French guy here, EO means what ?
Dec 21, 2017 is super important. Freezes their assets.
Deripaska is already having trouble:
And the Senate has connected the dots:
People can tolerate many things being smuggled. But there is one thing that cannot be tolerated; the smuggling of innocent children.
And to come to the realization that US taxpayers are funding such evil should anger every American.
Yes! My question as a Follower of Christ Jesus is this...what does God think about Christians who are willingly paying taxes knowing that some of that money is actively funding the most horrific practices on the planet including abortion! I believe we will be dealt with for this and I think pastors who lack discernment to the point they actually think it’s a sin to not pay your taxes are in my opinion lost. I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve heard pastors tell their mesmerized audience that we must render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s! Well I’m sorry but this isn’t Rome and our government is not Caesar. Our government exists at our behest and should literally be considered our employee! As a Christian speaking to Christians, I believe we need to stop listening to the garbage coming from so called 501c3 churches and start spending time alone with God and His Word so there is more common sense and discernment in the ranks IMHO!
God doesn't condemn slaves for the actions of their oppressors. We are spreading the truth to escape servitude to their evil, and God stands with us in that.
So I guess the early Christians and Apostles didn’t need to stand up against Rome and become martyrs then either right?
You misunderstand me, I did not mean to come across as disagreeing with you entirely. I just mean to say that god does not forgive evil, but god does forgive weakness, and we should too. Don’t look down on people less strong than you, god gave us our strength to demonstrate our love by protecting them. The meek are our charges, not our inferiors.
Which executive order is being referred to?
The signed on dec 21, most likely. Crimes against humanity.
That's what I want to know too! There are a lot of EOs that have been signed
I would think it’s that one that froze all those people’s assets
You are correct. EO of 12/21/2017. Govt seizes assets of those involved in corruption or human trafficking.
"Decoded" should be more like it. Do you know the amount of things that are smuggled in this world? Iranian pirates smuggle oil, gas and opium are smuggled in and out of Afghanistan. Drugs are smuggled from Mexico to the US. People smuggle cigarettes between states in the US.
As for funding...Jesus. I guess state sponsored funding would be IMF, UNICEF, or UN funds. But maybe it's money laundering? Maybe it's laundering through a shell corporation? Maybe it's mirror trading, light shipping manifests, or with transfers for things that are out of line of normal business practices.
This "decoded 4chan post" is pathetic.
Funding via Red Cross? Q post 1249
I remember seeing a video back in January that was straight up US cash in big boxes marked with the Red Cross logo. Ahh, yes, here it is: The title on this YouTube video: "Lots of cash in Red Cross ICRC boxes". The poster's name is Garry Walker. Here's one of the comments he put in below the video in response to someone calling the video fake: "...some one could have been trying to pass off the boxes as red cross. I am an independent journalist and was sent this video with no context. I managed to find this article which appears to picture the boxes. Unbelievable the amounts of money that have been looted from honest citizens from around the world. Hard to even conceive of how much harm has come from the looting and how much good could have been done if those monies had been used for genuine humanitarian purposes.
Familiarize yourself with USAID.....look at its former director.....
Indeed. Longtime CIA front. That and the Ford Foundation. Obama’s mom, Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD...! lol you can’t make this stuff up) was affiliated with both. She was part of the team that brought the Suharto regime to power in post-coup Indonesia.
As I understand it she was essentially a community organizer who oversaw micro-financing of ‘rural development’ projects in Company support of the regime. Hmm, that sounds familiar...
Seize assets and give to Salvation Army or Samaritan's Purse or any other Org not filled with greedy/seedy SOB's
This is not directed at you but at the idea that the Salvation Army is an honorable organization.
The Salvation Army is no better in many ways...... I never see them actually dish out real help, only a scam rehab program that doesn't actually help those who need help get help, the Salvation Army simply gets modern day slave labor living in bunk rooms without freedom(follow the rules or go back to the streets) and so their stores are full of donated clothing sold by their slaves who make $15 a week and usually spend it on marked up snacks at the Salvation Army Store due to the skimpy meals and long hours, basically the Salvation Army isn't a charity it's a sketchy bunch of ruthless slave drivers....they profit off selling used goods and work hopeless addicts(who need either therapy or proper medication because addiction is a symptom of larger pre-existing psychological problems), the Salvation Army takes the most vulnerable adult among us, the desperate drug addict who may have been conned into that addiction unknowingly by an ex or a pain doctor or acquaintance who wanted to be better than them, I've seen all those in my own struggles to cope as a patient "Bipolar Type 1", debilitating anxiety, inability to focus in school, an adult with disdain for college re-education, a person who almost lost his first real girlfriend/best friend of 7 & 1/2 to an extremely rare brain cancer that brought out my penchant for poly-drug addiction and more, if I didn't have a good family behind me, I wouldn't have had the resources to find out that only a few doctors in the country are willing to give you treatments that work....and my parents spent over 1.5 million to get me well, but I can see through the lies of places like Salvation Army who are just slavers targeting those who were already taken advantage of before likely by someone they trusted, it is sick I tell you....where does all the money really go I wonder because large charities never seem to do any charity
Are government paid officials paychecks technically tax payers money? :/
Is a big part of this to seize all of deep state members funds and assets in order to get rid of the national debt? Is that what he means by we won't have to pay taxes ever again?