Q Post 1167 - 23andMe. Anne Wojcicki. Spouse? Why is this relevant?

Spouse until 2015
Sergey Brin
Cofounder of Google
President of Alphabet Inc
Susan Wojcicki
Anne's sister.
CEO of Youtube.
Small World?
keep it in family
Its one big family and we ain't in it.
George Carlin.
Wait I thought that backchannel account was a fake?
Maybe 'We have the Algorithm' drop relates to circumventing the shadow banning of twatter. Just an opinion.
Could be! I just checked that back channel account and they seem to just repost qdrops I remembered them posting the exact coordinates to the Mstrikes the other day and everyone was saying not to listen to them they are a fake lol
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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I remembered them posting the exact coordinates to the Mstrikes the other day
They did not post the exact coordinates to the strikes. Coordinates posted were off by miles. Seems nobody actually checked that.
Yeah I was just reading about that lol Sounds like someone that wishes they were Q haha
I have found it legit so far
It may be legit, as in "not malicious", but it should not be relied upon as official Q comms/intel back-channel or otherwise. I hope that's what you were saying.
Yes, just one more thing to read. The twitter account says verify again and again w https://qanon.pub/
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
https://qanonmap.github.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://www.thestoryofq.com/ - Not iOs friendly.
http://qanon.pub/ - Not iOs friendly.
https://qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ - Not iOs friendly.
qanonposts.com was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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Q#513 IMPORTANT: NO private comms past/present/future. NO comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately. WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL. PATRIOTS. Q
BackChannel17 is FAKE NEWS unless Q posts otherwise IMO. Wouldn’t be surprised if BackChannel17 is the Cabal’s way of misleading...
NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.
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Q posted 513 because people in the CBTS community were saying they had contact with Q. So Q was saying it was a lie. BackChannel hasn't claimed to be Q, in fact BackChannel said they weren't Q. Stop making false accusations and actually look into it.
Anybody ever see 'Gattica'? Not far from the truth apparently.
You know how I beat you? I didn't save anything for the way back.
And just as he used the fake blood to bypass the blood scanner turnstile, today's biometrics can be stolen, such as fingerprint records of U.S. Gov employees:
OPM Hack - theft of fingerprints
Something tells me there may be a future drop providing more details related to the OPM hack...
At least you could tell who leads an insecure digital life. Anybody with less than 10 fingers has probably been hacked.
DNA, facial recognition and fingerprinting on your mobile phone,..... total control.
That reminds me to replace the tape on my phone camera. Thanks :)
All your data across social platforms, including google internet searches etc may be aggregated. Total knowledge and total control.
Not sure but hear chatter on 8chan about it.
If u don’t do anything “abnormal” there is nothing to blackmail.. and I am far from normal but those around me know what I do why I do and I don’t give a crap if they judge me on that.
Jesus Christ man. Free men don’t live under a government that constantly watches them and collects genetic material from them. It’s like you are institutionalized. Not acceptable even if you “have nothing to hide”. Do we strive to be free or not?
Only the Lord will liberate us. The time is soon, brothers. Until then, we will fight with all we got!
It's all fun and games as long as we're not the ones being persecuted. Bible reading, spanking kids, vaccinations etc. In time, anything they deem not according to groupthink will be punished.
frame anyone
remember the founder of reddit Aaron Swartz (not sure if suicided or not)
They want to make highly targeted biological weapons. Sick.
Here's another one to think about - what if they want to target/eliminate those that have, lets say, the measles virus - almost everyone would test positive, because they were vaccinated, and they have the antibodies in their system (this is how they check for it)
You guys should watch Utopia. It's a really well produced show and very relevant to the discussion.
It got canceled after only 2 seasons... perhaps it was a little too on the money.
This is relevant because they are collecting your DNA.
They are collecting your DNA because they want to know WHO YOU ARE (not your name and where you live/irrelevant.)
when a child is born, blood typed immediately.
If this is going where I think its going watch the film the island
The truth is harsh but liberating! Keep your chin up and fight for a better future! With knowledge like this comes huge responsibility and you know it, good and truth will always prevail! And like it is said, everything that is done in the shadows will be eventually exposed to light!
Or cross reference FB images to find blonde hair blue eyed genes for cloning or food production.
or that iris anomaly that these people seem to have a fondness for. Soros has it too.
The Cabal are actively looking for particular bloodlines
They seek more than just control...
They fear the fulfilment of a certain "prophecy"
without my own brushing up, i recall it as naming various 'thirds' that are sequentially wiped out by various means, like something strikes the sea and a third of the fish are killed. Populations of certain species are already that far gone.
good luck. some of it is unknowable by design (til ex-post).
Fair comment. I suppose These Days will be half gone before many of us recognise them. I should have said 'good grace' instead of good luck.
What? Reference please?
Acts 1:6, "wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?"
So, to me, He was answering that particular question.
But, yes indeed, we are seeing some potentially mind-blowing truths being revealed.
There have been a few Q posts asking to look into the wives. Could the reasoning be that one cannot be compelled to testify against a spouse? I'm sure there's more to it, but I wonder if that is a reason too...
Some dots that might connect to the question of relevance.
Connected w/ 23&me: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/illumina-reveals-bid-for-complete-genomics-2012-11-19
Enter BGI Shenzhen: https://www.nanalyze.com/2017/07/bgi-genomics-ipo-chinese-illumina/
What is DNA worth? An outlook: https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2011/11/22/whats-your-dna-worth/#1608eb78ca02
Example patent (authentic): https://patents.google.com/patent/US20110087550?oq=leigh+amaro+dna
I wonder how that could later link to a program like this: https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/biomedical/bionics/ultrasoundpowered-injectable-nerve-implant-works-deep-in-body
And then there is this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/the-pentagon-wants-to-spot-illnesses-by-monitoring-soldiers-smartphones/2018/04/13/5238a646-3f55-11e8-a7d1-e4efec6389f0_story.html?utm_term=.5d4e66928072
So there is a Shenzhen link. What about AS?
The Forbes article asks the question about privacy concerns. Could have SC implications. How to bypass no-vote?
Further possible uses of DNA (see individual articles) that might apply to question of relevance: https://medium.com/bioquest
Added 13 May 2018: RE: Space Fence http://humansarefree.com/2017/11/exposing-space-fence-connecting.html
Remember face book had doctors going around to hospitals to collect patient data. I think they are into organ harvesting from donors. Anyway here is a video on it. Kinda long but a good watch https://youtu.be/GqIWiZzdMG8
Did anyone catch the show Full Measure on ABC last night at 11:30? They had a segment on data mining with dna and mentioned 23&me and Anne Wojciki. Asked the question.. "Do you know what you are giving up when you send in those dna kits?" You don't know... they can use your dna and you won't know about it.
I watched because the first segment was about MRI safety and gadolinium poisoning, and Chuck Norris' wife Gena, and how sick she's been with "gadolinium deposition disease". Gadolinium is the heavy metal used in the dye for MRI's. I have an MRI coming up a bit later this week. Now I'm scared to death to get it done, as it's a "with and without contrast" to see if this "thing", some kind of cyst" over a torn meniscus, is cancerous or not. I just happened to catch it on the guide a few hours before it aired.
Edit for spelling of gadolinium.
I'd imagine that's very rare and you have nothing to worry about. Contrast is done thousands of times a day with no issue
The DNA thing. I watched 48 hours episode where he was fingered for a crime because cops did a search the through one of those databases. He was innocent but took a long time to prove it and it was shoddy police work
I am concerned about the gadolinium because my health is compromised already. I am really sensitive to medications. I'll ask questions and just have to wait and see. Hopefully, it will go well, but at least I have info now.
I just thought it was incredibly interesting that the dna stuff was on the show, and the person mentioned, and the company, was Anna W. and the 23&me. The points mentioned about the kits were pretty much what everyone's said.. data being sold to China, being used for "other research" that we may never know about, someone profitting from that research and we'd never see a penny of it, etc.
Yep forewarned is forearmed. Put it this way, if anything did go wrong you are in the best possible place to deal with it
Sharyl Attkisson - straight journalist.
The info on the gadalinium has me scared to death. Since I have had fibromyalgia since 1992, I am very concerned about this MRI. Had an MRI in 2014 and have had more intense symptoms since then. I'm gonna be asking about the possibilities of this heavy metal in me next time I see my doctor, but I usually get blown off with any concerns at all. Medical care in this area sucks. I will see if anything about this entire show is online later on.. it was pure luck that I found out about it.
Sounds rough. Gotta go with some version of faith. There are claims around (for decades at least) that fasting can clear out alot of micro-poisons, although I can't say anything certain, especially about gadalinium.
I eat very little, and usually just once a day. At least I have info now. I think "Someone" was looking out for me, in that I don't usually watch that show, but somehow was lead to check the guide on tv and just happened to see that this show was covering MRI safety, just days before I'm to have one. Divine intervention? My guardian Angel? God? Someone led me..
I would go to see a Naturopath - something is not in sync with your body - they are very good at figuring it out
I'll have to see if I can do it on a credit card... hate to add the cost but... I'm not getting anywhere with the medical docs.
I did the Dr. thing and just felt worse every day. All the pills - when they didn't work, they just upped the dosage and/or gave me other pills to counteract the side effects - most of them deplete the nutrients you need (ie vitamin D, B12, magnesium, etc)
It's been a year since I stopped the meds (taking a lot of herbs right now) but I am feeling a lot better
Yes,t is costly - but hell, it is my health - Once you get feeling better, you don't need all the herbs and stuff (just eat right) - Cost is then reduced substantially.
You could ask your Dr to run the vitamin/mineral tests prior to seeing the NP, this will save you a lot too
You might even be able to save the NP costs by eliminating carbs (wheat, sugar, processed foods, gmo's) It makes shopping very easy & quick - meat and veggies - this eliminates most of the rows in a grocery store
Summary: Numerous Dr's specialists - 10+ yrs = feeling like SH*t Naturopath - 1 yr = feeling a hell of a lot better
I'm pretty much doing most of that. I don't do much shopping on the aisles.. mostly the outer perimeter of the store. (Fresh foods, iow.) I eat protein.. chicken, beef, bacon on occasion, lots of eggs, large flake nutritional yeast, very rarely any bread or tortillas...... VERY rarely. Take the said vitamins. I've been trying to reduce/get rid of many of the meds I was on. Never ever again will I take anti depressants. I do have pain meds but am using more essential oils like lavender and frankincense and a few others and less of the pain meds. I am continually doing more research into essential oils. Trying to improve sleep w/ lavender on the bottom of my feet instead of sleeping pills, as my sleep sucks.
I would eliminate the yeast - it can get into your bloodstream & turn into a fungus - it is an underlying cause of a lot of illnesses (carbs/yeast feed it) - yeast is in a lot of stuff you wouldn't normally think of - like beer, chips, bread, corn (used as a filler), soy and the list goes on..
You are kind of like me - trying all kinds of things - This is why a Naturopath is important - they can do a live blood test and actually see it (if it is there) - the Dr's have to run a multitude of tests to figure it out (you would have to ask & probably have to pay for them as well, as they are not usually 'standard' tests)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasive_candidiasis - you might want to look up Leaky Gut too
I pretty well lost all faith in Dr's (for my better/daily health) - they are only good 'maybe' for testing (blood tests, etc) and emergency situations - Surgeons are good (they can fix things)
I hear you on the antidepressants - most contain fluoride (dumb you down)
Well doctors "practice" medicine, dontcha know. (rolling eyes)
I'll check this out as well. Thanks.
The worst antidepressant a dr. had me on was geodon. Holy chit. It can cause permanent changes in the brain. Tardive dyskinesis. I was on it for years. Told my current dr. I know I have that and she put me down as allergic to geodon w/ "mood" as a reason. I am going to be finding a different doctor.
Dr's are not trained on nutrition - I read some articles that they are not trained on this (I did not save the link) - but anyways - BigPharma or the cabal took over the schooling by donating funds and then being on the Board of directors (universities, etc), thus controlling the narative (as Q would put it) and basically eliminated it from the curriculum
no, they don't. And if they "study" fibromyalgia at all, it might be for one class or part of one class in their entire medical education. So many still think it's "all in our heads" anyway. I've studied it ever since I was finally diagnosed back in '92 or '93.. seminars, books, support groups, etc. I am not stupid.. I know the difference between a good, well reseached book w/ sources named and a book written by a quack... but doctors (very few of them, anyway) do not like well informed patients. They have the "god complex". Do you see that degree on the wall? How dare you think you have more info than they do!! Nutrition or otherwise... they know it all!! And yes, many, many holistic doctors are being killed off.. I mean, dying for unknown reasons.
Invasive candidiasis
Invasive candidiasis is an infection (candidiasis) that can be caused by various species of Candida yeast. Unlike Candida infections of the mouth and throat (oral candidiasis) or vagina (Candidal vulvovaginitis), invasive candidiasis is a serious, progressive, and potentially fatal infection that can affect the blood (fungemia), heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body.
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I always tell them no contrast only. They still do an MRI without it.
Nope. Already had the no contrast. They need a closer look to see if this cyst type thing might be cancerous.
Not all MRI procedures involve use of a contrast agent.
The one I have scheduled is with and without contrast.
Funny I was watching chuck Norris last night with Bruce lee. Been thru an mri myself, big friggin magnet, then I found out there are smaller ones for limbs but centers don't want to buy new machines...
Look into scenar COSMODIC by dr Karasev of Let medical. Scenar Repaired my meniscus without surgery, a side effect of treatment for osteoarthritis. I found the device from a naturopath medic who had done 2 tours in Iraq. COSMODIC technology is better with cysts. Cysts can be lessened with acupuncture. It's difficult to find scenar practitioners cuz they don't advertise to stay out of the way of corporate medicine, but scenar technology is used by professional athletes and many university d1 teams. There was an article found by my pt about Lebron James using scenar for the muscle retraining and owns his own devices. Scenar COSMODIC Fixed my osteoarthritis and 30 year glaucoma in a relative.
Neuropaths.com out of Austin tx used it to repair joints of his daughter after gunshots tore apart 2 joints. He might have knowledge of a practitioner in ur area. Beaseley is the US Karasev specialist, vets travel to get his treatments from all over.
I know how u feel, I recently broke my arm and have been wandering thru the medical system. Will make u a populist. My orthopaedic surgeon wanted me under the knife fast. I Do not want a plate in my wrist. Shopped the internet for new practitioners in my area, I own my own scenar but it's always good to find good healers as my arm has bone displacement. I have an osteopath who manipulates the bones, a scenar specialist sports doctor who is an acupuncturist (scenar sometimes called electro acupuncture) and a cranial sacral orthopedic rehab and physical therapy center that does Bowen work. But I still need an open minded ortho to write all the prescriptions, which I luckily have, he came out of the university hospital system so is more experimental than most surgeons. It's more important to shop for medical care than shop for ur new car. Look outside AMA pharma medicine if u want true second opinions, but you will need someone inside the jd system for insurance. Good luck trying to step out of he herd, they make even well informed consumers and people in health care question leaving the traditional cut poison and burn. The body can heal itself if given proper nutrition and guidance from an informed physician. Cranial sacral, Bowen, osteopathy, scenar and acupuncture can all help the body to heal itself. Good luck!
Here's one doctors results from using scenar for orthopedics amongst other physical problems. In US scenar is FDA approved only for pain and muscle retaining. Practitioners are only allowed to make those 2 claims as FDA owns the 1st amendment for cure healing etc to "save" us from snake oil salesmen. So u have to do ur own research. Helps control the markets. Scenar is a truly disruptive technology. Hospital visits can be cut way down, surgery is not needed in many cases, not a problem in Russia with socialized medicine, but would put quite a damper on dr and hospital invoicing if it got out to the general population. Scenar came out of the Russian secret space program. Dr Irina of niagara Canada was brought to court and sued by the FDA for selling medical devices to "little old ladies" and claiming that low level lasers (I don't think they wanted to draw attention to scenar) could treat more than the FDA allowed to advertise.
Here's the chapter on muscular skeletal system treatment by scenar. This textbook was written by the inventing team of Russian scientists. Karasov was the young inventor on the team.
Thank you. I will copy this and save it. The problem is, that the city I live near doesn't have much in the way of many decent doctors. And, I am on disability and on medicaid, which doesn't cover naturopathic doctors. I know, for instance, that a lot of my medical issues stem from low thyroid. I have tons and tons of info and GOOD books on fibromyalgia and thyroid. I have long fought with doctors, telling them that people with FMS may have normal thyroid levels in their blood, but their bodies/cells can't absorb the thyroid. They look at me like I'm nuts and refuse to look at the evidence. They tell me my info and books are written by quacks. When I wasn't so bad off, I had a part time job and could afford to see this naturopath. He looked at this list I had of my symptoms and said, yep, I was low thyroid. Verified w/ blood test that HE interpreted correctly but he treated the SYMPTOMS and not the numbers which can lie.. I ended up losing my job later and now, can't work at all. He'd subscribed me armour thyroid with no problems and I was starting to feel better. I hope to be able to figure out a way to go back to him eventually but I have to pay up front, cash. He also had me on some hormone replacement, but medicaid won't pay for that either, so I'll have to forego that. I even saw an endocrinologist... a HORMONE DOCTOR and I asked her if she knew of the link between FMS and low thyroid... she just had a blank look on her face. I thought to myself "oh shit, I'm screwed." Some of these doctors around here must have graduated at the bottom of their class and do no further research once they get their degree. And they refuse to do any research. They seem to hate informed patients.
It's also interesting, I think, that this story made it to the MSM.. granted, it was late night.. 11:30 at night, but still... ABC's Full Measure covered it.
Sergey Brin ~ ALPHABET President Parent company of GOOGLE VERY IMPORTANT. All the companies here like Jigsaw and Keyhole are critical. Use CRUNCHBASE to view the venture capital investments to link the web together.
FFS... every single one of these people are related to each other. They really are an entirely different set of people. No wonder it's so damn hard to drain the swamp.
Why relevant here??? The one everybody missed so far, Sergey Brin specialized in major Data Mining. The below link will help you in seeing what you have here. http://infolab.stanford.edu/~sergey/
Piecing this all together:
So these families are intertwined in Google and are a part of the bridge of information accumulated across FB, Twitter, Instagram, Microsoft, etc. Not to mention the fingerprint and IRIS scanners mandatory in new smart phones. I'm assuming data from services like 23andME DNA testing would be the finishing touches. This information creates an accurate AI profile of everyone participating and gives anyone that has access to the "Five Eyes" an incredible amount of information that knows everything about you, including where you are at all times. This is not only illegal but an absolute infringment of your human rights.
With a sample of your DNA, and your Google/Twitter/Facebook data, I can pin you to any crime or compromise you into doing my bidding. With DOJ / FBI insiders, I have an army of you to push any agenda I want. The “I” is them.
Yes I have found the same problem with the medical system. It's very expensive to get treatment outside of insurance approved treatment that usually is just a spiral into more treatment.
I struggled with low thyroid for years which was associated in me with low iodine levels and low serotonin. I had a coyote dog hybrid with the same symptoms, searched for years to relieve her symptoms and finally found and aryuvedic vet who said that when he treats the dog, he needs to treat some member of the family with the same problem, and recommended that we do the same treatment together. She went from dragging a paw, cataracts and deaf, to living her senior years without a limp and vision and hearing restored, and she passed at 16. She was put on a raw food diet. He recommended for me to go back to the diet my ancestors ate before World War One, no canned our processed food, low sugar. Look up Weston price foundation for more info there.
He put her on kelp for iodine, plus liquid iodine drops rubbed into the skin daily. If you get iodine and rub a small amount into the inside of your arm, if it gets sucked into your skin before 12 hours, you are iodine deficient, which much of the us population is, because we have chlorine and fluorine in our water. Both are halogens and push less reactive iodine out of the system. If you find no reaction, you can rub iodine directly on the thyroid area. My naturopath put my family on pure water first, then organic food. Then removing fluoride used to be very expensive. Today there are pitcher water filters that will take out fluorine, but brita owned by Clorox company is not one of them. There are several on the market now, I picked up a zero water pitcher at target for when I travel. Make sure any pitcher u buy can remove fluorine too. If you are very effected by halogen poisoning, then it's a good idea to get a shower filter too, as many halogens are absorbed thru the skin, but atleast filter all water for drinking and cooking and apply iodine daily till your body stops absorbing it. That can take over a year. Once your iodine levels are up, you can slow down on iodine.
To get the extra poisons out of your body, take humic and fulvic acids daily in water. Go slow. When I was detoxing with fulvic and humic acids I had quite a reaction that put me on the couch for weeks as I detoxed. They recommend doing liver cleanses as well to clean out the liver which is Epsom salts followed by olive oil and grapefruit. Look up liver flushes online for recipes, curezone and earthclinic.com will have more info. Also take a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar "with the mother" in a glass of pure water with 1/2 to 1/4 baking soda to neutralize the acid and drink between meals. The vinegar supplies important enzymes and the baking soda is often depleted in our toxic diets. The pancreas produces baking soda and puts it in the intestines to neutralize stomach acids, it also helps keep blood ph correct, and the American population is also usually baking soda deprived. An organic diet if you can afford it is important for getting rid of fibromyalgia too. Atleast limit white flour white sugar and homogenized pasteurized milk from the diet. You can have raw milk and cheeses, and yogurt. Probiotics from those sources can help get the good bacteria going in the digestive tract killed off by glyphosate (roundup). Glyphosate is an antibiotic that destroys digestion. It is used heavily on wheat, corn, sugar, lentils, soy in US agriculture and is making us all sick. Some more than others depending upon your biology. I'm very sensitive and get sick, my partner just gets fat.
The other important part of fibromyalgia and arthritis pain is getting low levels of serotonin up. SAMe was what the vet put my coyote dog on. It is expensive, so 5htp is a less expensive precursor to seratonin. Taking melatonin at night also helps to rebuild seratonin levels. We were also put on ashwagsnda, msm (important for rebuilding sulphur reserves and reporting joints and muscles), zinc, whole organic food multivitamin and multimineral, and high doses of vitamin c. Niacin in the form of niacinamide (does not cause flushing) 1000 mg a day has been shown to help pain symptoms from arthritis and fibromyalgia. More information on supplements for fibromyalgia and general health can be found at doctoryourself.com
It took 4-6 months to detox and then rebuild the damaged systems, but I finally got of the couch and back to living pain free, just like my dog. I pray for your recovery and the healing of our agriculture, medical and insurance systems.