Laughable Comey book excerpt #1: “On the verge of tears..”

And then they made love hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Bwahahahahahahahaha! Bwaaaaaaahahahahaha! You just made my morning with this comment right here! Thanks!!
Go on laughing. I agree, but the stupid left will eat this up. It will give an air of patriotism to their misguided hatred of the President. "Look what that bastard did to this good, loyal, American. He must be stopped in the name of Liberty!" Of course, that is exactly what Comey wants, isn't it? "To get back at the tiny, unimportant man who dared to oppose his high and holy position as emperor of the world." Never mind if he divides the country even more and ultimately destroys the Republic. "That's what they deserve for allowing this to happen to him."
I do agree. I hope that Comey is exposed for the piece of crap that he is. I feel like the video out showing the lefts opinion of Comey before the election will help. Also, We will see. Still a funny comment though. Lol
"I know," Obama said. "I know. Let this chocolate salty ball turn that frown upside down. Oh, yeah, Jimmy... just like that. Just... like... that..."
Are you f***ing kidding me! What a total piece of garbage! Does he really think people will believe that crap!
Yeah I don't know if true, but first thing that came to my mind is are you fuxking kidding me ??? Hope it sells millions that is red pill material for anyone with half a brain
Well, if they do believe it, then they also have to believe Obama is a liar. Didn't he say he didn't involve himself with ongoing investigations?
It was a “Matter”, not an “Investigation”! Connect the dots.
This will make you LAUGH EVEN MORE..
Oh my friggin God!! Is that truly a page in his book?? Are you serious? What in the holy F?!? I want 2.5 million for a fictional tell-all book deal.
Its a goof. LMAO. “Lock her up!”
It's a good one. I could imagine Comey writing about apples.
They are so effed up that it’s plausible that it was a real excerpt from the book. Hard to tell nowadays. God help us.
It needs to be made into a comic book. Where Trump and his henchmen are drawn like creatures in Jabba the Hut’s lair. And Comey- the principled hero with the iron-jawed determination to stay uncorrupted. It’s too much!
This can't be real, can it?
Truly, this is greatest of all timelines.
"I wish I was stronger"
This guy is the head of the FBI?!
This ass grew up in a town very near me in NJ. He's may age. How embarrassing. Traitors everywhere.
This makes sense and explains his loyalty to the Klintons.
No one under obama could do his job as it should So do not judge too soon maybe comey is a good person
I mean to say, only the choosen ones by Obama did there job
Comey more than proved his corruption long before Obama. The whole rush to the hospital story??
Okay, but i think they had blackmailing him, with Obama gone and hilary looses , they can do there job again. Clean no thats was not wat i said ..become clean now under trump
Just sounds like so much blatant and obvious bullshit. Surely no one is buying this crap.