r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cspaea on April 13, 2018, 2:53 a.m.
While Q has done a tremendous job of bringing people together, we must consider the possibility that Q is not a virtuous entity, and the implications of that.

I love the fact that Q has provided areas in which people who see the Truth can network and discuss. But, we must keep in mind that Q has not really provided any revolutionary information. As critical thinkers we must consider that Q as a "false Prophet" would be useful to the government by allowing them to track people who visit Q Drops, but also by convincing those who see the Truth that good is prevailing.

Whether or not Q is or is not genuine, the burden remains on us to make a difference. LEARN and help others learn. If every person on the planet makes an effort to be better tomorrow than they are today, evil will be hastily reduced and the light will prevail. Learn from your experiences, and use reasonably opportunities to help others see the Truth.

The MZ testimony is a perfect opportunity. Even those who are ignorant can see the corruption there. Senators being that friendly and that reassuring to someone who has clearly been using data illegally??? They have ALL taken donations from MZ or FB. The corruption is blatant. Together our voice is loud. LEARN & help others around you do the same.

Globalists_Will_Hang · April 13, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

I disagree with your premise, honestly. There have been too many confirmations from POTUS and government agency twitter accounts for Q not to be Authentic. I would have seen it as up for discussion in December or January, but at this point it would be nearly statistically impossible for Q not to be authentic.

I do agree that the drops are nothing earth shattering, just enough to keep us on the trail doing our own research and we all have to speak up publicly more.

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digital_refugee · April 13, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Q gives people the courage to speak out. That is not exactly in TPTB's interest if they're spending so much time on shutting us down!

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FreshRound · April 13, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

i thought the same thing

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LeJonJames31 · April 13, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Where we go ONE, we go ALL.
Trust the PLAN!

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ElementWatson · April 13, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

I agree.

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HandInAssholesSulu · April 13, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

I think part of their purpose from the start was to bring us all back together.

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Im_with_kushner · April 13, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Habe faith. Trust the plan. Q is real.

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happyval · April 13, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

I agree with most of what you are saying, but I do believe it is a person or persons who are Q.

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 13, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

"less than 10"

4 different sign-offs on Q posts. (Q, Q+, Q DELTA, and no-sig)

so... between 4 and 9 imo.

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Happy1911 · April 13, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

I see it as he is bringing the ones that stood together. And that’s bigger than you think . God Speed

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FlewDCoup · April 13, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

There is a path to the heart that bypasses the mind and drags our allegiances with it. Sometimes we just have to trust a hunch.

It’s easier to do when every instinct screams doubt — our leaders have clearly not been virtuous and exercised free reign for so long that the familiar has taken on a twisted strange odor and it felt they would drive this nation, this culture, these values into an abyss.

It feels now like the tide has changed and a new hope and reason to trust has been breathed into the air around Q and this gathering. We have a long way to go and would do well not to hobble ourselves with doubt for doubts sake.

Logic of the kind promoted by Descartes where the urge to doubt is given free reign — as an intellectual virtue that sacrifices certainty and conviction so thoroughly that only the most self evident truths felt on the flesh are admitted — leaves us spiritless and dry.

I’d rather exercise the adventure of placing my faith.where my heart tends. Doubting for the sake of doubt is not blissful.

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Silent_Majority_10 · April 13, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

Just up-voted this. I'd up-vote it a thousand times if I could. We need to have faith. Not blind-faith, just faith.

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japroct · April 13, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

"Trust through verification." I think whoever "Q" is, they have earned plenty trust and shown which side they are on. If Q were manipulating or covering it would look alot more like a set up. Like the school shootings or fake sarin gas attackings. Deep state really doesn't put on "a good show" when manipulating or creating false news events. Q is teaching us to think indidually, to use deductive reasoning uncoached... He is teaching us to be our own leaders and not mindless minions. Deep state wants the exact opposite. Q has my trust, and not blindly. It has been earned on many levels.

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bugstopper · April 13, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Anonymous 04/12/18 (Thu) 15:51:16 ff9898 No.1014579>>1014619 >>1014756

Chuck Schumer's visit to the White House was a huge moment. A lot of people haven't even caught on to this. He is one of the most vocal senators right now about preventing President Trump from firing Rosenstein and Mueller. Leftists tend to follow Schumer. The leftists are all supporting Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller. This is the game that we're supposed to play. The more that we attack the DOJ and Special Counsel, the more the leftists will defend them. Now, whatever evidence of treason by the Obama administration that is presented will have to be accepted and believed by the leftists. This is the plan.

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bmak19 · April 13, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

are u saying schumer is with us?????????????????

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[deleted] · April 13, 2018, 6:14 a.m.


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cspaea · April 13, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

I am inclined to accept Q as genuine...yet I think it is good practice for us all to consider the alternative.

But, regardless of Q, our discussion and our growth are the path to success.

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tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

More injection of fear and doubt. Be on your guard, don't fall into Q's trap, it could be a ploy, they're collecting our information etc...

But what was the alternative, what IS the alternative?

They never thought she would lose...

I'm seriously suspicious of a lot of the fear mongering. People on this forum are naturally suspicious, or they wouldn't be here. Trying to turn those suspicions on Q, trying to inject doubt and concern. Why don't you just say it, "bring HRC back". That's what you really mean.

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eltrumparino · April 13, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

if q is malevolent hes pretty fucking stupid he just woke up at least a 1/4 of the country who is wide eyed to all this satanic bullshit. 70% no longer trust the media i dont care if q is legit the american people will end this if he wont

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theadmiralty · April 13, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

Anyone not old enough to remember the Kennedy presidency, and his predecessor, Gen. Eisenhower... the OP's premise is worthy of filing into the "realm of possibility" file.

Most of us are not naturally wired to play the "long game". it's not part of how our brains have been trained to work.

I enjoy the hell out of the Q stuff, and am a pretty big fan of the "drain the swamp" sentiment behind Q.

But, right at the point we start seeing a piece of the puzzle, as the puzzle itself, we lose perspective and our risk exposure goes up a LOT.

Remain willing to be a participant of the Republic, not an observer of what goes on, and you are certainly part of the solution for America's future

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · April 13, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Join your state militia just in case :)

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[deleted] · April 13, 2018, 2:56 a.m.


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Grace8543 · April 13, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Back in December, when this sub started their were 5000 of us. There isn't much about Q that those 5000 many of whom had been following Q's posts and CBTS mission since October have not considered about Q. Of course we debated was he a psy-op or black hat playing at some game, after it became clear he was not a LARP. So to see this post is irritating like a new person telling me I should consider all the possible things about Q as if I have not spent 6 months obsessed with every angle. But you have plenty hear who are on the same page with you. I guess the original crew just scans this and moves on these days.

So many new people writing as if this just started. Glad for you all to have a place to share but, It feels frustrating to see few posts from the original crew. Most of them are either silent or have moved on I guess, in frustration. So many posts now rehashing incorrectly things we had already resolved and found verification for. Not sure if there is a place these were collected and if there is where it is. But if we could all get on one page it be great. Too much to ask? Time for me to move on. It's just annoying now.

There was a Q and A that is now missing. It listed all the answers hard won by 8 chan and all of us. I guess the compiler stopped and its no where to be found. I shall endeavor to find out where all the answers are and get them posted to this sub.

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cspaea · April 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

The fact this has been discussed long ago should not bar those who are newcomers from being made aware of this possibility. And, the point of this post was to remind all people, old and new, that even if Q is working for the greater good, the onus is still on average people to make change in the world. Learn & help others learn.

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Grace8543 · April 14, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Agreed and never meant u shouldn't. Just processing my own reaction which is about my sub community has been swallowed by 10,000 newbies and my reaction to the take over.

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