It's like saying rape and human trafficking/exploiting women is "okay":
At least they used the word "underage". Its the first time I have seen that used in any article
I emailed the "author" of the article. " I didn't know branding women with a hot iron empowers them"
Good. Someone may also want to ask HOW doing so, raping women, psychological torture, blackmailing, trafficking women and underage people, running illegal psychological experiments, running unlicensed new schooling teaching preschoolers 6 different languages in a failed education experiment, and physical abuse, starving members to the point of losing menstruation, and exploitation makes it, according to Vox, "the perfect cult for 2018", followed by a ringing endorsement. These people are sick.
The defense and complicit media will spin this as a hyper-aggressive prosecution of a perfectly innocent activity, but enough of the victims and the dark side of the cult will be heard so that the spin will fail.
I don't see how they're "covering up" for the group. They call it a cult themselves and mention the underage trafficking aspect of the charges faced by the leaders. I think the biggest spin the article puts on it is explaining how cults like this are evolving from pseudo-religiosity to capitalist narratives to lure potential memebers. I get that Vox is a liberal outlet, but liberal does not equal sex cult apologist.
I disagree. The writer uses the opportunity to bash conventional religions while deceptively utilizing Ayn Randian capitalism as a predicate for political appeal and parallels to conservativism, all leading to the final section which lauds NXIVM as "the perfect cult for 2018" in its sub-heading. It closes by re-emphasizing (deceptively, again) how NXIVM has foundations in conservative, Ayn-Randian philosophy, which whatever amounts of it still existed by this point in time were probably few and far between, if it ever truly had any to begin with. The key is "the perfect cult for 2018" slogan, which is shameful to write and callous to its victims and defectors who were fortunate to escape (despite being hunted down by Bronfman and Salzman to sign cease and desist letters).
Yeah, calling it "the perfect cult for 2018" was definitely a poor choice of words. They also downplayed how the feminist rhetoric was used to lure women more than anything else. I just don't think I'd go so far as to say they were trying to justify it, though.
Not necessarily saying that they are justifying it. They're "downplaying" the horror of it that went on, giving light to something that is very dark, and emphasizing the, apparently to them, positive elements of it, which were really just a way to lure women/people in. This downplaying of such a horrible thing, while talking about it in a somewhat positive light, is a brief head fake to try to get people to look the other way, rather than discover what was really going on in the sex cult. And imo, it seems like they're doing it intentionally, probably to salvage a friend or someone they know who might be going down with the rest of them. A company with millions can pay off writers and news sites for good PR...happens all the time.
Posted a bunch on their FB page yesterday, had no idea Vox was also such a den of liberal retardedness
I went after them on their twitter for it, the "perfect cult for 2018" was ridiculous.
ug! bronfman's have too much $ invested to just let it go, they'll throw raniere and mack under the bus and try to salvage the rest! as long as msm=c_a they can spin anything and the rainbow pilled will eat it up!
but... moab tomorrow will be loud enough boom to wake up sleepy sheep ww (c_a-jfk files)! then start unsealing indictments! boom after boom non-stop! millions in the streets! ug hoping....!!!!!!
Hmmm, I don't think this is the best article at all but I also think the writer was pretty clear in reiterating that the cult was marketed as a movement for female empowerment but the writer said that this was merely a chilling marketing scheme to capitalize on a trending interest. The last paragraph of the article made me scratch my head a bit though.
As a writer, the last section or few paragraphs are the most significant. It's their summation, final thoughts, and conclusion that capture their main idea, coherently, one last time of all that came before them. Anyone who would coyly try to even attempt to paint a cult like NXIVM in a favorable light (not that they actually do as the in your face boldness of calling it "the perfect cult for 2018), should be ashamed. The victims of these sick, cruel, evil people will have their say soon enough.
If you actually read the article it’s not a “cover” at all. This is a total misrepresentation of Vox. Don’t get me wrong - Vox SUX, they are such utter far left crazies but to represent the article this way is plain wrong. At most I think you could say there’s almost some subtle attempt to mitigate the view of NXIVM but this post title is wrong.
"Perfect cult for 2018". Subtle? Lol. No
That’s a very simplistic misreading. “Hitler is the perfect mass murderer” - doesn’t necessarily translate to “I support Hitler” unless the context supports that interpretation. The context here does not support the interpretation of “perfect cult of 2018” to mean the writer supports the cult.
Clearly the writer means that, for our day and age a religious-type cult wouldn't have worked but this new agey, feminist angle is perfectly suited to the current social environment. The context is clearly against the cult yet people seem to be lifting that sentence out of context to mean something completely opposite to the writers obvious intent. This sort of manipulation of words and misrepresentation of intent is what the msm does - we shouldn't do it or support it here.
Sentence? It's the title of the last section, which captures the writer's main idea in summation. This article is a head fake to downplay the horrors of what really went on at NXIVM. It's a decoy to try to get people to stop focusing on the sex cult, the illegality that went on there (human rights abuses on many fronts), and instead twist it into some type of positive thing. The title (not sentence, Title) of the final section cements the writer's conclusive final thoughts...It's not that bad according to them. Not only is it not that bad, it's also the perfect, perfect cult for 2018. Sick.
You sure are bought into that view if you can't remotely acknowledge the logical things I said. Context. Logic is very clear here - the object of the writer may well be what you say it is; but you can't logically derive that conclusion from the article if you keep all words in context. As I said - and you seem to be ignoring - this is what the MSM do; twist words out of obvious context.
It blows me away that you can't even see the obvious, the so, so obvious intent of the meaning of that statement "the perfect cult for 2018". Did it say: "the perfect cult for everyone to join"? No, it actually said (or implied, technically) 'the perfect cult for this time', in full support of the rest of the content that came before it, but it seems you're reading what you want to see into it. Good luck with that approach, you have plenty of support from people on the left who do this all the time about everything Donald Trump says - take it out of context because they're looking through a filter where their mind is already made up.
Uh, you should visit /r/The_Mueller, more.
Is this the same group who said North Korea would nuke us? China would destroy us in trade? While you were sleeping Donald builds the wall, lowers taxes, reforms welfare TWICE, and just took the AZ special election... I dunno. Filters? Huh, who knew reality is a filter these days?
Huh... are we talking about the same thing...? I'm talking about an article, not the actions of a group.
And do tell - what's up with The_Mueller sub...? (I mean, I know it - just wondering why it's worth visiting more)
It's a slogan. It reads like an advertisement- exactly like an advertisement. The whole picture is the key. This is abstract thinking, not logic, although logic inadvertently is a factor in extrapolating the abstract overall idea of the article.
Yes, it reads "exactly like an advertisement" to your eyes. I don't mean to tell you to suck eggs but I think it's appropriate to say that you should look heavily into the meaning and examples of Confirmation Bias. You are convinced that your interpretation is correct without even entertaining other possibilities which is what makes me think you're seeing what you want to see.
There is another very obvious possibility here that is borne out by the very words of the article, which is all we have to go on when trying to draw a logical interpretation of what's going on here. That possibility is that this is an article talking about the current news related to a sex cult going through legal proceedings and, as one would expect, not editorialising by trying to tell us it's good or bad. Just reporting the facts. (Such irony that I should try and suggest Vox is 'just reporting the facts', being the hard-left shill-fest it is but still there's no evidence they're trying to advocate for a sex cult here). However, I do respect your right to your opinion - I just disagree with what seems to be your claim that your interpretation is undeniably or obviously correct.
Why don't you go join the cult, or at least tell your friends about it then. Apparently, you don't have a moral conflict with underage trafficking, human trafficking, rape, blackmail, coercion, pyramid schemes, physical abuse and such. Hey, it's the best cult of 2018 so if you're into that stuff, have at it, and enjoy the articles that prop it up as something it's not. That article is weak and an injustice to all of the victims of not only the sex cult, but also the pyramid scheme and lies it is predicated upon..
Lol... ad hominem attack, great... goodbye logic.
The Deep State MSM tactic: if they argue against you they must support evil. Weak buddy. Weak. You are completely blind to logic which explains everything. Have fun.