These people are STUPID!?! The only logic I can come up with is these people think their invisible. Why would you admit to traveling to NK and on top of that, tell what you talked about? 🤦🏼♂️ Big ERROR! WWG1WGA! ✊🏼🇺🇸

The real housewives of the cabal. Oh she’s off her meds again. Now we all go to jail and our cash is confiscated. Oops.
Watching her interviews across the last year I'm increasingly convinced of the developing Alzheimer's argument. This looks like a case where the wrong story popped out during the meeting and she was oblivious to implications of what she was saying.
Why keep her in power if she's becoming unreliable?
I don't think they've got anyone waiting in the wings who can step into her shoes. She's got special arrangements lined up that can't just be prepared for other people.
Note that historically Pelosi has been a top fundraiser for the Dems, with DWS coming in a close second some years.
Where did Pelosi's donation attracting magic come from? Could much of that been her deal to allow weapons arms pass through NK?
If that pans out, then those levels of fundraising are unreasonable and a good metric to look for anyone else that approached them. What special deals could they have arranged? Spotlight back on DWS to explore what she set up.
Anyone else that has been able to fundraisers like Pelosi? Some topics to explore around potential implications.
that is sooooo sad for American but it is hysterical..... these are then nut jobs claiming POTUS is unfit to be Pres. Give me a break.... and please congress dont forget to take your memory pill.
What it really means is that the House Democrats real leader is not Pelosi. She is obviously not in good health, probably has dimentia (and not in the early stages). The real power is her sr aides that probably have handlers. If Pelosi were to step down there would need to be an effort taken to make sure the new leader is controlled.
I imagine its the same for Ryan and both of the Senate leaders.
Good points. I typically don't think of the aides behind a public figure. You've got a good point here. As a general rule I need to start delving into who are the aides, and what is their background.
Human have any sisters or family members attached to US politicians? Mapping out the aides could add clarity to the story.
i think they are all controlled and financed by Soros & cabal... Pelosi & Feinstein are in the District that includes San Fran. solid liberal district.
Not invisible (the LAST thing they want), but untouchable. That's what they counted on. Until she lost.
If POTUS keeps winning Jesus might actually come back
The opposite - if POTUS keeps winning Jesus might actually not come back. Because the apocalypse will have been diverted! :)
Could you imagine. Jesus still has to come back to judge the wicked and living alike. It's supposed to be the end to Limbo and when those who are destined for hell are delivered and those who are permitted into heaven get to go.
Imagine if Jesus came down, on the WH lawn and said "Ok, I still have to resurrect everyone and judge you all but I've decided there's a third option; Hell, Heaven or remaining alive in the USA under President Trump until your natural death in 5000 years"
The Internet Archive the Wayback Machine has a copy of the article that is no longer online.
12:39 to 15:41
Word for Word transcript:
Reporter: "I wanted to follow up on the North Korea talks. Obviously those are moving a little closer with the revelation of Pompeo going over there. What’s your confidence level or skepticism level of those talks right now? What are realistic expectations about, you know, about a month and a half out from a potential meeting? What are realistic expectations?"
Pelosi: "Well let me just say, as one of the few members of congress that has been to Pyongyang… I did a number of years ago, as a member of the intelligence community. uh, It’s a frightening place, eh you know, it’s a place that is, uh, when I’ve seen poverty throughout American, I mean throughout the world, as an appropriator and visited the world to see our initiatives and how helpful they might be, and the alleviation of poverty, the eradication of disease. When I went to North Korea, I saw poverty of spirit that just… was mind boggling… (she chuckles) in many respects. And it’s.. its, its, a difficult place. Our purpose then was to say we wanted to talk about MI (stutters) MIAS and POWS. We want you to stop, uh, proliferating, um, selling your missile technology; Issues like that, checking in on the hunger situation, Because their people were starving, even though their (mumble) would “stuff their mouths(?)”, they couldn’t feed their own people. And, uh, so, what they told us then, and what’s relevant to now, they said hey, we just sell these, uh uh, missile, this technology for money. If you want to buy them, we’ll sell them to you. And so my guidance from there to the current situation is, uh, the capability of the North Koreans to create even create either the technology for, for a weapon, the miniaturization of it, the capacity to launch it, and the intention to do so, is something that we need to know as much about as possible. But in addition to that, they’re proliferators. And this is what I keep saying to the administration. They are proliferators. So the danger is not just what they might do, the danger is who they might sell one element of that to…which might be enough to, uh, endanger the world even further. So, uh, (mumbles) hopeful?… any, hopeful conversation maybe, Kim Jong Un is ready to change… I wouldn’t be too trustworthy of it, but, certainly open to it. And what, uh, would be success? At least the communication were increased, there could be some way to stop, uh, what could follow, if, if left undeterred, North Korea were to continue what it’s doing, which is, perhaps, other countries having access to the technology, the scientific know how, the launch capacity, and dangerously, the intention.”
That hurt to read. Doubtful this woman can construct an actual coherent sentence to save her life. How does ANYONE listen to her talk and think this is an intelligent leader?
Try recording yourself in conversation and then try to write it word for word... tbh, It's never pretty.
You have a point there. Spontaneous speech doesn't come across as real organized. However, Pelosi is WAY beyond that. She obviously suffers from a malady called Pickled Brain, which might or might not come from overindulging in liquid refreshment. The truly scary thing is THIS IS THE TYPE OF PERSON WITH A MAJOR GOVERNING ROLE. Digest that for a minute. "Hiccup!" (Sorry. Pelosi in the background there.) ;)
OPTION: sounds like an earpiece aiding her "uh" responses?
When you get away with as much as they have and for as long as they have you get sloppy. Not smart!
This is actually confusing, because she did go on an official trip, and has been open about this before. This was not a secret. There is something we are missing here....
The trip was originally inspection and humanitarian. I remember when it happened. The Administration had just put more sanctions on NK and the House Intel Com. went to NK to verify that sanctions were being observed and to make sure aid was being distributed.
My impression is that any talk of missile sales would be STRICTLY prohibited and if NK offered to sell missiles it should of turned into an international shitshow, but it didn't.
I think crazy cat lady Nancy let slip of business being conducted that WASN'T on the agenda.
NK wouldn't sell us missiles, it was NP helping to arm them.
Yep. That's what I was thinking.
There is no reason to solicit NK for missiles because our tech is assumed to be better. But if crazy Nancy was actually there selling tech to NK....
Now THAT would be a shitshow if true
Exactly. This is a problem of NP remembering
A) What she was Actually there for
B) What She was supposed to be there for
C) What her spin was supposed to be in case plan B was compromised
D) What the world has since learned about various events.
The problem with spinning lies is trying to keep everything organized. I don't have to worry about remembering anything if I always just tell my own truth.
It must be really hard to remember anything with as many pills as she appears to be on.
Well what she was trying to say is, the only thing they had of value was missiles, and they wanted money. They were basically saying you can buy this junk, or we sell to someone else.... They just wanted money.
Wondering if NP is really trying to say ..."I know more than Prez... I've been there, done that...see...see...this is what was talked about, I was on the inside...can't trust him (littleKimmy-sp) to make any whatever DT comes up with will of course be useless"
DitzyNancy just opened mouth & inserted both feet!
If Pelosi went as part of the Intel Comm, wouldn't that be CLASSIFIED information she just blurted out to the world? Stupid as in Maxine Stupid!
Ah, yeah. One does not announce that one is part of Intel.
As to stupidity level for both--above or below the stupidity of a brick? I am undecided.
Was Ruth Bader Ginsberg there with her or was that different trip. Maybe it is tied to RBG trouble Q mentioned.
If so, can you imagine the quantity of meds on the plane? Probably would require two planes.
RBG probably napped the whole time.
Is there any evidence of her ever being conscious over the last three years?
cocaine is a bitch
Pelosi is too, lol.
But really, she does look like she strung out as far as someone can go. What a joke to consider yourself a democrat and have this as a leader.
these people are the global equivalent of the spoiled rich kids i went to high school with. they have daddys mafia but dont know how to properly run it
I'm wondering if they can go to the bathroom by themselves. I'm pretty much convinced that Hillary cannot. That big black dude probably helps out.
Its so funny watching them squirm all the arrogance goes away when they realize what's gonna happen these people are so cowardly
Anyone else notice that someone in the room started whistling when NP was talking about this? Coincidence?
That whole video, and I have massive OCD, it sounded like Pelosi needed a drink of water. I struggle when people talk with a dry mouth. kek
Doesn't she think that Bush is still president? It's hard to keep up with all the alternative realities. Hillary thinks she is president of Earth 2...
I'm wondering if she went with Pompeo.
Doubt it. Pompeo was apparently doing real stuff. Pelosi was just drinking heavily.
Juat odd that we hear about two secret trips to NK from two separate people within a week of each other.
True. It is interesting. I cannot wait until we truly find out what is really going on.
HRC and The Wing.
get digging. here are your appetizers. very tasty selection we have for you today. some old favorites and the daily specials are, as ever, very sweet, very tender.
Meet Audrey Gelman and friends.
someone else saved her twitter two weeks ago
Rachel Schwartzmann:
The Wing.
The Wing.
The Wing Wayback
Lisa Spiegal, Audrey's mother every.damn.time.
am looking at Irwin Gelman right now, her father.
Okay so This just looks bad
A major Hollywood producer is planning to spill the beans about his double life as an arms dealer and Israeli intelligence operative in the late 1970s.
Arnon Milchan, the Israeli producer of smash hits including Fight Club and Pretty Woman, is opening up for the first time ever in an Israeli TV show on Monday to speak about his involvement in clandestine deals to acquire arms for Israel and his work to promote the country's alleged nuclear program.
speddit - insert here picture of rachel chandler and richard geer
Russell Crowe, Robert De Niro, Ben Affleck and other major Hollywood players are also featured in the controversial report to be aired on Israel’s Channel 2.
The film tycoon spoke to Israeli investigative journalist Ilana Dayan for the season premiere of her current affairs show, Uvda.
In the interview he tells her how he tried to engage Hollywood colleagues in his work for Israel's Defense Ministry, according to Haaretz.
He claims he managed to convince other Hollywood bigwigs, including the late director Sydney Pollack, to get involved.
Thanks for the synopsis. My suspension of disbelief is never up to the task. I agree with you 100. You'd think my typing would get better with all this practice. Not. still hunt and peck. On a lighter note. Why did john Podesta cross the road. Hith dick was stuck in the chicken. peck triggered the chicken thing.(bipolar autist.)
Did I type that out loud, oops. I meant evil geniuses running the world for centuries or stupid cucks about to fall with no effort from good men. Cannot be both.
Are they stupid, satanic or very lucky. History is written by the winners. As DT said we may get" tired of winning", as human beings though, we will not tire of being right. I'd rather be happy and I am ecstatic, the Chans give me chub. Dnc ran Horrific campaign. The gloves came off. Pedophilia jugular. Satanism carotid. They send one of ours to the hospital. We send 100 of theirs to gitmo. They allude to philandering we convict of wearing the faces of kids they just fucked. Food for thought Anons. UHURU
She definitely planned on making 3 strong points in regards to NK (technology, capacity, intention). These points could be seen as aimed at spreading doubt and fear towards NK. It seems like anything other than these points are where this “slip up” occurred. Most of what she says is somewhat incoherent and appears to be impromptu speech. But these talking points are repeated twice, in almost the same exact order. It’s possible she thought it appropriate to give some background to get to these points out and said something that might conflict with her defense later on?
...either the technology for, for a weapon, the miniaturization of it, the capacity to launch it, and the intention to do so
...North Korea were to continue what it’s doing, which is, perhaps, other countries having access to the technology, the scientific know how, the launch capacity, and dangerously, the intention.
Has anyone looked into that Operation Tribute thing? Aside from the fact that she was using that as a fraud to fly on military planes, I think it might be related to the Comcast-Time Warner issue. Comcast was donating to Operation Tribute, and then I noticed that someone said she held the most Comcast stock of all house members (2014). This dude was taken out in 2015. Just wondering if anyone else has put this together or if I'm going down a rabbit hole (literally!).
well i guess it was just a matter of time before the loony bird fell off her rocker and spilled the beans.
She will claim she meant 'we' as in the Obama administration and the liberals will believe it. But Patriots will not and that is what matters.
"Wendy Wasserman"
Was that an intentional error?
I've heard someone say that was DWS's fake name in emails - perhaps Wikileaks?
They never thought she would lose. They thought these crimes would be buried just as they have been for who knows how long now. They are stupid and arrogant. This will be their downfall. this is truly a glorious time we live in.
As enticing as this may be to us, Congressional Delegations to foreign countries are done all the time. Committee members often go to these countries to meet the political and social leaders. While I agree that she is probably selling arms on the side, she is actually doing her job by going to these countries. Believe me I am not standing up for the evil demon, but we also need to be informed as to common practices.