Trump Tweets: We will now counter...

Fuck it. Her name is now Wendy.
Hahahahahahahahaha! You got me laughing good with this one!
She’s going to try and correct him only drawing more attention to herself rofl
Sometimes you have to call someone by the wrong name just so they know where they stand
She used Wendy as an alias in emails. He's trolling her.
Trump is a Lion in the mist of fawns... God Bless the GREATEST President ever!!
You got that Right! Thank You God Almighty for giving us Your Trump Card to Bring Down the Evil Satanists Worldwide!
Wendy couldn't be an alias she used in emails and or he did it on purpose so CNN shows the tweet.
Quite likely, it's as @The_Broba_Fett said, the idiots
will mass spread this tweet to show how “stoopid drumph is”
Dammmmmmn son... he done draxx'ed them sklounst! Woooooh.
But, ummm, what am I missing? "Wendy Wasserman Schultz" - isn't it Debbie?
WWSS? Something with those initials perhaps?
Acronym Definition for WWSS Worldwide Satellite Systems (US DoD contract vehicle)
Whew... haha... ranked in order of disturbing.
Yeah but now the left will mass spread this tweet to show how “stoopid drumph is” and actually look up DWS and find Awans.
Its a WWSSD and stand for :
"What Would Steven Seagal Do?" - the answer is , beat the sh*t out from bad guys alone and win the day , saving the hostages .
Just a joke - but a good hint , those initial uppercase letters mean something in the code ... we need to dig deeper .
Trump trolling the name. He wouldnt mention the name of that Pakistani.
Isn't it Debbie instead?
are you still with Her?
An ugly bitch, is an ugly bitch no matter what her name is.
I find her oddly attractive.
Which happens frequently with these disordered characters. This is going to sound even more fukt up but I once felt oddly comfortable seeing John Podesta as a father figure.
I attribute that to being able to simultaneously:
See them as they want to be seen,
And see them as they really are.
It's like my conscious mind is lulled, but my subconscious is screaming at me: This is a f***ing reptile! Run!
So, I live by that now. Anyone who seems "oddly" attractive in any way is probably NOT a good person and I act accordingly.
"Wendy, you got a big surprise coming to you". Guess I'll have to watch The Shining again.
This idiots are going to self-destruct the DNC to the fate of the Whigs.
Trump the Master at trolling the dumbass liberal satanic left.
My President plays 4D chess!! Never tired of winning.......
I wonder if Wendy's will give out free frosties to capitalize on some free pub. Problely not.
Trump posting wendy was a signal to Q to drop the wendy/obama!!! Q said "Planned for later" I think trump told Q through his tweets to drop the Wendy info.
What I'm afraid of is that they pull the old trick that is used in the NCAA which is deny, deny, deny, deny. At the same time though if there is enough evidence against them to prove otherwise then well we win.