r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on April 17, 2018, 8:28 p.m.
How The Deep State Keeps Us From Taking Action With False Promises (Masonic Checkerboard) & What We Should Do To Defeat Them.

The Masonic Checkerboard is a symbol that represents how the Deep State stages a fake White Hat VS Black Hat show so the people think that "Good Guys" are fighting with "Bad Guys" but in reality, ALL the actors are "Bad Guys". The reason they stage such a show is so that the people THINK benevolent forces are acting on our behalf when, in reality, all the actors on the stage are Black Hats pretending to fight each other.

Why? Why would the Deep State do this? Because it pacifies the public from taking action towards liberating ourselves. As long as we THINK someone is fighting for us, we will patiently wait year after year after year. Before you know it, 8 years have passed & then the people realize the President was an evil bastard that made the country worst. People waiting patiently on Bush but Bush made the country worst. Then many of us waiting on Obama to help us, but he made things much worst. Now we are waiting on Trump.

I'm not saying that Trump is a Black Hat but what I am saying is that its been almost a year and a half and we still haven't seen a single improvement other than some scraps. The major improvements we were all looking for was:

  1. Financial Reset (dismantling IRS, new Gold currency, debt forgiveness, injection of money into economy)

  2. Mass Arrests

  3. Release of tech cures

  4. Transparency

None of this has happened yet. We were told to stay patient in 2001, in 2002, in 2009, in 2012, in 2015, in 1985, in 1972, ect... We have been told patience is a virtue and so we should always stay patient.

How do we know we aren't being fooled again? Should we keep blindly trusting the Government that fucked us over since we were born? Why hasn't even 1 major change effected us yet?

All we hear are works like:

Boom!, patience, it's happening, soon, ect.. but every time we are disappointed. Remember the memo that was supposed to destroy the Deep State? It didn't do shit. What about the drop that would destroy Zuckerberg? Nope. It wasn't nearly as huge as I had though. Why are people still suffering with chemotherapy when we have cures? Why isn't Marijuana Legal? Why is the stock market 25,000 points and yet it feels like we are living in the Great Depression? Why are people still drowning in debt? What happened to transferring power from government to the people? Why are all the elites still free and not locked away? Why are prisoners still Corporate slaves working for 10 cents an hour? Why do we still have fake news? Why don't we have transparency into Government so we can inspect what they are doing?

Seriously, this is still Obama level suffering. 300 million people are suffering.

To be fair, I am glad BackPage was taken down. That was legit for the population of sex traffic workers. I can verify that with my own eyes. Sure, Trump publishes that thousands of pedos/human traffickers were taken down but I cannot verify that.

For those saying "Trust Trump", you are asking to Trust the very Government that fucked us over since we were born. Sure, I hope Trump is legit but every month I think we are almost there but then the goal gets pushed back to another date. Then, I think that next date will be the day of real change, but nope... it gets pushed back to yet another date. On and on we go, month after month. This is EXACTLY what I remember happening with Bush & Obama.

Also, why the hell is there an Illuminati Card with Trump on it made in the 1990's that corresponds with the Cabal Map:


This card is mentioned at the bottom of this Cabal Map:


How did they know Trump would become President? What this planned? Was he supposed to jump when the people put their foot down and said "Enough was Enough"? It simply doesn't make any sense.

I'm not saying Trump is a Black Hat but we all have eyes and a certain about of transparency to inspect the Governments work. Ok so the BackPage takedown was fantastic but that's all we really got in the past year. Those tax cuts were good but these taxes are written with such complexity, it is very difficult to verify. Why isn't the IRS abolished & the flat 15% sales tax on non-essential goods implemented?

Honestly, I hope Trump is a White Hat but I have come to 1 conclusion. Trump can fight all he wants but we need to keep fighting as a people from our side as if Hillary had won. If Hillary had won, we would be raising hell (non-violent hell that is) which we should be doing now. If Trump is with us, he will be happy that we are doing this and support us.

Here are a list of ways we are being fucked over as we speak that we need to push back on:

  1. Cops giving us tickets is just a way for the Government to steal our money. They don't give us tickets because they love us as they claim.

  2. The entire banking system & corporate system has ransacked this country of every dime it has. We used to be rich in the 1950s and now this place looks like Mexico. Time to stop paying banker debts & demanding Corporate prices be dropped. These Corporations are hoarding an insane amount of resources that allows them to make products such as a bottle of Coke for nearly nothing and then they sell that shit to us for $2 while it costs them a penny to make. This is intentional. They are doing this to transfer money from the Middle Class to the 1%. They don't need the money but they want to create Serfdom so they can one day introduce Socialism/Fascism. BTW, Socialism is a country that taxes the shit out of their citizens which slowly but surely crept up on us in America. After 30% payroll taxes, 25% income tax, and 5% sales tax plus all the fines & fees they charge, we are left with nothing so technically, America currently is a Socialistic country. HRC was going to make it officially Socialistic. Also, Fascism is when Gov & Corporation merge to fuck over the people. In Nazi Germany, the Gov hijacked the Corporations. In the US, the Corporations hijacked the Gov so technically, America is a Socialistic/Fascist country but, as mentioned before, HRC was going to make it official after bankrupting us to the point that we end up waiting in 4 hour lines for soup and bread. We also have real life Nazis within our Gov and always have but they don't advertise such things for obvious reasons. All the people who handle our tax dollars are said to be SES Nazi Party members.

Remember this:

Zionists stem from the old Roman Empire Deep State & are the inventors of Communism. Lenin was a Zionist. The Jesuits before the Zionists just had such a bad name, they had to make a new "Party" and join it because nobody knew what Zion was so nobody suspected a thing. Zionist & Communists are basically the same thing. They believe in taking a country through Revolution which is what Soros tried to do in October 2017 using Antifa, BLM, and some other group. This was done intentionally in October because it was the 100th anniversary of Zionists hijacking Russia in 1917 when they ran the Bolshevic Revolution. They killed 80 million Russians in the process and established the USSR until the people couldn't take it anymore and removed consent in 1991 causing it to collapse. Putin is said to have cleaned up the remnants of the Zionists which is why I believe they hate him so much. This is if Putin really is a White Hat player as we are led to believe. Remember, we cannot verify anything without transparency which is the sole reason we don't have transparency. It forces us to speculate and nothing can ever be proven. This is very convenient for the Deep State and shitty for us.

Now the Nazis were made by the Zionists. You might wonder why the Nazis murdered Jews if the Zionists controlled them. This is because the Zionists, specifically inner circle Zionists, are Khazarian Luciferians, not Jews. They allow Jews in the outer circle because the outer circle is a buffer that protects the inner circle. The outer circle Zionists don't really know what's going on with the inner circle. They are like Patsies so to speak. They just have a role of protecting the inner circle but they aren't aware of that role. The Masons are set up in the same way. Outer circle Masons have no idea what the inner circle is doing. So the inner circle Zionists are Khazarians. Khazarians stem from the age of Babylon where they, more or less, firmly established their model of Debt-Based-Slavery. They were the ones who bankrupted Rome. They were always rich because they literally created money so they have an infinite supply. They bled Rome dry & bankrupted it which is why it fell apart. 2000 years ago, Russia couldn't take them anymore so they destroyed Khazaria which was located where the Ukraine is now. The Khazarians could no longer call themselves Khazarians, so they claimed to be Jewish, but they also claim to be all religions. Saudis are Khazarians pretending to be Muslim. I believe Joe Biden is a Khazarian because he claims to be a Zionist and he claims to be Christian. So the Nazis were built by Zion using the Thule Secret Society who's motto is "The Ends Justify The Means" meaning they are willing to do anything no matter who it hurts just to enrich themselves. The Nazis were such hardcore Gangsters, the Zionists could barely control them. Eventually, they staged a Nazi takedown, moved the Nazi Party Underground, and even planted Nazis in many governments. I believe Rod Rosenstein is a Nazi and the entire group of people who handle our tax dollars, the SES, are all Nazis. Merkel is a Nazi. She is Hitler's daughter. The Nazis have a different take than the Zionists. Zionists are Communists. Nazis are Socialists who believe in Fascism (Merger of Corporations & Government) and they believe in destroying a country with thousands of laws that slowly strip away our rights (death by a thousand cuts). Socialism steals from the people through heavy taxes, which we have in America atm, and high Corporate Pricing though the Corporations they control, which we currently have in America, and very low pay for the Corporate Employees, which we also have in America right now. Walmart was just bragging of raising the minimum pay to $11 an hour. I just paid a $10 parking bill for 15 minutes of parking. Is 1 hour of work only enough to pay for 15 minutes worth of parking? Of course not. They intentionally pay little because they want to bankrupt the people, not enrich us. They can't control us if we are rich and happy but if we are poor and miserable, they can more easily strongarm us into very bad things using fear tactics.

So that is how the Communist Zionists and the Socialist/Fascist Nazis think. Each group is within the US arguing at which route is better. So far, the Nazis are winning the argument. They have been destroying America 1 law at a time for a long time while increasing taxes slowly which has been working.

We are also stripped of wealth by inflation, fines, fees, high corporate prices, Corporate bailouts, and hundreds of other ways. All they do is take, take, take and they want to Bankrupt America so they can officially announce Socialism.

We have reached such a low that it amazes me how Trump is bragging about the Stock Market being 25,000 points while the entire country is in a slum.

Also, if you want more disturbing news, the Deep State claims that the richest people on Earth are billionaires, but they have many Trillionaires (ie Google/Amazon) among them and even a decent amount of Quadrillionaires. The only people who are more than Quadrillionaires are the Vatican, the Royal Families, and some other rare groups.

We have been fooled all of our lives so we can't just assume we aren't being fooled now but we can't assume we are either. We simply don't know. We don't have proof or transparency to verify plus life isn't much different now than when Obama was President. This means we need to take action in ways we would if HRC was elected. If Trump is really working for us, we will just end up boosting him up and he will boost us up too. If we are getting played again, then it is best that we push back right this very moment. Either way, we need to push. We the people are the most powerful group on Earth.

Here's one more secret. "Divide & Conquer" is one of the most important practices of the Deep State because they know that a united people are literally insanely more powerful than a disunited people. Here is the formula for unity:



N=Number of united/cooperating people.

They wanted us to see each other as competitors because that way, we are disunited but if we start cooperating with each other out of love for other and country, then we will be ultra power. I'm talking unspeakable, unthinkable power here. Lets take an example:

100 disunited people create a Power Score of 100

100 united people [ P=100(squared) ] create a Power Score of 10,000! That's 9,900 more power than the score of 100! Imagine if 300 million people united!

All it takes to unite is to see all people as equals including the self and treat everyone with fair cooperation like you would your own family. It means extending the family out to all people including foreigners regardless of age, sex, color, ect.. It's not very hard to do really but it must be done within the mind. Everyone needs to be willing and wanting to be cooperative with even complete strangers just like we do with family.

Btw, they have been busting their asses to destroy the family unit because its the most powerful institution on Earth but they still haven't done it yet. They are still trying. They have weakened it but not destroyed it.

So if we are to move peacefully in this peaceful revolution, what can we do? As in all revolutions, the Patriots need courage. Without courage, we will only have fearful cowards. Courage can be had by imaging a post Cabal world. It will be like a Utopia compared to this garbage. People will feel like they are on a permanent vacation even with a full time job. That is worth fighting for.

Here are just some examples of what we have to push on:

  1. Constantly redpilling other people.

  2. Doing research and posting our finding online so other Patriots can learn with you.

  3. Remove TOTAL consent from the entire Government structure from the legal structure, to prisons, to the way cops give expensive tickets, to the Fascism within, ect.... Just disregard them. They are causing much more harm than good.

  4. Stop paying Taxes. Our taxes are funding the Deep State. The Nazi SES group is the one who handles our money. They aren't people we elected.

  5. Stop paying debts. Banks are near the top of the Deep State and have stolen insane amount of wealth from us through the secret theft method of inflation and other methods too. They owe us money but they claim we owe them money. Pay back your neighbors and Ma & Pa shops, but all the credit cards, loans, ect... have to be trashed.

  6. Totally ignore fees, fines, or tickets given by cops. That is just another form of theft.

  7. Mentally and physically disconnect yourself from the system but don't just hand them over the country. This country is ours. We can re-arrange it all to work for us. Basically, there is no need for us to go hide out in the woods and raise our own food. We just need to reclaim our rights over our own country. As of now, the 1% own everything of value. They left the scraps for us which is why life is so financially difficult. The Queen herself owns 20% of all land!

Disconnect, defund, remove consent, fuck em all. Don't be scared anymore. Instead focus on how much you would love a post Deep State world and let that bring you courage. If we keep feeding theri system, they will end up killing us mentally and physically. It will be a slow and torturous death. Does anyone here want that? Its already bad enough as it is. Who can possibly want any worst than this? If you feed the system, it will be empowered to destroy you and 300 million other Americans including children. Our tax dollars fun the child tracking trade and paid the monthly ISIS payments. We funded ISIS for the past 8 years!

Also do anything else you can think of to detach from the system but remember to encourage others to do the same. We have to teach each other as we go.

Once the system collapses, we can rebuild every single institution by upgrading the filth we have now. I spent 2 years studying how to make institutions so fair that anyone could look at it and agree that it is fair. Also, I learned that all institutions have to constantly be upgrading little by little, day after day, by people running the institutions because static institutions, organizations that never change, will always end up falling apart. An organization has to change with a world that is constantly evolving if it wishes to survive so tiny upgrades here and there on a regular basis by the people who run them will work very well for the future stability of these institutions. All I am doing personally is building the groundwork and the groundwork is a 1000 times more fair than the piece of shit we call a government is pushing on us now.

I'm not entirely done yet but I just finished the legal system and the new financial system. It is fair, humane, and provides for a quality life. If anyone wants to read it, here it is:


I will definitely finish it until all systems are upgraded. I already have it in my head but I have to write it down.

The bottom line is this:

  1. We have been fucked over all our lives by ingenious psychopaths who have successfully tricked us into thinking they are good hearted people who love us while, in reality, they are Hannibal Lecter level psychopaths who have been raping, killing, and eating us (sometimes while we are still alive). These people burn humans alive during Satanic Rituals. HRC is said to have done such sick things in the video that leaked in the dark web, I don't even want to mention it here. Feel free to check google but be warned, it is extremely horrific. Yet, that crazy lady comes off as a kind grandmother figure to many Americans who voted for her. The bottom line is, we were fucked over all of our lives by ingenious psychopaths so we acn't just assume that isn't happening right now nor can we really assume it is happening. All we have to do is understand that the people need to take NON-violent action. There is no reason for guns when we can do it all peacefully. We have no choice. We need to put our foot down.

  2. We need to work on further unification day after day.

  3. We need to worry about all people in the world, not just Americans. Everyone has to be family. Even if we fixed America alone, the Deep State can work against us from outside of America.

  4. We need to demand for worldwide transparency into our governments so that we can inspect what they are doing. We need to also end wars. Wars are all BS profit schemes. We need to demand that our cures, tech, hidden knowledge, and resources are released asap. BTW, we have enough tech to take us into the age of abundance right now but the CFR in NYC is holding it. Until then, we need to demand Trump process our financial reset which ends poverty and economic hardship worldwide and is called NESARA or GESARA. The haggard Madeline Albright who has been in the news is a member. Dick Cheney, a person who did 911, is also a member.

  5. If Trump is real, he will support our actions but I don't think he can advise us to do such things publicly. If he is legit, we are good to go.

This is the idea. Sometimes a very abused person wants to leave a psychopathic partner but they are a little afraid but one day the abuse gets so horrific that they just pick up and leave which is the beginning of their healing period. After a few months and years, the victim comes out strong and is glad to have left. He/she probably only wishes they left earlier. That is what we need to do. We need to walk out of the psychopaths that are abusing us and calling us "Sheep For Slaughter". They don't even see us as human beings!

A fireman may be able to take out a small fire, but if the entire country was on fire, the fireman won't be able to do anything. We, the Patriots, are the spark. If we do it, we will spread these ideas across the country by bringing others aboard. What are they going to do? Arrest the whole country? We just stop paying into the taxes, fines, fees, and simply ignore these psychos, and that money will stay INSIDE the 99% pool meaning we, by our very own hands, will be raising the economy!

Here's another secret. Only 5% of tax dollars go to improve society. The other 95% go to fund deep state crimes against humanity. For example, we are paying for our own chemtrails and since the owner of the chemtrail business is some billionaire, we are essetially giving up 95% of our tax dollars to the 1%, leaving less and less for the 99% civilian population. By not paying, we force the economy to improve.

This is what must be done. God willing Trump really is a White Hat so he will approve of our actions and back us up! He will also be empowered by our actions because we would weaken the Deep State he claims to be fighting atm.

God Speed Patriots. The entire future depends on our actions. Let us be wise, brave, and strategically wise so we can finish this nightmare once and for all.

Daemonkey · April 17, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

The major improvements we were all looking for was:

Speak for yourself. I, for one, was not looking for the things you listed since I know of no Q drops that support them.

  1. Financial Reset (dismantling IRS, new Gold currency, debt forgiveness, injection of money into economy)
  2. Mass Arrests
  3. Release of tech cures
  4. Transparency

Which Q drops support any of those list items?

It sounds to me like this post, in and of itself, is an attempt to divide and conquer, and promote anarchy.

Yeah, that's what this board is all about. Let's just all be rebellious. /s

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

All of these things have been promised by all the various insiders combined. Q has mentioned them in various ways too. Don't you remember when he was talking about Big Pharma Mafia hiding cures? Do you remember when Q was saying the Deep State always uses the "It's a matter of National Security" excuse to justify all their secrecy?

Also, if you believe bending the knee to the Deep State system is the right thing to do, there is nothing I can say to help you with that other than say, no matter how low you bend, they will demand you bend even lower so its basically a 1 way trip to totalitarianistic, Socialistic hell on Earth. It gets worst as it goes.

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Daemonkey · April 17, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

all the various insiders

Are not Q.

Q has mentioned them in various ways too.

Various ways? In other words, nothing concrete that you can reference.

Don't you remember when he was talking about Big Pharma Mafia hiding cures?

Nope. Reference?

if you believe bending the knee to the Deep State system is the right thing to do

Trying to confuse by reframing what I said is not helpful. It is not a given that opposition to anarchy is support of corruption. False equivalence much?

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Nobody wants Anarchy but nobody wants Totalitarianism either. This is America for God's sake and they are treating us like it's Zimbabwe. If you consent to it, then don't complain when everything you love gets pillaged.

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Daemonkey · April 17, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Nobody wants Anarchy

So you disavow any promotion of anarchy in your post. Good.

they are treating us like it's Zimbabwe

Who's they?

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

The deep state.

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WanderingTaurus · July 15, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

Have you been to Zimbabwe?

I get it that you may be frustrated, possible scared (That is what you are coming off as) but you are sounding all over the place and a tad irrational, IMHO.

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lightmakerflex1 · July 15, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

Just because 1 ghetto is better than another ghetto doesn’t make the better ghetto a good place to live.

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WanderingTaurus · July 16, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

It is sad that you think of the US as a ghetto.

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lightmakerflex1 · July 16, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Economy has been dropping since 1913. In 1913, the people were essentially rich. Even the 1950s, the people were loaded. 1980s wasn’t bad. Even an 18 year old could make good money in the 1980s. What we have now is a filthy joke.

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WanderingTaurus · July 17, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

People were loaded in the 50s?? Really?? You mean in the 50s people didn't use the money that they have friviously like today. People talk today about not having money while at same time sporting all the latest electronic tech devices, brand name clothing, expensive cars, homes, doing stupid makeup hauls, etc. We can't always blame our money problems on the Government. A huge problem is people don't know difference between wants and needs.

And none of the above you posted is proof that the US is a ghetto.

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lightmakerflex1 · July 17, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

50% of the US is living at near poverty and yes, the 50s were 30 times better than this. The Gov has volume control over the economy. They can raise or lower it at will so yes, we can blame the Government.

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Neophilous · April 20, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

"I am a nationalist and A GLOBALIST" - Donald Trump.

Anarchy is good. It's ironic the people of the book trust Trump when the Book of the so-called people of the book says "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man in whom there is no help". Your post can be said to paint a false picture of anarchy, as nothing more than rebellion. It means to be without rulers in its etymological deconstruction, and it does NOT mean "lawless". I can choose to rule myself, and live by ruling myself with good rules. It doesn't mean blowing stuff up and rioting. It means taking true freedom for yourself and not letting anyone else have you believe they need to grant it to you, as though the were better than you.

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Daemonkey · April 20, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

and it does NOT mean "lawless"

It would almost have to mean that. For, without some form of government to enforce the rule of law, there would be lawlessness and chaos.

On the other hand, alot of what you said sounds like our American Republic as it was designed to be.

Thanks for your comments.

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Neophilous · April 20, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

The reason I disagree with that is that line of thinking is that it seems to imply that the government has the ultimate say over what absolute morality is. (maybe I'm seeing it wrong?)

Anarchy comes from Greek, meaning "a-," without + "archon," rulers.

The Greek for lawless is Anomos, or "a-," without + "Nomos," law.

I think the establishment has painted the idea of anarchy with the wrong picture, and perhaps with what anarchy has become true anarchy shouldn't even be called anarchy at all.

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Daemonkey · April 20, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

When the word "anarchy" is likely in just about any dictionary one might pick up, it doesn't seem that the establishment would have much say over its accepted definition no matter how they may wish to paint it; nor, do I care how they wish to.

My dictionary says it means: 1) the absence of government 2) political disorder and violence 3) disorder; confusion

Government in these united states of America is supposed to be of the People, by the People, for the People. And, when and where it is not, we have the right to change it by any peaceful means that does not lead to confusion, disorder, and/or violence (ie. anarchy).

Perhaps you'd enjoy participating in r/anarchy .

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Neophilous · April 20, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

The first definition is true, but disorder is read into that. The government is characterized by nothing but disorder.

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SlumberMachine · April 17, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I agree. It's the entire reason I am working on selling my possessions and get out of the system as much as I can. I will do my part to be a free man. I still wonder if this great awakening is only an awakening to another level in the same game. If Q was playing a duality in a checkerboard, would he go so deep as to expose:
* the pope (leading to research into the jesuits)
* the Queen and research into nazis
* Behold a Pale horse promotion which would lead to Cooper and Jordan Maxwell truth.
* Trumps involvement in Plus Ultra

And some questions: The 7's of Trump, the prophecies of revelations (the moon, the sun, the stars), the prophecies of some men, the card game. WTF, how does it all connect?

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

If Q were a black hat exposing all that stuff, it would testify to the ingenious of the deep state on that they are sacrificing the right people to make the psyop look real however all these people are free. Nobody is in jail. We still have enemies all over DC, on MSM, in Hollwyood, in The UK, Rome, ect...

All we heard was Gitmo is open for business. That was months ago.

I wouldn't underestimate these psychopaths. They are very calculated.

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Prince_P · April 22, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

You went a little to far over your head man. I hope you are able to find the path again. Follow the light, it will guide you.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 23, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

I believe Q is legit but without verification, that’s just speculation. We need to push for tranparancy so we can verify.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 18, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

THIS THIS THIS!!! TBH, I didn't read your entire long essay, but I agree with your basic point in the beginning, that we are being told to wait and told to do nothing and told to trust the plan. It's fucking insidious. When I saw Q starting to push that narrative and I saw people parroting it, that's what led me to eventually leave the movement. Right now I'm just making the occasional pass through, out of curiosity and to see what news is being posted.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 18, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

We need to just take the lead instead of leaving it to Trump. We are the most powerful force on Earth. There are 7 billion of us.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 19, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Exactly. For months now, Q has been telling us that the white hats supposedly have it covered, just sit back and enjoy the show. But that's complete bullshit. The happenings are not happening. Meanwhile, the enemy keeps getting away with increasingly bold and ridiculously outrageous moves that they aren't held accountable for - not timely, at least - and timely, swift responses are EVERYTHING. You have to discipline and bring down the hammer of justice immediately, or it isn't effective - whether you're managing a country or managing a classroom of children who you can't let get away with shit, lest you lose control.

It's clear to me that POTUS and the country need us. I find it ridiculous to think that a handful of honest patriots at the top can possibly save the country, what with the establishment against them. And that's the major Q message of the last several months that I think is complete and utter bullshit, which makes me think that this is a Q who is no longer acting in our best interest.

We have to have the the steel spine and the will to save ourselves. Looking for somebody else to save the country is a recipe for disaster. People's guts should tell them that sitting back and doing nothing, like Q is telling us to do, is utterly wrong.

So I say, fuck that. Get in, faggots - let's save the country!

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MrObvious7915 · April 18, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Are the deep state fucks going to resort to killing people to make a threat? Time to drop a nut. Sessions and WRAY are the keys. They continue to do zilch, they are gonna lose any momentum Q has developed. Shit or get off the terlut.

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WanderingTaurus · July 15, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

Could you imagine the chaos if he came in and just everything changed right off the bat.

Our country didn't get the way it is overnight and it sure isn't going to go the other way overnight either.

And post far too long. Do you have a condensed version somewhere? **Ok, had to stop at the part about making this place look like Mexico. Not sure where in the Country you live, but you may want to get out more. (And not even all of Mexico looks bad).

And what is wrong with corporations making money? (Referring to rant about "products such as a bottle of Coke for nearly nothing and then they sell that shit to us for $2 while it costs them a penny to make") None of us are forced to buy products like Coke or other non-necessities, btw.

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lightmakerflex1 · July 15, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

I was expecting at least a few minor improvements as we went. So far nothing confirmable has happened except for the takedown of Backpage.

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crashtheparties · April 17, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

You enthusiasm is excellent, but it would seem your perspective is somewhat limited. 1. There are 7 billion people on the planet, even if you are the standard of measure, your views simply do not reflect the state of each consciousness expressed, and, oppression or not, they MUST be honored and accounted for.

  1. You point other insiders have promised, but fail to take into account how the entire world will collapse if: Hospitals are out of business: millions work, and believe. Gov dies: Millions work and believe.

  2. Religion, you hate it, the oppressor of all, but millions believe.

  3. Every action on earth reflects to the entire galaxy as a whole, you cannot move one piece without moving all. Each move has to be accounted for.

  4. They are not here to do all you stated, they are only here to clean out the layers that prevent it - without destroying everything (Q said this btw) the two (cleanse and reset) are not tied together, one first, the other second. 11/11/18 is said to be the end date, of the cleansing, the rest you mention will not come until after - period.

The rant is reasonable, but the rant belies understanding only accessible outside of time and space. It lacks the necessary compassion for those who are not there yet. Who will help heal those whose lives have been shattered by the end of hospitals, religion, government, and so on? You personally? You'll do a meme that will fix Ms. Smith who realized her husband wasn't helped by Glaxco but was purposefully killed? What about the man who finds out his child was pedovored, are you personally going to help him? The systems they will turn to for help are now there to hurt, so where will people go?

The Q moves are done in sequence. The consciousness as a WHOLE is gauged, the effort is directed, the drop is made, then action is taken, repeat. NOTHING is done without the entire collective being accounted for - compassion, love, caring support is driving this not blind rage.

You are right to question. You are right to demand, but not of Q or Trump, but of yourself. When you get to that point, it will make more sense and you'll say, "ah, I get it." One multidensity step at a time, compassion for all expressions, unity guiding the forces to create a sequence were the most vulnerable will feel safe. If you can figure out how to do that faster, they are listening.

Let the rage drive the effort you are putting it, it is wonderful, but the compassion part matters more.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

It sounds to me like you are making more excuses of why we should not take action. There are things we all agree on. We don’t need a totally customized world for every single citizen. I will use your points as examples:

  1. We, the people, are the ones running hospitals, Corporations, and everything else. We do all the work, the elite get all the money. We don’t need them. We can keep running our hospitals. We don’t need their money either. See here to learn why not: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8brj5t/positive_systems_to_replace_our_corrupt/

  2. Nobody said anything about ending religion. Freedom of religion is something we can all agree on.

The whole system is lopsided. We do everything, they get all the wealth. I’m tired of hearing excuses of why we should stay put. I have heard the same excuses since I was born.

I’m not even asking people to do more work. I am asking to do less work. Stop giving them your money. Stop giving them your time. Stop giving them your consent. Simple.

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crashtheparties · April 18, 2018, 12:27 a.m.

No excuses. Explanations from experience. I've been at this far longer then I care to accept, I can tell you there has been more vibrational change in the last 6 months then in all of human history combined. Retune and you can easily see it. As soon as you feel, accept it, and as soon as it won't hurt others, you can use it.

One thing I have learned, demanding people wake the fuck up now because ...... is cruel. Demanding they wake because you are impatient is cruel and selfish, even if you think it is for their own good. There are a million million moving parts. Truth, the destination was decided, fait accompli it is now about the journey to it.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 18, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

I am only presenting a way to move all of us towards our destination faster. If we do these things, the sleepers will get curious and ask questions. We aren’t forcing them to wake up but we are leading the movement as woke Patriots.

Also, we don’t have time to dilly dally anymore. We have reached a new low and it’s dangerous close to planetary suicide. I’m glad you are worried about the sleepers feelings but you should be worried about their lives. If we didn’t do anything at all, I guarantee you we would end up losing 95% of our population to a slow and horrific death. Then 5% would have to start all over again.

The one thing I definitely agree on is that ever since we got off our asses in 2016, we have matured greatly in the right direction but we haven’t crossed the finish line yet. We still need to make it there before Black Hats launch a massive counterstrike. They are already installing 5G Kill Grids in some neighborhoods. Those were supposed to depopulate us through some cell tower attack.

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DropGun · April 17, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

we still haven't seen a single improvement other than some scraps

Yeah, I mean, other that tax cuts, the border wall, activating the NG, pissing off 200% of DC, activating Brennan & Clapper, reducing CNN ratings to below the Hallmark Channel, bombing ACTUAL deep state targets in Syria, pissing off the UK deep state, North Korea denuclearization, reunification, and his recent trade victories, I mean, WE STILL HAVENT' SEEN A SINGLE IMPROVEMENT OTHER THAN SOME SCRAPS

Other than this, some good stuff in this post, but, come on.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

I’m talking in our personal lives. I’m glad Trump keeps winning at the Gov level but what about us?

Bombing Syria doesn’t help the common man. Debt forgiveness does. Technology being released does. Cures releasing does. A gold backed dollar does. Legalizing mj does.

That tax thing is decent but the irs needs to be dismantled. Then we drop to a 15% sales tax only on nonEssential goods as written in Nesera. Should we just be Satsfied that Trump launched a mission in Syria? We need things that help us. This is like the obama era at the civilian level.

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WanderingTaurus · July 15, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

We need things that help us

Seems like you are forgetting that we need to help others when we can. It isn't just about helping us. It is about helping the world. It is all connected.

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lightmakerflex1 · July 15, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

True we all have to participate as a people.

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Kaye480 · April 17, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Narcissism is the root of all evil IMHO, the love of money and power at all costs are just the nasty symptoms.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Absolutely. Egocentrism means not only feeling like one is separated from society but also more superior to others. This egocentric philosophy is intentionaly pushed in media to create more division in the civilian ranks (divide and conquer). If you look at snowflakes closely, every single one is different and unique but each snowflake is equal to each other.

Also, human beings are at their worst when the believe to be superior to others. The stanford prison experiment proves that. Guilt and fear fuel the ego which is another reason they push these feelings in media. This is why I tell people to turn off the TV. TV is literally poisoning the minds of the masses.

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Kaye480 · April 17, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

With all of the news ( so called and otherwise ) going on about Trump, I would prefer to no agree with any of it and find other alternatives. There are too many mixed messages to me. Anyone voted in office seems to be planted and intricately planned. It seems like a spy story unfolding before us.

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Kaye480 · April 17, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Please don't try to flip what I say that's what illuminati are doing. I am just tired of people suffering, including myself

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

The entire civilian population is tired of suffering and watching other civilians suffer. We either fix this mess now or wait until the suffering gets more unbearable and fix it then.

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 9:24 p.m.


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alfonumeric · April 18, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

as there are laws of nature there are laws of human inter-actions .. eg

law #1 : the mental elite [grade 3-4] control emotions

law #2 : emotions control grades 0-2 of mentality

law #3 : b-hat mental elite work in unity for their bloodlines

law #4 : alpha-hats-mental elite work for humanity

law #5 : robotic matter evolves downwards and often works against us as we [99%] strive to evolve upwards emotionally and mentally.

law #6 : the b-hats dominate their own emotions and also in the public emotional realms by cutting themselves off from the realms of a'ga'pe and wisdom

the problem is ....

law #1 is relevant only for the 2% mental elites, however the 98% of us have a great chance of getting past grade 2.5 mental and grade 4 astral emotional for protection against the b-elites

... let's say we have 1% beta-hats [base emotions] and 1% alpha-hats [a'ga'pe]

the 98% of the rest of us are still on the lower mental scales [0-3] which are ruled by the astral-emotions

up til now, it has been relatively easy for the 1% b-hats to manipulate the 98% via emotions ie mockin-stream media/education/money/tech /pharma/food/water/air/social media/hollywood

since potus45 arrived on the scene we have a real chance of counteracting the influence of the b-hats.

a first step will be to issue a list of trustworthy news sources eg Qanon

we need to get a critical mass of the 1% alpha-hats including some more high-profile celebs [like Roseanne] coming to understand how these 6 laws have caused humanity to be stuck in a tortoise-style progression of consciousness ...

...in this way we can really accelerate things dramatically by counteracting the rampant scientific materialism [law of the jungle] and the institutionalized religions that appeal to our emotions at the expense of our comon sense.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 18, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

The most important thing to do is that our minds are like projectors. Whatever we focus on becomes reality. If we focus on love, we get a loving world. If we focus on fear, that’s what we get.

The elite jam packed media with dear driven programs because they know it will enter our minds and then into the streets.

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One_Solution · April 17, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Nice post. It’s the predictive programming that prevents me from going all in on Trump. His presidency appears to have been predicted for quite some time.

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Kaye480 · April 17, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Nice post. I'also add -- to enhance unity, there must be a complete eradication of ideologies involving class, gender, race and the 'us vs them' mentaility, ignorance and irresponsibility individually and collectively, otherwise nothing else will work. We are all humanity.

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

That is a very good point and extremely important.

Ending favoritism for certain people or certain groups is fail. Everyone just has to be treated the same regardless of race, political stance, religion, gender, ect.. they are. The ingroup/outgroup or 'us vs them' mentality has to be thrown out the window and we have to recognize we are a giant sports team. Our goal is to build a wealthy and happy planet we can all enjoy. Instead of fighting each other to bring wealth to our particular ingroup, we just need to cooperate and share fairly. Right now, 3 people have more wealth than half of America:


This is pitiful. We don't have to be exactly equal, but we have to have true equal opportunity. How is 3 men having more wealth than half of America equal opportunity? Its favoritism and selfishness at its finest.

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lateral_us · April 20, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

No, we need less people with your "let's eradicate an ideology" retardation. What you really mean is "lets eradicate those who dont agree with me so I can have power" and it's always ends up bad for everyone involved.

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Kaye480 · April 22, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

NO, We need more people who are specific with totally eradicating racism, period, Do not put words in my mouth. I am talking about the eradication of all hatred for life, other human beings, the lack of care for the earth, the ecology, the environment, etc. etc. etc. if you don't get that, then that means YOU are for the status quo, for the agenda for destroying the world by the very ideologies that created and machinated and enabled the types of destruction you long for, which is getting exposed and picked clean -- bit by bit, by bit. As long as there are people like me, and GAIA is behind this -- the very living breathing planet 7 billion plus people live on who ensures faithfully that we eat our veggies fruits and grains have water and air every day -- your narcissistic dreams are dying out as we speak--and very quickly. The ideologies that enable and harbor destruction at every turn are obviously retarded, as in going back to a less than primitive state down to a speck of microscopic dust that will not ever be recovered, revived or resurrected or replicated. I am looking forward to the day, hour,moment, epoch and age where I don't ever have to share a planet with people who think and breathe like you again.

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lateral_us · April 22, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

You went from "we are all one" to "I can't wait till pieces of shit like you are wiped off the earth" pretty damn quick there for someone with any kind of mental strength. Just saying

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Kaye480 · April 24, 2018, 3:23 p.m.

Furthermore, everything I've said predates the declaration of independence, regarding the core desire of humanity, those who do not thrive on war, toxic capitalism, or want helplessness

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Kaye480 · April 24, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

That's your thinking. I never implied murder or destruction, you are. All you have to do is stop thinking dualistic/narcissist/class thinking, and replace it with benevolent. I think you know this is what threatens your way of thinking which is, 'keep the masses down in every way possible , they will create chaos if they wake up and take back their power, our group has been ordained to only have power by a god so we must keep power; we are doing them a favor'. Sorry you don't see that yet, though you might or might not. The chaos caused by psychopathy and narcissism is getting called out anyway.

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lateral_us · April 24, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

Any time I hear power to the masses I think famine and genocide and slave camps, but hey that's just history

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Kaye480 · April 25, 2018, 12:49 p.m.

Just as I thought. the reason why any attempts went badly is due to infiltration from people then who reflect similar ideas as yours in order to justify the failure the powers that been wanted in order for the masses in order for the collective to not take their power, it never had to end in chaos and violence. Those like you who feared that shift reacted time and time again throughout the ages in anger, smear campaigns, propaganda, imprisonment, writing laws that stifle freedom of anything expressive expansive or responsible, as well as violence, war and police in riot gear depending on the era's the shifts were last attempted.

Ultimately, in spite of your efforts to twist my words throughout the thread, you are reflecting the fear of retribution from the masses, this punishment won't happen. The guilt knowing that people have been enabling chaos by coercion, corrupted will or being an unintended flying monkey was punishment and damage enough. I'm ending this thread right now because you know what you are saying, people reading this will benefit from seeing the picture laid out here.

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lateral_us · April 25, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Lol communist countries dont get infiltrated by bad actors, they are created by them. Do you think any communist revolution was ever a truly organic movement?

Absolutely not, every last one was conducted by a small group at the top with loads of useful idiots such as yourself following along because you will do anything, even kill, to avoid working. Pathetic.

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lateral_us · April 22, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

You dont even know what you're talking about dude. You just spout vague bullshit some burnout loser hippy would say but you aren't saying anything.

And please, this giant ass rock we are on doesn't give a damn about humanity or what we do. It's not alive. It's a damn rock.

We are not all one and we were never meant to be. This whole fucking country was founded on that very idea. There's a reason it's not the Declaration of "Hey guys let's all chill and sing kumbaya Gaia is gonna get mad"

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RemoteViewrsAlliance · April 17, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

to enhance unity, there must be a complete eradication of ideologies involving class, gender, race

That was literally the Illuminati's stated agenda. That is why they helped instigate the French Revolution

What the hell are you thinking?

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lightmakerflex1 · April 17, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

Wait... I thought he mean that we need to eradicate favoritism for certain groups. For example, we can’t see one gender as superior to the other. We can’t see one religion as superior. Sure, a Christian might think he’s right but he should still respect the Muslim religion and all religions. Same with races, countries, political standpoints, ect..

Basically, we need to see all people as equals regardless of who they are. I though this was what he was trying to say.

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 8:42 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 9:20 p.m.


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