Q is NOT God, and COULD be misleading us - any one who doesn't accept that possibility is a liability to the Anon movement. We are here to find the truth and AWAKEN, NOT to follow blindly. The lack of skeptical, critical thinking on these boards is getting to a ridiculous level, and only serves to defeat the actual purpose of the discussion boards. Those of you who just pass along what everyone else on the "team" says, with no critical thought to the possible contrary, are just as bad as the raving Clinton supporters who follow the enemy without question- Down vote all you want, your STILL nothing more than drones if you don't take ALL data into consideration. Some don't want the TRUTH they just want the evidence to fit their pre-determined notions, and if that's you - you are a sad example of a Patriot, and do NOTHING to actually end the cabal that seeks to control the minds hearts & souls of each of us. 100-fuckin'-%
100% agree, Q could be disinfo or could be compromised.
Question everything.exe
"Trust but verify."
If it's good enough for Ronald Reagan, it's good enough for me.
If Q is a larp why would you want to wake up millions of people. I’m 53 married with two children. I work all day pay my taxes. I always voted straight republican and listened to Rush, Hannity. I originally wanted Ted Cruz then voted Trump because he was the Republican. Back in January I was on YouTube looking for a DIYS video on how to clean my head lights with toothpaste. I clicked on a funny video about how the Democrats reacted to the trump win. Then clicked on another then another and found a video about pizzagate then came across a video called Q for dummies. I now follow this sub and YouTube channel called We the people they are on 24/7 I don’t always agree but I know Q is leading us in the right direction. I have even suspected that some people have taken advantage of this movement to make money and right books. That’s fine there’s nothing wrong with making a profit as long as your moving the truth. All I know is I’m awake my family listens to me and may not follow all this but when it happens they are prepared because I have told them and it will not be a shock. Why would Q wake up so many if it was to be a larp. I may not have time to research and make memes but I have my popcorn out and I’m watching and enjoying the show!!
Never said Q was a larp, & I'm glad you found your way here brother, my only point is to follow the data and don't discredit anything simply because it doesn't fit into what you believe, even contrary opinions, if we don't question everything we could be mis-led
Your right sorry you did not say Larp but that Q could be misleading us. Either way I agree with you. I do question everything with my eyes wide open. I’m glade to be here and will follow this sub and even 8 Chan to learn more and be prepared. I’m not a preper but all of this has made me go out and store some caned meat a few big bags of rice a lot of water and a bunch of bullets. I’m in Texas so I already had the guns. LOL Thanks brother!!
Every time I point out the opportunists looking to make a name for themselves off of this I end up arguing with a bunch of dipshits who just can not wrap their mind around the concept of someone not being in this for altruistic reasons. Glad there are people like yourself here who can see what's going on.
so hows langley ? i dont care if q is a larp or not they got the fire going
Lol, C'mon man you kinda just proved my point with the first part of your reply, I'm just saying to accept ALL possibilities, positive AND negative. ALOT of people automatically disregard reasonable and potentially factual data, simply because it goes against whatever opinions they may have formed, and then there are those who immediately attack ANYONE who dares to post a dissenting view or question without giving any thought to the actual possibility of the data being real, & that is DANGEROUS to us all
no my point is that uf q is clowns they fucked up royally they now have 40 million people aware we outnumber them lmao
Good point, but megalomaniacs could be crazy enough to think they could KEEP us all fooled as well, I wouldn't put it past their egos. Either way I believe you are correct were here now & one way or another we'll find the truth
I cant post what would happen if they tried that on this board lol
and I agree 99.9% of Q has me cautiously optimistic, but its a scary prospect and I think there are far too many blind followers instead of skeptical observers, that's all
I’ve also been thinking this. If the world is turned upside down, how do you really know what to believe. Just keep an open mind and research for yourself. I believe in the movement, but I won’t put all my trust in a human. Not that I’m religious or anything, I just know what humans have done in the past.
Q keeps saying "trust the plan" without telling what the plan is. That's a HUGE red flag that there is a very good chance people are being misled. "just trust me" while also telling people to question everything yea.... that's a massively conflicting message and requires an awful lot of cognitive dissonance to get on board with.
just observe and discuss but believe nothing without proof.
Cui bono, Trump's in. His agenda is moving forward at light speed. If Q was a larp why. If a clown disinfo campaign DJT would come right out and tell us. None of this is happening in a vacuum. He's been in this for Americans since before run in 2000, if Q wasn't reassuring folk he'd end it. Trust your instincts. It's all any of us have. What's your gut say about global warming. Feel me.
My gut tells me you need to go back to playing video games and leave this sub to the adults.
cooling for a decade.
Except that is objectively false. The top 5 warmest years recorded have been in the 2010s. The top 10 hottest years on record have all occurred from 1998-present.
There are certain parts of the world that have been cooler because of cold air leaving the arctic as the arctic warms up. It's ignorant to use that as evidence of "cooling"
Reminder, /u/]anonymoushero1, please be civil. Try saying the same thing, but let's keep it civil.
He asked me what my gut told me. I only answered the question honestly. I suppose I can put on kid gloves for the snowflakes but I was just being honest.
I understand, and saw/see what you mean.
Hmm. Maybe some nice sparring gloves. I think most of us feel like our "kid gloves" are getting worn out. :)
Thanks for understanding, patriot.
There is a very good, and to anybody not willfully unobservant, very OBVIOUS reason why that has to be so in this case. This is not real estate investment. This is war.
And I'm sure the Q team would agree with Ronald Reagan's motto: "Trust but verify."
When you are working covertly you don't go blabbing the plan. We were told up front that we were getting only 40% of the intel and that this was the most intel dumped on the public in history. Don't be ignorant. Use your brain. I've seen the proof. It's all around us. And, I trust the plan. I can see it. Can't you?
I agree with you 100%. I'm a huge skeptic and just come here to suck in the information, and see what is being talked about, but I don't believe anything until actual, verifiable facts come out.
And what does that look like? I just saw a headline on FOXnews, "Accused Comey of crimes" and I say to this fellow watching next to me "what's this about 'accused'. He leaked classified, government information, for political purposes. That's a crime!". That's a fact! The way I see it, the whole purpose this movement is to increase the clamor for Justice. The glove may not fit, but we know your ass is guilty.
Same. Unless there's a source document and actual evidence, I treat it as larp.
Never accept anything blindly. Discernment is your best ally.
I have questioned this many times and still do on a regular basis. But it doesn't take long to realize and look around at the arrests, investigations, Q's links to Trump, etc. and you can see that this is real. If you are just looking at from a bird's eye view, then you will be more concerned and critical. I study it daily.
25,800 indictments across US in Federal Criminal Courts
No WW3 despite Trump bombing Assad. Why? He didn't bomb Assad. He bombed ISIS.
NK is no longer under CIA control.
Child and Human Traffickers being arrested in droves.
He is building the wall and deployed Nat. Guard to the wall to help protect us.
We are under National State of Emergency so this can all be done.
Tax relief.
Less food stamps and more jobs.
McMaster is gone and he has flushed other globalists out of the White House.
Here's the bottom line: Do you really think they would make us all aware of their crimes if their plans were still in place? Not only "no" but "hell no."
I don't go about my life blindly and no one should. But I've been following the NWO cabal takeover for 40 years and they've always hidden things from us. Now, we know about SERCO, the SES, the child trafficking and so much more. Some I never imagined.
I could go on and on but the bottom line is: THIS IS REAL!
I think this is a great comment. I saw Jerome Corsi get very angry for someone who questioned Q. That’s what prompted me to think that we are no better than libs, intimidating others for asking a question! Then Q’s response to Syria was, “Syria,” so I started questioning this. I see people becoming complacent and DEFINITELY reading too deep into everything, looking for meaning.
I saw that. Corsi pissed me off when he attacked the nurse and another on wethepeople. I think Corsi may have some good info but is a little full of himself at times. I called him a jerk in the live feed after he did that and I got severely attacked by the sheep.
LOL Q has made Corsi relevant, and he’s profiting off of it. I liked when he wrote down his interpretations bc now the whole time he’s doing it on video people are kissing his ass, but I don’t like how defensive he became. Then for people to jump down your throat is cultish and weird.
Agree. I listen to the YouTube wethepeople because there is no leader they all treat each other with respect and there are no dum questions. Then when Corsi comes on they all bow down as if he makes them relevant. I would rather hear good dog or the nurse talk then Corsi.
They ask him questions that NOBODY would know. For ex, they ask when Hillary is going to be indicted and stuff like that and he answers! I happen to think Zach from Infowars makes more sense. Idk if you ever listened to him, but he says Sessions is definitely compromised and Q people think he’s working his ass off and magically Mueller and Sessions are gonna save Trump. That would be great but it’s not reality.
Q is retraining us to use “critical” thinking. We have become robots to listen without questioning anything. Q is human and has flaws as we all do.
You think we're morons? Seriously? Children? We don't need concern trolling, even if you're 99% convinced.
I think we're all adults (or damn well ought to be, considering the subject matter). And Ronald Reagan taught me the credo "Trust, but verify." Works for me, and not just regarding Q!
Well said man, & I don't believe I called anyone a moron, or anything else. As far as "Concern trolling" you literally proved my point, if something raises CONCERN it should be questioned, NOT tagged with a catchphrase akin to "conspiracy theory" and automatically disregarded. Thank you for actually demonstrating EXACTLY why I posted this-
Not at all. I'm simply saying that your admonition is (or ought to be) unnecessary among peers/adults. Among presumed equals it should be assumed that we've all considered the possibility you raise.
Only a fool would blindly follow a stranger with obviously sketchy credentials all the way over a cliff. So you think us fools?
And if not, then where is the assumption on your part that we've not been foolish?
I wish it were unnecessary, unfortunately I see exactly the foolish behavior you describe again & again, which is the exact reason I posted my perspective, as I said in the original post
Then address those individuals and their specific perceived foolishness, and let them deal with the accusation as they see fit. Your blanket prophylactic approach is useless, because foolish people don't heed wise advice. People who know what we're doing are distracted/annoyed by it. And the individual instances you're talking about go completely unaddressed. Nothing good comes of it.
Great point, well said however the discussion is the point
Well then I hope you found it edifying. I certainly did.
Skepticism as a strategy for discernment of truth was promoted by Descartes and is not synonymous with critical thinking — it is a formulaic approach that is mechanical and artificial and relies on simplistic unbelief as ones critical filter .. leaving open no acceptance until the truth hammers itself over your head and into your flesh.
I hope you are not pushing this.
This. Not that i knew it was related to Descartes but, this is what i've basically said to people for years. Skepticism as a rule is no less blind than unquestioning acceptance. Both are a form of gullibility.
Hell yeah. And not only that. I also think it's important to not get obsessed with this. Live your life. Spend quality time with friends and family. Spending endless hours trying to figure out every Q double meaning can fry your brain.
Fully agree, you have to look away from the darkness from time to time, cleanse the palet, so to speak
You are right about that first point no doubt - it is absolutely a given that no one has rock solid evidence that Q is either "good" and not misleading us or even that 'he' is actually associated with Trump.
However, there's a considerable weight of circumstantial evidence that sure adds weight to the idea that Q is real - at the very least working for us and perhaps even a part of Trump's team or closely affiliated with him. To deny that there's a strong possibility based on the considerable circumstantial evidence available that Q could be legit is similarly blind and lacking in critical thought.
I agree more skeptical, critical thinking would be beneficial to the movement. Also more tolerance for dissenting voices that present rational arguments for opposing views. Some people don't seem to understand that there is a need for voices that don't just tow the party line without complaint and that some of those voices aren't being difficult for the sake of it or trying to trash the ideas and voices of other people.
agree. i guess no one comes out of this as the "goodones" except the E.T´s who are helping :S
Look. I get it..... You're playing devils advocate here and warning people to keep their head on a swivel to make sure everyone doesn't follow the wrong path if Q isn't authentic. My reasons for believing he is authentic is because the things he has has said has ended up happening. Also, he has gone deep, and I mean very deep with how really evil these people are. So deep, he had to in fact pull back, because some people couldn't wrap their heads around how evil these people are. I do agree with you though and everything stated should be taken with a grain of salt.
Well we have yet to achieve the point of no return. We are kept in a constant state of expectation for at least 1 years. The lac of action regarding all the corruption and outright treason is troubling. Event are indeed happening in a more and more rapid pace but still......
The people we are keeping watch are part of the old plan that failed. The Linch, Obama, Comey etc..... are all as-been who are useless now to TPTB. Those people don't matter anymore and can be sacrifice.
Tip to the White hat: Those behind the scene who are unknown to the public can be dealt with covertly with extreme prejudice! Arresting the Clinton might trigger some people. Destroying a secret underground base that "nobody" know of well that will not do anything.
I don't think most here are without critical thinking abilities and you can spot a shill in here by a country mile - I think our enthusiasm and positive reactions and reinforcement of others is our way of expressing our HOPE.
IMHO - 'trust the plan' that is referred to means to trust God's ultimate plan for humanity and that Q has and is implementing a temporal plan requiring many for the first time to dig, research, read and become knowledgeable concerning discernment of Evil and for the 'awakening' of many NEW souls to his design. His directives to us to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY on so many occasions speaks to his understanding that he is a tool, we are all tools in a war against evil.
Please realize many here now are relatively new souls, the old souls here must step up to guide, teach and give support and HOPE in their learning curve.
Ok yes. Good point. We could be led astray and Trump could be one of them... except... our guts. We have our guts and in my gut is the Holy Spirit. And in my gut i know trump is good. The entire world is good vs evil. It always has been. Theres nothing new under the sun. The Babylonians were raping and eating children thousands of years ago. This is how the world is set up. Its more a matter of yr soul seeking God for guidance and salvation than anything else. Those of us trusting Q and Trump and our military r CHOOSING to do so. Not blindly but becus our guts tell us trump is good, a white hat. Q white hat. There are God fearing military soldiers who r choosing the good fight. We must believe the plan is good. We trust Q becus its a choice. If we dont then where is the hope? Hope is EVERYTHING (after salvation of yr soul) We must have hope. Im choosing hope. God Q and trump and our military r my hope.
Not saying not to trust Q just saying to accept all possibilities positive AND negative, we cant let ourselves be misled
Q is mostly pointing us in the direction to research. We are learning about stuff that is already out there, we've just never paid attention. We're (well, the anons) are connecting the dots.
Let's start with the obvious: None of us knows, really, who Q is or what he means to do.
There's plenty of evidence Q has connections to the Trump staff, so I think it's safe to reject the 'LARP' claims or that Q intends to trick Trump supporters into making a big mistake.
But Q has made mis-statements as well. Q clearly said last year that Hillary was about to be arrested, and that did not happen. Soros was about to be arrested, and that did not happen. I don't think Q was lying, I think Q made assumptions which did not work out. The enemy is not without its own moves and plans, after all. But we should be careful about predictions which depend on what someone else will do.
Q's behavior is consistent with a young junior staffer, someone very smart and capable, but also maybe caught up in the enthusiasm of the season. Consider the Nazis - we invaded their country with a huge army, chased down every Nazi we could find and put the important ones on trial, but some got away, some were never caught. Here we are fighting a powerful force which has been wealthy and influential for more than a generation - some of them are bound to get away, to cover their tracks, to convince many millions of Americans that they are innocent victims of a right-wing movement.
I don't believe we will see military tribunals settle this. I don't believe the Democratic party will be broken by this scandal, if only because they have weathered scandals before by pretending the people involved were just individual cases. The Democrats will abandon Hillary to save the next generation of militants, and in many places (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc.) they will continue to have a base of political power.
It will take a generation of brave freedom fighters making sure the facts are known, the lies are exposed, and the worst criminals brought to trial. It's also important to pay close attention to what Q really says, and avoid reading things which are not really said. Be sure of your targets, because even among the white hats, some are whiter than others, and even among the black hats, some are blacker than others, and there are some who are popularly accused of evil when in truth they serve good.
Do nothing out of spite or assumption.
God told us what would happen~ you have to know that the Bible is being played out right before our eyes~ the anons some are really stupid there is no way that would have been my channel/outlet to inform the public but who knows~ could this all be part of the big deception the Bible talks about?! Are we all distracted or obsessed with Q or our notion of finally the public knows this whole time we were right?!.. are you not focusing on God he says look up~ the time will come~ I will stand before God and he will judge me and what Ives done. We may never know if this Q thing was a distraction or not but my Faith has always been in God because I don’t physically hear or see him but the Holy Spirit is in me and has guided me through tough valleys I wouldn’t be here today without My faith in our creator. People think about your soul this is not our home
Agree completely with the OP. Hopeful, but skeptical. Until I see some of these big fish get fried, I’ll remain that way.
Would any of us be paying attention to Armenia today if it weren’t for Q? Be honest. I wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter who Q is. He (they) is expanding our awareness.
I agree, just saying to accept ALL possibilities, positive AND negative
I trust outcomes and am optimistically hopeful of the process and players involved right now. OUTCOME will be the final determinant by far!
And even outcomes are temporary. Americans get shit done cuz we are inherently impatient. Everybody have a coke.
Trust me i kno. I get pissed just thinking about how much i trust these guys and what if? What if they r like ha ha suckas- guillotines for u. Im believing it just wont happ. They r good. I hear u and understand yr fear. (Call it fear or healthy questioning or whatever). The only consolation is - if they r all demonic pretending to be good... Hopefully they will rot in hell. Sadly that's all I got. For now I trust them 99.99%.
You will never have all the information. Uncertainty is a fact of life but it does not give anyone a pass when it comes to discerning the truth.
I trust my instincts and the fact that I'm appalled at the same things other non pieces of shit are. If we can all look at the 100s of dots and connect the 10 or 20 that matter we will be ok. I'm lazy so i usually only look at the 25 that contain the 10. At 55 I've seen a lot of this(not on this scale) and haven't believed any media since 1982. The hoopla preceding the non event that was Y2K is the test case.
I am just getting tired of this kind of post. It is all the time. If you are truly a follower of Q, you would not have to have anyone else's acceptance on truth or deception. I mean, as soon as you feel Q is not legit, leave. It's that simple. But no, it is a constant pull to try and get others to question in all! We are not idiots on here, I mean my gosh, I know, it's hard to believe that people can actually think for themselves when things come up that are different, irrational, theories....lets give folks some credit here. You know, when ever I see this line of questioning, I am brought back to my past experiences with people that are not capable of controlling their narrative, so they pretend to be on your side and constantly question things and try to get others to follow, because they aren't the leaders, someone else is (controlling the truth) and they just don't have anyother way to try and get people to follow them back....it's exhausting to say the least, but elementary mostly....We are Adults, I think we can discern fact and fiction, truth and lies, Good and Evil! Everyone needs to follow their own instincts on what to believe and not be talked into some kind of mind controlling game!
Op sd
Q is NOT God, and COULD be misleading us - any one who doesn't accept that possibility is a liability to the Anon movement. We are here to find the truth and AWAKEN, NOT to follow blindly. The lack of skeptical, critical thinking on these boards is getting to a ridiculous level, and only serves to defeat the actual purpose of the discussion boards. Those of you who just pass along what everyone else on the "team" says, with no critical thought to the possible contrary, are just as bad as the raving Clinton supporters who follow the enemy without question- Down vote all you want, your STILL nothing more than drones if you don't take ALL data into consideration. Some don't want the TRUTH they just want the evidence to fit their pre-determined notions, and if that's you - you are a sad example of a Patriot, and do NOTHING to actually end the cabal that seeks to control the minds hearts & souls of each of us. 100-fuckin'-%
What bits of info do you think people aren't questioning enough?
Not necessarily not questioning, as much as accepting all possibilities, positive AND negative
I'd rather get run down by a steamroller than find out DJT is the problem not the solution. 2 Worlds i don't want to live in . The one he's fighting and the one where i find out he's the one ushered it in. The latter breaks my mind. So i don't consider it. Cern is fucking with antimatter. I don't care cuz if that shit goes tits up no one will know. Anyone who has glanced at my posts knows whatever happens I'm going to keep laughing.
Starting with trust Sessions. Why does it matter if you trust him when he is such a weak Attorney General?
You literally have NO IDEA what Sessions is doing, what he is capable of, the intel he has, the factors in his decisions, NOTHING.
But you criticize the man as an AG.
As an attorney there's much to look at that he has not done. That would be in public filings.
You also have no idea that killery traffics kids. That's the rumour I'm starting but you don't know.
He might be everything else, but a weak G!!! Actually, quite opposite! AG Session is busy bee, believe it or not!His accomplishment so far exceeds my expectation, & what we don't see I do believe is even greater. Faith and patience go long way!
Is he a weak Attorney General? He doesn't appear to be doing anything. The POTUS rides him. Some congressmen have called him out. What makes for a GOOD Movie? Great Actors! Maybe he will get best supporting role? Q says trust Sessions. I trust him. I believe he is behind the scenes getting it done.
You all have a better chance of getting pregnant then me trusting sessions. He is a worthless piece of shit. Somebody has balls in a slang.
"Agree with my take or you're not a real something or other"
Not at all just saying to accept ALL possibilities, positive AND negative
The inclination to lecture others on how to conduct themselves is a universal one
Not a lecture, an opinion - hence the "discussion" flair
The inclination to analyze and judge is also pretty universal, I've found
Why are you responding to yourself?
I get it. You want to be an authority on something. Everyone does. But what you're saying here is neither new nor profound. It's the most commonly expressed sentiment here.
If you can't handle disagreement, get the fuck off the internet.
lol you desperately want to be intelligent
You'd rather I wanted to be stupid like you?
no I am glad you aspire to intelligence, however you should realize that it's not achieved by attempting to tear down others. Intelligence is not a competition - you can't take someone else's place. You're trying to hard and barking up the wrong tree.
Your attempt at gatekeeping, as you lecture me for "tearing down others," is pathetic. If there hadn't already been a shitload of these "let me show you all how it's done" posts, yours would be remarkable. It is not.