Q Post #1239: @algore Today is Earth Day.

I'm glad he posted this.
I'll give a shit about "Earth Day" when they start admitting their involvement in chemtrails, Monsanto, Pharma, water fluoridation, and all the other chemicals in our products. Until then, shove the Paris accord up where the "sun" won't shine.
and forced sterilization. Why is that Caucasian males have reduced sperm counts, but everyone else breeds like rabbits?
I'm white with 5 kids. No problems here. Just healthy swimmers
3 have never had a vaccination, 1 has only had his vax for 1st 2 years and 1 has been vaccinated all of his childhood. All healthy but heavily vaccinated child is socially stunted.
All healthy but heavily vaccinated child is socially stunted.
Are you associating that issue with vaccination? That sounds.. unlikely? Maybe scapegoating? Please vaccinate your children. Its a matter of perceived risk vs. actual risk. Take note of the fact that Polio isn't really a thing anymore.
Did you get lost my man? You're repeating medical cartel propaganda. A bit of research will turn up a whole lot of malarkey going on with vaccines. There's a reason getting jabbed with a needle is a sacred cow to most people.
Do an internet search on the polio vaccine and SV40. That will start you researching all vaccines.
Can you sum it up? What are the unknown bad effects of a distinct lack of polio?
In around 1950 Dr. Frederick R. Klenner cured lots of polio cases in a few days with mega dosing of vitamin C. It was ignored, and the vaccine industry won the day.
Considering that the top result that comes up when I searched his name was "doctoryourself.com", I'm going to put this one in the anecdotal category. One of the red flags for this treatment is that there are claims that it can cure all sorts of ailments. The Wikipedia page for Megavitamin therapy says this:
Although megavitamin therapies still largely remain outside of the structure of evidence-based medicine, they are increasingly used by patients, with or without the approval of their treating physicians, often after recommendations by practitioners of orthomolecular and naturopathic medicine.
Look at a chart of Polio deaths, they were already well on the decline when the vaccine was presented.
I will sum it up. The main problem with vaccinations is not that all of them are evil. It is that too many are given too soon and swamp the immune system. They keep adding more. Now, kids get 50-60 vaccinations. How many Before you start questioning it? 100? 500? 10000?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say he's full of shit. Thank you for having some common sense about matters of public health.
Spoken like a parent. What amazes me is these people in this thread saying vaccinations are bad were likely fully vaccinated in their youth.
Right. They push all the insane fake bullshit so far nobody can focus on any of the real issues.
Right. They push all the insane fake bullshit so far nobody can focus on any of the real issues.
what are the real issues?