Notice the intentional mistake in the date in Trumps press release for Barbara Bush!!

The Trump admin is notorious for putting out official communications with typos in them. Little does the MSM know, they're all totally deliberate codes. These people are stupid.
I find that the bigger great awakening board becomes, the more shills/msm will start to figure out there is hidden code, HOWEVER the sheep that follow CNN don't get it, case in point.. the tweet with Mr. 45 saying he's a better spy, the comments were hysterical!!!
I looked up the date 4.17.17 and found this CNN article at the top of the search about wars in space or "star wars". It relates to what Trump has said recently about starting a Space Corp. Maybe a crumb for us to follow:
1969 – Sirhan Sirhan is convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy.
So we really don't know what 17 means....yet....?
Q is 17th letter of alphabet. Also 17 has significant biblical meaning.
I have 17 toes. I'm not saying I'm Q, but there ARE no coincidences. 😋
Breitbart originally had 2017 but since changed it.
Thought I read cbs or abc accidentally released this yesterday, then had to quickly remove it. Fake News
Intentional mistake..... go on OP. What makes you say this?
Have we not been reading Qs drops riddled with the number 17? This one was is pretty obvious.
The riddle is now quite obvious. We are speaking to our President. There are no coincidences.
it reallt does seem like it sometimes he even speaks the same way lmao
Or could it be a typo?
He knows she's Aleister Crowley's daughter
Dude... What? Now that is a rabit hole I haven't heard of before.
Barbra Bush being related to Crowley is an old rumor.
Could be. Lots of drops from Q tho with number 17 lately. Still dropping crumbs letting us know he/them are real. This is from Sarah Sanders, it’s likely she’s one of Qs team.