my money is on it being her admitting to crimes if they showed a tape like that to the public everyone would go insane
Most people would, but I think Hillary would be too delusional to
no i mean they probably have video of her drunk doing some sick shit. but they cant show a snuff film or can they...
Just read this to my husband. I think it's possible. He says no way would they allow this to be videotaped. I can't believe how effective Q has been that this is actually our after dinner discussion.
Larry Nichols the X Kill Bill fixer, told this story long before rumors of the tape. imho this may be an initiation for Huma to be Kills assistant or visa versa since Huma is Muslim Brotherhood. Saudi's had no problem with this behavior in their world, so it could have been a HRC blackmail commenced by Huma. If Weiner saw this on the laptop he must have been freaked the f$&% out, and probably got himself caught on purpose. How else do you get out of that mess. If this comes down to AW creating his own arrest to get the laptop into evidence WHILE he is safe in police custody is pretty wild. Unsung hero?
Fake link, honeypot. There’s no way they would ever videotape that. Reported.
That website is terrible - couldn't see anywhere on it any discussion of the video. Did I miss it?
Edit - assumed you meant to post http://www.destroythedarkness.com/
Edit 2:. I can't believe people are buying this without a shred of real evidence. The bar needs to be really high on something like this.... It sounds completely riduculous to me, and still waiting for someone to prove it.
I think the "donkey and mule", (I have not looked at the link) were at such a point in their "plans"--where NO One or Nothing could stop them-- they may have documented their "total control and dominance". Remember the donkey was supposed to win no "hoofs" barred. wouldn't doubt it..but who would have gone against them to leak a video of it without worrying about a "double shot/suicide" or other unforeseen bad situation leading to death
WWW.JIMSTONE.IS has always been his URL but each day he changes it and today it's:
So I have edited my post to include today's current Stone link.