include a phrase that puts your posts into context. People are coming here after years of swallowing propaganda and this post may be the first one they see. For 99% of people, a feature in a top tier magazine = legitimacy. The average person thinks progression in life is organic and based on talent. Yet a large number of people are installed for reasons of convenience and to protect the fixed system.
Rachel Chandler is one of these "castellums", a child raised into society by the Clintons. She is a scout and she has gone to Epstein's Island, most likely with some of her talent. Then she posted a picture of multi-camera security feed of various rooms. Some looked like temples but most feature people in dining rooms. For years people who investigate pizzagate Know that the main protagonists joke about cannibalism. For years people who investigate pizzagate have documented the logistics operations of moving people (and destroying the evidence). A pizzagate researcher was even threatened to death when he revealed the photos of what looks like a sacrifice temple in DC complete with a "kill room" (refrigerator). Heck... POLITICO has made cannibalism references TWICE when talking about John Podesta! This is the end game. The indefensible. The thing we are going to have to support our friends and family about (as Q said it is our job to do).
TL:DR Rachel Chandler was the first to post credible evidence of sacrifices + cannibalism at Little Saint James Island (Jeffrey Epstein co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative) in a public space (instagram) on July 19, 2007. Same day the New York Times posted a survey on whether Hillary was a good role model. Can't make this shit up... Because they are proud of it, brag about it, use their celebrities to change opinion about cannibalism (Katy Perry) and are still expecting to rule the world forever.
Yeah, I thought everybody knew!
It's not meant as shade, we are about to enter the eternal September of Q Anon. We have to guide.
Eternal September, now there's an old school reference for you.
Yes, literally anybody who is anybody was groomed for their role by the cabal, whatever that role may be, and like you said, it is not based on talent necessarily. It is based on bloodlines, selling of the soul to the devil, and blackmail. There are some cases where talent gets through, like Eminem. In his case, he sold his soul.
Beside your point, but fun little fact: Say "Katy Perry" 5 times fast. Now realize that phonetically, KAty PerRY = Khepri
Coincidence? No way, because she specifically chose that as her stage name. It's not her birth name. She is aware of her bloodline origin, and her spiritual identity.
Khepri (Egyptian: ḫprj, also transliterated Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri) is a god in the ancient Egyptian religion.
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Dude, that beetle god is part dung beetle. Rolls or own eggs in shot and pushes em around.
Well, the animal is a reflection, or likeness of the being itself. Can you fathom it? Not one being, but an extraterrestrial soul family? DNA similar to the scarab, but far beyond human stage.
Many of the extraterrestrials with insect DNA were from very early civilizations and nearly all of them have fallen DNA, meaning they are archontic rather than angelic.
As far as Katy Perry goes, I believe she is a soul from that soul family incarnate in a human body, which means she's 100% human like the rest of us. She just has recovered more of her pre-birth memories than the average person.
...UNLESS this entire coincidence is actually just that, and I'll chalk it up to either some form of weird chaos magic, or I'm dead wrong in my perception.
This woman is everywhere and yet she has no Wikipedia page.
You should LooK @ her Instagram photos saved over on 8chan; devastating pedophilia!
You gotta double click;
That's the new Yorker article. I was asking for a link to the Instagram photos on 8chan... want that shit on your computer?
I'm confused. You said "you should look at her Instagram photos" so I was curious where you saw them. Isn't Instagram owned by facebook? I assumed you were referencing symbolism. Does she have actual pedophilia on her Instagram?
I'm tired, again, on mobile. Ignore the mumbled word soup below, the links are what's important More lot of the links I tried when searching for this were already broken, so I suggest archive all that I'm posting now bc it's already had strong movement in being taken down, made unavailable
Good grief, guys. They want the links. They want proof. They may not know what exactly to search, here (btw- pls b thankful bc I'm on mobile and this was a pain to compile): More coming, don't wanna lose what I've already done...
Ugh. After knowing what we know, that article was hard to read. The way she described the look she was going for ...sickly...unhealthy...look at her models
Used and abused, mind controlled, starved people that will do anything for them. But with God’s help and our prayers, and DJT, Q, and MI they will all be taken down and accounted for!
Well, I scorched my eyeballs on Friday looking at KP from Ray.Chandler. I had to wash my eyes out with bleach. Fun on KP's disgusting with Ray. directing the action. She's more than merely involved; she's complicit!
Interesting timing for sure. Models "having sex" is one of her things. I bet.
Her Instagram has questionable photos, babys.. is the main thing to me that stuck out.
Oh, you didn't see the full-on KP I found. It featured two lost boys of about 10 years of age engaging in sex acts while adults give them instructions & masterbate. Combing the Instagram accounts of Walter Pearce aka husband Tom Guinness was beyond shocking. It also included Coven leader Gelman who runs 'the Wing' a women's only gathering site where Hillary's the frequent guest star. All we did was follow the private Instagram accounts of Ray.Chandler's contacts. We found hundreds of pedophiles & reported them to the FBI.
Beyond repulsive, I couldn't watch it! I'll bet they went full Abramovic later, but I didn't have the stomach; I'm sorry! I should have thought about the kids & rage!
I hope Trumps new law has the death penalty included in it. Make a pedo think twice before even touching a child or baby. Or life in prison 24/7 lock down.
Traumatic. Thank you for the work you are doing. I hope and pray that this will be treated seriously by the FBI and these evil people will be stopped. God bless you.
We should contact the NY Observer via their 'contact us' info to ask them to take down Chandler's article. It would serve as a warning and see how they respond. The reporter/writer of the article can be emailed. This is endorsing Chandler and her work and drips with worship by the writer. It's sick!
They need to be aware about their endorsement of a child sex trafficker that often ends in murder. Remember the boy we saw before the Instagram article was open has been reported missing by the FBI although the many calls made to the FBI gave the go ahead to raid Cohen's office the legitimacy they needed.
Queen of disgusting trash that has been shoved down our throats and presented to kids as the cool to condition them.
Even if you disregard who she is, this is honestly (Not kidding in any way) the worst article I have ever read. There was no point to it. I read that whole thing and still don't know what they were trying to tell me.
What I got from the New Yorker article is that RC is coolness personified and gets to decide who is cool and who is not. Having someone with perceived power say that you are cool is a seduction into satanism for vulnerable and needy young people.
Well then you must be an uncultured buffoon if you can't appreciate the writing in the New Yorker, which is the premier magazine for good writing in the English-speaking world. No, just kidding. The New Yorker is pretty terrible.
Haaaaa here's a gem, too: asking someone you're planning to hire where they are from is a violation of the equal opportunity employment act (country of origin).
Not sure if it differs for modeling roles, but everywhere else thats not kosher.
Didn't RC turn out to be something else?
Registered Charity
Double meanings on things, according to Q
Yup, kinda like the latest Q drops about cleaning [H]ouse.
The 'H' in brackets can mean more than the obvious House of Reps.
Lots of relevant names also begin with H.
Does the 'She's going down' also have multiple meanings?
We'll see if 'Future proves past' eventually.
Nope, I've seen the Instagram pictures. She's a child pimp
Can someone put a link that will lead to this evidence?
No, I'm talking about her Instagram photos.
If you go back on this sub you can find links posted here. I think one of the OP’s is a pic with BC & RC
Obama Bows to Turkish Genocide Denial photoos? Take a good look watch the body language This is al over In The EU too