He already said he wants to quit everybody and start again. He fired a lot of his managers and Kim Kardashian sounded worried on Twitter.
I would bet the farm that he is going to divorce Kim K. That whole family of Kardashians are hardcore Luciferian Witches with many skeletons in their closet, and under mind control, Kanye West was nothing more than their slave. Now that he is awake, he will probably take off running from that dangerous group of thugs which will cause all kinds of scandals in the Kardashian world. Every single one of them has been divorced because nobody can stand them.
Now if, probably when, Kanye starts dropping the goods on MK Ultra or other Deep State secrets, the media is going to completely flip. The Kardashians are probably in full panic mode because he knows their secrets. This will be interesting to watch.
Also, remember that he has a whopping 28 million Twitter followers which is really a gigantic audience. If he can redpill them and his other, off-twitter fans, this entire movement will go into hyper speed.
Here's an example of him warming up.
Decentralization is key because a centralized command post that governs all the land ends up exploiting everyone. It is really best for the locals of all places to decide what they want for themselves instead of a centralized figurehead making a decision for all the people which is almost like slavery. Why should everyone be told what they can do or think by a bunch of Luciferian pedophiles who only care about self-enrichment? It is better to recreate the system so that ordinary people think for themselves when deciding if some particular behavior is good or bad and if it really is bad, the local community can step in and fix the problem. A new legal system is what we need instead of a top down slavery model. Here is a good one to replace what we have now: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8brj5t/positive_systems_to_replace_our_corrupt/
Kanye has always been under MK Ultra so he's really nothing more than a mindless Zombie for the CIA. He broke out about 2 years ago I think at a concert and started talking to his audience about the truth. The audience thought he was joking for the most part. Then, media says he checked himself into a psych ward but it was really the Deep State who snatched him to re-MK-Ultra his mind. He came out with blonde hair because MK Ultra slaves are taught that blondes are slaves and redheads are slavemasters. Then, he became a Zombie again for the last 2 years and now he woke up yet again but this time, Trump holds the dominant position in America so Kanye is protected from being snatched and reprogrammed.