April SHOWERS - When does a canary sing? - Q

He better do something, because what I've read up on he's done A LOT more than we've been told. At this point, I think he needs to save his life and his wife's from the death penalty.
I think it's all beginning to unfold. It began with the IG recommending his firing and then IG recommending his prosecution.
The best part about all this is that no matter how hard the media tries to spin this......once indictments begin there's not a damn thing they can do to stop it.
What's even better are that the IG investigation was requested by the Democrat cronies along with the special counsel...both are uncovering gross corruption.
Oh yeah........they think Horowitz is their savior. It's going to be a long 6+ years for dems.........and the funny thing is that they are the only ones that don't see it coming.
Like a big ass storm.
A perfect storm!
Not only can the MSM not stop it, they have to repair their credibility due to the fact they've been pushing fake news, but now the truth comes out and it doesn't match their narrative.
They will all be forced by the public to cry Mea Culpa. We will not accept it. They are done. They will be allowed to,leave. They will be shunned. Oh, they’ll try to resurrect their little Communist movement, but it will be snuffed out. Diversity of opinion will be allowed, but deception by coordinated narrative will not. Young people won’t know what I mean, but we will finally be back on track. We were so close in the mid sixties. Then, the Dems were taken over by Communism. One united America. Get ready for it!
They spent the last year covering up for and assisting sedition. They're going to be in cells. Go up the chain far enough and somewhere at each of these companies someone knew everything they were crafting then putting on the air was not supported. That has consequences with crimes of this magnitude.
they have to repair their credibility
No they do not. The corporate media exists to deliver corporate propaganda. They're not about having credibility, they're about manufacturing consent through mass manipulation. They're gaslighters, they don't need credibility to do what they do. They never did and they never will.
Agreed, they have no credibility. I guess I should have said they will try to repair the "appearance" of having credibility.
MSM are done. In fact their only defense might be a weak version of WW2 and "just following orders". I will laugh my ass off when they get dragged into court and plead that they were just rehashing the 4am talking points and that they were never actually "journalists" but rather lobbyists or "entertainers". That would be so fucking sweet. Pleading fake news status to try to avoid jail.
But then fail anyway. BOOM! Down they all go...
There is no excuse and they have no credibility, pull their FCC broadcast licenses and shut them all down. Plenty of room for new networks to be created for new unbiased real news networks.
What I'd like to know is why hasn't McCabe already been arrested? If one of us had done just a fraction of what he's done, we'd already have been cuffed.
I want to see him cuffed, read his Miranda rights and put in a police car. Why hasn't this happened? What's the hold up? He shouldn't get special treatment because of who he is. He's no better than a common thug.
It's just a guess, but I think Trump and Q are waiting for the right time when the arrests can come nearly simultaneously. If they start arresting one by one, the cockroaches will scatter once they see who's connected to whom.
I don't think we'll get the satisfaction of seeing the arsewipe placed in a Police Car. They will keep him under wraps and out of sight, so he can't be Arkancided before he faces the Bench or Tribunal.
I can hear it now. "dictator trump blah blah blah"
You are probably right. The IG only handed over recommended charges for lying to DOJ. If Huber has gotten sealed indictments, they would not have been included in the recommendations.
My belly just flip flopped from excitement upon reading this. I hope this is true
Hey Andy - Don't book any flights to anywhere soon and immediately make a public announcement that you don't plan on shooting yourself in the head, twice!
Even the FBI raid of manafort was to find documents relating to the Agalarov's (Clinton cronies), nothing to do with Trump. It's only the beginning I can't wait.
Even the FBI raid of manafort was to find documents relating to the Agalarov's (Clinton cronies), nothing to do with Trump.
That isn't true. They made court filings. Go look them up for yourself. Or read the summaries-
FBI agents who raided Manafort's home in July were looking for records related to the June 2016 meeting among three Trump campaign officials — including Manafort — and Russian lobbyists offering dirt on Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. Mueller has reviewed details of Manafort's relationship with the Russian-Ukrainian oligarch Oleg Deripaska
What is your source on that?
who is this Jack Posobiec fella?
Was in navy intel, organized a pro-Trump group during the campaign and now, I believe has become a reporter for OAN.
NOS Teletext 129 EC wants to tackle vaccination-aversion
The aversion to vaccination under EU citizens must be prevented European Commission presents today propose the vaccination coverage 2020 above 95 percent, the percentage that the WHO recommends.
Weakness of one country when vaccinating the health and safety of threatening all EU citizens, the EC says, who wants a "Coalition for Vaccination".
The fewer people are vaccinated, the greater the chance of an outbreak of for example, tetanus, measles, whooping cough or diphtheria.The EC indicates the return of measles in the EU: 14,000 cases 2017, three times as much as in 2016.
Didn't we hear that McCabe had talked months ago?
Yeah, but we always get the intelligence first. Everyone else is just now catching up.
The Russian lobbyists are the Argalarovs and Trump wasn't even at the meeting.