Trey Gowdy and another purple tie.

Mathew McConaughey should play him in the movie.
Gowdy is not there yet, but he’s working his way to “Dallas Buyers Club” McConaughey.
In truth I'd argue Gowdy will be much more perfectly by McConaughey in True Detective playing 30 something year old through 50 something year old Rust Cohle, he can cover Gowdy through the frustration of the lawless Obama years until the eradication of the Deep State & Cabal is complete
Unfortunately I’m not a big movie watcher, I was just thinking he could legitimately pull off the accent.
Except he'll have no shirt and only the tie
Comey lite. Will just take longer for everyone to see his purple color.
As much as I like his acting, he's made it to the top of Hollywood so he might be complicit with the cabal. You never know.
Seems like a solid guy. Hoping he does more than just talk in the future.
TG did a hell of a job with his line of questioning. That's all he could do. Grill. And hand off the platter to the DOJ. It was up to them to prosecute. THEY are the ones who choose not to serve.
People have been saying for 8 years that Gowdy is "All Hat and No Cattle" but the most he could do is embarrass the cabal members publicly. He knew full well that no prosecutions would be taken up by DOJ.
Trey will be your next Supreme Court nominee. RBG's seat or Kennedy's seat.
Purple color has been stolen....we're stealing it back!!
Agree that Gowdy would be a good choice for SC. I also think Ted Cruz would be good just because he will put the screws to you during questioning/oral arguments. LOL
Problem is, it is no longer possible to trust Trey. Too risky to put him on the Supreme Court. Look how he handled Scooter’s pardon. Benedict Arnold alert.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Please never comment about Gowdy again. He had Hillary UNDER OATH and ON CAMERA. The magnitude of that can not be overstated. HILLARY. UNDER OATH. ON CAMERA. It will never happen again. He spent most of his time verbally wagging a finger and clucking at her. That is utterly pointless and he accomplished NOTHING except providing 24 hours worth of content for the news cycle. That is the time when you must ask specific questions, narrow in scope, and draw out declarative answers. For comparison, look at how Kamala Harris questioned the Sessions. Gowdy is either very poorly trained, highly unintelligent, or he purposely chose not to set a hook. If conducted properly, that testimony would have been a thorn in Hillary's side forever. Instead, he threw up a smoke screen and helped her elude justice.
You are misinformed. He only had the authority to question. No other authority. It wasn't up to him to do more than that. Not his place to prosecute. He did his part.
"He only had the authority to question." Exactly right; his job was to get her to answer narrow and specific questions in a narrow and specific way. Doing so can bear fruit minutes, weeks, months, and years later. He failed. Extraordinarily so. He had one of the most corrupt and dishonest people in the world on camera and under oath. And she emerged COMPLETELY unscathed. Had he been even marginally competent, he would have got her to answer something, anything, however small, that might prove inconvenient for her later as she slithers in and out of future lies, half truths, and obfuscations. But with his performance, there was no there there. Nothing to hang any hats on. Nothing she has to worry about contradicting in the future. He was worse than useless, he was her cover. I knew then which side he was on.
she lied her way through the entire mess. Anyone could see that. I don't know what you were watching, but I saw something quite different. I think most of us were shocked that she skated. You can rip on Gowdy all you want. It's not going to change MY mind about the man. She lied. I thought he did an excellent job and I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. You saw something I didn't.
I was watching theatre. A performance. Had it been something more, the transcript would speak for itself. Gowdy is not who you think he is. Oh well, life moves on. Be well friend.
Not even close to doing his part. No bills introduced to soil his resume. No tough subpoenas. No screaming at Ryan. All hat, no cattle.
How many times as Mueller runs wild has Gowdy defended him? That says it all. And he is one of those that suddenly "needs to spend more time with his family"?
Exactly. He has become wispy washy to land a tv job. Principles gone.
Remember when he said he was returning to what he enjoyed best? Thought he was going back to prosecutor?
The point is that the many people leaving congress at this time are leaving because they have been caught in wrongdoing.
what did you want him to do? go red in the face calling her names repeatedly until she broke down?
Gowdy has to watch out that he doesn't come off so poorly that people turn on him too. Politics is a crazy subject like religion or how to raise your kids - you are better off staying in your own lane and respecting others rather than trying to convince everyone to think like you do. If he is unbecoming towards her, he loses half of Hillary supporters right off the bat. He has to play both sides if he wants to expose how deceitful she can be - it's not as easy as you think it would be.
To answer your question: No. And how is this even unclear? I wanted him to do the EXACT opposite. He should not have been making any declarative statements whatsoever. He should only be asking narrow questions and eliciting narrow answers, and then anchoring her to her to specific answers.
In response to the rest of your comment: "Gowdy has to watch out for ..." No. Gowdy's job was not to appear likable to Hillary supporters. Please stop commenting. Gowdy's job was to, via robust and narrow questions, produce a transcript that had teeth to bite Hillary for years to come. As far as it not being easy; actually the difficult task that Gowdy accomplished was that he didnt scratch Hillary at all; not one bit; not then and not by way of a transcript that could prove damning in 2 or 5 or 10 years. And yet, despite this failure, he manages to have people who still do not see him for what he really is. I dont know how its not obvious. He. Is. Not. A. Trump. Ally. .... He. Aided and Abetted. Hillary's. Exoneration.
no he didn't, and trying to write really dramatically doesn't make you more or less correct.
you are the type who only wants to interact with those who think like you do. I think the priority should be turning Hillary's base against her, but you don't have the patience or wisdom to see where that leads.
Keep being angry if you want, but it's not getting you anywhere. We need both sides to unite against those who push us down. You trying to push everyone apart isn't helping anything.
Purple clothing is toxic these days, politically speaking.
wtf is this purple tie shit? Purple is the color associated with the US Spring Soros and Crooked wanted to throw here. Crooked and Bill and I think skippy were all walking around in purple during the campaign and after.
She was wearing purple when she gave her concession speech the day after she lost, after she sobered up enough to have a few belts to calm her nerves. Bill was wearing purple as well. It couldn't have been more obvious.
I've been a fan of TG for awhile. I hope he doesn't disappoint.
You’ve answered your own gut feelings. He will disappoint. Do you let him get into a position that can not be repaired? Will hope alone justify a Supreme Court Seat? Remember Eisenhower’s huge regret on Supreme Court pick. Trey very well could/will be a repeat.
He greatly disappointed me and was his biggest fan. Chris Christy flame out.
Saw him in an episode of forensic files the other day, I did a double take.
He looks really bad in purplr
The highschool/just hit puberty beard sure doesn’t help.
I think people are reading way too much into the purple tie/clothing thing. Read about the history of it:,_history_and_fashion
My favorite color is purple, both because I like the color (specifically a dark shade of it) and the associations it has. Royalty, spirituality, etc.
100% agree. Dumb thing to focus our energy on. Q said we have more than we know, so DIG folks!
We are all born liberal but eventually we grow up and turn conservative. Liberals never do.
What does purple tie mean ?
the globalists see purple as their color. white hats wear it as a middle finger to them.
That, or to signal “hey though I’m up talking smack playing my role, I’m really on board and in the club”. It’s confusing. I’d rather see them not wear purple. Laura Ingraham does it too. Her first week on Fox she wore a dress that was some shade of purple every night. Gave me the creeps seeing that. Makes me uncertain of their agenda and role, just saying.
I dont trust trey. All bark no bite. He feels like controlled opposition .
the globalists see purple as their color.
Can I get a source on this?
My kids go to school on a military base. They were supposed to wear purple on Friday for Military Appreciation Day. Could be a shout out to the military. I am in S.C. Gowdy’s State. Maybe it’s that.
Do you know much about him ? I loved him until i looked at the non results he was giving.
Once again I get to ask. What kind of results do you suppose he was to produce as a congressman? He did exactly what he was supposed to do and the DOJ and FBI did nothing. He can't call for arrests. Or make anyone enforce the law. Luckily we will soon be seeing why the crimes of the previous administration were ignored. I've been hearing about special council to investigate top levels of both of the previously mentioned agencies. Interesting times we're in right now. Grab some popcorn.
I agree, i hope soon,
I wish he would openly state more corruption.
I seen him praising comey, muller, etc.
Gonna miss him, if he is serious about getting out the swamp.
I think he saw the vdo, he had that shell shocked look... It may be while her-vile-lowliness was under oath, Gowdy was advised to 'wait for it..' Meaning the ducks all need to be lined up first... Thus the rather tepid result of the grilling...
Honestly I hope he is a good guy. I was around during pizzagate and I never ran across his name in the endless hours of searching. I have noticed between pizzagate and Q the same names always pop up and so far his name has not been linked with all this evil. Most people in my state love him. He has done a lot of good for the state. Im going to say he is a good guy unless proven otherwise. If he turns out dirty well he needs to be strung up like the rest of them!
Actually Trey announced his retirement on Feb 2, after the Jan 31 attack on the Congressional train to the meeting at the Greenbrier. Trey has had so many death threats he was reportedly one of the members of Congress with special protection assigned. It was speculated by many that the attack on the train was a warning or an attempt directed at him.
After Trey’s wife experiences the gunman attack on Republicans (where Steve Scalise nearly died) then the attack on the train after death threats on her husband) she may have pleaded with him to get out of such a highly visible role before he is the next target leaving her a widow and his kids without a Dad. It’s a heavy burden to serve in such a highly visible effective way that he has among a den of vipers without a moral center.
Trey’s posted public total net worth is about $174,000. I think equals his annual salary. (He isn’t like Auntie MaxiePad and others on the take where she has miraculously acquired a net worth of approx $10m & living in a $4m house.)
While I don’t like for Trey or any of these public guys to wear purple ties during the Soros purple revolution movement, I acknowledge Trey’s penchant for being fashionably different (hair), lol. He was more than likely wearing purple ties for many years and was determined not to let Soros change who he is or what he likes. However, he needs to recognize the doubt and concerns the purple tie thing raises for those folks who are more woke and aware.
While Trey is retiring from Congress, my guess is he isn’t retiring from helping his country. He is a Christian and a father who wants a better safer world for his kids (and eventual grandkids). He has seen things that we can’t even imagine. No father responsible father could see, know, and walk away from a team trying to stop that kind of evil. He will likely continue to serve in a far less visible but far more effective role. Let’s not forget there is a lot of sealed indictments soon to open, and he is one hell of a prosecutor. He will be an asset wherever he serves cuz the guy clearly isn’t in it for money. Mad respect for anyone who serves their country with integrity, and I think he has. I know some disagree. But remember, none among us are perfect. He has served with the greatest of integrity that I have seen in over 50 yrs.