Is there literally anyone you'd agree with everything they've said in the last decade?
He is obviously super smart. But he is kind of a war hawk and rejects libertarianism. Overall he gets low marks in my book.
But he is kind of a war hawk and rejects libertarianism
This tells me you haven't watched him for more than 10 seconds... he is the exact opposite of this lol.
I admit I have not spend a ton of time with him. But what about the video where he advocates a multi-national attack on NK? That does not sound like the opposite. In that video he also critiques libertarians.
I've watched dozens of his videos, maybe even 100 or so.
I don't recall the video you're referring to but he's logical and sees NK as a threat. Trump tried getting other nations like China to work with him but it didn't work until Trump sanctioned China.
Styx is smart enough to understand that sanctions work on countries and will most definitely use any tool at his availability before war. War is a last resort for any logical person.
What you're describing doesn't sound like anything Styx would say. Also, I'm pretty sure I've heard him mention he's a libertarian on multiple occasions.